A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbstractAttributeStoringSession - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
AbstractClassMapping - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Abstract implementation of the ClassMapping interface.
AbstractClassMapping(PersistentEntity, MappingContext) - Constructor in AbstractClassMapping
AbstractClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
Abstract class for defining the event triggering interceptor
AbstractConnectionSourceFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Abstract implementation of the ConnectionSourceFactory interface
AbstractConnectionSources - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Abstract implementation of the ConnectionSources interface
AbstractConnectionSources(ConnectionSource<T, S>, ConnectionSourceFactory<T, S>, PropertyResolver) - Constructor in AbstractConnectionSources
AbstractCriteriaBuilder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query.criteria
Abstract criteria builder implementation
AbstractCriteriaBuilder(Class, QueryCreator, MappingContext) - Constructor in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
AbstractDatastore - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Abstract Datastore implementation that deals with binding the Session to thread locale upon creation.
AbstractDatastore(MappingContext, Map<String, Object>, ConfigurableApplicationContext, TPCacheAdapterRepository) - Constructor in AbstractDatastore
AbstractDatastoreApi - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm
@author Burt Beckwith
AbstractDatastoreApi(Datastore) - Constructor in AbstractDatastoreApi
AbstractDatastoreInitializer - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.bootstrap
Abstract class for datastore initializers to implement
AbstractDatastoreInitializer.GrailsBeanBuilderInit - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.bootstrap
AbstractDatastoreInitializer.GroovyBeanReaderInit - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.bootstrap
AbstractDatastoreInitializer(Map, Class) - Constructor in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.support
Abstract implementation of the persistence context interceptor
AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor(Datastore) - Constructor in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
AbstractDetachedCriteria - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query.criteria
Abstract super class for DetachedCriteria implementations
AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query.criteria
AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections(Projection>) - Constructor in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
AbstractDetachedCriteria(Class<T>, String) - Constructor in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Constructs a DetachedCriteria instance target the given class and alias for the name
AbstractEventTriggeringInterceptor - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
AbstractEventTriggeringInterceptor(AbstractHibernateDatastore) - Constructor in AbstractEventTriggeringInterceptor
AbstractFindByFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
AbstractFindByFinder(Pattern, MappingContext) - Constructor in AbstractFindByFinder
AbstractFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Abstract base class for finders.
AbstractFinder(Datastore) - Constructor in AbstractFinder
AbstractGormApi - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm
Abstract GORM API provider.
AbstractGormApi(Class<D>, MappingContext) - Constructor in AbstractGormApi
AbstractGormMappingFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config
Abstract GORM implementation that uses the GORM MappingConfigurationBuilder to configure entity mappings.
AbstractGrailsDomainBinder - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Handles the binding Grails domain classes and properties to the Hibernate runtime meta model.
AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
Constructs a Hibernate org.hibernate.SessionFactory
AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
Abstract super class for sharing code between Hibernate 3 and 4 implementations of HibernateCriteriaBuilder
AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder.LogicalExpression - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
instances of this class are pushed onto the logicalExpressionStack to represent all the unfinished "and", "or", and "not" expressions.
AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder.LogicalExpression(Object) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder.LogicalExpression
AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder(Class, SessionFactory, boolean) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
Adapts Grails datastore API to Hibernate API
AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter.CriterionAdaptor - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter() - Constructor in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
abstractHibernateCriterionAdapter - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
AbstractHibernateDatastore - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Datastore implementation that uses a Hibernate SessionFactory underneath.
AbstractHibernateDatastore.FlushMode - Enum in org.grails.orm.hibernate
We use a separate enum here because the classes differ between Hibernate 3 and 4
AbstractHibernateDatastore(MappingContext, SessionFactory, PropertyResolver) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateDatastore
AbstractHibernateEventListener - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.event.listener
AbstractHibernateEventListener(AbstractHibernateDatastore) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateEventListener
AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Abstract extension of the GormInstanceApi class that provides common logic shared by Hibernate 3 and Hibernate 4
AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi(Class<D>, AbstractHibernateDatastore, ClassLoader, IHibernateTemplate) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Abstract implementation of the Hibernate static API for GORM, providing String-based method implementations
AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi(Class<D>, Datastore, List<FinderMethod>, PlatformTransactionManager, IHibernateTemplate) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi(Class<D>, AbstractHibernateDatastore, ClassLoader) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
AbstractHibernateQuery - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
Bridges the Query API with the Hibernate Criteria API
AbstractHibernateQuery.CriteriaAndAlias - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
AbstractHibernateQuery.CriteriaAndAlias(Criteria, String, String) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateQuery.CriteriaAndAlias
AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery(DetachedCriteria, AbstractHibernateSession, PersistentEntity, Association, String) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateJunction - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateJunction(Junction, String) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateJunction
AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
AbstractHibernateQuery(Criteria, AbstractHibernateSession, PersistentEntity, String) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateQuery
AbstractHibernateSession - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Session implementation that wraps a Hibernate org.hibernate.Session.
AbstractHibernateSession(AbstractHibernateDatastore, SessionFactory) - Constructor in AbstractHibernateSession
AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.engine
Abstract implementation of the EntityPersister abstract class for key/value style stores.
AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister(MappingContext, PersistentEntity, Session, ApplicationEventPublisher) - Constructor in AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister
AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.types
Abstract implementation of CustomTypeMarshaller interface that handles the details of getting the correct mapped key for a property
AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller(Class<T>) - Constructor in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
AbstractMappingContext - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Abstract implementation of the MappingContext interface.
AbstractMappingContext(ConnectionSourceSettings) - Constructor in AbstractMappingContext
AbstractPersistenceEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
AbstractPersistenceEvent(Datastore, Object) - Constructor in AbstractPersistenceEvent
AbstractPersistenceEventListener - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
AbstractPersistenceEventListener(Datastore) - Constructor in AbstractPersistenceEventListener
AbstractPersistentCollection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.collection
Abstract base class for persistent collections.
AbstractPersistentCollection(Serializable, Session, AssociationQueryExecutor, Collection) - Constructor in AbstractPersistentCollection
AbstractPersistentEntity - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Abstract implementation to be subclasses on a per datastore basis
AbstractPersistentEntity(Class, MappingContext) - Constructor in AbstractPersistentEntity
AbstractPersistentProperty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Abstract implementation of the PersistentProperty interface that uses the PropertyDescriptor instance to establish name and type.
AbstractPersistentProperty(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in AbstractPersistentProperty
AbstractQueryEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.event
Base class for query events.
AbstractQueryEvent(Object, Query) - Constructor in AbstractQueryEvent
AbstractResultList - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query
An abstract result list for initializing objects lazily from a cursor
AbstractResultList(int, Integer, Iterator<Object>) - Constructor in AbstractResultList
AbstractSession - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Abstract implementation of the Session interface that uses a list of Persister instances to save, update and delete instances
AbstractSession(Datastore, MappingContext, ApplicationEventPublisher, TPCacheAdapterRepository, boolean) - Constructor in AbstractSession
add(Criterion) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
add(Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
add(Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
add(Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateJunction
add(Projection) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
add(Object) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
add(Object) - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
add(int, Object) - Method in DirtyCheckingList
add(E) - Method in PagedResultList
add(int, Object) - Method in PersistentList
add(Query.Junction, Query.Criterion) - Method in Query
Adds the specified criterion instance to the given junction
add(Criterion) - Method in Query.Junction
add(Projection) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
ADD_TO_PARAMETERS - Field in GormEntityTransformation
addAll(Collection) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
addAll(Collection) - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in DirtyCheckingList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in PagedResultList
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in PersistentList
addAnnotatedClasses(Class<?>) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
Add the given annotated classes in a batch.
addAnnotationIfNecessary(ClassNode, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in AstUtils
Adds an annotation to the give nclass node if it doesn't already exist
addAnnotationOrGetExisting(ClassNode, ClassNode, Map<String, Object>) - Method in AstUtils
addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener<?>) - Method in ConfigurableApplicationContextEventPublisher
addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener<?>) - Method in ConfigurableApplicationEventPublisher
Adds a new application listener
addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener<?>) - Method in DefaultApplicationEventPublisher
addAssociationQueryCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addCascadeOperation(PendingOperation<E, K>) - Method in PendingOperation
Adds an operation that should be executed after this operation
addCascadeOperation(PendingOperation<E, K>) - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
addConnectionSource(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
addConnectionSource(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in ConnectionSources
Adds a new ConnectionSource
addConnectionSource(String, PropertyResolver) - Method in InMemoryConnectionSources
addConnectionSource(String, PropertyResolver) - Method in SingletonConnectionSources
addConnectionSource(String, PropertyResolver) - Method in StaticConnectionSources
addEntityValidator(PersistentEntity, Validator) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
Adds a validator for an entity
addEntityValidator(PersistentEntity, Validator) - Method in MappingContext
Adds a validator to be used by the entity for validation
addExcludedListenerName(String) - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
addExternalPersistentEntity(Class) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
Adds an external PersistentEntity instance, one that is not managed and persisted by this context
addExternalPersistentEntity(Class) - Method in MappingContext
Adds a persistent entity that is not mapped by this MappingContext instance.
addInstanceMethods(PersistentEntity, boolean) - Method in GormEnhancer
addJunctionCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addLikeCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addListener(ConnectionSourcesListener<T, S>) - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
addListener(ConnectionSourcesListener<T, S>) - Method in ConnectionSources
Adds a listener
addMappingContextListener(Listener) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
addMappingContextListener(MappingContext.Listener) - Method in MappingContext
Adds a new mapping context listener instance
addNullabilityCheckerPreInsertEventListener(EventListenerRegistry) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
addObserver(SessionFactoryObserver) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
addPackages(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
Add the given annotated packages in a batch.
addPendingDelete(PendingDelete) - Method in AbstractSession
addPendingInsert(PendingInsert) - Method in AbstractSession
addPendingInsert(PendingInsert) - Method in SessionImplementor
Adds a pending insert operation
addPendingUpdate(PendingUpdate) - Method in AbstractSession
addPendingUpdate(PendingUpdate) - Method in SessionImplementor
Adds a pending update operation
addPersistentEntities(Class) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
addPersistentEntities(Class) - Method in MappingContext
Adds several PersistentEntity instances
addPersistentEntity(Class) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
Adds a PersistentEntity instance
addPersistentEntity(Class, boolean) - Method in MappingContext
Adds a PersistentEntity instance
addPostFlushOperation(Runnable) - Method in AbstractSession
addPostFlushOperation(Runnable) - Method in SessionImplementor
Adds an operation to be executed after a flush
addPreOperation(PendingOperation<E, K>) - Method in PendingOperation
Adds an operation to executed prior to other operations
addPreOperation(PendingOperation<E, K>) - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
addProjectionToList(Projection, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection to the projectList for the given alias
addPropertyComparisonCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addRangeQueryCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addSession(Session) - Method in SessionHolder
addSimpleCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addSimplePropertyCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addSizeComparisonCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addStaticMethods(PersistentEntity, boolean) - Method in GormEnhancer
addSubqueryCriterionAdapters() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
addTo(String, Object) - Method in GormEntity
Adds the given value to given association ensuring both sides are correctly associated
addToCriteria(Criterion) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
addToCriteria(Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
adds and returns the given criterion to the currently active criteria set.
addToCriteria(Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
addToCriteria(Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
addTransformedEntityName(String) - Method in AstUtils
@param name Adds the name of a transformed entity
addTypeConverter(Converter) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
addTypeConverter(Converter) - Method in MappingContext
Add a converter used to convert property values to and from the datastore
addUnderscore(String, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
addUnderscore(String, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
AFTER_DELETE_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
after(TestRuntime) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
AFTER_INSERT_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
AFTER_LOAD_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
AFTER_UPDATE_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
afterCommit() - Method in SpringSessionSynchronization
afterCompletion(int) - Method in SpringSessionSynchronization
afterDelete(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, PostDeleteEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
afterInsert(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, PostInsertEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
afterLoad(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, PostLoadEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
afterUpdate(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, PostUpdateEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
AggregateTimestampProvider - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.timestamp
*************************************************************************** Copyright 2014 original authors
alias - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
ALIAS - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
alias - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
alias - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.CriteriaAndAlias
alias - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
alias - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateJunction
aliasCount - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
aliasCount - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
aliases - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
aliasExpressions - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
aliasInstanceStack - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
aliasInstanceStack - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
aliasMap - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
aliasStack - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
aliasStack - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
ALL - Field in ConnectionSource
Constance for a mapping to all connection sources
ALL_DATA_SOURCES - Field in Entity
@deprecated Use ConnectionSource.DEFAULT instead
allEq(Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Apply an "equals" constraint to each property in the key set of a Map
allEq(Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria#allEq(java.util.Map)
allEq(Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
allEq(Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
allEq(Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
allEq(Map<String, Object>) - Method in Criteria
Apply an "equals" constraint to each property in the key set of a Map
allEq(Map<String, Object>) - Method in DetachedCriteria
allEq(Map<String, Object>) - Method in Query
Shortcut to restrict the query to multiple given property values
allowArbitraryCustomTypes() - Method in MappingFactory
allowCreate - Field in GrailsSessionContext
allQualifiers(Datastore, PersistentEntity) - Method in GormEnhancer
Obtain all of the qualifiers (typically the connection names) for the datastore and entity
AllTenantsResolver - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy
For discriminator based multi-tenancy the tenant resolver has to be able to resolve all tenant ids in order to be able to iterate of the the available tenants
and(Closure) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
and(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Handles a conjunction
AND - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
and(Criterion, Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
and(Criterion, Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
and(Closure) - Method in Criteria
Creates a logical conjunction
and(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
AND_OPERATOR - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
and(Query.Criterion, Query.Criterion) - Method in Query
Creates a conjunction using two specified criterion
and(Criterion, Criterion) - Method in Restrictions
apiDelegate - Field in MethodInvokingClosure
appendCriteriaForOperator(StringBuilder, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
appendListeners(EventListenerRegistry, EventType<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in EventListenerIntegrator
appendOrder(StringBuilder, String) - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
Application - Class in example
Created by graemerocher on 22/07/2016.
applicationContext - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
appliesToDatastore(Datastore, PersistentEntity) - Method in GormEnhancer
applyAdditionalCriteria(Query, Closure) - Method in AbstractFinder
applyDefaultSortOrderAndCaching() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
applyDependencies(DependencyCustomizer) - Method in GormCompilerAutoConfiguration
applyDetachedCriteria(Query, AbstractDetachedCriteria) - Method in DynamicFinder
ApplyDetachedCriteriaTransform - Annotation Type in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query.transform
Used only for testing
applyFetchStrategies() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
applyFlushMode(Session, boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Apply the flush mode that's been specified for this accessor to the given Session.
applyImports(ImportCustomizer) - Method in GormCompilerAutoConfiguration
applyLazyCriteria() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
applyLazyCriteria() - Method in DetachedCriteria
applyManualFlush(Session) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
applyManualFlush(Session) - Method in HibernateGormValidationApi
applyNewInstance(Configuration) - Method in GrailsIdentifierGeneratorFactory
applyOrder(List, Order) - Method in ManualEntityOrdering
applySettings(Criteria) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
applySettings(Criteria) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
applySortForMap(Query, Map, boolean) - Method in DynamicFinder
applySubCriteriaToJunction(PersistentEntity, AbstractHibernateQuery, Criterion>, Junction, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
areAssociationsDirty(Session, PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in DirtyCheckingSupport
Checks whether associations are dirty
areCollectionsEqual(Object, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
areEqual(Object, Object, String) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
args - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder.LogicalExpression
ARGUMENT_CACHE - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_CACHE - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_CACHE - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_DEEP_VALIDATE - Field in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
ARGUMENT_FETCH - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_FETCH - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_FETCH - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_IGNORE_CASE - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_IGNORE_CASE - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_IGNORE_CASE - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_LOCK - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_LOCK - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_LOCK - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_MAX - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_MAX - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_MAX - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_OFFSET - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_OFFSET - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_OFFSET - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_ORDER - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_ORDER - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_ORDER - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_SORT - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_SORT - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_SORT - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT - Field in DynamicFinder
ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
arguments - Field in MethodExpression
argumentsRequired - Field in MethodExpression
asBoolean(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Counts the number of records returned by the query
asBoolean() - Method in EventTriggerCaller
asc(String) - Method in Query.Order
Creates a new order for the given property in ascending order
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
assocationCriteria - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
Association - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models an association between one class and another
Association(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in Association
AssociationCriteria - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api
Interface for criteria related to an association
associationCriteriaMap - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
AssociationIndexer - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
Responsible for creating indices for associations used in queries.
associationKey - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
associationKey - Field in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
associationPath - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.CriteriaAndAlias
AssociationQuery - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used to capture the metadata for a query on an associated object.
