(Quick Reference)
Renders the body if the user is not granted the specified permission(s)
Single String:
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='read'>the body content</sec:notPermitted>
Multiple String:
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='read,write'>the body content</sec:notPermitted>
Single Permission:
<%@ page import="org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission" %><sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${BasePermission.READ}'>the body content</sec:notPermitted>
List of Permission:
<%@ page import="org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission" %><sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${[BasePermission.WRITE,BasePermission.READ]}'>the body content</sec:notPermitted>
Single mask int:
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='${1}'>the body content</sec:notPermitted>
Multiple mask int:
<sec:notPermitted className='com.foo.Report' id='${reportId}' permission='2,1'>the body content</sec:notPermitted>
Renders the body if the user does not have grants for the specified permissions. Permissions are specified in the 'permission' attribute and can be a single Permission, an array of Permission, an int/Integer (which is assumed to be a mask), a String (which can be a single name, or a comma-delimited list of names, or a comma-delimited list of masks), or a List of any of these.