Groovy Documentation



Class Summary
AggregatePersistenceContextInterceptor @author Burt Beckwith
ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor Listens for Hibernate events and publishes corresponding Datastore events.
FlushOnRedirectEventListener Flushes the session on a redirect.
GrailsOpenSessionInViewFilter Uses the GrailsApplication sessionFactory to apply the filter.
GrailsOpenSessionInViewInterceptor Extends the default spring OSIVI and doesn't flush the session if it has been set to MANUAL on the session itself.
HibernateBeanWrapper BeanWrapper implementaion that will not lazy initialize entity properties.
HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean @author Steven Devijver
HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor @author Graeme Rocher
SoftKey SoftReference key to be used with ConcurrentHashMap.
SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean Attempts to auto-detect the LobHandler to use from the db meta data.

Groovy Documentation