Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring


Interface Summary
BeanConfiguration Represents a runtime bean configuration.
RuntimeSpringConfiguration A programmable runtime Spring configuration that allows a spring ApplicationContext to be constructed at runtime.

Class Summary
DefaultBeanConfiguration Default implementation of the BeanConfiguration interface .
DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration A programmable runtime Spring configuration that allows a spring ApplicationContext to be constructed at runtime.
GrailsApplicationContext An ApplicationContext that extends StaticApplicationContext and implements GroovyObject such that beans can be retrieved with the dot de-reference syntax instead of using getBean('name').
GrailsContextEvent Signals various events related to the Grails context loading.
GrailsResourceHolder Holds references to all the Grails resource instances to support class reloading.
GrailsRuntimeConfigurator Handles the runtime configuration of the Grails ApplicationContext.
GrailsWebApplicationContext A WebApplicationContext that extends StaticApplicationContext to allow for programmatic configuration at runtime.
ReloadAwareAutowireCapableBeanFactory Deals with class cast exceptions that may occur due to class reload events and attempts to reload the bean being instantiated to avoid them.
TypeSpecifyableTransactionProxyFactoryBean Allows the type of the underlying object to be specified explicitly.
WebRuntimeSpringConfiguration Subclasses DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration to provide construction of WebApplicationContext instances.

Groovy Documentation