(Quick Reference)

4 Using the Test Compatibility Kit - Reference Documentation

Authors: Graeme Rocher

Version: 5.0.8.RELEASE

4 Using the Test Compatibility Kit

The grails-datastore-gorm-tck project provides a few hundred tests that ensure a particular GORM implementation is compliant. To use the TCK you need to define a dependency on the TCK in the subprojects build.gradle file:

testCompile project(':grails-datastore-gorm-tck')

Then create a Setup.groovy file that sets up your custom datastore in your implementation.

For example the ConcurrentHashMap implementation has one defined in grails-datastore-gorm-test/src/test/groovy/org/grails/datastore/gorm/Setup.groovy:

class Setup {

static destroy() { // noop } static Session setup(classes) {

def ctx = new GenericApplicationContext() ctx.refresh() def simple = new SimpleMapDatastore(ctx)

for (cls in classes) { simple.mappingContext.addPersistentEntity(cls) }

… def enhancer = new GormEnhancer(simple, new DatastoreTransactionManager(datastore: simple)) enhancer.enhance()

simple.mappingContext.addMappingContextListener({ e -> enhancer.enhance e } as MappingContext.Listener)

simple.applicationContext.addApplicationListener new DomainEventListener(simple) simple.applicationContext.addApplicationListener new AutoTimestampEventListener(simple)

return simple.connect() } }

Some setup code has been omitted for clarity but basically the Setup.groovy class should initiase the Datastore and return a Session from the static setup method which gets passed a list of classes that need to be configured.

With this done all of the TCK tests will run against the subproject. If a particular test cannot be implemented because the underlying datastore doesn't support the feature then you can create a test that matches the name of the test that is failing and it will override said test.

For example SimpleDB doesn't support pagination so there is a grails.gorm.tests.PagedResultSpec class that overrides the one from the TCK. Each test is a Spock specification and Spock has an Ignore annotation that can be used to ignore a particular test:

 * Ignored for SimpleDB because SimpleDB doesn't support pagination
class PagedResultSpec extends GormDatastoreSpec{