Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc


Interface Summary
GrailsRequestStateLookupStrategy Strategy interface for obtaining details about the currently executing request
ParameterCreationListener A callback interface that is fired when the params object is created
ParameterInitializationCallback @author Graeme Rocher
RedirectEventListener Listener interface that gets fired when the redirect(..) method is called
TokenResponseHandler Invokes user code that handles double or invalid submits.

Class Summary
AbstractGrailsControllerHelper Processes Grails controller requests and responses.
AbstractTokenResponseHandler Implements the behavior of wasInvoked in the TokenResponseHandler interface.
ClosureGrailsControllerHelper Implements action invokation throught Closure.
DefaultRequestStateLookupStrategy Default implementation that uses the web request to obtain information about the currently executing request.
GrailsControllerBeanMap Filter action getters.
GrailsHttpSession An adapter class that takes a regular HttpSession and allows you to access it like a Groovy map.
GrailsParameterMap A parameter map class that allows mixing of request parameters and controller parameters.
GrailsUrlHandlerMapping Handles URL mapping for Grails.
GrailsWebRequest Encapsulates a Grails request.
GrailsWebRequestFilter Binds a GrailsWebRequestFilter to the currently executing thread.
MethodGrailsControllerHelper Implements action invocation through Method.
MixedGrailsControllerHelper Implements action invocation through Closure.
SynchronizerTokensHolder A token used to handle double-submits.

Groovy Documentation