Groovy Documentation

Deprecated API

      Abstract class that provides default implementation for isArgumentsMatch.
      Static singleton holder for the GrailsApplication instance.
      Holds a reference to the ConfigObject instance.
      This is a dynamic property that instead of returning the closure sets a new proxy meta class for the scope of the call and invokes the closure itself which builds up a list of ConstrainedProperty instances.
      Implements the PluginMetaManager interface by parsing a set of plugin.xml files from the given set of resources.
      Utility class with a "main" method that allows an application to run the template generation.
      General purpose Grails Configuration Utility for retieving configuration options with the ability to log warnings on type/constraint mismatch.
      @deprecated Use GrailsUtil instead.
      Copies resources from the source on content change and manages reloading if necessary.
      Utility methods for working with Grails resources and URLs that represent artifacts within a Grails application.
      Methods to establish template names, paths and so on.
      A converter that converts domain classes, Maps, Lists, Arrays, POJOs and POGOs to JSON (Including nested Domain Classes)
      A converter that converts domain classes to XML (including nested Domain Classes)

Annotation Types
      @deprecated Use Validateable instead.

AbstractIvyDependencyManager#configureDependencyDescriptor(EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor dependencyDescriptor, java.lang.String scope)
      @deprecated use registerDependency(String, EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor)
AbstractIvyDependencyManager#configureDependencyDescriptor(EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor dependencyDescriptor, java.lang.String scope, boolean pluginMode)
      @deprecated use registerDependency(String, EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor) or registerPluginDependency(String EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor)
      @return The GrailsApplication instance
ApplicationHolder#setApplication(GrailsApplication application)
      @param application The application to set
      Retrieve the ConfigObject.
      Returns the ConfigObject has a flattened map for easy access from Java in a properties file like way.
ConfigurationHolder#setConfig(groovy.util.ConfigObject newConfig)
      Sets the ConfigObject.
DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes#getApplicationUri(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
      @deprecated Use instead
      @return EMPTY_SET until the method is removed
      @return EMPTY_SET until the method is removed
      Restarts the container
      @deprecated Replaced by agent-based reloading, will be removed in a future version of Grails
      @deprecated Will be removed in a future version of Grails
      @deprecated Will be removed in a future version of Grails
GrailsClassUtils#getClassName(java.lang.String logicalName, java.lang.String trailingName)
      Returns the class name for the given logical name and trailing name.
GrailsClassUtils#getClassNameForLowerCaseHyphenSeparatedName(java.lang.String name)
      Converts foo-bar into FooBar
GrailsClassUtils#getClassNameRepresentation(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the class name representation of the given name
GrailsClassUtils#getLogicalName(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.String trailingName)
      Retrieves the logical class name of a Grails artifact given the Grails class and a specified trailing name
GrailsClassUtils#getLogicalName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String trailingName)
      Retrieves the logical name of the class without the trailing name
GrailsClassUtils#getLogicalPropertyName(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String trailingName)
      @deprecated Use GrailsNameUtils.getLogicalPropertyName instead.
GrailsClassUtils#getNameFromScript(java.lang.String scriptName)
      Calculates the class name from a script name in the form my-funk-grails-script
GrailsClassUtils#getNaturalName(java.lang.String name)
      Converts a property name into its natural language equivalent eg ('firstName' becomes 'First Name')
GrailsClassUtils#getPropertyName(java.lang.String name)
      Shorter version of getPropertyNameRepresentation
GrailsClassUtils#getPropertyName(java.lang.Class clazz)
      Shorter version of getPropertyNameRepresentation
GrailsClassUtils#getPropertyNameForLowerCaseHyphenSeparatedName(java.lang.String name)
      Converts foo-bar into fooBar
GrailsClassUtils#getPropertyNameRepresentation(java.lang.Class targetClass)
      Returns the property name equivalent for the specified class
GrailsClassUtils#getPropertyNameRepresentation(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the property name representation of the given name
GrailsClassUtils#getScriptName(java.lang.Class clazz)
      Retrieves the script name representation of the supplied class.
GrailsClassUtils#getScriptName(java.lang.String name)
      @deprecated Use GrailsNameUtils.getScriptName instead.
GrailsClassUtils#getShortName(java.lang.Class targetClass)
      Returns the class name without the package prefix
GrailsClassUtils#getShortName(java.lang.String className)
      Returns the class name without the package prefix
      @deprecated This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Grails
      @deprecated This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Grails
      Returns all of the persistant properties of the domain class
GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil#evaluateConstraints(java.lang.Object instance, GrailsDomainClassProperty properties, java.util.Map defaultConstraints)
      Evaluates the constraints closure to build the list of constraints
GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil#evaluateConstraints(java.lang.Class theClass, GrailsDomainClassProperty properties, java.util.Map defaultConstraints)