AssociationQuery(Session, PersistentEntity, Association) - Constructor in AssociationQuery
AssociationQueryExecutor - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
An interface for classes that know how to query an association
AssociationQueryProxyHandler - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.proxy
A proxy handler that uses a AssociationQueryExecutor to retrieve the association
AssociationQueryProxyHandler(Session, AssociationQueryExecutor, Serializable) - Constructor in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
associations - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
associationStack - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
associationStack - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
associationtoString(String, Association) - Method in MappingFactory
AstUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
Utility methods for dealing with Groovy ASTs
AsyncQuery - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.async
Exposes all methods from the GormOperations interface asynchronously
AsyncQuery(GormOperations<E>) - Constructor in AsyncQuery
attach(D) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
attach(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
attach(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
attach() - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
attach() - Method in GormEntity
Attaches an instance to an existing session.
attach() - Method in GormEntityApi
Attaches an instance to an existing session.
attach(D) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Attaches an instance to an existing session.
attach(D) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Attaches an instance to an existing session.
attach(D) - Method in GormStaticApi
attach(Object) - Method in Session
Attaches an object the current session
attach(D) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
ATTACHED - Field in GormProperties
Attribute - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.document.config
Configures how a Java property maps to a Document attribute
attributes - Field in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
attributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in DynamicAttributes
Obtain the dynamic attributes combined with the provided attributes
autoAssociateBidirectionalOneToOnes(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in HibernateRuntimeUtils
autoImport(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
autoTimestamp(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Set whether auto time stamping should occur for last_updated and date_created columns
AutoTimestampEventListener - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.events
An event listener that adds support for GORM-style auto-timestamping
autoTimestampEventListener - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
AutoTimestampEventListener(MappingContext) - Constructor in AutoTimestampEventListener
autowire(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
autowireBeanProperties(Object) - Method in DomainEventListener
avg(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Computes the average value of a property
avg(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Adds a avg projection
avg(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
avg(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the property average value
avg(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
avg(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Adds a avg projection
avg(String) - Method in ProjectionList
Computes the average value of a property
avg(String) - Method in Projections
Computes the average value of a property
avg(String) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
Computes the average value of a property


BACKTICK - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
BACKTICK - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
Basic - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models a basic collection type such as a list of Strings
Basic(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in Basic
BasicTypeConverterRegistrar - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
A registrar that registers basic type converters
batchSize(Integer) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Configures the batch-size used for lazy loading
BEAN_ID - Field in SessionFactoryHolder
BeanEntityAccess - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
Class used to access properties of an entity.
BeanEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object) - Constructor in BeanEntityAccess
BeanFactoryValidatorRegistry - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.validation
Looks up validators from Spring
BeanFactoryValidatorRegistry(BeanFactory) - Constructor in BeanFactoryValidatorRegistry
beanWrapper - Field in BeanEntityAccess
BEFORE_DELETE_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
before(TestRuntime, Object) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
BEFORE_INSERT_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
BEFORE_LOAD_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
BEFORE_UPDATE_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
BEFORE_VALIDATE - Field in BeforeValidateHelper
beforeCommit(boolean) - Method in SpringSessionSynchronization
beforeCompletion() - Method in SpringSessionSynchronization
beforeDelete(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, PreDeleteEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
beforeInsert(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
beforeInsert(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, PreInsertEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
beforeInsert(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in ValidatingEventListener
beforeLoad(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, PreLoadEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
beforeUpdate(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
beforeUpdate(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, PreUpdateEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
beforeUpdate(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in ValidatingEventListener
BeforeValidateHelper - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.support
BeforeValidateHelper.BeforeValidateEventTriggerCaller - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.support
BeforeValidateHelper.BeforeValidateEventTriggerCaller(Class<?>, MetaClass) - Constructor in BeforeValidateHelper.BeforeValidateEventTriggerCaller
begin() - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
beginTransaction(TransactionDefinition) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
beginTransaction(TransactionDefinition) - Method in AbstractSession
beginTransaction(TransactionDefinition) - Method in Session
Starts a transaction
beginTransactionInternal() - Method in AbstractSession
BELONGS_TO - Field in GormProperties
between(String, Object, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Restricts the results by the given property value range (inclusive)
between(String, Object, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
BETWEEN - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
between(String, Object, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
between(String, Object, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
between(String, Object, Object) - Method in Criteria
Restricts the results by the given property value range (inclusive)
between(String, Object, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
between(String, Object, Object) - Method in Query
Restricts the results by the given property value range
between(String, Object, Object) - Method in Restrictions
Restricts the results by the given property value range
BIG_DECIMAL - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
BIG_INTEGER - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
BINARY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
bindClass(PersistentEntity, PersistentClass, Mappings) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds the specified persistant class to the runtime model based on the properties defined in the domain class
bindClass(PersistentEntity, PersistentClass, InFlightMetadataCollector) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds the specified persistant class to the runtime model based on the properties defined in the domain class
bindCollection(ToMany, Collection, PersistentClass, Mappings, String, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
First pass to bind collection to Hibernate metamodel, sets up second pass
bindCollection(ToMany, Collection, PersistentClass, InFlightMetadataCollector, String, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
First pass to bind collection to Hibernate metamodel, sets up second pass
bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(Collection, PropertyConfig) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(Collection, PropertyConfig) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindCollectionSecondPass(ToMany, Mappings, Map<?, ?>, Collection, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindCollectionSecondPass(ToMany, InFlightMetadataCollector, Map<?, ?>, Collection, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindCollectionTable(ToMany, Mappings, Collection, Table, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindCollectionTable(ToMany, InFlightMetadataCollector, Collection, Table, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindCollectionWithJoinTable(ToMany, Mappings, Collection, PropertyConfig, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindCollectionWithJoinTable(ToMany, InFlightMetadataCollector, Collection, PropertyConfig, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindColumn(PersistentProperty, PersistentProperty, Column, ColumnConfig, String, Table, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a Column instance to the Hibernate meta model
bindColumn(PersistentProperty, PersistentProperty, Column, ColumnConfig, String, Table, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a Column instance to the Hibernate meta model
bindColumnConfigToColumn(PersistentProperty, Column, ColumnConfig) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindColumnConfigToColumn(PersistentProperty, Column, ColumnConfig) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindComponent(Component, Embedded, boolean, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a Hibernate component type using the given GrailsDomainClassProperty instance
bindComponent(Component, Embedded, boolean, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a Hibernate component type using the given GrailsDomainClassProperty instance
bindComponentProperty(Component, PersistentProperty, PersistentProperty, PersistentClass, String, Table, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindComponentProperty(Component, PersistentProperty, PersistentProperty, PersistentClass, String, Table, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindCompositeId(PersistentEntity, RootClass, CompositeIdentity, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindCompositeId(PersistentEntity, RootClass, CompositeIdentity, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindCompositeIdentifierToManyToOne(Association, SimpleValue, CompositeIdentity, PersistentEntity, String, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindCompositeIdentifierToManyToOne(Association, SimpleValue, CompositeIdentity, PersistentEntity, String, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindDependentKeyValue(PersistentProperty, DependantValue, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds the primary key value column
bindDependentKeyValue(PersistentProperty, DependantValue, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds the primary key value column
bindDiscriminatorProperty(Table, RootClass, Mappings) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Creates and binds the discriminator property used in table-per-hierarchy inheritance to discriminate between sub class instances
bindDiscriminatorProperty(Table, RootClass, InFlightMetadataCollector) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Creates and binds the discriminator property used in table-per-hierarchy inheritance to discriminate between sub class instances
bindEnumType(PersistentProperty, Class<?>, SimpleValue, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindEnumType(PersistentProperty, Class<?>, SimpleValue, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindIdentity(HibernatePersistentEntity, RootClass, Mappings, Mapping, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindIdentity(HibernatePersistentEntity, RootClass, InFlightMetadataCollector, Mapping, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindIndex(String, Column, ColumnConfig, Table) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindIndex(String, Column, ColumnConfig, Table) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindJoinedSubClass(HibernatePersistentEntity, JoinedSubclass, Mappings, Mapping, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a joined sub-class mapping using table-per-subclass
bindJoinedSubClass(HibernatePersistentEntity, JoinedSubclass, InFlightMetadataCollector, Mapping, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a joined sub-class mapping using table-per-subclass
bindListSecondPass(ToMany, Mappings, Map<?, ?>, List, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindListSecondPass(ToMany, InFlightMetadataCollector, Map<?, ?>, List, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindManyToMany(Association, ManyToOne, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a many-to-many relationship.
bindManyToMany(Association, ManyToOne, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a many-to-many relationship.
bindManyToOne(Association, ManyToOne, String, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a many-to-one relationship to the
bindManyToOne(Association, ManyToOne, String, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a many-to-one relationship to the
bindManyToOneValues(Association, ManyToOne) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindManyToOneValues(Association, ManyToOne) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindMapSecondPass(ToMany, Mappings, Map<?, ?>, Map, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindMapSecondPass(ToMany, InFlightMetadataCollector, Map<?, ?>, Map, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindNaturalIdentifier(Table, Mapping, PersistentClass) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindNaturalIdentifier(Table, Mapping, PersistentClass) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindNewSession(Session) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Adds the session to the current SessionHolder's list of sessions, making it the current session.
bindNumericColumnConstraints(Column, PersistentProperty, ColumnConfig) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Interrogates the specified constraints looking for any constraints that would limit the precision and/or scale of the property's value.
bindNumericColumnConstraints(Column, PersistentProperty, ColumnConfig) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Interrogates the specified constraints looking for any constraints that would limit the precision and/or scale of the property's value.
bindOneToMany(OneToMany, OneToMany, Mappings) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindOneToMany(OneToMany, OneToMany, InFlightMetadataCollector) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindOneToOne(OneToOne, OneToOne, String, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindOneToOne(OneToOne, OneToOne, String, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindOneToOneInternal(OneToOne, OneToOne, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindOneToOneInternal(OneToOne, OneToOne, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindProperty(PersistentProperty, Property, Mappings) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a property to Hibernate runtime meta model.
bindProperty(PersistentProperty, Property, InFlightMetadataCollector) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a property to Hibernate runtime meta model.
bindRoot(HibernatePersistentEntity, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a root class (one with no super classes) to the runtime meta model based on the supplied Grails domain class
bindRoot(HibernatePersistentEntity, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a root class (one with no super classes) to the runtime meta model based on the supplied Grails domain class
bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(HibernatePersistentEntity, RootClass, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(HibernatePersistentEntity, RootClass, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindSession(Session, Object) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Bind the session to the thread with a SessionHolder keyed by its Datastore.
bindSimpleId(PersistentProperty, RootClass, Mappings, Identity, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindSimpleId(PersistentProperty, RootClass, InFlightMetadataCollector, Identity, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindSimpleValue(String, SimpleValue, boolean, String, Mappings) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a value for the specified parameters to the meta model.
bindSimpleValue(String, SimpleValue, boolean, String, InFlightMetadataCollector) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a value for the specified parameters to the meta model.
bindStringColumnConstraints(Column, PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Interrogates the specified constraints looking for any constraints that would limit the length of the property's value.
bindStringColumnConstraints(Column, PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Interrogates the specified constraints looking for any constraints that would limit the length of the property's value.
bindSubClass(HibernatePersistentEntity, Subclass, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a sub-class using table-per-hierarchy inheritance mapping
bindSubClass(HibernatePersistentEntity, Subclass, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a sub-class using table-per-hierarchy inheritance mapping
bindSubClasses(HibernatePersistentEntity, PersistentClass, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds the sub classes of a root class using table-per-heirarchy inheritance mapping
bindSubClasses(HibernatePersistentEntity, PersistentClass, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds the sub classes of a root class using table-per-heirarchy inheritance mapping
bindUnidirectionalOneToMany(OneToMany, Mappings, Collection) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Binds a unidirectional one-to-many creating a psuedo back reference property in the process.
bindUnidirectionalOneToMany(OneToMany, InFlightMetadataCollector, Collection) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a unidirectional one-to-many creating a psuedo back reference property in the process.
bindUnidirectionalOneToManyInverseValues(ToMany, ManyToOne) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
@param property
bindUnidirectionalOneToManyInverseValues(ToMany, ManyToOne) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
@param property
bindUnionSubclass(HibernatePersistentEntity, UnionSubclass, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindUnionSubclass(HibernatePersistentEntity, UnionSubclass, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
bindVersion(PersistentProperty, RootClass, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
bindVersion(PersistentProperty, RootClass, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
BLOB - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Book - Class in example
Created by graemerocher on 22/07/2016.
BookController - Class in example
Created by graemerocher on 22/07/2016.
books() - Method in BookController
BookView - Interface in example
Created by graemerocher on 22/07/2016.
BOOLEAN - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
build(Closure) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
build(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Enable the builder syntax for constructing Criteria
build(Class<?>, MetaClass, Class<?>) - Method in BeforeValidateHelper.BeforeValidateEventTriggerCaller
build() - Method in ConfigurationBuilder
build() - Method in DataSourceBuilder
build(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Enable the builder syntax for constructing Criteria
build() - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder
build(Class, String, Object) - Method in MappingContextAwareConstraintFactory
BuildableCriteria - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api
@author Jeff Brown
buildCaller(String, Class<?>, MetaClass, Class<?>) - Method in EventTriggerCaller
buildConfiguration(String, ConnectionSource<DataSource, DataSourceSettings>, HibernateConnectionSourceSettings) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
buildCriteria(Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
buildDelete() - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
Builds a DELETE statement
buildDiscriminatorSet(HibernatePersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
buildDiscriminatorSet(HibernatePersistentEntity) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
buildJunction(Junction, List<Criterion>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder.LogicalExpression
buildLazy(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Enable the builder syntax for constructing Criteria
buildLazy(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Enable the builder syntax for constructing Criteria
buildMetadata(ExecutionContext, ServiceRegistry) - Method in SchemaExportCommand
buildOrderByClause(String, PersistentClass, String, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
buildOrderByClause(String, PersistentClass, String, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
buildProxyFactory(PersistentClass) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
buildProxyFactory(PersistentClass, Getter, Setter) - Method in GroovyAwarePojoEntityTuplizer
buildProxyFactoryInternal(PersistentClass, Getter, Setter) - Method in GroovyAwarePojoEntityTuplizer
buildQuery(DynamicFinderInvocation, Class<?>, Query) - Method in AbstractFindByFinder
buildQuery(DynamicFinderInvocation, Class<?>, Query) - Method in CountByFinder
buildQuery(DynamicFinderInvocation, Class<?>, Query) - Method in FindAllByFinder
buildQuery(DynamicFinderInvocation, Session) - Method in QueryBuildingFinder
Build a query from an invocation
buildQueryableCriteria(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
buildQueryableCriteria(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
buildRecurse(Object, Object, String) - Method in ConfigurationBuilder
buildRuntimeSettings(String, PropertyResolver, F) - Method in AbstractConnectionSourceFactory
buildSelect() - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
Builds SELECT statement
buildSessionFactory() - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
buildSessionFactory() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
buildSettings(String, PropertyResolver, F, boolean) - Method in AbstractConnectionSourceFactory
buildSettings(String, PropertyResolver, F, boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory
buildSettings(String, PropertyResolver, F, boolean) - Method in DataSourceConnectionSourceFactory
buildSettings(String, PropertyResolver, F, boolean) - Method in SingletonConnectionSources.NullConnectionFactory
buildSubQuery(StringBuilder, StringBuilder, int, List, ConversionService, boolean, boolean, QueryableCriteria) - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
buildUpdate(Map<String, Object>) - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
Builds an UPDATE statement.
