1. Introduction to the Spring Security ACL Plugin
The ACL plugin adds Domain Object Security support to a Grails application that uses Spring Security. It depends on the Spring Security Core plugin.
The core plugin and other extension plugins support restricting access to URLs via rules that include checking a user’s authentication status, roles, etc. and the ACL plugin extends this by adding support for restricting access to individual domain class instances. The access can be very fine-grained and can define which actions can be taken on an object - these typically include Read, Create, Write, Delete, and Administer but you’re free to define whatever actions you like.
To learn about using ACLs in Grails, you can follow the Tutorial and in addition you can download and run a complete Grails application that uses the plugin. Installing and running the application are described in Sample Application.
In addition to this document, you should read the Spring Security documentation.
1.1. History
May 4, 2017
3.1.1 release
December 20, 2015
3.0.1 release
December 8, 2015
3.0.0 release
August 25, 2015
3.0.0.M1 release
November 17, 2014
2.0-RC2 release
October 08, 2013
2.0-RC1 release
August 20, 2012
1.1.1 release
February 16, 2011
1.1 release
February 7, 2011
1.0.2 release
August 1, 2010
1.0.1 release
July 27, 2010
1.0 release
May 22, 2010
initial 0.1 release
1.2. Authors
Burt Beckwith
1.3. Previous work
Stephan February did the first work adding ACL support to the Acegi plugin. At the time the plugin was based on Acegi 1.0.x and around the same time the plugin was converted to use Spring Security 2.0 and the ACL support wasn’t converted to use the new package layout and approach.
Work was done in 2009 to create a GORM-based implementation (the standard Spring Security implementation uses JDBC). Around the same time, Phillip Merensky mentioned on the Grails mailing list that he was working on an implementation. He wrote about his approach here and this was merged in with the other approach but never formally released.
This plugin builds on that work but is based on Spring Security 4 and Spring 4.
2. Usage
2.1. Securing Service Methods
There are two primary use cases for ACL security: determining whether a user is allowed to perform an action on an instance before the action is invoked, and restricting access to single or multiple instances after methods are invoked (this is typically implemented by collection filtering). You can call aclUtilService.hasPermission()
explicitly, but this tends to clutter your code with security logic that often has little to do with business logic. Instead, Spring Security provides some convenient annotations that are used to wrap your method calls in access checks.
There are four annotations:
The annotations use security-specific Spring expression language (SpEL) expressions - see the documentation for the available standard and method expressions.
Here’s an example service that manages a Report
domain class and uses these annotations and expressions:
import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PostFilter
import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize
import grails.transaction.Transactional
import com.yourapp.Report
class ReportService {
@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#id, 'com.yourapp.Report', read) or " +
"hasPermission(#id, 'com.yourapp.Report', admin)")
Report getReport(long id) {
Report createReport(params) {
Report report = new Report(params)
@PostFilter("hasPermission(filterObject, read) or " +
"hasPermission(filterObject, admin)")
List getAllReports(params = [:]) {
@Secured(['ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_ADMIN'])
String getReportName(long id) {
@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#report, write) or " +
"hasPermission(#report, admin)")
Report updateReport(Report report, params) {
report.properties = params
@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#report, delete) or " +
"hasPermission(#report, admin)")
void deleteReport(Report report) {
The configuration specifies these rules:
requires that the authenticated user haveBasePermission.READ
for the instance -
and will have elements removed from the returnedList
that the user doesn’t have an ACL grant for; the user must haveBasePermission.READ
for each element in the list; elements that don’t have access granted will be removed -
requires that the authenticated user have eitherROLE_USER
(but no ACL rules) -
has no role restrictions but must satisfy the requirements of theaclReportWriteVoter
voter (which has theACL_REPORT_WRITE
config attribute), i.e.BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION
has no role restrictions but must satisfy the requirements of theaclReportDeleteVoter
voter (which has theACL_REPORT_DELETE
config attribute), i.e.BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION
2.2. Working with ACLs
2.2.1. Suggested application changes
To properly display access denied exceptions (e.g. when a user tries to perform an action but doesn’t have a grant authorizing it), you should create a mapping in grails-app/controllers/UrlMappings.groovy
for error code 403. In addition, it’s possible to trigger a NotFoundException which will create an error 500, but should be treated like a 403 error, so you should add mappings for these conditions:
