(Quick Reference)

3 Sending Email

Version: 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT

3 Sending Email

Mail is sent using the sendMail() method of the mailService. This plugin also adds a shortcut sendMail() method to all controllers and services in your application that simply delegates to the mailService. There is no difference between the two methods so the choice is stylistic.

class PersonController {

def create = { // create user

sendMail { from "admin@mysystem.com" subject "New user" text "A new user has been created" } } }

The sendMail() method takes a single Closure argument that uses a DSL to configure the message to be sent. This section describes the aspects of the DSL.

class PersonController {

def mailService

def create = { // create user

mailService.sendMail { from "admin@mysystem.com" subject "New user" text "A new user has been created" } } }

3.1 Sender And Recipient


The DSL provides to, cc and bcc methods that allow you to set one or more address values for these recipient types.

sendMail {
    to "someone@org.com"
    cc "manager@org.com"
    bcc "employee1@org.com", "employee2@org.com"

All methods take one or more string values that are an email address using the syntax of RFC822 Typical address syntax is of the form "user@host.domain" or "Personal Name <user@host.domain>".

You can supply multiple values for to, cc and bcc.

sendMail {
    to "someone@org.com", "someone.else@org.com"

If no value is provided for to when sending an email, the default to address will be used.

If the configuration property grails.mail.overrideAddress is set, each recipient address specified will be substituted with the override address. See the configuration section for more information.


The sender address of the email is configured by the from method.

sendMail {
    from "me@org.com"

The from method accepts one string value email address using the syntax of RFC822 Typical address syntax is of the form "user@host.domain" or "Personal Name <user@host.domain>".

If no value is provided for from when sending an email, the default from address will be used.

3.2 Message Content

Message content is specified by either the text and/or html methods that specify either the plain text or HTML content respectively.

As of version 1.0, the body method that could be used to specify the message content has been deprecated (but is still there). The body method requires the user to specify the content type of the message using a GSP directive such as:

<%@ page contentType="text/html" %>

HTML Email

To send HTML mail you can use the html method. This will set the content type of the message to text/html.

You can either supply a string value…

sendMail {
    to "user@somewhere.org"
    subject "Hello John"
    html "<b>Hello</b> World"

Or a view to render to form the content…

sendMail {
    to "user@somewhere.org"
    subject "Hello John"
    html view: "/emails/hello", model: [param1: "value1", param2: "value2"]

See the section on using views for more details of the parameters to this version of html.

Plain Text Email

To send plain text mail you can use the text method. This will set the content type of the message to text/plain.

You can either supply a string value…

sendMail {
    to "user@somewhere.org"
    subject "Hello John"
    text "Hello World"

Or a view to render to form the content…

sendMail {
    to "user@somewhere.org"
    subject "Hello John"
    text view: "/emails/hello", model: [param1: "value1", param2: "value2"]

See the section on using views for more details of the parameters to this version of text.

Plain Text and HTML

It is possible to send a multipart message that contains both plain text and HTML versions of the message. In this situation, the mail reading client is responsible for selecting the variant to display to the user.

To do this, simply use both the html and text methods…

sendMail {
    to "user@somewhere.org"
    subject "Hello John"
    text view: "/emails/text-hello", model: [param1: "value1", param2: "value2"]
    html view: "/emails/html-hello", model: [param1: "value1", param2: "value2"]

Using Views

Both the text and html methods support specifying a view to render to form the content. These are the accepted parameters:

  • The view is the absolute path (or relative to the current controller if during a request) to the GSP, just like the existing Grails render method.
  • The plugin parameter is only necessary if the view you wish to render comes from a plugin, just like the existing Grails render method.
  • The model parameter is a map representing the model the GSP will see for rendering data, just like the existing Grails render method.

3.3 Attachments

The mail plugin is capable of adding attachments to messages as independent files and inline resources. To enable attachment support, you MUST indicate that the message is to be multipart as the first thing you do in the mail DSL.

sendMail {
    multipart true

File Attachments

The term file attachments here refers to the attachment being received as a file, not necessarily using a file in your application to form the attachment.

The following methods are available in the mail DSL to attach files…

// Bytes
attach(String fileName, String contentType, byte[] bytes)

// Files attach(File file) attach(String fileName, File file) attach(String fileName, String contentType, File file)

// InputStream attach(String fileName, String contentType, InputStreamSource source)

There are 3 things that need to be provided when creating a file attachment:

  • file name - what the email client will call the file
  • content type - what mime type the email client will treat the file as
  • content source - the actual attachment

The mail plugin supports using either a byte[], File, or InputStreamSource as the content source.

In the case of the variants that take a File that do not specify a file name, the name of the file will be used.

In the case of the variants that take a File that do not specify a content type, the content type will be guessed based on the file extension.

sendMail {
    multipart true
    to "someone@org.com"
    attach "yourfile.txt", "text/plain", "Hello!" as byte[]

Inline Attachments

It is also possible to attach content as inline resources. This is particularly useful in the case of html email where you wish to embed images in the message. In this case you specify a content id instead of a file name for the attachment and then reference this content id in your mail message.

To attach an image as an inline resource you could do…

sendMail {
    multipart true
    to "someone@org.com"
    inline "logo", "image/jpeg", new File("logo.jpg")
    html view: "/email/welcome"

Then in your view you reference the inline attachment using the cid: (content id) namespace…

    <img src='cid:logo' />
    <p>Welcome Aboard!</p>

The following methods are available in the mail DSL to attach files…

// Bytes
inline(String fileName, String contentType, byte[] bytes)

// Files inline(File file) inline(String fileName, File file) inline(String fileName, String contentType, File file)

// InputStream inline(String fileName, String contentType, InputStreamSource source)

There are 3 things that need to be provided when creating an inline attachment:

  • content id - the identifier of the resource
  • content type - what mime type the email client will treat the content as
  • content source - the actual content

The mail plugin supports using either a byte[], File, or InputStreamSource as the content source.

In the case of the variants that take a File that do not specify a content id, the name of the file will be used.

In the case of the variants that take a File that do not specify a content type, the content type will be guessed based on the file extension.