BYTE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
ByteArrayToStringConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster


cache(boolean) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
cache(boolean) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
cache(boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Whether to use the query cache
cache(boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
cache(boolean) - Method in BuildableCriteria
Whether to cache the query
cache(boolean) - Method in Criteria
cache(boolean) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
cache(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
cache(boolean) - Method in Query
Specifies whether the query results should be cached (if supported by the underlying datastore)
cacheAdapterRepository - Field in AbstractDatastore
cacheAdapterRepository - Field in AbstractSession
cacheAdapterRepository - Field in ThirdPartyCacheEntityPersister
cacheCollection(PersistentEntity, Serializable, Collection, String) - Method in AbstractSession
cacheCollection(PersistentEntity, Serializable, Collection, String) - Method in SessionImplementor
Caches a collection
CacheConfig - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Defines the cache configuration.
cacheCriteriaByMapping(AbstractHibernateDatastore, Class<?>, Criteria) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
cacheCriteriaMapping() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
cacheCriteriaMapping() - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
cachedClassProperties - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
cachedShouldTrigger - Field in AbstractHibernateEventListener
cacheEmbeddedEntry(PersistentEntity, Serializable, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
cacheEntry(Serializable, Object, Map<Serializable, Object>, boolean) - Method in AbstractSession
cacheEntry(Serializable, T) - Method in HashMapTPCacheAdapter
cacheEntry(PersistentEntity, Serializable, T) - Method in SessionImplementor
Caches a native entry
cacheEntry(Serializable, T) - Method in TPCacheAdapter
Stores a cached entry in a synchronous manner.
CacheException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.cache.exception
Top-level exception used to report problems with third-party cache operations
CacheException(Throwable) - Constructor in CacheException
cacheInstance(Class, Serializable, Object) - Method in AbstractSession
cacheInstance(Class, Serializable, Object) - Method in SessionImplementor
Caches an instance
cacheNativeEntry(PersistentEntity, Serializable, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
cacheObject(Serializable, Object) - Method in AbstractSession
cacheQueries - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
calculatePropertyName(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Calculates the property name including any alias paths
calculatePropertyName(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
calculatePropertyName(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
calculatePropertyValue(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Calculates the property value, converting GStrings if necessary
calculateTableForMany(ToMany, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Calculates the mapping table for a many-to-many.
calculateTableForMany(ToMany, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Calculates the mapping table for a many-to-many.
CALENDAR_DATE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
CALENDAR - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
call(Object, List<?>) - Method in BeforeValidateHelper.BeforeValidateEventTriggerCaller
call(Object, Object) - Method in EventTriggerCaller
call(Object) - Method in InstanceMethodInvokingClosure
call(Object) - Method in MethodInvokingClosure
call(Object) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
call(Object) - Method in StaticMethodInvokingClosure
canBindOneToOneWithSingleColumnAndForeignKey(Association) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
canBindOneToOneWithSingleColumnAndForeignKey(Association) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
cancel() - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
cancelDelete(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
Fire the beforeDelete event on an entityAccess object and return true if the operation should be cancelled
cancelInsert(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
Fire the beforeInsert even on an entityAccess object and return true if the operation should be cancelled
cancelLoad(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
Fire the beforeDelete event on an entityAccess object and return true if the operation should be cancelled
cancelUpdate(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
Fire the beforeUpdate event on an entityAccess object and return true if the operation should be cancelled
canConvert(TypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptor) - Method in DefaultConversionService
CANDIDATE_METHODS_WHERE_ONLY - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
capitalize(String) - Method in NameUtils
Converts a property name to class name according to the JavaBean convention
CASCADE_ALL - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
CASCADE_ALL_DELETE_ORPHAN - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
CASCADE_ALL_DELETE_ORPHAN - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
CASCADE_ALL - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
CASCADE_NONE - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
CASCADE_NONE - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
CASCADE_SAVE_UPDATE - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
CASCADE_SAVE_UPDATE - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
cascadeAfterDelete(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, K, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Delete many-to-ones after owner delete.
cascadeBeforeDelete(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, K, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Delete collections before owner delete.
cascadeDeleteCollection(EntityAccess, Association) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
CascadingValidator - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation
Extends the default Spring Validator interface and provides an additional method that specifies whether validation should cascade into associations.
CHAR_ARRAY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
CHARACTER_ARRAY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
CHARACTER - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
checkHasSingleColumn() - Method in PropertyConfig
childType - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
CLASS - Field in GormProperties
CLASS - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
classLoader - Field in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
classLoader - Field in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
classLoader - Field in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
classLoader - Field in HibernateGormStaticApi
classLoader - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
ClassMapping - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
A class mapping is a mapping between a class and some external form such as a table, column family, or document (depending on the underlying data store).
classMapping - Field in NativeEntryEntityPersister
ClassPropertyFetcher - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
Reads the properties of a class in an optimized manner avoiding exceptions.
ClassPropertyFetcher.ReferenceInstanceCallback - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
ClassUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
Helper methods for dealing with classes and reflection
cleanup() - Method in HibernateSpec
clear() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
clear(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
clear() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
clear(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
clear() - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
clear() - Method in DirtyCheckingMap
clear() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
clear() - Method in IHibernateTemplate
clear() - Method in PagedResultList
clear() - Method in PropertyResolverMap
clear(Object) - Method in Session
Clear a specific object
clearCache() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
clearErrors() - Method in GormValidateable
Clears any errors that exist on an instance
clearErrors(D) - Method in GormValidationApi
Clears any errors that exist on an instance
clearMappingCache(Class<?>) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
clearMappingCache(Class<?>) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
clearPendingOperations() - Method in AbstractSession
clearReflectors() - Method in FieldEntityAccess
clearSessionProperty(String) - Method in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
Clear a property in a session.
clearSessionProperty(String) - Method in Session
Clear a property in a session.
CLOB - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
clone() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
clone() - Method in DetachedCriteria
clone() - Method in HibernateQuery
clone() - Method in Property
clone() - Method in PropertyConfig
clone() - Method in Query
cloneAnnotation(AnnotationNode) - Method in AstUtils
close() - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
close() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
close() - Method in DataSourceConnectionSource
close() - Method in DefaultConnectionSource
close() - Method in GormEnhancer
Closes the enhancer clearing any stored static state
close() - Method in HibernateConnectionSource
close(TestRuntime) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
close() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
closed - Field in DefaultConnectionSource
closeSession() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Closes the session if it is copen
closeSession(Session) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Perform actual closing of the Session, catching and logging any cleanup exceptions thrown.
closeSession() - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Closes the session if it is copen
closeSessionOrRegisterDeferredClose(Session, Datastore) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Close the given Session or register it for deferred close.
ClosureEventListener - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
ClosureEventListener(PersistentEntity, boolean, List) - Constructor in ClosureEventListener
ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
Listens for Hibernate events and publishes corresponding Datastore events.
ClosureToMapPopulator - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
A simple class that takes method invocations and property setters and populates the arguments of these into the supplied map ignoring null values.
ClosureToMapPopulator() - Constructor in ClosureToMapPopulator
collectDomainAnnotations(Class, Class<? extends SharedRuntimeConfigurer>) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
collectDomainClassesFromAnnotations(Class, Class<? extends SharedRuntimeConfigurer>) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
Collection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.document.config
Configures how an entity is mapped onto a Document collection
collection - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
collectMappedClasses(String) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
column(Map) - Method in PropertyDefinitionDelegate
ColumnConfig - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Defines a column within the mapping.
ColumnDatastore - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.column
@author Guillaume Laforge
columns(Closure) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
comment(String) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
commit() - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
commit(TransactionStatus) - Method in PlatformTransactionManagerProxy
commit() - Method in SessionOnlyTransaction
commit() - Method in Transaction
Commit the transaction.
comparator() - Method in PersistentSortedSet
compilationUnit - Field in DirtyCheckingTransformer
compilationUnit - Field in GormEntityTransformation
CompositeIdentity - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Represents a composite identity, equivalent to Hibernate mapping.
CONFIG_PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERIES - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
CONFIG_PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERIES - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
CONFIG_PROPERTY_OSIV_READONLY - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
CONFIG_PROPERTY_OSIV_READONLY - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
configClass - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
ConfigurableApplicationContextEventPublisher - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.events
Bridge to Spring ApplicationContext event publishing
ConfigurableApplicationContextEventPublisher(ConfigurableApplicationContext) - Constructor in ConfigurableApplicationContextEventPublisher
ConfigurableApplicationEventPublisher - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.events
An org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher that is configurable with new listeners
configuration - Field in AbstractConnectionSources
CONFIGURATION_PREFIX - Field in AbstractMappingContext
ConfigurationBuilder - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config
A generic configuration builder that implementors can implement to construct the configuration from the source org.springframework.core.env.PropertyResolver
ConfigurationBuilder(PropertyResolver, String, Object, String) - Constructor in ConfigurationBuilder
@param propertyResolver The property resolver
ConfigurationException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.exceptions
An exception thrown if a configuration error occurs
ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in ConfigurationException
ConfigurationUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config
Utility methods for configuration
configure() - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
Configures for an existing Mongo instance
configure(PropertyResolver) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
configure() - Method in DynamicMethodsConfigurer
configure() - Method in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
Configures an in-memory test data source, don't use in production
configureDataSources(PropertyResolver) - Method in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
configureDerivedProperties(PersistentEntity, Mapping) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
configureDerivedProperties(PersistentEntity, Mapping) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
configureForBeanDefinitionRegistry(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
Configures an existing BeanDefinitionRegistry
configureForDataSource(DataSource) - Method in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
configureNamingStrategy(String, Object) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Override the default naming strategy given a Class or a full class name, or an instance of a NamingStrategy.
configureNamingStrategy(String, Object) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Override the default naming strategy given a Class or a full class name, or an instance of a NamingStrategy.
configureQueryWithArguments(Class, Query, Object) - Method in DynamicFinder
configureSpring(Closure) - Method in SpringConfigurer
configureValidationRegistry(PropertyResolver, HibernateMappingContext) - Method in HibernateDatastore
ConfigUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config.utils
@author Graeme Rocher
conjunction() - Method in Query
Creates a conjunction (AND) query
connect(PropertyResolver) - Method in AbstractDatastore
connect() - Method in Datastore
Connects to the datastore with the default connection details, normally provided via the datastore implementations constructor
connected - Field in AbstractHibernateSession
connection(String) - Method in Entity
Sets the datastore to use
connectionDetails - Field in AbstractDatastore
ConnectionNotFoundException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Thrown when a session cannot be located.
ConnectionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor in ConnectionNotFoundException
connections(List<String>) - Method in Entity
Sets the connection to use
ConnectionSource - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Represents a connection source, which could be a SQL DataSource, a MongoClient etc.
ConnectionSourceFactory - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
A factory for creating new ConnectionSource instances
connectionSourceFactory - Field in AbstractConnectionSources
connectionSourceMap - Field in InMemoryConnectionSources
connectionSourceMap - Field in StaticConnectionSources
ConnectionSources - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Models multiple connection sources
connectionSources - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
connectionSources - Field in GormStaticApi
ConnectionSourceSettings - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Default settings shared across all implementations
ConnectionSourceSettings.CustomSettings - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Any custom settings
ConnectionSourceSettings.DefaultSettings - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Represents the default settings
ConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Builder for the default settings
ConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder(PropertyResolver, String) - Constructor in ConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder
ConnectionSourcesInitializer - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Initializer sequence for creating ConnectionSources
ConnectionSourcesListener - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
A listener for connection sources
ConnectionSourcesProvider - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
An interfaces for classes that provide ConnectionSources
ConnectionSourcesSupport - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Utility methods for ConnectionSource handling
connectPersistenceInterceptor(TestRuntime) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
connectStateless() - Method in AbstractDatastore
connectStateless() - Method in StatelessDatastore
Connect and return a stateless session
CONSTANT_NULL - Field in DirtyCheckingTransformer
CONSTRAINTS - Field in GormProperties
contains(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
contains(Object) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
contains(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
contains(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
contains(Object) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
contains(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
contains(Object) - Method in Session
Whether the object is contained within the first level cache
containsAll(Collection) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in PagedResultList
containsFetchProfileDefinition(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
containsKey(Object) - Method in PropertyResolverMap
containsRegisteredBean(Object, BeanDefinitionRegistry, String) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
containsSession(Session) - Method in SessionHolder
containsValue(Object) - Method in PropertyResolverMap
context - Field in AbstractClassMapping
context - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
context - Field in AbstractPersistentProperty
contribute(InFlightMetadataCollector, IndexView) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
conversionService - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
conversionService - Field in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
conversionService - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
conversionService - Field in AbstractMappingContext
conversionService - Field in HibernateGormStaticApi
convert(byte[]) - Method in ByteArrayToStringConverter
convert(Object, TypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptor) - Method in DefaultConversionService
convert(Double) - Method in DoubleToFloatConverter
convert(int[]) - Method in IntArrayToIntegerArrayConverter
convert(Integer) - Method in IntegerToByteConverter
convert(Integer) - Method in IntegerToShortConverter
convert(long[]) - Method in LongArrayToLongArrayConverter
convert(String) - Method in StringToBigDecimalConverter
convert(String) - Method in StringToBigIntegerConverter
convert(String) - Method in StringToByteArrayConverter
convert(String) - Method in StringToCurrencyConverter
convert(String) - Method in StringToLocaleConverter
convert(String) - Method in StringToShortConverter
convert(String) - Method in StringToTimeZoneConverter
convert(String) - Method in StringToURLConverter
convertArgumentList(Collection) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
convertArgumentList(List) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
convertArguments(PersistentEntity) - Method in MethodExpression
convertArguments(PersistentEntity) - Method in MethodExpression.InList
convertArguments(PersistentEntity) - Method in MethodExpression.InRange
convertBasicEntryValue(PersistentEntity, Basic, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Convert a Basic (collection-style) property native entry value taken from an entity into the target property type.
convertHibernateAccessException(HibernateException) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
convertIdentifier(Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
convertIdentityIfNecessasry(PersistentProperty, Serializable) - Method in AbstractSession
convertIdIfNecessary(PersistentEntity, Serializable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
convertJdbcAccessException(JDBCException, SQLExceptionTranslator) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
convertObject(Object) - Method in AbstractResultList
convertOrder(Order, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
convertStringValue(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter.CriterionAdaptor
convertToHibernateCriteria(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
convertToHibernateCriteria(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
convertToJtaStatus(TransactionStatus) - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
convertToNativeKey(Serializable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Subclasses should override to provide any conversion necessary to convert to a nativeKey
convertValueToType(Object, Class, ConversionService) - Method in HibernateRuntimeUtils
copyAnnotations(AnnotatedNode, AnnotatedNode, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Method in AstUtils
copyParameters(Map<String, ClassNode>, Parameter, List<String>) - Method in AstUtils
CouldNotDetermineHibernateDialectException - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.exceptions
Thrown when no Hibernate dialect could be found for a database name.
CouldNotDetermineHibernateDialectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in CouldNotDetermineHibernateDialectException
count() - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Count the number of records returned
count() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
count - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
count() - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
count() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
COUNT_CALL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
count(Closure) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
Defines and executes a count query in a single call.
count(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Counts the number of records returned by the query
count() - Method in GormEntity
Counts the number of persisted entities
count(Map, Closure) - Method in GormQueryOperations
Counts the number of records returned by the query
count() - Method in GormStaticApi
Counts the number of persisted entities
count() - Method in GormStaticOperations
Counts the number of persisted entities
count(Closure) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
COUNT_PROJECTION - Field in Projections
count() - Method in ProjectionList
Count the number of records returned
count() - Method in Projections
Projection that returns the number of records from the query instead of the results themselves
count() - Method in Query.ProjectionList
count() - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
CountByFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Supports counting objects.