import org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException
import org.springframework.security.acls.model.NotFoundException
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"403"(controller: "errors", action: "error403")
"500"(controller: "errors", action: "error500")
"500"(controller: "errors", action: "error403",
exception: AccessDeniedException)
"500"(controller: "errors", action: "error403",
exception: NotFoundException)
These depend on an ErrorsController
package com.yourcompany.yourapp
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured
class ErrorsController {
def error403() {}
def error500() {
render view: '/error'
and a grails-app/views/errors/error403.gsp
similar to this:
<title>Access denied!</title>
<meta name='layout' content='main' />
<h1>Access Denied</h1>
<p>We're sorry, but you are not authorized to
perform the requested operation.</p>
2.2.2. actionSubmit
Grails has a convenient feature where it supports multiple submit actions per form via the <g:actionSubmit>
tag. This is done by posting to the index
action but with a special parameter that indicates which action to invoke. This is a problem in general for security since any URL rules for edit, delete, save, etc. will be bypassed. It’s an even more significant issue with ACLs because of the way that the access denied exception interacts with the actionSubmit
processing. If you don’t make any adjustments for this, your users will see a blank page when they attempt to submit a form and the action is disallowed. The solution is to remove actionSubmit
buttons and replace them with regular submit buttons. This requires one form per button, and without adjusting the CSS the buttons will look differently than if they were in-line actionSubmit
buttons, but that is fixable with the appropriate CSS changes.
Note that this is not an issue when using the generated GSPs in Grails 3 because they’ve been reworked to use the fields plugin, but if you have an older application that you’ve upgraded or if you have GSPs that don’t use the newer approach, you will need to avoid using |
It’s simple to adjust the actionSubmit
buttons and you’ll need to change them in show.gsp
and edit.gsp
; list.gsp
(or index.gsp
) and show.gsp
don’t need any changes. In show.gsp
, replace the two actionSubmit buttons with these two forms (maintain the g:message tags; the strings are hard-coded here to reduce clutter):
<div class="buttons">
<g:form action='edit'>
<g:hiddenField name="id" value="${reportInstance?.id}" />
<span class="button">
<g:submitButton class="edit" name="Edit" />
<g:form action='delete'>
<g:hiddenField name="id" value="${reportInstance?.id}" />
<span class="button">
<g:submitButton class="delete" name="Delete"
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" />
In edit.gsp
, change the <form>
tag to
<g:form action='update'>
and convert the update button to a regular submit button:
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button">
<g:submitButton class="save" name="Update" />
and move the delete button out of the form into its own form just below the main form:
<g:form action='delete'>
<g:hiddenField name="id" value="${reportInstance?.id}" />
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button">
<g:submitButton class="delete" name="Delete"
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" />
2.3. Domain Classes
The plugin uses domain classes to manage database state. Ordinarily the database structure isn’t all that important, but to be compatible with the traditional JDBC-based Spring Security code, the domain classes are configured to generate the table and column names that are used there.
The plugin classes related to persistence use these classes, so they’re included in the plugin but can be overridden by running the s2-create-acl-domains script.
As you can see, the database structure is highly normalized.
2.3.1. AclClass
The AclClass
domain class contains entries for the names of each application domain class that has associated permissions:
package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl
class AclClass {
String className
String toString() {
"AclClass id $id, className $className"
static mapping = {
className column: 'class'
version false
static constraints = {
className unique: true, blank: false
2.3.2. AclSid
The AclSid
domain class contains entries for the names of grant recipients (a principal or authority - SID is an acronym for “security identity”). These are typically usernames (where principal
is true
) but can also be a GrantedAuthority
(role name, where principal
is false
). When granting permissions to a role, any user with that role receives that permission:
package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl
class AclSid {
String sid
boolean principal
String toString() {
"AclSid id $id, sid $sid, principal $principal"
static mapping = {
version false
static constraints = {
principal unique: 'sid'
sid blank: false, size: 1..255
2.3.3. AclObjectIdentity
The AclObjectIdentity
domain class contains entries representing individual domain class instances (OIDs). It has a field for the instance id (objectId
) and domain class (aclClass
) that uniquely identify the instance. In addition there are optional nullable fields for the parent OID (parent
) and owner (owner
). There’s also a flag (entriesInheriting
) to indicate whether ACL entries can inherit from a parent ACL.
