Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions


Interface Summary
CodeSnippetPrinter Interfaces for classes to implement that print code snippets
SourceCodeAware An interface that represents an exception that is capable of providing more information about the source code
StackTraceFilterer Improves the output of stack traces produced by exceptions in a Grails application.
StackTracePrinter Defines method for pretty printing Stack traces.

Class Summary
DefaultErrorsPrinter Default implementation of the StackTracePrinter interface.
DefaultStackTraceFilterer Default implementation of StackTraceFilterer.
DefaultStackTracePrinter @since 2.2

Exception Summary
CompilationFailedException Thrown when a compilation error occurs.
DataSourceRequiredPropertyMissingException Thrown when a missing property on a Grails data source is missing.
GrailsConfigurationException @author Graeme Rocher
GrailsDataSourceException Base exception for errors related to Grails data sources.
GrailsDomainException Thrown when creation of the Grails domain from the Grails domain classes fails.
GrailsException Base class for all Grails exceptions that are not recoverable.
GrailsRuntimeException Generic global runtime exception.
InvalidPropertyException Thrown when a property of a Grails class is invalidated.
MoreThanOneActiveDataSourceException Thrown when more than one active data source is configured.
NewInstanceCreationException Occurs when the creation of a new instance fails.
RequiredPropertyMissingException Thrown when a named property of a specific type is not present in a class.

Groovy Documentation