Package org.springframework.datastore.engine

Interface Summary
AssociationIndexer<K,T> Responsible for creating indices for associations used in queries
EntityInterceptor Used to intercept persistent operations
EntityInterceptorAware An interface for classes aware of EntityInterceptor instances
Persister A Persister is responsible for persisting and retrieving an object.
PropertyValueIndexer<K> Responsible for creating indices for property values used in queries This interface is designed for usage in datastores that don't automatically create indices and require the application to create the indices manually

Class Summary
EmptyInterceptor An interceptor that does nothing
EntityAccess Class used to access properties of an entity.
EntityPersister A Persister specificly for persisting PersistentEntity instances
LockableEntityPersister Interface for entity persisters that support locking

Exception Summary
NonPersistentTypeException Thrown when an object cannot be persisted