package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl
class AclObjectIdentity extends AbstractAclObjectIdentity {
Long objectId
String toString() {
"AclObjectIdentity id $id, aclClass $aclClass.className, " +
"objectId $objectId, entriesInheriting $entriesInheriting"
static mapping = {
version false
aclClass column: 'object_id_class'
owner column: 'owner_sid'
parent column: 'parent_object'
objectId column: 'object_id_identity'
static constraints = {
objectId unique: 'aclClass'
actually extends a base class, AbstractAclObjectIdentity
abstract class AbstractAclObjectIdentity {
AclClass aclClass
AclObjectIdentity parent
AclSid owner
boolean entriesInheriting
static constraints = {
parent nullable: true
owner nullable: true
By default it’s assumed that domain classes have a numeric primary key, but that’s not required. So the default implementation has a Long
field, but if you want to support other types of ids you can change that field and retain the other standard functionality from the base class.
2.3.4. AclEntry
Finally, the AclEntry
domain class contains entries representing grants (or denials) of a permission on an object instance to a recipient. The aclObjectIdentity
field references the domain class instance (since an instance can have many granted permissions). The sid
field references the recipient. The granting
field determines whether the entry grants the permission (true
) or denies it (false
). The aceOrder
field specifies the position of the entry, which is important because the entries are evaluated in order and the first matching entry determines whether access is allowed. auditSuccess
and auditFailure
determine whether to log success and/or failure events (these both default to false
The mask
field holds the permission. This can be a source of confusion because the name (and the Spring Security documentation) indicates that it’s a bit mask. A value of 1 indicates permission A, a value of 2 indicates permission B, a value of 4 indicates permission C, a value of 8 indicates permission D, etc. So you would think that a value of 5 would indicate a grant of both permission A and C. Unfortunately this is not the case. There is a CumulativePermission class that supports this, but the standard classes don’t support it (AclImpl.isGranted()
checks for == rather than using | (bitwise or) so a combined entry would never match). So rather than grouping all permissions for one recipient on one instances into a bit mask, you must create individual records for each.
package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl
class AclEntry {
AclObjectIdentity aclObjectIdentity
int aceOrder
AclSid sid
int mask
boolean granting
boolean auditSuccess
boolean auditFailure
String toString() {
"AclEntry id $id, aceOrder $aceOrder, mask $mask, granting $granting, " +
"aclObjectIdentity $aclObjectIdentity"
static mapping = {
version false
sid column: 'sid'
aclObjectIdentity column: 'acl_object_identity'
static constraints = {
aceOrder unique: 'aclObjectIdentity'
2.4. Configuration
Creating, editing, or deleting permissions requires an authenticated user. In most cases if the authenticated user is the owner of the ACL then access is allowed, but granted roles also affect whether access is allowed. The default required role is ROLE_ADMIN
for all actions, but this can be configured in grails-app/conf/application.groovy
. This table summarizes the attribute names and the corresponding actions that are allowed for it:
Attribute | Affected methods |
You can leave the attributes set to ROLE_ADMIN
or change them to have separate values, e.g.
modifyAuditingDetails = 'ROLE_ACL_MODIFY_AUDITING'
changeAclDetails = 'ROLE_ACL_CHANGE_DETAILS'
2.4.1. Run-As Authentication Replacement
There are also two options to configure Run-As Authentication Replacement:
Attribute | Meaning |
change to |
a shared key between the two standard implementation classes, used to verify that a third party hasn’t created a token for the user; should be changed from its default value |
grails.plugin.springsecurity.useRunAs = true
grails.plugin.springsecurity.runAs.key = 'your run-as key'
2.5. Run-As Authentication Replacement
Although not strictly related to ACLs, the plugin implements Run-As Authentication Replacement since it’s related to method security in general. This feature is similar to the Switch User feature of the Spring Security Core plugin, but instead of running as another user until you choose to revert to your original Authentication
, the temporary authentication switch only lasts for one method invocation.