CountByFinder(MappingContext) - Constructor in CountByFinder
countDigits(Number) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
@return a count of the digits in the specified number
countDigits(Number) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
@return a count of the digits in the specified number
countDistinct(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Projection that signifies to count distinct results
countDistinct(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
countDistinct(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the distinct property count
countDistinct(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
countDistinct(Collection, String) - Method in ManualProjections
Counts the number of distinct values
countDistinct(String) - Method in ProjectionList
Count the number of records returned
countDistinct(String) - Method in Projections
Projection that signifies to return only distinct results
countDistinct(String) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
create(String, PropertyResolver, F) - Method in AbstractConnectionSourceFactory
create(String, ConnectionSource<DataSource, DataSourceSettings>, HibernateConnectionSourceSettings) - Method in AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory
Creates a ConnectionSource for the given DataSource
create(String, PropertyResolver, F) - Method in ConnectionSourceFactory
Creates a new ConnectionSource for the given name and configuration
create(ConnectionSourceFactory<T, S>, PropertyResolver) - Method in ConnectionSourcesInitializer
Creates the ConnectionSources for the given factory and configuration
create(ClassLoader) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
create(String, DataSourceSettings) - Method in DataSourceConnectionSourceFactory
create() - Method in GormEntity
Creates an instance of this class
create() - Method in GormStaticApi
Creates an instance of this class
create() - Method in GormStaticOperations
Creates an instance of this class
create(String, ConnectionSource<DataSource, DataSourceSettings>, HibernateConnectionSourceSettings) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
create(String, S) - Method in SingletonConnectionSources.NullConnectionFactory
create(String, DataSourceSettings) - Method in SpringDataSourceConnectionSourceFactory
create() - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
createAggregateBeanDefinition(ManagedList) - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptorAggregator
createAggregatePersistenceContextInterceptorOnDemand(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptorAggregator
createAlias(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
If the underlying datastore supports aliases, then an alias is created for the given association
createAlias(String, String, int) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Join an association using the specified join-type, assigning an alias to the joined association.
createAlias(String, String, int) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Join an association using the specified join-type, assigning an alias to the joined association.
createApplicationContext() - Method in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
createBasicCollection(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
createBootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder() - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
Creates the org.hibernate.boot.registry.BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder to use
createBuilder() - Method in ConfigurationBuilder
Creates the native builder
createBuilder() - Method in ConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder
createBuilder() - Method in DataSourceSettingsBuilder
createBuilder() - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder
createClassProperties(HibernatePersistentEntity, PersistentClass, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Creates and binds the properties for the specified Grails domain class and PersistentClass and binds them to the Hibernate runtime meta model
createClassProperties(HibernatePersistentEntity, PersistentClass, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Creates and binds the properties for the specified Grails domain class and PersistentClass and binds them to the Hibernate runtime meta model
createCollection() - Method in PersistentSet
createConcreteCollection(Class) - Method in MappingUtils
Creates a concrete collection for the supplied interface
createConfigurationBuilder(PersistentEntity, R) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
createCriteria() - Method in GormEntity
Creates a criteria builder instance
createCriteria() - Method in GormStaticApi
Creates a criteria builder instance
createCriteria() - Method in GormStaticOperations
Creates a criteria builder instance
createCriteria() - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
createCriteria() - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
createCriteriaInstance() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
createCriteriaInstance() - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.Between
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.Equal
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.GreaterThan
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.GreaterThanEquals
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.Ilike
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.InList
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.InRange
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.IsEmpty
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.IsNotEmpty
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.IsNotNull
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.IsNull
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.LessThan
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.LessThanEquals
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.Like
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.NotEqual
createCriterion() - Method in MethodExpression.Rlike
createCurrentSessionContext() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
createCustom(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates a custom prpoerty type
createdAssociationPaths - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
createDefaultIdentityMapping(ClassMapping, T) - Method in MappingFactory
createDialectFactory() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
createDocumentMappingFactory(Closure) - Method in DocumentMappingContext
createDynamicFinders(Datastore) - Method in GormEnhancer
createEmbedded(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates an Embedded type used to model an embedded association (composition)
createEmbeddedCacheEntryKey(Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
createEmbeddedCollection(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates an EmbeddedCollection type used to model an embedded collection association (composition).
createEmbeddedEntity(Class) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
createEmbeddedEntity(Class) - Method in HibernateMappingContext
createEmbeddedEntity(Class) - Method in MappingContext
createEnhancer() - Method in DynamicMethodsConfigurer
createEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
createEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in AbstractSession
createEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in EntityPersister
createEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in MappingContext
Creates an EntityAccess instance for the given entity and instance of said entity
createEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
createEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in SessionImplementor
createFinderInvocation(Class, String, Closure, Object) - Method in DynamicFinder
createGormInstanceApi(Class) - Method in DynamicMethodsConfigurer
createGormStaticApi(Class, List<FinderMethod>) - Method in DynamicMethodsConfigurer
createHibernateCriterionAdapter() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
createHibernateCriterionAdapter() - Method in HibernateQuery
createHqlQuery(Session, Query) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
createHqlQuery(Session, Query) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
createIdentity(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates an identifier property
createIdentityMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
createIdentityMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in MappingFactory
createKeyForProps(PersistentProperty, String, Table, String, List<?>, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
createKeyForProps(PersistentProperty, String, Table, String, List<?>, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
createManyToMany(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates a ManyToMany type used to model a many-to-many association between entities
createManyToOne(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates a many-to-one association type used for a mapping a many-to-one association between entities
createMappedForm(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
createMappedForm(PersistentProperty) - Method in GormKeyValueMappingFactory
createMappedForm(PersistentProperty) - Method in KeyValueMappingFactory
createMappedForm(PersistentProperty) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates the mapped form of a PersistentProperty instance
createMarkDirtyMethodCall(MethodNode, String, Variable) - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
createMethodHandler(Session, Class, Class, Serializable) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
createNamedQuery(Class, String, Object) - Method in GormEnhancer
Finds a named query for the given entity
createNativeObjectForEmbedded(Association, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
createNewEntry(String, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Creates a new entry for the given family.
createObjectFromEmbeddedNativeEntry(PersistentEntity, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
createObjectFromNativeEntry(PersistentEntity, Serializable, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
createOneToMany(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates a OneToMany type used to model a one-to-many association between entities
createOneToOne(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates a one-to-one association type used for mapping a one-to-one association between entities
createPagedResultList(Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
createPagedResultList(Map) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
createPersistentEntity(Class, boolean) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
createPersistentEntity(Class, boolean) - Method in DocumentMappingContext
createPersistentEntity(Class, boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingContext
createPersistentEntity(Class, boolean) - Method in KeyValueMappingContext
createPersister(Class, MappingContext) - Method in AbstractSession
createPrimaryKeyValue(Mappings, PersistentProperty, Collection, Map<?, ?>) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Creates the DependentValue object that forms a primary key reference for the collection.
createPrimaryKeyValue(InFlightMetadataCollector, PersistentProperty, Collection, Map<?, ?>) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Creates the DependentValue object that forms a primary key reference for the collection.
createProperty(Value, PersistentClass, PersistentProperty, Mappings) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
createProperty(Value, PersistentClass, PersistentProperty, InFlightMetadataCollector) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
createPropertyMapping(PersistentProperty<T>, PersistentEntity) - Method in MappingFactory
createPropertyResolver(Map<String, Object>) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Creates a org.springframework.core.env.PropertyResolver from the given configuration
createProxiedInstance(Session, Class, Class, Serializable) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
createProxy(Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in GroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersister
createProxy(Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in GroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersister
createProxy(Session, AssociationQueryExecutor<K, T>, K) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
createProxy(Session, AssociationQueryExecutor<K, T>, K) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
createProxy(Session, AssociationQueryExecutor<K, T>, K) - Method in ProxyFactory
Creates a proxy
createProxy(Session, AssociationQueryExecutor<K, T>, K) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
createProxyInstance(Class<?>, GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
createQuery(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
createQuery(Class) - Method in AbstractSession
createQuery(Class, String) - Method in HibernateSession
createQuery() - Method in Persister
Creates a query for the entity
createQuery(String) - Method in Query
Creates an association query
createQuery(Class, String) - Method in QueryAliasAwareSession
Creates a query instance for the give type
createQuery(Class) - Method in QueryCreator
Creates a query instance for the give type
createQuery(Class) - Method in Session
Creates a query instance for the give type
createRlikeExpression(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
utility methods to group and clean up the initialization of the Criterion Adapters*
createRlikeExpression(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
createRlikeExpression(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriterionAdapter
createRlikeExpression(String, String) - Method in HibernateQuery
createRuntime(String, PropertyResolver, S) - Method in AbstractConnectionSourceFactory
createRuntime(String, PropertyResolver, S) - Method in ConnectionSourceFactory
Creates a connection at runtime.
createSchema(Connection, String) - Method in DefaultSchemaHandler
createSchema(Connection, String) - Method in SchemaHandler
Creates the given schema.
createSession(PropertyResolver) - Method in AbstractDatastore
Creates the native session
createSession(PropertyResolver) - Method in HibernateDatastore
createSessionProxy(Session) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Create a close-suppressing proxy for the given Hibernate Session.
createSimple(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates a simple property type used for mapping basic types such as String, long, integer etc.
createSpringFlushSynchronization(Session) - Method in GrailsSessionContext
createSpringSessionSynchronization(SessionHolder) - Method in GrailsSessionContext
createStandardServiceRegistryBuilder(BootstrapServiceRegistry) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
Creates the standard service registry builder.
createStatelessSession(PropertyResolver) - Method in AbstractDatastore
Creates the native stateless session
createTenantId(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Creates the tenant identifier property
createTimestamp(TimestampProvider, Class<T>) - Method in AggregateTimestampProvider
createTimestamp(Class<T>) - Method in DefaultTimestampProvider
createTimestamp(Class<T>) - Method in TimestampProvider
Creates a timestamp for the given class
createUniqueKeyForColumns(Table, String, List<Column>) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
createUniqueKeyForColumns(Table, String, List<Column>) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
createValidationEvent(def) - Method in GormValidationApi
Criteria - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api
Interface for the implementations that construct of criteria queries.
criteria - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
criteria - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
criteria - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
criteria - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.CriteriaAndAlias
criteria - Field in Query
CriteriaBuilder - Class in grails.gorm
Criteria builder implementation that operates against DataStore abstraction.
CriteriaBuilder(Class, Session, Query) - Constructor in CriteriaBuilder
criteriaMetaClass - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
criterionAdaptors - Field in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
CT - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
CT - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
CURRENCY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
currentClassNode - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
currentId(Class<? extends Datastore>) - Method in Tenants
@return The current tenant id for the given datastore type
currentlyInitializing() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
currentSession() - Method in GrailsSessionContext
Retrieve the Spring-managed Session for the current thread, if any.
currentSessionContextClass - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
currentTimeMillis() - Method in DefaultTimestampProvider
currentTransaction(Datastore) - Method in TransactionUtils
cursor - Field in AbstractResultList
Custom - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Represents a custom type ie. a type whose database read/write semantics are specified by the user.
Custom(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class<?>, CustomTypeMarshaller<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor in Custom
CustomTypeMarshaller - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.types
Interface for defining custom datastore types beyond the simple and association types supported out of the box.


DATA_SOURCES - Field in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
DatabaseDriver - Enum in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc
Enumeration of common database drivers.
datasource(String) - Method in Entity
Sets the datastore to use
dataSource - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
dataSource - Field in HibernateConnectionSource
datasource(String) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
DataSourceBuilder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc
NOTE: Forked from Spring Boot logic to avoid hard dependency on Boot.
DataSourceBuilder.ReadOnlyDriverManagerDataSource - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc
DataSourceBuilder(ClassLoader) - Constructor in DataSourceBuilder
DataSourceConnectionSource - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc.connections
A ConnectionSource for JDBC javax.sql.DataSource objects.
DataSourceConnectionSource(String, DataSource, DataSourceSettings) - Constructor in DataSourceConnectionSource
DataSourceConnectionSourceFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc.connections
A ConnectionSourceFactory for creating JDBC javax.sql.DataSource connections
dataSourceConnectionSourceFactory - Field in AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory
dataSourceName - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
dataSourceName - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
dataSourceName - Field in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
dataSourceName - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
datasources(List<String>) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
DataSourceSettings - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc.connections
DataSource settings
DataSourceSettingsBuilder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc.connections
Settings builder for DataSourceSettings
DataSourceSettingsBuilder(PropertyResolver, String, Object) - Constructor in DataSourceSettingsBuilder
Datastore - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
The Datastore interface is the basic common denominator all NoSQL databases should support:
  • Storing data
  • Retrieving one or more elements at a time, identified by their keys
  • Deleting one or more elements
datastore - Field in AbstractDatastoreApi
datastore - Field in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
datastore - Field in AbstractFinder
datastore - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
datastore - Field in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
datastore - Field in AbstractHibernateSession
datastore - Field in AbstractPersistenceEventListener
datastore - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
datastore - Field in MultiTenantEventListener
DatastoreAware - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
An interface for classes to implement that want access to the Datastore
DatastoreConfigurationException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Exception thrown when something goes wrong configuring a datastore.
DatastoreConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in DatastoreConfigurationException
DatastoreEnvironment - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config
An environment for GORM
DatastoreException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
General exception for errors related to the configuration of the Datastore
DatastoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in DatastoreException
DatastoreInitializedEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
Fired when the datastore is initialised
DatastoreInitializedEvent(Object) - Constructor in DatastoreInitializedEvent
datastoresByConnectionSource - Field in HibernateDatastore
DatastoreTransactionManager - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.transactions
A org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager instance that works with the Spring datastore abstraction
DatastoreUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Helper class for obtaining Datastore sessions.
DATE_CREATED - Field in GormProperties
DATE_CREATED_PROPERTY - Field in AutoTimestampEventListener
DATE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
decapitalize(String) - Method in NameUtils
Converts class name to property name using JavaBean decaplization
deepCopy(Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
DEFAULT_CHILD_CASCADE - Field in Association
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SOURCE_NAMES - Field in ConnectionSourcesSupport
DEFAULT - Field in ConnectionSource
The name of the default connection source
@deprecated Use ConnectionSource.ALL instead
DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_NAME - Field in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_NAME - Field in HibernateGrailsPlugin
DEFAULT_ENUM_TYPE - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
DEFAULT_ENUM_TYPE - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
DEFAULT_MAPPING_STRATEGY - Field in GormProperties
DEFAULT_ORDER - Field in PersistenceEventListener
DEFAULT_OWNER_CASCADE - Field in Association
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Field in LockableEntityPersister
DefaultApplicationEventPublisher - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.events
Simple implementation that just iterates over a sequence of listeners
DefaultConnectionSource - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Abstract implementation of the ConnectionSource interface
defaultConnectionSource - Field in AbstractConnectionSources
DefaultConnectionSource(String, T, S) - Constructor in DefaultConnectionSource
defaultConstraints - Field in AbstractGormMappingFactory
DefaultConversionService - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
Default conversion service th
DefaultConversionService() - Constructor in DefaultConversionService
defaultDatabaseName - Field in DocumentMappingContext
defaultFlushMode - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
defaultFlushMode - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
defaultFlushModeName - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
defaultMapping - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
defaultMapping - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
DefaultMappingConfigurationBuilder - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config.groovy
@author Graeme Rocher
DefaultMappingConfigurationBuilder(Entity, Class) - Constructor in DefaultMappingConfigurationBuilder
defaultMax - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
defaultOffset - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
defaultQualifier - Field in GormStaticApi
DefaultSchemaHandler - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc.schema
Resolves the schema names
DefaultSchemaHandler(String, String, String) - Constructor in DefaultSchemaHandler
DefaultTimestampProvider - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.timestamp
*************************************************************************** Copyright 2014 original authors
defineBeans(TestRuntime, boolean, Closure<?>) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
deindex(Object, K) - Method in PropertyValueIndexer
Removes the index for the given value and key
DelegatingGormEntityApi - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm
A delegating implementation of GormEntityApi
DelegatingGormEntityApi(GormInstanceApi<D>, D) - Constructor in DelegatingGormEntityApi
delete(D, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
delete(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
delete(Iterable) - Method in AbstractSession
DELETE_CLAUSE - Field in JpaQueryBuilder
delete(Map) - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
delete(Object) - Method in EntityPersister
delete(Map) - Method in GormEntity
Deletes an instance from the datastore
delete(Map) - Method in GormEntityApi
Deletes an instance from the datastore
delete(D, Map) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Deletes an instance from the datastore
delete(D, Map) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Deletes an instance from the datastore
delete(D, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
delete(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
delete(Object) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
delete(Object, boolean) - Method in InstanceApiHelper
delete(Object) - Method in Persister
Deletes a single object
delete(Object) - Method in Session
Deletes a single object
delete(D, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
deleteAll(QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractSession
This default implementation of the deleteAll method is unlikely to be optimal as it iterates and deletes each object.
deleteAll() - Method in DetachedCriteria
Deletes all entities matching this criteria
deleteAll(Iterable) - Method in GormEntity
Deletes a list of objects in one go
deleteAll() - Method in GormOperations
Deletes all entities matching this criteria
deleteAll(Iterable) - Method in GormStaticApi
Deletes a list of objects in one go
deleteAll(Iterable) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Deletes a list of objects in one go
deleteAll(Collection<?>) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
deleteAll(QueryableCriteria) - Method in HibernateSession
Deletes all objects matching the given criteria.
deleteAll(Collection<?>) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
deleteAll(QueryableCriteria) - Method in Session
Deletes all objects matching the given criteria
deleteAll(Iterable) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
deleteEntities(PersistentEntity, Iterable) - Method in EntityPersister
deleteEntities(PersistentEntity, Iterable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
deleteEntity(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in EntityPersister
deleteEntity(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
deleteEntries(String, List<K>) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Deletes one or many entries for the given list of Keys
deleteEntry(String, K, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Deletes a single entry
desc(String) - Method in Query.Order
Creates a new order for the given property in descending order
destroy() - Method in AbstractDatastore
destroy() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
destroy() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
destroy() - Method in HibernateDatastore
destroy() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
destroyPersistenceInterceptor(TestRuntime) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
destroyTransaction(TestRuntime) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
DETACHED_CRITERIA_CLASS_NODE - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
detachedAssocationCriteria - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
DetachedAssociationCriteria - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query.criteria
Criterion related to an association
DetachedAssociationCriteria(Class, Association, String, String) - Constructor in DetachedAssociationCriteria
DetachedCriteria - Class in grails.gorm
Represents criteria that is not bound to the current connection and can be built up and re-used at a later date.
detachedCriteria - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
detachedCriteria - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.CriteriaAndAlias
DetachedCriteria(Class<T>, String) - Constructor in DetachedCriteria
Constructs a DetachedCriteria instance target the given class and alias for the name
DetachedCriteriaASTTransformation - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query.transform
Transforms regular Groovy-style finders into detached criteria
DetachedCriteriaTransformer - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query.transform
ClassCodeVisitorSupport that transforms where methods into detached criteria queries
detachedCriteriaVariables - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
dirty - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
DIRTY_CLASS_MARKER - Field in DirtyCheckingSupport
DIRTY - Field in GormProperties
DIRTY_PROPERTY_NAMES - Field in GormProperties
DirtyCheck - Annotation Type in grails.gorm.dirty.checking
Apply to enhance an entity with dirty checking support
DirtyCheckable - Trait in org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking
Interface to classes that are able to track changes to their internal state.
