
Grails Plugin Page Data Source

This repository hosts the data used by the Grails Plugin Page to list and display plugin information.

Adding Your Plugin to the Grails Plugin Page

To have your plugin listed on the Grails Plugin Page, follow these steps:

  1. Open the grails-plugins.json file in this repository.
  2. Add a new entry with the following structure to the end of the JSON list:
    "bintrayPackage": {
        "name": "Your Plugin Name",
        "repo": "your-plugin-repo-name",
        "owner": "your-github-username",
        "desc": "A concise description of your plugin",
        "labels": [
        "licenses": [
        "issueTrackerUrl": "",
        "latestVersion": "1.0",
        "updated": "2024-12-25T04:00:40.855Z",
        "systemIds": [
        "vcsUrl": ""
    "documentationUrl": "",
    "mavenMetadataUrl": ""
  1. Create a Pull Request with your changes.
  2. Wait for approval. Once merged, your plugin will appear on the Grails Plugin Page.

Updating Your Plugin

When you release a new version of your plugin, the system will automatically generate a Pull Request to update your plugin’s entry in this repository. A member of the Grails team will review and merge the update.