For example, in this service someMethod()
requires that the authenticated user have ROLE_ADMIN
and will also be granted ROLE_RUN_AS_SUPERUSER
for the duration of the method only:
class SecureService {
def someMethod() {
2.6. Custom Permissions
By default there are 5 permissions available from the org.springframework.security.acls.domain. BasePermission
class: READ
. You can also add your own permissions if these aren’t sufficient.
The easiest approach is to create a subclass of BasePermission
and add your new permissions there. This way you retain the default permissions and can use them if you need. For example, here’s a subclass that adds a new APPROVE
package com.mycompany.myapp;
import org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission;
import org.springframework.security.acls.model.Permission;
public class MyPermission extends BasePermission {
public static final Permission APPROVE = new MyPermission(1 << 5, 'V');
protected MyPermission(int mask) {
protected MyPermission(int mask, char code) {
super(mask, code);
It sets the mask value to 32 (1 << 5) since the values up to 16 are defined in the base class.
To use your class instead of the default, specify it in with the grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl.permissionClass
attribute either as a Class or a String, for example
import com.mycompany.myapp.MyPermissions
grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl. permissionClass = MyPermissions
grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl.permissionClass = 'com.mycompany.myapp.MyPermissions'
You can also override the aclPermissionFactory
bean in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy
, keeping the org.springframework.security.acls.domain. DefaultPermissionFactory
class but passing your class as the constructor argument to keep it from defaulting to BasePermission
, or do a more complex override to more fully reconfigure the behavior:
import org.springframework.security.acls.domain.DefaultPermissionFactory
import com.mycompany.myapp.MyPermission
beans = {
aclPermissionFactory(DefaultPermissionFactory, MyPermission)
Once this is done you can use the permission like any other, specifying its quoted lowercase name in an expression, e.g.
@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#id, 'com.testacl.Report', 'approve')")
Report get(long id) {
Report.get id
3. Tutorial
First create a test application:
$ grails create-app acltest $ cd acltest
Add a dependency for the plugin by adding it to the dependencies
block in build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile 'org.grails.plugins:spring-security-acl:3.1.1'
and run the compile
command to resolve the dependencies:
$ grails compile
This will transitively install the Spring Security Core plugin, so you’ll need to configure that by running the s2-quickstart
$ grails s2-quickstart com.testacl User Role
The ACL support uses domain classes and includes them in the JAR file, but to allow customizing them (e.g. to enable Hibernate 2nd-level caching) there’s a script that copies the domain classes into your application, s2-create-acl-domains. There’s no need to run this script if the default configuration is sufficient.
Note that you cannot change the domain class names or packages since the plugin references them by name. Grails allows you to override plugin artifacts by creating (or copying and modifying existing) classes with the same name and package in your application.
For portability, the domain class mappings are configured to generate the same DDL as is required by the standard Spring Security JDBC implementation.