DirtyCheckableCollection - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking
@author Graeme Rocher
DirtyCheckingCollection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking
Collection capable of marking the parent entity as dirty when it is modified
DirtyCheckingCollection(Collection, DirtyCheckable, String) - Constructor in DirtyCheckingCollection
DirtyCheckingList - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking
Wrapper list to dirty check a list and mark a parent as dirty
DirtyCheckingList(List, DirtyCheckable, String) - Constructor in DirtyCheckingList
DirtyCheckingMap - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking
A map that can be dirty checked
DirtyCheckingMap(Map, DirtyCheckable, String) - Constructor in DirtyCheckingMap
DirtyCheckingSet - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking
Wrapper list to dirty check a list and mark a parent as dirty
DirtyCheckingSet(Set, DirtyCheckable, String) - Constructor in DirtyCheckingSet
DirtyCheckingSortedSet - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking
Dirty checks sorted sets
DirtyCheckingSortedSet(SortedSet, DirtyCheckable, String) - Constructor in DirtyCheckingSortedSet
DirtyCheckingSupport - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking
Support methods for dirty checking
DirtyCheckingTransformer - Class in org.grails.compiler.gorm
Transforms a domain class making it possible for the domain class to take responsibility of tracking changes to itself, thus removing the responsibility from the ORM system which would have to maintain parallel state and compare the state of the domain class to the stored state.
DirtyCheckingTransformer.GetterAndSetter - Class in org.grails.compiler.gorm
DirtyCheckTransformation - Class in org.grails.compiler.gorm
Applies the DirtyCheck transformation
disableMultiTenancyFilter() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
Disable the tenant id filter for the given datastore and entity
disassemble(Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
discard(D) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
discard() - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
discard() - Method in GormEntity
Discards any pending changes.
discard() - Method in GormEntityApi
Discards any pending changes.
discard(D) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Discards any pending changes.
discard(D) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Discards any pending changes.
discard(D) - Method in GormStaticApi
discard(D) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
disconnect() - Method in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
Performs clear up.
disconnect() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
disconnect() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
disconnect() - Method in Session
Disconnects from the datastore.
discriminatePersistentEntity(PersistentEntity, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Subclasses should override to customize how entities in hierarchies are discriminated
discriminator(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
disintegrate(SessionFactoryImplementor, SessionFactoryServiceRegistry) - Method in EventListenerIntegrator
disjunction() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
disjunction() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
disjunction() - Method in Query
Creates a disjunction (OR) query
distinct(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Projection that signifies to return only distinct results
distinct(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Adds a distinct property projection
distinct() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
distinct() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
distinct() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
distinct(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Adds a distinct property projection
distinct(Collection, String) - Method in ManualProjections
distinct(String) - Method in ProjectionList
Projection to return only distinct properties
distinct(String) - Method in Projections
Projection that signifies to return only distinct results
distinct(String) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
doBegin(Object, TransactionDefinition) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
doBegin(Object, TransactionDefinition) - Method in GrailsHibernateTransactionManager
doBuildSessionFactory() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
doCall(Object) - Method in MethodInvokingClosure
doCleanupAfterCompletion(Object) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
doCommit(DefaultTransactionStatus) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
DocumentDatastore - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.document
@author Guillaume Laforge
DocumentMappingContext - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.document.config
Models a MappingContext for a Document store.
DocumentMappingContext(String, Closure) - Constructor in DocumentMappingContext
DocumentPersistentEntity - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.document.config
DocumentPersistentEntity.DocumentCollectionMapping - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.document.config
DocumentPersistentEntity.DocumentCollectionMapping(PersistentEntity, MappingContext) - Constructor in DocumentPersistentEntity.DocumentCollectionMapping
DocumentPersistentEntity(Class, MappingContext) - Constructor in DocumentPersistentEntity
doesCascade(CascadeType) - Method in Association
Returns true if the this association cascade for the given cascade operation
doesNotHoldNonDefaultSession() - Method in SessionHolder
doesRealMethodExist(MetaClass, String, Class, boolean) - Method in GormEnhancer
doesRequirePropertyIndexing() - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Subclasses should override to optimize away manual property indexing if it is not required
doesReturnKeys() - Method in AssociationQueryExecutor
@return Whether the query returns the keys for the entities or the enities themselves
doExecute(HibernateCallback<T>, boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Execute the action specified by the given action object within a Session.
doGetSession(Datastore, boolean) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Get a Datastore Session for the given Datastore.
doGetTransaction() - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
doInHibernate(Session) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate.HibernateCallback
doInSession(Session) - Method in SessionCallback
doInSession(Session) - Method in VoidSessionCallback
doInvokeInternal(DynamicFinderInvocation) - Method in AbstractFindByFinder
doInvokeInternal(DynamicFinderInvocation) - Method in CountByFinder
doInvokeInternal(DynamicFinderInvocation) - Method in DynamicFinder
doInvokeInternal(DynamicFinderInvocation) - Method in FindAllByFinder
doInvokeInternal(DynamicFinderInvocation) - Method in FindOrCreateByFinder
doInvokeInternal(DynamicFinderInvocation) - Method in FindOrSaveByFinder
DOLLAR_SEPARATOR - Field in NameUtils
Domain - Annotation Type in grails.test.mixin.gorm
Annotation for registering domain classes to the TestRuntime of the current test class.
DOMAIN_TYPE - Field in AstUtils
DomainEventListener - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.events
An event listener that provides support for GORM domain events.
DomainEventListener(MappingContext) - Constructor in DomainEventListener
doManualDirtyCheck(Object, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
doResume(Object, Object) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
doRollback(DefaultTransactionStatus) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
doSave(D, Map, Session, boolean) - Method in GormInstanceApi
doSetRollbackOnly(DefaultTransactionStatus) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
doSuspend(Object) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
DOUBLE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
DoubleToFloatConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
doValidate(Object) - Method in ClosureEventListener
doWithSession(Datastore, Closure) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Execute the closure in the current session if it exists, or create a new one and close it otherwise.
doWithSpring() - Method in HibernateGrailsPlugin
driverClassName(String) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
DynamicAttributeHelper - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.schemaless
Helper class for use in other traits
DynamicAttributes - Trait in org.grails.datastore.gorm.schemaless
A trait that adds support for defining dynamic attributes for databases that support it
DynamicFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Abstract base class for dynamic finders.
DynamicFinder(Pattern, String, MappingContext) - Constructor in DynamicFinder
DynamicFinderInvocation - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Value object used to construct all the information necessary to invoke a dynamic finder.
DynamicFinderInvocation(Class, String, Object, List<MethodExpression>, Closure, String) - Constructor in DynamicFinderInvocation
dynamicFinders - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
dynamicInsert(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Whether to use dynamic update queries
DynamicMethodsConfigurer - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.plugin.support
Utility class for use by plugins in configuration of dynamic methods.
DynamicMethodsConfigurer(Datastore, PlatformTransactionManager) - Constructor in DynamicMethodsConfigurer
dynamicUpdate(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Whether to use dynamic update queries


eachTenant(Closure) - Method in GormStaticApi
eachTenant(Closure) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Execute the closure for each tenant
eachTenant(Closure) - Method in MultiTenant
Execute the closure for each tenant
eachTenant(Closure) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
eachTenant(Class<? extends Datastore>, Closure) - Method in Tenants
Execute the given closure for each tenant.
Embedded - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models an embedded component
Embedded(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in Embedded
EMBEDDED - Field in GormProperties
EMBEDDED_PREFIX - Field in NativeEntryEntityPersister
EmbeddedCollection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models an embedded collection.
EmbeddedCollection(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Constructor in EmbeddedCollection
EmbeddedPersistentEntity - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Models an embedded entity
EmbeddedPersistentEntity(Class, MappingContext) - Constructor in EmbeddedPersistentEntity
EMPTY_ARRAY - Field in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
EMPTY_PATH - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
EMPTY_PATH - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
enableDynamicFilterEnablerIfPresent(SessionFactory, Session) - Method in HibernateRuntimeUtils
enableMultiTenancyFilter() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
Enable the tenant id filter for the given datastore and entity
enhance(PersistentEntity, boolean) - Method in GormEnhancer
Enhance and individual entity
enhanceProxyClass(Class) - Method in HibernateUtils
ensureCorrectGroovyMetaClass(Object, Class<?>) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Ensures the meta class is correct for a given class
ensureQueryIsInitialized() - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
entitiesWithDateCreated - Field in AutoTimestampEventListener
entitiesWithLastUpdated - Field in AutoTimestampEventListener
Entity - Annotation Type in grails.gorm.annotation
A class annotation used to make a class into a GORM domain class.
entity - Field in AbstractClassMapping
ENTITY_ACCESS - Field in AbstractSession
entity - Field in BeanEntityAccess
ENTITY_CLASS_RESOURCE_PATTERN - Field in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
entity - Field in PendingOperationAdapter
entity - Field in Query
EntityAccess - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
@author Graeme Rocher
EntityCreationException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Thrown when there was an error creating an entity.
EntityCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in EntityCreationException
entityFamily - Field in AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister
EntityPersister - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
A Persister specifically for persisting PersistentEntity instances.
EntityPersister(MappingContext, PersistentEntity, Session, ApplicationEventPublisher) - Constructor in EntityPersister
EntityProxy - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.proxy
@author Graeme Rocher
EntityProxyMethodHandler - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.proxy
Base class for entity proxy handlers that are aware of Groovy
EntityProxyMethodHandler(Class<?>) - Constructor in EntityProxyMethodHandler
EntityReflector - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
Used for reflective data
EntityReflector.PropertyReader - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
EntityReflector.PropertyWriter - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
entityStack - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
entityToMapping - Field in AbstractGormMappingFactory
entityToPropertyMap - Field in AbstractGormMappingFactory
entityValidators - Field in AbstractMappingContext
entrySet() - Method in PropertyResolverMap
ENUM_CLASS_PROP - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
ENUM_CLASS_PROP - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
ENUM_ID_ACCESSOR - Field in IdentityEnumType
ENUM_TYPE_CLASS - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
ENUM_TYPE_CLASS - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
ENUM_TYPE_PROP - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
ENUM_TYPE_PROP - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
eq(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates an "equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
eq(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
eq(String, Object, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates an "equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
eq(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
eq(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
eq(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates an "equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
eq(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
eq(String, Object) - Method in Query
Restricts the results by the given properties value
eq(String, Object) - Method in Restrictions
Restricts the property to be equal to the given value
eqAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is equal to all the given returned values
eqAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
eqAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is equal to all the given returned values
eqAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is equal to all the given returned values
eqAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in DetachedCriteria
eqProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Constraints a property to be equal to a specified other property
eqProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
eqProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that compares to class properties for equality
eqProperty(String, String) - Method in Criteria
Constrains a property to be equal to a specified other property
eqProperty(String, String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
eqProperty(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Constraints a property to be equal to a specified other property
EQUALS - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
equals(Object) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
equals(Object) - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
equals(Object, Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
EQUALS_OPERATOR - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
equals(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
EQUALS_PROPERTY - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
equals(Object) - Method in SoftKey
ERRORS - Field in GormProperties
evaluate(Closure, Object) - Method in DefaultMappingConfigurationBuilder
evaluate(Closure, Object) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Central entry point for the class.
evaluate(Closure, Object) - Method in MappingConfigurationBuilder
Evaluates the configuration for the given closure
evaluate(Closure) - Method in NamedQueriesBuilder
evaluateMapping(PersistentEntity, Closure<?>, boolean) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
evaluateMapping(PersistentEntity, Closure<?>, boolean) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
evaluateWithContext(MappingConfigurationBuilder, Closure) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT - Field in DomainEventListener
EventListenerIntegrator - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
EventListenerIntegrator(HibernateEventListeners, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor in EventListenerIntegrator
eventListeners - Field in AbstractMappingContext
eventListeners - Field in EventListenerIntegrator
eventListeners - Field in HibernateEventListener
eventListeners - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
eventPublisher - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
eventPublisher - Field in GormValidationApi
eventPublisher - Field in HibernateDatastore
EventTriggerCaller - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.support
EventTriggeringInterceptor - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
eventTriggeringInterceptor - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
EventTriggeringInterceptor(AbstractHibernateDatastore) - Constructor in EventTriggeringInterceptor
EventType - Enum in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
evict(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
evict(Object) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
execute(VoidSessionCallback) - Method in AbstractDatastoreApi
execute(VoidSessionCallback) - Method in AbstractFinder
execute(Datastore, VoidSessionCallback) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Execute the callback in the current session if it exists, or create a new one and close it otherwise.
execute(HibernateCallback<T>) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
execute(Closure<T>) - Method in GrailsTransactionTemplate
execute(Closure<T>) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
executeAndRollback(Closure) - Method in GrailsTransactionTemplate
executed - Field in PendingOperationAdapter
executeFind(HibernateCallback<?>) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
executeInsert(PersistentEntity, NativeEntryEntityPersister.NativeEntryModifyingEntityAccess, K, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Executes an insert for the given entity, entity access, identifier and native entry.
executeLogicalExpression(Closure, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
executePendingOperation(PendingOperation) - Method in PendingOperationExecution
executePendings(Collection<? extends Runnable>) - Method in AbstractSession
executeQuery(String, Collection, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
executeQuery(PersistentEntity, Junction) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
executeQuery(PersistentEntity, Junction) - Method in AssociationQuery
executeQuery(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormEntity
Executes a query for the given String
executeQuery(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
executeQuery(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Executes a query for the given String
executeQuery(PersistentEntity, Junction) - Method in HibernateHqlQuery
executeQuery(PersistentEntity, Query.Junction) - Method in Query
Subclasses should implement this to provide the concrete implementation of querying
executeQuery(String, Collection, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
executeUniqueResultWithProxyUnwrap() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
executeUniqueResultWithProxyUnwrap() - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
executeUpdate(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormEntity
Executes an update for the given String
executeUpdate(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
executeUpdate(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Executes an update for the given String
executeUpdate(String, Collection, Map) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
executeUpdate(String, Collection, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
executeWithNewSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
executeWithNewSession(Closure<T>) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
executor - Field in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
exists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
exists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria#exists(org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.QueryableCriteria)
exists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
exists(Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
exists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in Criteria
Executes an exists subquery
exists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in DetachedCriteria
exists(Serializable) - Method in GormEntity
Checks whether an entity exists
exists(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticApi
Checks whether an entity exists
exists(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Checks whether an entity exists
exists(Serializable) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
exposeNativeSession - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate


failOnError - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
failOnError - Field in AbstractHibernateEventListener
failOnErrorPackages - Field in AbstractHibernateEventListener
Family - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.mapping.config
Family(String, String) - Constructor in Family
fastClass - Field in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
fastClass() - Method in EntityReflector
@return The fast class
fastClass - Field in SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler
fetchMode(String, FetchMode) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Sets the fetch mode of an associated path
fetchStrategies - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
fetchStrategies - Field in Query
fetchStrategy(String) - Method in Query
Obtain the fetch strategy for the given property
FieldEntityAccess - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
Uses field reflection or CGlib to improve performance
FieldEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object, ConversionService) - Constructor in FieldEntityAccess
filterQueryArgumentMap(Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
find(D, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
find(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Synonym for #get
find(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormEntity
Finds an object for the given string-based query, positional parameters and arguments
find() - Method in GormQueryOperations
Synonym for #get
find(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
find(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Finds an object for the given string-based query, positional parameters and arguments
find(Closure) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
find() - Method in QueryableCriteria
@return Find a single result
find(String, Collection, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
findAll(D, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
findAll(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormEntity
Finds all objects for the given string-based query, positional parameters and arguments
findAll(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
findAll(String, Collection, Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Finds all objects for the given string-based query, positional parameters and arguments
findAll(String, Collection, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
FindAllByBooleanFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
The "findAll<booleanProperty>By*" static persistent method.
