Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder


Class Summary
AbstractDelegate An abstract delegate that relays property look-ups onto a either the application context or the currently executing controller.
AbstractMapper Mapper implementation for mapping subflow in- and output
ActionDelegate Acts as a delegate to a flow action.
ClosureExpression Implements the Spring binding expression interface to allow an expression to evaluate a closure for using with dynamic transitions.
ClosureInvokingAction Invokes a closure as a Webflow action placing the returned model within the flow scope.
ControllerDelegate A delegate that relays method calls onto the currently executing controller.
ExpressionDelegate Used for evaluating PropertyExpression instances
FlowInfoCapturer Used to capture details of the flow
GrailsSubflowAttributeMapper SubflowAttributeMapper implementation for mapping subflow in- and outputs.
InputMapper Mapper implementation that puts subflow input values in the subflow's FlowScope.
KeyExpression Simple Expression implementation that holds a Map key.
KeyValueMapping Mapping implementation that copies the value that corresponds with a key from a source Map to a target Map.
OutputMapper Mapper implementation that copies subflow output values.
RuntimeRedirectAction Takes the parameters formulated in the builder and produces an ExternalRedirect at runtime.
UriRedirectAction Takes the url or uri formulated in the builder and produces an ExternalRedirect at runtime.

Exception Summary
FlowDefinitionException Thrown when an error occurs duing Flow definition

Groovy Documentation