We’ll need a domain class to test with, so create a Report
domain class:
$ grails create-domain-class com.testacl.Report
and add a name
property for testing:
package com.testacl
class Report {
String name
Next we’ll create a service to test ACLs:
$ grails create-service com.testacl.Report
and add some methods that work with Report
package com.testacl
import static org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION
import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PostFilter
import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize
import org.springframework.security.acls.domain.DefaultPermissionFactory
import org.springframework.security.acls.model.AccessControlEntry
import org.springframework.security.acls.model.MutableAcl
import org.springframework.security.acls.model.Permission
import org.springframework.security.acls.model.Sid
import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.SpringSecurityService
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl.AclService
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl.AclUtilService
import grails.transaction.Transactional
class ReportService {
DefaultPermissionFactory aclPermissionFactory
AclService aclService
AclUtilService aclUtilService
SpringSecurityService springSecurityService
void addPermission(Report report, String username, int permission) {
addPermission report, username, aclPermissionFactory.buildFromMask(permission)
@PreAuthorize('hasPermission(#report, admin)')
void addPermission(Report report, String username, Permission permission) {
aclUtilService.addPermission report, username, permission
Report create(String name) {
Report report = new Report(name: name).save(failOnError: true)
// Grant the current principal administrative permission
addPermission report, springSecurityService.authentication.name, ADMINISTRATION
@PreAuthorize('hasPermission(#id, "com.testacl.Report", read) or hasPermission(#id, "com.testacl.Report", admin)')
Report get(long id) {
Report.get id
@PostFilter('hasPermission(filterObject, read) or hasPermission(filterObject, admin)')
List<Report> list(Map params) {
Report.list params
int count() {
@PreAuthorize('hasPermission(#report, write) or hasPermission(#report, admin)')
void update(Report report, String name) {
report.name = name
@PreAuthorize('hasPermission(#report, delete) or hasPermission(#report, admin)')
void delete(Report report) {
// Delete the ACL information as well
aclUtilService.deleteAcl report
@PreAuthorize('hasPermission(#report, admin)')
void deletePermission(Report report, Sid recipient, Permission permission) {
MutableAcl acl = (MutableAcl)aclUtilService.readAcl(report)
// Remove all permissions associated with this particular
// recipient (string equality to KISS)
acl.entries.eachWithIndex { AccessControlEntry entry, int i ->
if (entry.sid == recipient && entry.permission == permission) {
acl.deleteAce i
aclService.updateAcl acl
The configuration specifies these rules:
requires that the authenticated user have admin permission on the report instance to grant a permission to someone else -
requires that the authenticated user haveROLE_USER
requires that the authenticated user have read or admin permission on the specified Report -
requires that the authenticated user have ROLE_USER and read or admin permission on each returned Report; instances that don’t have granted permissions will be removed from the returned List -
has no restrictions -
requires that the authenticated user have write or admin permission on the report instance to edit it -
requires that the authenticated user have delete or admin permission on the report instance to edit it -
requires that the authenticated user have admin permission on the report instance to delete a grant
To test this out we’ll need some users; create a service to create users and their grants:
$ grails create-service com.testacl.SampleData
and add this code:
package com.testacl
import static org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION
import static org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission.READ
import static org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission.WRITE
import org.springframework.security.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
import org.springframework.security.core.authority.AuthorityUtils
import org.springframework.security.core.context.SecurityContextHolder as SCH
import grails.transaction.Transactional
class SampleDataService {
def aclService
def aclUtilService
def objectIdentityRetrievalStrategy
void createSampleData() {
// logout
private void loginAsAdmin() {
// have to be authenticated as an admin to create ACLs
SCH.context.authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
'admin', 'admin123',
private void createUsers() {
def roleAdmin = new Role(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save()
def roleUser = new Role(authority: 'ROLE_USER').save()
3.times {
long id = it + 1
def user = new User("user$id", "password$id").save()
UserRole.create user, roleUser
def admin = new User('admin', 'admin123').save()
UserRole.create admin, roleUser
UserRole.create admin, roleAdmin
private void grantPermissions() {
def reports = []
100.times {
long id = it + 1
def report = new Report(name: "report$id").save()
reports << report
// grant user 1 admin on 11,12 and read on 1-67
aclUtilService.addPermission reports[10], 'user1', ADMINISTRATION