FindAllByBooleanFinder(MappingContext) - Constructor in FindAllByBooleanFinder
FindAllByFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Finder used to return multiple results.
FindAllByFinder(MappingContext) - Constructor in FindAllByFinder
findAllWhere(Map, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
findAllWhere(Map, Map) - Method in GormEntity
Finds all results matching all of the given conditions.
findAllWhere(Map, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
Finds all results matching all of the given conditions.
findAllWhere(Map, Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Finds all results matching all of the given conditions.
findAllWhere(Map) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
findAllWhere(Map, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
findAnnotation(ClassNode, List<AnnotationNode>) - Method in AstUtils
FindByBooleanFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
FindByBooleanFinder(MappingContext) - Constructor in FindByBooleanFinder
FindByFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Finder used to return a single result
FindByFinder(MappingContext) - Constructor in FindByFinder
findCustomType(MappingContext, Class<?>) - Method in MappingFactory
findDatastore(Class, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
Find a datastore for the give entity type and qualifier (the connection name)
findDatastoreByType(Class<? extends Datastore>) - Method in GormEnhancer
Finds a datastore by type
findEntity(Class, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
Find the entity for the given type
findEntityEntry(D, SessionImplementor, boolean) - Method in HibernateGormInstanceApi
FinderMethod - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Implementation of dynamic finders.
findEventListener(Object, SessionFactoryImplementor) - Method in HibernateEventListener
findEventPublisher(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
Finds the event publisher to use
findInstanceApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
Find an instance API for the give entity type and qualifier (the connection name)
findInterface(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
findMessageSource(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
Finds the message source to use
findMethodExpression(Class, String) - Method in DynamicFinder
findNamedQuery(Class, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
@deprecated Use #createNamedQuery(entity, queryName) instead
FindOrCreateByFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Finder used to return a single result
FindOrCreateByFinder(String, MappingContext) - Constructor in FindOrCreateByFinder
findOrCreateWhere(Map) - Method in GormEntity
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findOrCreateWhere(Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findOrCreateWhere(Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findOrCreateWhere(Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
FindOrSaveByFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
FindOrSaveByFinder(MappingContext) - Constructor in FindOrSaveByFinder
findOrSaveWhere(Map) - Method in GormEntity
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findOrSaveWhere(Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findOrSaveWhere(Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findOrSaveWhere(Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
findPersistenceInterceptorBeanNames(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptorAggregator
findServices(List, Class<T>) - Method in ConfigurationUtils
Finds services of the given type from the given list or via java.util.ServiceLoader
findSingleDatastore() - Method in GormEnhancer
Finds a single datastore
findStaticApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
Find a static API for the give entity type and qualifier (the connection name)
findTenantId(Class) - Method in GormEnhancer
Find the tenant id for the given entity
findType() - Method in DataSourceBuilder
findValidationApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
Find a validation API for the give entity type and qualifier (the connection name)
findWhere(Map, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
findWhere(Map, Map) - Method in GormEntity
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findWhere(Map, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findWhere(Map, Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Finds a single result matching all of the given conditions.
findWhere(Map) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
findWhere(Map, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
firePostDeleteEvent(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
firePostInsertEvent(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
firePostLoadEvent(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
firePostQueryEvent(Session, Criteria, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
Fire a post query event
firePostQueryEvent(Session, Criteria, Object) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
firePostUpdateEvent(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
firePreLoadEvent(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
firePreQueryEvent(Session, Criteria) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
Fire a pre query event
firePreQueryEvent(Session, Criteria) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
first(Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
first(Map) - Method in GormEntity
Finds the first object.
first(Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
Finds the first object.
first(Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Finds the first object.
first() - Method in PersistentSortedSet
first(Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
firstExpressionIsRequiredBoolean() - Method in AbstractFindByFinder
firstExpressionIsRequiredBoolean() - Method in FindAllByBooleanFinder
firstExpressionIsRequiredBoolean() - Method in FindAllByFinder
firstExpressionIsRequiredBoolean() - Method in FindByBooleanFinder
firstLevelCache - Field in AbstractSession
firstLevelCollectionCache - Field in AbstractSession
firstLevelEntryCache - Field in AbstractSession
firstLevelEntryCacheDirtyCheck - Field in AbstractSession
firstResult(int) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
firstResult(int) - Method in Query
Defines the offset (the first result index) of the query
FixedTenantResolver - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.resolvers
A tenant resolver that resolves to a fixed static named tenant id
FixedTenantResolver(Serializable) - Constructor in FixedTenantResolver
FLOAT - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
flush() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
flush() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
flush() - Method in AbstractSession
FLUSH_ALWAYS - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Flushing before every query statement is rarely necessary.
FLUSH_AUTO - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Automatic flushing is the default mode for a Hibernate Session.
FLUSH_COMMIT - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Flushing at commit only is intended for units of work where no intermediate flushing is desired, not even for find operations that might involve already modified instances.
FLUSH_EAGER - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Eager flushing leads to immediate synchronization with the database, even if in a transaction.
flush() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
flush() - Method in IHibernateTemplate
FLUSH_NEVER - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Never flush is a good strategy for read-only units of work.
flush() - Method in Session
Flushes any pending changes to the datastore
flush() - Method in SpringSessionSynchronization
flush() - Method in TransactionObject
flushActive - Field in AbstractSession
flushBeforeQuery() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
flushBeforeQuery() - Method in Query
Default behavior is the flush the session before a query in the case of FlushModeType.AUTO.
flushIfNecessary(Session, boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
flushMode - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
flushPendingDeletes(Map<PersistentEntity, Collection<PendingDelete>>) - Method in AbstractSession
flushPendingInserts(Map<PersistentEntity, Collection<PendingInsert>>) - Method in AbstractSession
The default implementation of flushPendingInserts is to iterate over each insert operations and execute them one by one.
flushPendingUpdates(Map<PersistentEntity, Collection<PendingUpdate>>) - Method in AbstractSession
The default implementation of flushPendingUpdates is to iterate over each update operation and execute them one by one.
flushSession(Session) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
forClass(Class) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
formatErrors(Errors, String) - Method in ValidationException
formulateDatabaseReference(PersistentEntity, Association, Serializable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Formulates a database reference for the given entity, association and association id
forName(String, ClassLoader) - Method in ReflectionUtils
fromJdbcUrl(String) - Method in DatabaseDriver
Find a DatabaseDriver for the given URL.
fromProductName(String) - Method in DatabaseDriver
Find a DatabaseDriver for the given product name.
FUNCTION_CALL_CRITERION - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
FunctionCallingCriterion - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.criteria
This criterion calls a function on the property before apply the appropriate comparison.
FunctionCallingCriterion(String, String, PropertyCriterion, boolean) - Constructor in FunctionCallingCriterion


ge(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
ge(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
ge(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "greater than or equal to" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
ge(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
ge(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
ge(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
ge(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
ge(String, Object) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
geAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is greater than all the given returned values
geAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
geAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is greater than all the given returned values
geAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is greater than all the given returned values
geAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in DetachedCriteria
generateAlias(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
generateIdentifier(PersistentEntity, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Subclasses should override to provide id generation.
geProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Constraints a property to be greater than or equal to a specified other property
geProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
geProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is greater than or equal to the second property
geProperty(String, String) - Method in Criteria
Constrains a property to be greater than or equal to a specified other property
geProperty(String, String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
geProperty(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Constraints a property to be greater than or equal to a specified other property
geSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
geSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
geSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
geSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is greater than or equal to some of the given values
geSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in DetachedCriteria
get(Closure) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
get(Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
get(int) - Method in AbstractResultList
get(Closure) - Method in BuildableCriteria
Defines and executes a get query ( a single result) in a single call.
GET_CALL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
get(Closure) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
Defines and executes a get query (a single result) in a single call.
get(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Returns a single result matching the criterion contained within this DetachedCriteria instance
get(Serializable) - Method in GormEntity
Retrieves and object from the datastore. eg.
get() - Method in GormQueryOperations
Returns a single result matching the criterion contained within this DetachedCriteria instance
get(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticApi
Retrieves and object from the datastore. eg.
get(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Retrieves and object from the datastore. eg.
get(Class<T>, Serializable, LockMode) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
GET_ID_METHOD - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
get(Class<T>, Serializable, LockMode) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
GET_META_CLASS - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
get(Map, Closure) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
get(int) - Method in PagedResultList
get(int) - Method in PersistentList
GET_PROPERTY - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
get(Object) - Method in PropertyResolverMap
GET_PROXY_KEY_METHOD - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
GET_TARGET_METHOD - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
get(Serializable) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
get() - Method in Tenants.CurrentTenant
@return Obtain the current tenant
getAccessType() - Method in Property
@return The default access type to use to read and write property values
getAdditionalBeansConfiguration(BeanDefinitionRegistry, String) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
Internal method aiding in datastore configuration.
getAlias() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@return The root alias to be used for the query
getAlias() - Method in QueryableCriteria
@return The alias to be used for the query, null if none
getAll(Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
getAll() - Method in GormEntity
@return Synonym for list()
getAll() - Method in GormStaticApi
@return Synonym for list()
getAll() - Method in GormStaticOperations
@return Synonym for list()
getAll() - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
getAllAssociationMap(ClassPropertyFetcher) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
Retrieves the association map
getAllClassMetadata() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getAllCollectionMetadata() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getAllConnectionSources() - Method in ConnectionSources
@return An iterable containing all ConnectionSource instances
getAllConnectionSources() - Method in InMemoryConnectionSources
getAllConnectionSources() - Method in SingletonConnectionSources
getAllConnectionSources() - Method in StaticConnectionSources
getAllSecondLevelCacheRegions() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getAndRemoveStatus() - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
getAnnotatedClasses() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getAnnotatedPackages() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getApplicationContext() - Method in AbstractDatastore
@deprecated Deprecated, will be removed in a future version of GORM
getApplicationContext() - Method in Datastore
Get the application context.
getApplicationEventPublisher() - Method in AbstractDatastore
getApplicationEventPublisher() - Method in Datastore
Get the application event publisher.
getApplicationEventPublisher() - Method in HibernateDatastore
getArguments() - Method in DynamicFinderInvocation
getArguments() - Method in MethodExpression
getArgumentsRequired() - Method in MethodExpression
getArtefactTypes() - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
getAssociatedEntity() - Method in Association
getAssociatedEntity() - Method in Basic
getAssociation() - Method in AssociationCriteria
getAssociation() - Method in AssociationQuery
The association being queried
getAssociationDescription(Association) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getAssociationDescription(Association) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getAssociationId(String) - Method in GormEntity
Obtains the id of an association without initialising the association
getAssociationIndexer(T, Association) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Obtains an indexer for the given association
getAssociationMap(ClassPropertyFetcher) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
Retrieves the association map
getAssociationPath(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getAssociationProxy(Object, String) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Returns the proxy for a given association or null if it is not proxied
getAssociationProxy(Object, String) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
getAssociations() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getAssociations() - Method in PersistentEntity
A list of the associations for this entity.
getAssumedUnsaved() - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
Prevents hitting the database for an extra check if the row exists in the database.
getAssumedUnsaved() - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
Prevents hitting the database for an extra check if the row exists in the database.
getAsync() - Method in DetachedCriteria
@return The async version of the DetachedCriteria API
getAsync() - Method in GormEntity
@return The async version of the GORM static API
getAsync() - Method in GormStaticApi
@return The async version of the GORM static API
getAt(String) - Method in DynamicAttributes
Obtains a dynamic attribute
getAt(String) - Method in InstanceProxy
getAt(String) - Method in ValidationErrors
getAttribute(Object, String) - Method in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
getAttribute(Object, String) - Method in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
getAttribute(Object, String) - Method in Session
Obtains an attribute for the given entity
getAutoTimestampEventListener() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
@return The event listener that populates lastUpdated and dateCreated
getBaseConfiguration() - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
getBaseConfiguration() - Method in ConnectionSources
@return Obtains the base configuration
getBeanDefinitions(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
getBeanDefinitions(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
getBidiEnumMap(Class<? extends def>) - Method in IdentityEnumType
getBooleanFromMap(String, Map<?, ?>) - Method in ClassUtils
Retrieves a boolean value from a Map for the given key
getCache() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getCacheableMappingLocations() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getCachedCollection(PersistentEntity, Serializable, String) - Method in AbstractSession
getCachedCollection(PersistentEntity, Serializable, String) - Method in SessionImplementor
Obtains a cached collection
getCachedEntry(PersistentEntity, Serializable, boolean) - Method in AbstractSession
getCachedEntry(Serializable) - Method in HashMapTPCacheAdapter
getCachedEntry(PersistentEntity, Serializable, boolean) - Method in SessionImplementor
Obtains a cached entry
getCachedEntry(Serializable) - Method in TPCacheAdapter
Returns the stored value for the specified key.
getCachedInstance(Class, Serializable) - Method in AbstractSession
getCachedInstance(Class, Serializable) - Method in SessionImplementor
Get the cached instance if it exists.
getCapitilizedName() - Method in AbstractPersistentProperty
getCapitilizedName() - Method in PersistentProperty
The name with the first letter in upper case as per Java bean conventions
getCascade() - Method in Property
Cascading strategy for this property.
getCascadeOperations() - Method in Association
getCascadeOperations() - Method in PendingOperation
Operations to be executed directly following this operation
getCascadeOperations() - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
getChildEntities(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getChildEntities(PersistentEntity) - Method in MappingContext
Obtains all of the children for the given root
getChildEntityByDiscriminator(PersistentEntity, String) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getChildEntityByDiscriminator(PersistentEntity, String) - Method in MappingContext
Obtains a child of the given root entity using the given discriminator
getClassForAssociationType(AssociationType) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
getClassForAssociationType(AssociationType) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
getClassMapping() - Method in AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister
getClassMapping() - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
getClassMapping() - Method in PropertyMapping
Retrieves the ClassMapping instance of the owning class
getClassMetadata(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getClassName(Class) - Method in NameUtils
Get the class name, taking into account proxies
getCollection() - Method in Collection
The name of the collection
getCollectionMetadata(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getCollectionPersister(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getCollectionPersisters() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getCollectionRolesByEntityParticipant(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getColumn() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the column name for this property.
getColumnForSimpleValue(SimpleValue) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getColumnForSimpleValue(SimpleValue) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(PersistentProperty, String, ColumnConfig, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(PersistentProperty, String, ColumnConfig, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getCommonConfiguration(BeanDefinitionRegistry, String) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
getComponentType() - Method in Basic
getCompositeIdentity() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getCompositeIdentity(Class, MappingContext) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
getCompositeIdentity(Class, MappingContext) - Method in MappingConfigurationStrategy
Obtains the identity of a persistent entity
getCompositeIdentity() - Method in PersistentEntity
The composite id
getConfigClass() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getConfigLocations() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getConfiguration() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Return the Hibernate Configuration object used to build the SessionFactory.
getConfiguration() - Method in HibernateSpec
@return The configuration
getConfiguration() - Method in SpringConfigurer
getConnectionFromDriverManager(String, Properties) - Method in DataSourceBuilder.ReadOnlyDriverManagerDataSource
getConnectionSource(String) - Method in ConnectionSources
Obtain a ConnectionSource by name
getConnectionSource(String) - Method in InMemoryConnectionSources
getConnectionSource(String) - Method in SingletonConnectionSources
getConnectionSource(String) - Method in StaticConnectionSources
getConnectionSourceNames(ConnectionSourceFactory<T, S>, PropertyResolver) - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
Implementors should provide a method to lookup the data source names, which could be read from a database, configuration etc.
