(Quick Reference)



Updates a database to the current version.


Runs all un-run changeSets from the changelog. Executes against the database configured in DataSource.groovy for the current environment (defaults to dev).


grails [environment] dbm-update --contexts=[contexts] --defaultSchema=[defaultSchema] --dataSource=[dataSource]

Required arguments: none .

Optional arguments:

  • contexts - A comma-delimited list of context names. If specified, only changesets tagged with one of the context names will be run
  • defaultSchema - The default schema name to use
  • dataSource - if provided will run the script for the specified dataSource. Not needed for the default dataSource.

Note that the contexts and defaultSchema parameter name and value must be quoted if executed in Windows, e.g.
grails dbm-update "--contexts=[contexts]" "--defaultSchema=[defaultSchema]" "--dataSource=[dataSource]"

For the dataSource parameter if the data source is configured as dataSource_reports in DataSource.groovy the suffix of reports will be used as the parameter value.