Groovy Documentation

[Groovy] Class GroovyPageUnitTestMixin


class GroovyPageUnitTestMixin
extends ControllerUnitTestMixin

A unit testing mixing that add behavior to support the testing of tag libraries and GSP pages. Can be used in combination with DomainClassUnitTestMixin to support the testing of tag libraries and GSPs

Views and templates can be mocked via the ControllerUnitTestMixin.groovyPages map where the keys are the names of the pages and the values are the contents of the GSP page

Alternatively, within a Grails project the unit test will fallback to loading views and templates from grails-app/views

For mocking tag libraries the GroovyPageUnitTestMixin.mockTagLib method allows you to mock custom tag libraries. There is no need to mock core tag libraries like as these will be loaded on demand

Graeme Rocher

Property Summary
GroovyPageBinding pageScope

Method Summary
java.lang.String applyTemplate(java.lang.String contents, java.util.Map model = [:])

Renders a template for the given contents and model

protected void applyTemplate( sw, java.lang.Object template, java.lang.Object params = [:])

void assertOutputEquals(java.lang.Object expected, java.lang.Object template, java.lang.Object params = [:], groovy.lang.Closure transform = { it.toString()

Asserts the output of a given template against the specified expected value.

void assertOutputMatches(java.lang.Object regex, java.lang.Object template, java.lang.Object params = [:], groovy.lang.Closure transform = { it.toString()

Asserts the output of a given template against the specified regex.

void bindGrailsWebRequest()

void clearPageScope()

java.lang.Object mockTagLib(java.lang.Class tagLibClass)

Mocks a tag library, making it available to subsequent calls to controllers mocked via mockController(Class) and GSPs rendered via applyTemplate(String, Map)

java.lang.String render(java.util.Map args)

Mimics the behavior of the render method in controllers but returns the rendered contents directly

Methods inherited from class ControllerUnitTestMixin
bindGrailsWebRequest, cleanupGrailsWeb, clearGrailsWebRequest, configureGrailsWeb, getFlash, getModel, getParams, getSession, getView, mockCommandObject, mockController, testFor
Methods inherited from class GrailsUnitTestMixin
cleanupModifiedMetaClasses, defineBeans, deregisterMetaClassCleaner, initGrailsApplication, mockCodec, mockFor, mockForConstraintsTests, registerMetaClassRegistryWatcher, resetGrailsApplication, shouldFail, shouldFail, shutdownApplicationContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll()

Property Detail


GroovyPageBinding pageScope

Method Detail


java.lang.String applyTemplate(java.lang.String contents, java.util.Map model = [:])
Renders a template for the given contents and model
contents - The contents
model - The model
The rendered template


protected void applyTemplate( sw, java.lang.Object template, java.lang.Object params = [:])


void assertOutputEquals(java.lang.Object expected, java.lang.Object template, java.lang.Object params = [:], groovy.lang.Closure transform = { it.toString()
Asserts the output of a given template against the specified expected value.
expected - The expected output
template - A snippet of GSP
params - An optional parameter that allows variables to be placed in the binding of the GSP
transform - An optional parameter that allows the specification of a closure to transform the passed StringWriter


void assertOutputMatches(java.lang.Object regex, java.lang.Object template, java.lang.Object params = [:], groovy.lang.Closure transform = { it.toString()
Asserts the output of a given template against the specified regex.
expected - The regex expression expected to match the output
template - A snippet of GSP
params - An optional parameter that allows variables to be placed in the binding of the GSP
transform - An optional parameter that allows the specification of a closure to transform the passed StringWriter


void bindGrailsWebRequest()


void clearPageScope()


java.lang.Object mockTagLib(java.lang.Class tagLibClass)
Mocks a tag library, making it available to subsequent calls to controllers mocked via mockController(Class) and GSPs rendered via applyTemplate(String, Map)
tagLibClass - The tag library class
The tag library instance


java.lang.String render(java.util.Map args)
Mimics the behavior of the render method in controllers but returns the rendered contents directly
args - The same arguments as the controller render method accepts
The resulting rendering GSP


Groovy Documentation