getConnectionSourceNames(PersistentEntity) - Method in ConnectionSourcesSupport
Obtain all of the ConnectionSource names for the given entity
getConnectionSourceNames(ConnectionSourceFactory<T, S>, PropertyResolver) - Method in SingletonConnectionSources
getConnectionSourceNames(ConnectionSourceFactory<T, S>, PropertyResolver) - Method in StaticConnectionSources
getConnectionSources() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
getConnectionSources() - Method in ConnectionSourcesProvider
@return The ConnectionSources
getConnectionSourcesConfigurationKey() - Method in AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory
getConnectionSourcesConfigurationKey() - Method in ConnectionSourceFactory
Obtain the prefix used to obtain the default configuration.
getConnectionSourcesConfigurationKey() - Method in DataSourceConnectionSourceFactory
getConnectionSourcesConfigurationKey() - Method in SingletonConnectionSources.NullConnectionFactory
getConversionService() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getConversionService() - Method in MappingContext
Obtains the ConversionService instance to use for type conversion
getConverterRegistry() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getConverterRegistry() - Method in MappingContext
Obtains the converter registry
getCount() - Method in GormEntity
Same as count() but allows property-style syntax (Foo.count)
getCount() - Method in GormStaticApi
Same as count() but allows property-style syntax (Foo.count)
getCount() - Method in GormStaticOperations
Same as count() but allows property-style syntax (Foo.count)
getCount() - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
getCreator() - Method in SessionHolder
getCriteria() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
getCriteria() - Method in AssociationCriteria
getCriteria() - Method in DynamicFinderInvocation
getCriteria() - Method in Query
@return The criteria defined by this query
getCriteria() - Method in Query.Junction
getCriteria() - Method in QueryableCriteria
@return A list of all criteria
getCriteriaAndAlias(Association<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getCurrentAlias() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getCurrentSession() - Method in AbstractDatastore
getCurrentSession() - Method in Datastore
Obtains the current session (if any)
getCurrentSession() - Method in HibernateDatastore
getCurrentSession() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getCurrentSessionContextClass() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getCurrentSessionFactory() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
@return The current SessionFactory being proxied
getCurrentSessionFactoryImplementor() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
@return The current SessionFactoryImplementor being proxied
getCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getCurrentVersion(EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
getCursor() - Method in AbstractResultList
getCustomEntityDirtinessStrategy() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getCustomTypeMarshaller() - Method in Basic
@return The type converter for this custom type
getCustomTypeMarshaller() - Method in Custom
@return The type converter for this custom type
getDataSource() - Method in HibernateConnectionSource
@return The underlying SQL javax.sql.DataSource
getDataSource() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getDataSourceName() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
@return The data source name being used
getDataSourceName() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getDatasourceNames(PersistentEntity) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
getDatasourceNames(PersistentEntity) - Method in MultipleDataSourceSupport
getDatastore() - Method in AbstractDatastoreApi
getDatastore() - Method in AbstractHibernateEventListener
@return The hibernate datastore
getDatastore() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
getDatastore() - Method in AbstractSession
getDatastore() - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
getDatastore() - Method in Session
The Datastore that created this Session
getDatastoreForConnection(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
Obtain a child datastore for the given connection name
getDatastoreForConnection(String) - Method in HibernateDatastore
Obtain a child HibernateDatastore by connection name
getDatastoreForTenantId(Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
getDatastoreForTenantId(Serializable) - Method in MultiTenantCapableDatastore
Obtains the datastore for the given tenant id.
getDatastoreType() - Method in DynamicMethodsConfigurer
getDatastoreType() - Method in OnChangeHandler
getDatastoreType() - Method in SpringConfigurer
The name of the datastore type (example "Mongo" or "Neo4j") @return
getDecapitalizedName() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getDecapitalizedName() - Method in PersistentEntity
@return Returns the name of the class decapitalized form
getDeclaredField(String) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getDeclaredField(Class, String) - Method in MappingUtils
Get a declared field, searching super classes for the field if it is not found in the class.
getDecorators() - Method in AsyncQuery
getDecorators() - Method in GormAsyncStaticApi
getDefault() - Method in ConnectionSourceSettings
@return Any defaults
getDefaultColumnName(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getDefaultColumnName(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getDefaultConnectionSource() - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
getDefaultConnectionSource() - Method in ConnectionSources
Obtains the default ConnectionSource
getDefaultConnectionSourceName(PersistentEntity) - Method in ConnectionSourcesSupport
If a domain class uses more than one datasource, we need to know which one to use when calling a method without a namespace qualifier.
getDefaultDatabaseName() - Method in DocumentMappingContext
getDefaultDataSource(PersistentEntity) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
getDefaultDataSource(PersistentEntity) - Method in MultipleDataSourceSupport
If a domain class uses more than one datasource, we need to know which one to use when calling a method without a namespace qualifier.
getDefaultFlushMode() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
getDefaultFlushMode() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
@return Obtains the default flush mode level
getDefaultFlushModeName() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
@return The name of the default value flush
getDefaultIdentityMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
getDefaultIdentityMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in MappingConfigurationStrategy
Obtains the default manner in which identifiers are mapped.
getDefaultMapping() - Method in DocumentMappingContext
getDefinedFilterNames() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getDeserializationResolver() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getDetachedCriteria() - Method in DynamicFinderInvocation
getDialect(SessionFactory) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getDialect(SessionFactory) - Method in HibernateQuery
getDialect() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getDirectChildEntities(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getDirectChildEntities(PersistentEntity) - Method in MappingContext
Obtains only the direct children (1 level down) for the given root entity
getDirection() - Method in Query.Order
@return The direction order by
getDirtyPropertyNames() - Method in GormEntity
Obtains a list of property names that are dirty
getDirtyPropertyNames(D) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Obtains a list of property names that are dirty
getDirtyPropertyNames(D) - Method in HibernateGormInstanceApi
Obtains a list of property names that are dirty
getDiscriminator() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getDiscriminator() - Method in PersistentEntity
The discriminator used when persisting subclasses of an inheritance hierarchy
getDomainClasses() - Method in HibernateSpec
@return The domain classes
getDriverClassName() - Method in DatabaseDriver
Return the driver class name.
getEmbedded(T, String) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Implementors should override to provide support for embedded objects.
getEntity() - Method in AbstractClassMapping
getEntity() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getEntity() - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
getEntity() - Method in BeanEntityAccess
getEntity() - Method in ClassMapping
Obtains the PersistentEntity for this class mapping
getEntity(SaveOrUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
getEntity() - Method in EntityAccess
@return The entity being persisted
getEntity() - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getEntity() - Method in ManualEntityOrdering
getEntity() - Method in PendingOperation
@return The PersistentEntity being inserted
getEntity() - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
getEntity() - Method in Query
@return The PersistentEntity being query
getEntityAccess() - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
getEntityAccess() - Method in PendingInsert
@return The EntityAccess object for the entity to be inserted
getEntityAccess() - Method in PendingInsertAdapter
getEntityAccess() - Method in PendingUpdate
@return The EntityAccess object for the entity to be inserted
getEntityAccess() - Method in PendingUpdateAdapter
getEntityFamily() - Method in AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister
getEntityFamily() - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
getEntityInterceptor() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getEntityMappedFormType() - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
getEntityMappedFormType() - Method in GormDocumentMappingFactory
getEntityMappedFormType() - Method in GormKeyValueMappingFactory
getEntityNotFoundDelegate() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getEntityObject() - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
getEntityPersister(String, SessionFactory) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getEntityPersister(String, SessionFactory) - Method in HibernateQuery
getEntityPersister(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getEntityPersisters() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getEntityReflector(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
Obtains a EntityReflector instance for the given entity
getEntityReflector(PersistentEntity) - Method in MappingContext
Obtains a EntityReflector instance for the given entity
getEntityTrait() - Method in GormEntityTraitProvider
getEntityValidator(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
Retrieves a validator for an entity
getEntityValidator(PersistentEntity) - Method in MappingContext
Obtains a validator for the given entity
getEntryValue(T, String) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Reads a value for the given key from the native entry
getEnumType() - Method in Property
@return The type of the enum, either ordinal or string
getEnumType() - Method in PropertyConfig
getEnumTypeObject() - Method in Property
@return The type of the enum, either ordinal or string
getErrors() - Method in GormValidateable
Obtains the errors for an instance
getErrors(D) - Method in GormValidationApi
Obtains the errors for an instance
getEventListeners() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getEventTriggeringInterceptor() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
getEventType() - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
getEventType() - Method in AbstractQueryEvent
@return The type of event.
getEventType() - Method in PostDeleteEvent
getEventType() - Method in PostInsertEvent
getEventType() - Method in PostLoadEvent
getEventType() - Method in PostQueryEvent
@return The type of event.
getEventType() - Method in PostUpdateEvent
getEventType() - Method in PreDeleteEvent
getEventType() - Method in PreInsertEvent
getEventType() - Method in PreLoadEvent
getEventType() - Method in PreQueryEvent
@return The type of event.
getEventType() - Method in PreUpdateEvent
getEventType() - Method in SaveOrUpdateEvent
getEventType() - Method in ValidationEvent
getExpandoMetaClass(Class<?>) - Method in MetaClassUtils
getExpressions() - Method in DynamicFinderInvocation
getExtendedMethods() - Method in AbstractGormApi
getFactory() - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
getFactory() - Method in ConnectionSources
@return The factory used to create new connections
getFallBackValue(def, String) - Method in ConfigurationBuilder
getFamily(PersistentEntity, ClassMapping<Family>) - Method in AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister
getFamily() - Method in Family
getFamily() - Method in KeyValueEntry
getFetchMode(Object) - Method in DynamicFinder
Retrieves the fetch mode for the specified instance; otherwise returns the default FetchMode.
getFetchMode(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateQueryUtils
Retrieves the fetch mode for the specified instance; otherwise returns the default FetchMode.
getFetchMode(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Retrieves the fetch mode for the specified instance; otherwise returns the default FetchMode.
getFetchMode() - Method in PropertyConfig
@return The Hibernate org.hibernate.FetchMode
getFetchProfile(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getFetchStrategies() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
getFetchStrategy() - Method in Association
@return The fetch strategy for the association
getFetchStrategy() - Method in Property
@return The strategy to use to fetch the property (lazy or eager)
getFilterDefinition(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getFinders() - Method in GormEnhancer
getFlushMode() - Method in AbstractSession
getFlushMode() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Return if a flush should be forced after executing the callback code.
getFlushMode() - Method in HibernateSession
getFlushMode(Session) - Method in HibernateVersionSupport
Get the native Hibernate FlushMode, adapting between Hibernate 5.0/5.1 and 5.2+.
getFlushMode() - Method in IHibernateTemplate
getFlushMode() - Method in Session
Obtains the current FlushModeType
getForeignKeyForPropertyDomainClass(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getForeignKeyForPropertyDomainClass(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getFormula() - Method in Property
The formula used to build the property
getFrom() - Method in Query.Between
getFromTPCache(PersistentEntity, Serializable) - Method in ThirdPartyCacheEntityPersister
getFunctionName() - Method in FunctionCallingCriterion
getFurthestUnresolvedParent(ClassNode) - Method in AstUtils
getGenerator() - Method in IdentityMapping
@return The type of value generated used
getGenerator() - Method in Property
Get the id generator.
getGenericType(Class) - Method in MappingUtils
getGenericTypeForMapProperty(Class, String, boolean) - Method in MappingUtils
getGenericTypeForProperty(Class, String) - Method in MappingUtils
getGetterAndSetterForPropertyName(LinkedHashMap<String, GetterAndSetter>, String) - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
getGetterName(String) - Method in MappingUtils
Calculate the name for a getter method to retrieve the specified property
getGetterName(String, boolean) - Method in NameUtils
Retrieves the name of a setter for the specified property name
getGormDynamicFinders() - Method in GormEntity
getGormDynamicFinders() - Method in GormStaticApi
getGormDynamicFinders() - Method in GormStaticOperations
@return The GORM dynamic finders
getGormDynamicFinders() - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
getGormPersistentEntity() - Method in GormEntity
@return The PersistentEntity for this class
getGormPersistentEntity() - Method in GormStaticApi
@return The PersistentEntity for this class
getGormPersistentEntity() - Method in GormStaticOperations
@return The PersistentEntity for this class
getGormPersistentEntity() - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
getGrailsApplication(TestRuntime) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
getGrailsApplicationClass() - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
getGrailsValidatorClass() - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
getGroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersisterClass() - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getGroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersisterClass() - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getGroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersisterClass() - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getGroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersisterClass() - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getHibernateCriteria() - Method in HibernateQuery
@return The hibernate criteria
getHibernateCriterionAdapter() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getHibernateDetachedCriteria(AbstractHibernateQuery, QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
getHibernateEventListeners() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getHibernateProjectionList() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
getHibernateProperties() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Return the Hibernate properties, if any.
getHibernateSession() - Method in HibernateSpec
@return the current Hibernate session
getHibernateSession() - Method in HibernateTestMixin
getHibernateTemplate() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
getHibernateTemplate(int) - Method in HibernateDatastore
getHibernateTemplate() - Method in HibernateSession
getIdDynamic(def) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
getIdentifier() - Method in AbstractClassMapping
getIdentifier() - Method in BeanEntityAccess
getIdentifier() - Method in ClassMapping
Returns details of the identifier used for this class
getIdentifier() - Method in DocumentPersistentEntity.DocumentCollectionMapping
getIdentifier() - Method in EntityAccess
@return Obtains the value of the entity identifier
getIdentifier(Object) - Method in EntityReflector
@return Obtain the identifier
getIdentifier() - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getIdentifier(Object) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
getIdentifier(Object) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
getIdentifier(Object) - Method in ProxyHandler
Obtains the identifier of an object without initializing the proxy if it is one
getIdentifier(Object) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
getIdentifierGenerator(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getIdentifierGeneratorClass(String) - Method in GrailsIdentifierGeneratorFactory
getIdentifierGeneratorFactory() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getIdentifierName() - Method in BeanEntityAccess
getIdentifierName() - Method in EntityAccess
@return The name of the identifier property
getIdentifierName() - Method in EntityReflector
@return The name of the identifier
getIdentifierName() - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getIdentifierName() - Method in IdentityMapping
The identifier property name(s).
getIdentifierName(ClassMapping) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Obtains the identifier name to use.
getIdentifierPropertyName(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getIdentifierType(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getIdentity() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getIdentity(Class, MappingContext) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
@see org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingConfigurationStrategy#getIdentity(Class, org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingContext)
getIdentity(Class, MappingContext) - Method in MappingConfigurationStrategy
Obtains the identity of a persistent entity
getIdentity() - Method in PersistentEntity
Returns the identity of the instance
getIdentityMappedForm(ClassMapping, T) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
getIdentityMappedForm(ClassMapping, KeyValue) - Method in GormKeyValueMappingFactory
getIdentityMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
Obtains the identity mapping for the specified class mapping
getIdentityMapping(ClassMapping) - Method in MappingConfigurationStrategy
Obtains the identity mapping for the specified class mapping
getImplementors(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getImportedClassName(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getIndex() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the index setting for this property's column.
getIndexColumnName(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getIndexColumnName(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getIndexColumnType(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getIndexColumnType(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getIndexedEntity() - Method in AssociationQueryExecutor
@return The entity to be queried
getIndexName(Object) - Method in PropertyValueIndexer
@param value The indexed value
getInList() - Method in Property
@return List of valid values
getInsertableness(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getInsertableness(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getInstance() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Returns the criteria instance
getInstanceApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
getInstanceApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in HibernateGormEnhancer
getInstanceMethodApiProviders(Class<D>) - Method in GormEnhancer
getInterceptor() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getInversePropertyName() - Method in ManyToMany
getInverseSide() - Method in Association
@return The inverside side or null if the association is not bidirectional
getInverseSide() - Method in Basic
getIterableAsCollection(Iterable) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
getIterableAsCollection(Iterable) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
getJavaClass() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getJavaClass() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
@return The Java that this ClassPropertyFetcher was constructor for
getJavaClass() - Method in DynamicFinderInvocation
getJavaClass() - Method in PersistentEntity
@return The underlying Java class for this entity
getJdbcServices() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getJoinedSubClassTableName(HibernatePersistentEntity, PersistentClass, Table, Mappings, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getJoinedSubClassTableName(HibernatePersistentEntity, PersistentClass, Table, InFlightMetadataCollector, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getJtaTransactionManager(Session) - Method in GrailsSessionContext
getKey() - Method in KeyValue
getKey() - Method in OptimisticLockingException
getKey() - Method in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
getKeyspace(ClassMapping<Family>, String) - Method in AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister
getKeyspace() - Method in Family
getKeyspace() - Method in KeyValueMappingContext
getKnownEntityNames() - Method in AstUtils
@return The names of the transformed entities for this context
getLaziness(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getLaziness(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getLazy() - Method in Property
getLength() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the length of this property's column.
