Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh


Interface Summary
GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.DestinationFactory Factory to lazily instantiate the destination.

Class Summary
FactoryHolder Holds a reference to the Sitemesh Factory object.
GSPSitemeshPage Grails/GSP specific implementation of Sitemesh's AbstractHTMLPage
Grails5535Factory TODO remove this once is fixed.
GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper Implements the SiteMesh decorator mapper interface and allows grails views to map to grails layouts.
GrailsNoDecorator Grails version of Sitemesh's NoDecorator
GrailsPageFilter Extends the default page filter to overide the apply decorator behaviour if the page is a GSP
GrailsPageResponseWrapper @author Graeme Rocher
GroovyPageLayoutFinder Provides the logic for GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper without so many ties to the Sitemesh API.
SpringMVCViewDecorator Encapsulates the logic for rendering a layout.

Groovy Documentation