aclUtilService.addPermission reports[11], 'user1', ADMINISTRATION
67.times {
aclUtilService.addPermission reports[it], 'user1', READ
// grant user 2 read on 1-5, write on 5
5.times {
aclUtilService.addPermission reports[it], 'user2', READ
aclUtilService.addPermission reports[4], 'user2', WRITE
// user 3 has no grants
// grant admin admin on all
for (report in reports) {
aclUtilService.addPermission report, 'admin', ADMINISTRATION
// grant user 1 ownership on 1,2 to allow the user to grant
aclUtilService.changeOwner reports[0], 'user1'
aclUtilService.changeOwner reports[1], 'user1'
and configure BootStrap.groovy to call the service at startup:
class BootStrap {
def sampleDataService
def init = {
To have a UI to test with, let’s create a Report
controller and GSPs:
$ grails generate-all com.testacl.Report
But to use the controller, it will have to be reworked to use ReportService
. It’s a good idea to put all create/edit/delete code in a transactional service, but in this case we need to move all database access to the service to ensure that appropriate access checks are made:
package com.testacl
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured
class ReportController {
def reportService
def index() {
params.max = Math.min(params.max ? params.int('max') : 10, 100)
[reportList: reportService.list(params),
reportCount: reportService.count()]
def create() {
[report: new Report(params)]
def save() {
def report = reportService.create(params.name)
if (!renderWithErrors('create', report)) {
redirectShow "Report $report.id created", report.id
def show() {
def report = findInstance()
if (!report) return
[report: report]
def edit() {
def report = findInstance()
if (!report) return
[report: report]
def update() {
def report = findInstance()
if (!report) return
reportService.update report, params.name
if (!renderWithErrors('edit', report)) {
redirectShow "Report $report.id updated", report.id
def delete() {
def report = findInstance()
if (!report) return
try {
reportService.delete report
flash.message = "Report $params.id deleted"
redirect action: 'list'
catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
redirectShow "Report $params.id could not be deleted", params.id
def grant() {
def report = findInstance()
if (!report) return
if (!request.post) {
return [report: report]
reportService.addPermission(report, params.recipient,
redirectShow "Permission $params.permission granted on Report $report.id " +
"to $params.recipient", report.id
private Report findInstance() {
def report = reportService.get(params.long('id'))
if (!report) {
flash.message = "Report not found with id $params.id"
redirect action: 'list'
private void redirectShow(message, id) {
flash.message = message
redirect action: 'show', id: id
private boolean renderWithErrors(String view, Report report) {
if (report.hasErrors()) {
render view: view, model: [report: report]
return true
Note that the controller is annotated to require either ROLE_USER
. Since services have nothing to do with HTTP, when access is blocked you cannot be redirected to the login page as when you try to access a URL that requires an authentication. So you need to configure URLs with similar role requirements to give the user a chance to attempt a login before calling secured service methods.
Finally, we’ll make a few adjustments so errors are handled gracefully.
First, edit grails-app/controllers/UrlMappings.groovy
and add some error code mappings:
import org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException
import org.springframework.security.acls.model.NotFoundException
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"403"(controller: 'errors', action: 'error403')
"404"(controller: 'errors', action: 'error404')
"500"(controller: 'errors', action: 'error500')
"500"(controller: 'errors', action: 'error403',
exception: AccessDeniedException)
"500"(controller: 'errors', action: 'error403',
exception: NotFoundException)
Then create the ErrorsController
that these reference:
$ grails create-controller com.testacl.Errors
and add this code:
package com.testacl
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured
class ErrorsController {
def error403() {}
def error404() {
render view: '/notFound'
def error500() {
render view: '/error'
and we’ll need to create the GSP for the error403
action in grails-app/views/errors/error403.gsp
<title>Access denied!</title>
<meta name='layout' content='main' />
<h1>Access Denied</h1>
<p>We're sorry, but you are not authorized
to perform the requested operation.</p>
3.1. actionSubmit issues
Grails has a convenient feature where it supports multiple submit actions per form via the <g:actionSubmit>
tag. This is done by posting to the index
action but with a special parameter that indicates which action to invoke. This is a problem in general for security since any URL rules for edit, delete, save, etc. will be bypassed. It’s an even more significant issue with ACLs because of the way that the access denied exception interacts with the actionSubmit
processing. If you don’t make any adjustments for this, your users will see a blank page when they attempt to submit a form and the action is disallowed. The solution is to remove actionSubmit
buttons and replace them with regular submit buttons. This requires one form per button, and without adjusting the CSS the buttons will look differently than if they were in-line actionSubmit
buttons, but that is fixable with the appropriate CSS changes.
