Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation


Interface Summary
CascadingValidator Extends the default Spring Validator interface and provides an additional method that specifies whether validation should cascade into associations.
Constraint Defines a validatable constraint.
ConstraintFactory A factory for creating constraint instances.
ConstraintsEvaluator Evaluates and returns constraints.
VetoingConstraint Marker interface for vetoing constraint.

Class Summary
AbstractConstraint Abstract class for constraints to extend.
AbstractVetoingConstraint TODO: write javadoc
BlankConstraint A Constraint that validates a string is not blank.
ConstrainedProperty Provides the ability to set contraints against a properties of a class.
ConstrainedPropertyBuilder Builder used as a delegate within the "constraints" closure of GrailsDomainClass instances .
ConstraintEvalUtils Utility methods for configuring constraints
ConstraintsEvaluatorFactoryBean Constructs the default constraints evaluator instance.
CreditCardConstraint Validates a credit card number.
DefaultConstraintEvaluator Default implementation of the ConstraintsEvaluator interface.
EmailConstraint Validates an email address.
GrailsDomainClassValidator A specialised Spring validator that validates a domain class instance using the constraints defined in the static constraints closure.
InListConstraint A constraint that validates the property is contained within the supplied list.
MatchesConstraint Validates the property against a supplied regular expression.
MaxConstraint Implements a maximum value constraint.
MaxSizeConstraint Validates maximum size or length of the property, for strings and arrays this is the length and collections the size.
MinConstraint Implements a minimum value constraint.
MinSizeConstraint Validates minimum size or length of the property, for strings and arrays this is the length and collections the size.
NotEqualConstraint Validates not equal to something.
NullableConstraint Validates not null.
RangeConstraint Validates a range.
ScaleConstraint Manages the scale for floating point numbers (i.e., the number of digits to the right of the decimal point).
SizeConstraint Validates size of the property, for strings and arrays this is the length, collections the size and numbers the value.
UrlConstraint Validates a url.

Annotation Type Summary
Validateable @deprecated Use Validateable instead.

Groovy Documentation