Uses of Class

Packages that use GrailsMVCException

Uses of GrailsMVCException in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions

Subclasses of GrailsMVCException in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions
 class CannotRedirectException
 class ControllerExecutionException
          Throw when an exception occurs during controller execution
 class IncompatibleParameterCountException
          Thrown when a closure has an incompatible parameter count for a controller implementation.
 class InvalidUriException
          Thrown when a controller cannot make sense of the URI it has to handle.
 class NoClosurePropertyForURIException
          Thrown when no closure property has been mapped to a given URI.
 class NoViewNameDefinedException
          Thrown when no view name is returned from a closure in a controller and no view name has been configured.
 class UnknownControllerException
          Thrown when a URI cannot be matched to a controller.
 class UnsupportedReturnValueException
          Thrown when the return value of a closure is unsupported.

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