      Evaluates the constraints closure to build the list of constraints
GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil#evaluateConstraints(java.lang.Object instance, GrailsDomainClassProperty properties)
      Evaluates the constraints closure to build the list of constraints.
GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil#evaluateConstraints(java.lang.Object instance)
      Evaluates the constraints closure to build the list of constraints.
GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil#evaluateConstraints(java.lang.Class theClass)
      Evaluates the constraints closure to build the list of constraints
GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil#evaluateConstraints(java.lang.Class theClass, GrailsDomainClassProperty properties)
      Evaluates the constraints closure to build the list of constraints.
GrailsHibernateUtil#populateArgumentsForCriteria(java.lang.Class targetClass, org.hibernate.Criteria c, java.util.Map argMap)
      Populates criteria arguments for the given target class and arguments map
      When called this method checks for any changes to the plug-ins watched resources and reloads appropriately
GrailsPluginUtils#getLowerVersion(java.lang.String pluginVersion)
      Returns the lower version of a Grails version number expression in a plugin
GrailsPluginUtils#getPluginName(java.lang.Class clazz)
      Get the name of the a plugin for a particular class.
GrailsPluginUtils#getPluginVersion(java.lang.Class clazz)
      Get the version of the a plugin for a particular class.
GrailsPluginUtils#getUpperVersion(java.lang.String pluginVersion)
      Returns the upper version of a Grails version number expression in a plugin
GrailsPluginUtils#isValidVersion(java.lang.String pluginVersion, java.lang.String requiredVersion)
      Check if the required version is a valid for the given plugin version.
GrailsPluginUtils#isVersionGreaterThan(java.lang.String leftVersion, java.lang.String rightVersion)
      Returns true if rightVersion is greater than leftVersion
      Retrieves the current execution environment.
GrailsUtil#sanitize(java.lang.Throwable t)
GrailsUtil#writeSlurperResult(groovy.util.slurpersupport.GPathResult result, output)
      Writes out a GPathResult (i.e. the result of parsing XML using XmlSlurper) to the given writer.
HibernateGormStaticApi#find(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map args, java.lang.Integer max)
      Finds a single result for the given query and arguments and a maximum results to return value
HibernateGormStaticApi#find(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map args, java.lang.Integer max, java.lang.Integer offset)
      Finds a single result for the given query and arguments and a maximum results to return value
HibernateGormStaticApi#find(java.lang.String query, java.lang.Integer max)
      Finds a single result for the given query and a maximum results to return value
HibernateGormStaticApi#find(java.lang.String query, java.lang.Integer max, java.lang.Integer offset)
      Finds a single result for the given query and a maximum results to return value
HibernateGormStaticApi#findAll(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map args, java.lang.Integer max)
      Finds a list of results for the given query and arguments and a maximum results to return value
HibernateGormStaticApi#findAll(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map args, java.lang.Integer max, java.lang.Integer offset)
      Finds a list of results for the given query and arguments and a maximum results to return value
HibernateGormStaticApi#findAll(java.lang.String query, java.lang.Integer max)
      Finds a list of results for the given query and a maximum results to return value
HibernateGormStaticApi#findAll(java.lang.String query, java.lang.Integer max, java.lang.Integer offset)
      Finds a list of results for the given query and a maximum results to return value
IvyDependencyManager#serialize(def builder, boolean createRoot = true)
      Serializes the parsed dependencies using the given builder.
MockUtils#mockCommandObject(java.lang.Class clazz)
      Mocks a command object class by adding a "validate()" method and errors-related methods, like "getErrors()" and "hasErrors()".
MockUtils#mockDomain(java.lang.Class clazz)
      Call this to mock the given domain class.
MockUtils#mockDomain(java.lang.Class clazz, java.util.List testInstances)
MockUtils#prepareForConstraintsTests(java.lang.Class clazz)
      Adds a validate() method to the given domain class that performs validation against the constraints and returns a map of errors.
MockUtils#prepareForConstraintsTests(java.lang.Class clazz, java.util.List testInstances)
      /*.properties") } }
PluginBuildSettings#getPluginSourceFiles( pluginDir)
      @deprecated Use getPluginSourceDirectories
      Retrieves the bound GrailsPluginManager that resides in the current Thread
      Retrieves the GrailsPluginManager bound to the current Thread
PluginManagerHolder#setPluginManager(GrailsPluginManager pluginManager)
      Bind the given GrailsPluginManager instance to the current Thread

CommandLineHelper#CommandLineHelper( out)
      @deprecated Use no-args constructor
CommandLineHelper#CommandLineHelper( input, out)
      @deprecated Use no-args constructor
DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator#DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator(javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
      @deprecated Used DefaultUrLMappingsEvaluator(ApplicationContext) instead
GrailsAwareInjectionOperation#GrailsAwareInjectionOperation(groovy.lang.GroovyResourceLoader resourceLoader, ClassInjector classInjectors)
      @deprecated Custom resource loader no longer supported
GroovyPagesTemplateEngine#GroovyPagesTemplateEngine(javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
      @param servletContext The servlet context
RedirectDynamicMethod#RedirectDynamicMethod(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext)
      @param applicationContext The ApplicationContext

Groovy Documentation