(Quick Reference)

21 Miscellaneous Properties - Reference Documentation

Authors: Burt Beckwith, Beverley Talbott

Version: 2.0.0

21 Miscellaneous Properties

PropertyDefault ValueMeaning
activetrueWhether the plugin is enabled.
printStatusMessagestrueWhether to print status messages such as "Configuring Spring Security Core ..."
rejectIfNoRuletrue'strict' mode where a request mapping is required for all resources; if true make sure to allow IS_AUTHENTICATED_ ANONYMOUSLY for '/', '/js/**', '/css/**', '/images/**', '/login/**', '/logout/**', and so on.
anon. key'foo'anonymousProcessingFilter key.
atr. anonymousClassgrails.plugin.springsecurity. authentication. GrailsAnonymous AuthenticationTokenAnonymous token class.
useHttpSession EventPublisherfalseIf true, an HttpSession EventPublisher will be configured.
cacheUsersfalseIf true, logins are cached using an EhCache. See Account Locking and Forcing Password Change, under User Cache.
useSecurity EventListenerfalseIf true, configure SecurityEventListener. See Events.
dao. reflectionSalt SourcePropertynoneWhich property to use for the reflection-based salt source. See Salted Passwords
dao. hideUserNot FoundExceptionstrueif true, throws a new BadCredentialsException if a username is not found or the password is incorrect, but if false re-throws the UsernameNot FoundException thrown by UserDetailsService (considered less secure than throwing BadCredentialsException for both exceptions)
requestCache. createSessiontrueWhether caching SavedRequest can trigger the creation of a session.
roleHierarchynoneHierarchical role definition. See Hierarchical Role Definition.
voterNames['authenticatedVoter', 'roleVoter', 'closureVoter']Bean names of voters. See Voters.
providerNames['daoAuthenticationProvider', 'anonymousAuthenticationProvider', 'rememberMeAuthenticationProvider']Bean names of authentication providers. See Authentication Providers.
securityConfigType'Annotation'Type of request mapping to use, one of "Annotation", "Requestmap", or "InterceptUrlMap" (or the corresponding enum value from SecurityConfigType). See Configuring Request Mappings to Secure URLs.
controllerAnnotations. lowercasetrueWhether to do URL comparisons using lowercase.
controllerAnnotations. staticRulesnoneExtra rules that cannot be mapped using annotations.
interceptUrlMapnoneRequest mapping definition when using "InterceptUrlMap". See Simple Map in Config.groovy.
registerLoggerListenerfalseIf true, registers a LoggerListener that logs interceptor-related application events.
scr. allowSessionCreationtrueWhether to allow creating a session in the securityContextRepository bean
scr. disableUrlRewritingtrueWhether to disable URL rewriting (and the jsessionid attribute)
scr. springSecurity ContextKeyHttpSessionSecurity ContextRepository. SPRING_SECURITY_ CONTEXT_KEYThe HTTP session key to store the SecurityContext under
scpf. forceEager SessionCreationfalseWhether to eagerly create a session in the securityContextRepository bean
sch. strategyNameSecurityContextHolder. MODE_THREADLOCALThe strategy to use for storing the SecurityContext - can be one of MODE_THREADLOCAL, MODE_INHERITABLETHREADLOCAL, or MODE_GLOBAL, or the name of a class implementing SecurityContextHolderStrategy
debug. useFilterfalseWhether to use the DebugFilter to log request debug information to the console
providerManager. eraseCredentials AfterAuthenticationtrueWhether to remove the password from the Authentication and its child objects after successful authentication