Note that this is not an issue when using the generated GSPs in Grails 3 because they’ve been reworked to use the fields plugin, but if you have an older application that you’ve upgraded or if you have GSPs that don’t use the newer approach, you will need to avoid using |
It’s simple to adjust the actionSubmit
buttons and you’ll need to change them in show.gsp
and edit.gsp
; list.gsp
(or index.gsp
) and show.gsp
don’t need any changes. In show.gsp
, replace the two actionSubmit buttons with these two forms (maintain the g:message tags; the strings are hard-coded here to reduce clutter):
<div class="buttons">
<g:form action='edit'>
<g:hiddenField name="id" value="${reportInstance?.id}" />
<span class="button">
<g:submitButton class="edit" name="Edit" />
<g:form action='delete'>
<g:hiddenField name="id" value="${reportInstance?.id}" />
<span class="button">
<g:submitButton class="delete" name="Delete"
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" />
In grails-app/views/report/edit.gsp
, change the <form>
tag to
<g:form action='update'>
and convert the update button to a regular submit button:
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button"><g:submitButton class="save" name="Update" /></span>
and move the delete button out of the form into its own form just below the main form:
<g:form action='delete'>
<g:hiddenField name="id" value="${reportInstance?.id}" />
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button">
<g:submitButton class="delete" name="Delete"
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" />
(or index.gsp
) and show.gsp
are fine as they are.
Finally, to make it easier to log out (by default POST is required, so typical link that uses GET won’t work), add this to grails-app/views/layouts/main.gsp
before the <g:layoutBody/>
<g:form controller='logout'>
Logged in as <sec:username/> - <g:submitButton name='logout' value='Logout'/>
<g:link controller='login' action='auth'>Login</g:link>
and you’ll see a link to login if not authenticated, and a button to click to logout if you are.
3.2. Testing
Now start the app:
$ grails run-app
and open http://localhost:8080/report.
If you see the error |
Login as user1/password1 and you should see the first page of results. But if you click on page 7 or higher, you’ll see that you can only see a subset of the Report
s. This illustrates one issue with using ACLs to restrict view access to instances; you would have to add joins in your query to the ACL database tables to get an accurate count of the total number of visible instances.
Click on any of the report instance links (e.g. http://localhost:8080/report/show/63) to verify that you can view the instance. You can test that you have no view access to the filtered instances by navigating to http://localhost:8080/report/show/83.
Verify that user1 has admin permission on report #11 by editing it and deleting it.
Verify that user1 doesn’t have admin permission on report #13 by trying to editing or delete it and you should see the error page when you submit the form.
Logout (by navigating to http://localhost:8080/logout) and login as user2/password2. You should only see the first five reports. Verify that you can edit #5 but not any of the others, and that you can’t delete any.
Finally. logout and login as admin/admin123. You should be able to view, edit, and delete all instances.
4. Sample Application
Working with ACLs in Spring Security is complex but it will be easier to understand with a sample application. To help get you started, there’s a Grails application that uses the plugin to test with. It’s based on the Spring Security Contacts sample application. But where the Spring Security application uses SpringMVC, JDBC, etc., this application is 100% Grails. The application is available at GitHub.
Clone or fork the repo and start the app:
$ grails run-app
Open http://localhost:8080/ in a browser to get started. The main functionality is at http://localhost:8080/secure. The login page lists the various configured users and their passwords; the "rod" user is an admin and has full access and the other users have various grants and ownership.
