Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet


Interface Summary
FlashScope Represents flash scope and allows a flash scope map to be set to the next state.
GrailsApplicationAttributes Defines the names of and methods to retrieve Grails specific request and servlet attributes.
GrailsRequestContext Defines the methods and objects available during a Grails request context.

Class Summary
DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes Holds knowledge about how to obtain certain attributes from either the ServletContext or the HttpServletRequest instance.
ErrorHandlingServlet A servlet for handling errors.
GrailsControllerHandlerMapping Matches Grails' SimpleController class.
GrailsDispatcherServlet Handles incoming requests for Grails.
GrailsFlashScope Grails implementation of Flash scope (@see org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.FlashScope).
GrailsUrlPathHelper Extends the default Spring UrlPathHelper and makes methods Grails path aware.
HttpHeaders Constants for HTTP headers.
WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext Delegates calls to a passed GrailsWebRequest instance.
WrappedResponseHolder A holder for the original Wrapped response for use when using includes.

Groovy Documentation