Package org.springframework.datastore.query

Class Summary
Projections Projections used to customize the results of a query
Query Models a query that can be executed against a data store
Query.AvgProjection Computes the average value of a property
Query.Between Criterion used to restrict the result to be between values (range query)
Query.Conjunction A Criterion used to combine to criterion in a logical AND
Query.CountProjection Used to count the results of a query
Query.Criterion A criterion is used to restrict the results of a query
Query.Disjunction A Criterion used to combine to criterion in a logical OR
Query.Equals A criterion that restricts the results based on equality
Query.GreaterThan Used to restrict a value to be greater than the given value
Query.GreaterThanEquals Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
Query.IdProjection A projection used to obtain the identifier of an object
Query.In Criterion used to restrict the results based on a list of values
Query.LessThan Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value
Query.LessThanEquals Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value
Query.Like Criterion used to restrict the results based on a pattern (likeness)
Query.MaxProjection Computes the max value of a property
Query.MinProjection Computes the min value of a property
Query.Order The ordering of results
Query.Projection A projection
Query.ProjectionList A list of projections
Query.PropertyCriterion Criterion that applies to a property
Query.PropertyProjection A projection that obtains the value of a property of an entity
Query.SumProjection Computes the sum of a property
Restrictions Factory for creating Query.Criterion instances

Enum Summary