5. AclUtilService
5.1. addPermission
Grant a permission on a domain object instance to a recipient.
aclUtilService.addPermission Report, 1124, 'user123', BasePermission.WRITE
aclUtilService.addPermission reportInstance, 'user123', BasePermission.WRITE
has three signatures:
void addPermission(Class<?> domainClass, long id, recipient, Permission permission)
void addPermission(domainObject, recipient, Permission permission)
void addPermission(ObjectIdentity oid, recipient, Permission permission)
- the domain class, used when specifying the class and id -
- the instance id, used when specifying the class and id -
- the domain class instance, used when the instance is available -
- the grantee; can be a String (username or role name), or aSid
, or anAuthentication
- the permission to grant
5.2. changeOwner
Change the ACL owner for a domain class instance.
aclUtilService.changeOwner reportInstance, 'user123'
void changeOwner(domainObject, String newUsername)
- the domain class instance -
- the username of the new owner
5.3. deleteAcl
Deletes the ACL for a domain class instance.
aclUtilService.deleteAcl reportInstance
void deleteAcl(domainObject)
- the domain class instance
5.4. deletePermission
Removes a granted permission.
aclUtilService.deletePermission Report, 42, 'user123', BasePermission.WRITE
aclUtilService.deletePermission reportInstance, 'user123', BasePermission.WRITE
void deletePermission(domainObject, recipient, Permission permission)
void deletePermission(Class<?> domainClass, long id, recipient, Permission permission)
- the domain class, used when specifying the class and id -
- the instance id, used when specifying the class and id -
- the domain class instance, used when the instance is available -
- the grantee; can be a String (username or role name), or aSid
, or anAuthentication
- the permission to remove
5.5. hasPermission
Check if the authentication has grants for the specified permission(s) on the domain class instance.
if (aclUtilService.hasPermission(auth, reportInstance, BasePermission.WRITE)) {
boolean hasPermission(Authentication authentication, domainObject, Permission... permissions)
boolean hasPermission(Authentication authentication, domainObject, List<Permission> permissions)
- an authentication representing a user and associated roles -
- the domain class instance -
- one or more permissions to check
5.6. readAcl
Retrieves the ACL for a domain class instance.
def acl = aclUtilService.readAcl(reportInstance)
def acl = aclUtilService.readAcl(Report, 42)
Acl readAcl(domainObject)
Acl readAcl(Class<?> domainClass, id)
- the domain class, used when specifying the class and id -
- the instance id, used when specifying the class and id -
- the domain class instance, used when the instance is available
6. Scripts
6.1. s2-create-acl-domains
Creates the domain classes that manage ACL data.
grails s2-create-acl-domains
The plugin includes the required ACL domain classes, but if you want to customize them (for example to configure 2nd-level caching) you can use this script to generate the same domain classes in your application’s grails-app/domain
folder to allow minor customization.
7. Tag Libraries
7.1. permitted
Renders the body if the user is granted the specified permission(s)
Single String:
<sec:permitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='read'>
the body content
Multiple String:
<sec:permitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='write,read'>
the body content
Single Permission:
<%@ page import="org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission" %>
<sec:permitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${BasePermission.READ}'>
the body content
List of Permission:
<%@ page import="org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission" %>
<sec:permitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${[BasePermission.WRITE,BasePermission.READ]}'>
the body content
Single mask int:
<sec:permitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${1}'>
the body content
Multiple mask int:
<sec:permitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='2,1'>
the body content
Renders the body if the user has grants for the specified permissions. Permissions are specified in the “permission” attribute and can be a single Permission, an array of Permission, an int/Integer (which is assumed to be a mask), a String (which can be a single name, or a comma-delimited list of names, or a comma-delimited list of masks), or a List of any of these.
7.2. notPermitted
Renders the body if the user is not granted the specified permission(s)
Single String:
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='read'>
the body content
Multiple String:
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='read,write'>
the body content
Single Permission:
<%@ page import="org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission" %>
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${BasePermission.READ}'>
the body content
List of Permission:
<%@ page import="org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission" %>
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${[BasePermission.WRITE,BasePermission.READ]}'>
the body content
Single mask int:
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${1}'>
the body content
Multiple mask int:
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='2,1'>
the body content
Renders the body if the user does not have grants for the specified permissions. Permissions are specified in the “permission” attribute and can be a single Permission, an array of Permission, an int/Integer (which is assumed to be a mask), a String (which can be a single name, or a comma-delimited list of names, or a comma-delimited list of masks), or a List of any of these.