getLevel() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore.FlushMode
getLevel() - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings.FlushSettings.FlushMode
getListenerMap() - Method in HibernateEventListeners
getManyToManyKeys(PersistentEntity, Object, Serializable, T, ManyToMany) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
getMapElementName(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getMapElementName(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getMappedForm() - Method in AbstractClassMapping
getMappedForm() - Method in ClassMapping
Returns the mapped form of the class such as a Table, a Key Space, Document etc.
getMappedForm() - Method in DocumentPersistentEntity.DocumentCollectionMapping
getMappedForm() - Method in KeyValuePersistentEntity.KeyValueClassMapping
getMappedForm() - Method in PropertyMapping
Returns the mapped form of the property such as a Column, a Key/Value pair, attribute etc.
getMapping(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Obtains a mapping object for the given domain class nam
getMapping() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getMapping() - Method in DocumentPersistentEntity
getMapping(PersistentEntity) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Obtains a mapping object for the given domain class nam
getMapping() - Method in HibernatePersistentEntity
getMapping() - Method in KeyValuePersistentEntity
getMapping() - Method in PersistentEntity
Defines the mapping between this persistent entity and an external form
getMapping() - Method in PersistentProperty
Specifies the mapping between this property and an external form such as a column, key/value pair etc.
getMappingContext() - Method in AbstractDatastore
getMappingContext() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
getMappingContext() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getMappingContext() - Method in AbstractSession
getMappingContext() - Method in Datastore
Obtains the MappingContext object
getMappingContext() - Method in EntityPersister
@return The MappingContext instance
getMappingContext() - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
getMappingContext() - Method in PersistentEntity
Obtains the MappingContext where this PersistentEntity is defined
getMappingContext() - Method in Session
Obtains the MappingContext instance
getMappingDirectoryLocations() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getMappingFactory() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getMappingFactory() - Method in DocumentMappingContext
getMappingFactory() - Method in HibernateMappingContext
getMappingFactory() - Method in KeyValueMappingContext
getMappingFactory() - Method in MappingContext
Obtains the MappingFactory instance
getMappingJarLocations() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getMappingLocations() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getMappingResources() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getMappingStrategy() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getMappingSyntaxStrategy() - Method in DocumentMappingContext
getMappingSyntaxStrategy() - Method in HibernateMappingContext
getMappingSyntaxStrategy() - Method in KeyValueMappingContext
getMappingSyntaxStrategy() - Method in MappingContext
Returns the syntax reader used to interpret the entity mapping syntax
getMax() - Method in Property
@return The maximum value
getMaximumNumberOfParameters() - Method in MethodInvokingClosure
getMaxSize(List<?>) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
@return the maximum length of the strings in the specified list
getMaxSize(List<?>) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
@return the maximum length of the strings in the specified list
getMaxSize() - Method in Property
@return The maximum size
getMessage() - Method in ValidationException
getMetadataBuildingContext() - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getMethodName() - Method in DynamicFinderInvocation
getMethods() - Method in AbstractGormApi
getMin() - Method in Property
@return The minimum value
getMinSize() - Method in Property
@return The minimum size
getMultiTenancyMode() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
getMultiTenancyMode() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getMultiTenancyMode() - Method in MappingContext
@return The multi tenancy mode
getMultiTenancyMode() - Method in MultiTenantCapableDatastore
@return The multi tenancy mode
getName() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getName() - Method in AbstractPersistentProperty
getName() - Method in ConnectionSource
@return The name of the connection source
getName() - Method in DefaultConnectionSource
getName() - Method in PersistentEntity
The entity name including any package prefix
getName() - Method in PersistentProperty
The name of the property
getName() - Method in Property
@return The name of the property this property mapping relates to
getName() - Method in Query.In
getName() - Method in Query.NotIn
getName() - Method in UniqueConstraint
getNamedQuery(String, Object) - Method in GormEntity
Looks up a named query
getNamedQuery(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getNamedQueryRepository() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getNamedSQLQuery(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getNameForPropertyAndPath(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getNameForPropertyAndPath(PersistentProperty, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getNamesAndDirections() - Method in SortConfig
getNamingStrategy(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getNamingStrategy(String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getNamingStrategy() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getNativeEntry() - Method in PendingOperation
@return The native entry to persist
getNativeEntry() - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
getNativeEvent() - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
getNativeInterface() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
getNativeInterface() - Method in Session
@return The native interface to the datastore
getNativeKey() - Method in PendingOperation
@return The native key to insert
getNativeKey() - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
getNativePropertyKey(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractKeyValueEntityPersister
getNativePropertyKey(PersistentProperty) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
getNativeTransaction() - Method in SessionOnlyTransaction
getNativeTransaction() - Method in Transaction
@return the native transaction object.
getNaturalIdCacheRegion(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getNaturalIdCacheRegionAccessStrategy(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getObject() - Method in HibernateDatastoreFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in HibernateMappingContextFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in InstanceFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in PendingDeleteAdapter
getObject() - Method in PendingInsertAdapter
getObject() - Method in PendingOperation
@return The target object of the pending operation
getObject() - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
getObject() - Method in PendingUpdateAdapter
getObject() - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
getObjectIdentifier(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
getObjectIdentifier(Object) - Method in EntityPersister
Obtains an objects identifer
getObjectIdentifier(Object) - Method in HibernateSession
getObjectIdentifier(Object) - Method in Persister
Get the identifier for the given object, if it has one.
getObjectIdentifier(Object) - Method in Session
Obtains the identifier for the instance
getObjectType() - Method in HibernateDatastoreFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in HibernateMappingContextFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in InstanceFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
getOperator() - Method in DynamicFinderInvocation
getOrCreateAlias(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getOrCreateAssociatedEntity(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, Class) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
Tries to obtain or create an associated entity.
getOrCreateEmbeddedEntity(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, Class) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
Tries to obtain or create an embedded entity.
getOrCreateListProperty(ClassNode, String) - Method in GormEntityTransformation
getOrder() - Method in AbstractPersistenceEventListener
getOrder() - Method in MultiTenantEventListener
getOrderBy() - Method in Query
Gets the Order entries for this query
getOrders() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
getOriginalSize() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
getOriginalSize() - Method in DirtyCheckableCollection
@return The previous size of the collection prior to any changes
getOriginalValue(String) - Method in DirtyCheckable
Returns the original value of the property prior to when trackChanges() was called
getOrIntializeReflector(PersistentEntity) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getOtherProperty() - Method in Query.PropertyComparisonCriterion
getOwner() - Method in AbstractPersistentProperty
getOwner() - Method in PersistentProperty
Obtains the owner of this persistent property
getOwningEntities(Class, MappingContext) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
getOwningEntities(Class, MappingContext) - Method in MappingConfigurationStrategy
Returns a set of entities that "own" the given entity.
getPackagesToScan() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getParameterizedDetachedCriteriaClassNode(ClassNode) - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
getParameters() - Method in JpaQueryInfo
getParameterTypes() - Method in MethodInvokingClosure
getParentEntity() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getParentEntity() - Method in KeyValuePersistentEntity
getParentEntity() - Method in PersistentEntity
Returns the parent entity of this entity
getPattern() - Method in Query.Like
getPattern() - Method in Query.RLike
getPendingDeletes() - Method in AbstractSession
getPendingDeletes() - Method in SessionImplementor
@return The pending deletes
getPendingInserts() - Method in AbstractSession
getPendingInserts() - Method in SessionImplementor
@return The pending insert operations
getPendingUpdates() - Method in AbstractSession
getPendingUpdates() - Method in SessionImplementor
@return The pending updates
getPersistenceInterceptorClass() - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
@return The class used to define the persistence interceptor
getPersistenceInterceptorClass() - Method in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
getPersistentClass() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
getPersistentClass() - Method in GormOperations
@return The class these operations apply to
getPersistentClasses() - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
getPersistentEntities() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getPersistentEntities() - Method in MappingContext
Obtains a list of PersistentEntity instances
getPersistentEntity() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
getPersistentEntity(String) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getPersistentEntity() - Method in BeanEntityAccess
getPersistentEntity() - Method in EntityAccess
@return The PersistentEntity instance
getPersistentEntity() - Method in EntityPersister
@return The PersistentEntity instance
getPersistentEntity() - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getPersistentEntity(String) - Method in MappingContext
Obtains a PersistentEntity by name
getPersistentEntity() - Method in OptimisticLockingException
getPersistentEntity() - Method in QueryableCriteria
@return The target entity
getPersistentProperties() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getPersistentProperties(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, ClassMapping) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
getPersistentProperties(Class, MappingContext, ClassMapping) - Method in MappingConfigurationStrategy
Obtains a List of PersistentProperty instances for the given Mapped class
getPersistentProperties() - Method in PersistentEntity
A list of properties to be persisted
getPersistentPropertyNames() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getPersistentPropertyNames() - Method in PersistentEntity
A list of property names that a persistent
getPersistentValue(String) - Method in GormEntity
Gets the original persisted value of a field.
getPersistentValue(D, String) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Gets the original persisted value of a field.
getPersistentValue(D, String) - Method in HibernateGormInstanceApi
Gets the original persisted value of a field.
getPersister(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
getPersister(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
getPersister(Object) - Method in Session
The persister for the given object
getPersitentEntity() - Method in EntityReflector
The entity
getPrecision() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the precision of this property's column.
getPreOperations() - Method in PendingOperation
Operations to be executed directly prior to this operation
getPreOperations() - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
getProjectionList() - Method in Query.ProjectionList
getProjections() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
getProjections() - Method in QueryableCriteria
getProperties() - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
getProperties() - Method in MappingConfigurationBuilder
@return The build property definitions
getProperties() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getPropertiesAssignableFromType(Class) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertiesAssignableToType(Class) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertiesOfType(Class) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertiesOfType(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in ReflectionUtils
Retrieves all the properties of the given class for the given type
getProperty(PersistentClass, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getProperty(String) - Method in BeanEntityAccess
getProperty(String) - Method in EntityAccess
Obtains a property value
getProperty(Object, String) - Method in EntityReflector
Get a property for the specified index
getProperty(String) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getProperty(PersistentClass, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getProperty(Object, String) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
getProperty(String) - Method in InstanceProxy
getProperty(String) - Method in ModificationTrackingEntityAccess
getProperty(Object, String) - Method in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
getProperty() - Method in Query.Between
getProperty() - Method in Query.Order
@return The property name to order by
getProperty() - Method in Query.PropertyNameCriterion
getProperty(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getPropertyAfterResolving(Object, String) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
getPropertyBeforeResolving(Object, String) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
getPropertyBeforeResolving(Object, String) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
getPropertyByName(String) - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getPropertyByName(String) - Method in KeyValuePersistentEntity
getPropertyByName(String) - Method in PersistentEntity
Obtains a PersistentProperty instance by name
getPropertyConfig(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getPropertyConfig(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getPropertyConfig(String) - Method in Mapping
Obtains a PropertyConfig object for the given name
getPropertyCriterion() - Method in FunctionCallingCriterion
getPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertyFromHierarchy(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
Obtains a property from the class hierarchy
getPropertyIndexer(PersistentProperty) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Obtains an indexer for a particular property
getPropertyKey(PersistentProperty) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
getPropertyMappedFormType() - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
getPropertyMappedFormType() - Method in GormDocumentMappingFactory
getPropertyMappedFormType() - Method in GormKeyValueMappingFactory
getPropertyName(Criterion, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
getPropertyName() - Method in MethodExpression
getPropertyName() - Method in Query.PropertyProjection
getPropertyNameForGetterOrSetter(String) - Method in NameUtils
Returns the property name for a getter or setter
getPropertyNames() - Method in EntityReflector
@return The property names
getPropertyReader(String) - Method in EntityReflector
@param name Obtains the property reader for the given property
getPropertyType(String) - Method in BeanEntityAccess
getPropertyType(String, boolean) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertyType(String) - Method in EntityAccess
Obtains a property type
getPropertyType(String) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in BeanEntityAccess
getPropertyValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in EntityAccess
Obtains a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getPropertyWriter(String) - Method in EntityReflector
@param name Obtains the property writer for the given property
getProxiedClass(Object) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
getProxiedClass(Object) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
getProxiedClass(Object) - Method in ProxyHandler
Get the class being proxied
getProxiedClass(Object) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
getProxy(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, Class<?>, Method, Method, CompositeType, Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
getProxy(Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistProxyFactory
getProxyClass(Class) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
getProxyFactory() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getProxyFactory() - Method in EntityPersister
getProxyFactory(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
getProxyFactory() - Method in MappingContext
Factory used for creating proxies
getProxyHandler() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getProxyHandler() - Method in MappingContext
For handling proxies
getProxyIdentifier(Object) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
getProxyInstance(Session, Class, Serializable) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
getProxyInstanceMetaClass(def) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
getProxyInterfaces() - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
getProxyKey(Object) - Method in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
getProxyKey() - Method in EntityProxy
@return The identifier
getProxyKey(Object) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
getProxyKey(Object) - Method in SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler
getProxyTarget(Object) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
getProxyTarget() - Method in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
Load the target from the DB.
getQuery() - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
getQuery() - Method in AbstractQueryEvent
Get the query from the event.
getQuery() - Method in JpaQueryInfo
getQueryCache(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getQueryPlanCache() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getReference() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getReference() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getReferencedPropertyName() - Method in Association
getReferencedPropertyType(String, String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getReferenceInstance() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher.ReferenceInstanceCallback
getReflector() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getReflector(String) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
getReflector() - Method in PersistentEntity
@return The reflector this entity
getResults() - Method in PostQueryEvent
The results of the query.
getResultSetMapping(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getReturnAliases(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getReturnTypes(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getRootEntity() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getRootEntity() - Method in PersistentEntity
Obtains the root entity of an inheritance hierarchy
getRootMapping(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getRootMapping(PersistentEntity) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getScale() - Method in Property
@return The scale
getScale() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the scale of this property's column.
getSecondLevelCacheRegion(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getSecondLevelCacheRegionAccessStrategy(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getServiceRegistry() - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
getServiceRegistry() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getSession() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
getSession(Datastore, boolean) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Get a Datastore Session for the given Datastore.
getSession() - Method in EntityPersister
getSession() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
getSession() - Method in Query
@return The session that created the query
getSession() - Method in SessionCreationEvent
@return The session that has just been created.
getSession() - Method in SessionHolder
getSessionFactory() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
@return The Hibernate org.hibernate.SessionFactory being used by this datastore instance
getSessionFactory() - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
getSessionFactory() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
getSessionFactory() - Method in HibernateSpec
@return the current session factory
getSessionFactory() - Method in HibernateTestMixin
getSessionFactory() - Method in IHibernateTemplate
getSessionFactory() - Method in SessionFactoryHolder
getSessionFactoryBeanName() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getSessionFactoryOptions() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getSessionHolder() - Method in TransactionObject
getSessionProperty(String) - Method in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
Get the value of a property of the session.
getSessionProperty(String) - Method in Session
Get the value of a property of the session.
getSetterName(String) - Method in MappingUtils
Retrieves the name of a setter for the specified property name
getSetterName(String) - Method in NameUtils
Retrieves the name of a setter for the specified property name
getSettings() - Method in ConnectionSource
@return The settings for the ConnectionSource
getSettings() - Method in DefaultConnectionSource
getSettings() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getSingleColumnConfig(PropertyConfig) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getSingleColumnConfig(PropertyConfig) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getSort() - Method in Entity
getSource() - Method in ConnectionSource
@return The underlying native connection source, for example a SQL javax.sql.DataSource
getSource() - Method in DefaultConnectionSource
getSourceUnit() - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
getSpringCustomizer() - Method in SpringConfigurer
Additional Spring configuration that is specific to the underlying Datastore.
getSQLExceptionConverter() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getSQLExceptionHelper() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getSqlFunctionRegistry() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getSqlType() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the SQL type of the corresponding column.
getStaticApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
getStaticApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in HibernateGormEnhancer
getStaticPropertyValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getStaticPropertyValuesFromInheritanceHierarchy(String, Class<T>) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
Get the list of property values for this static property from the whole inheritance hierarchy, starting from the most derived version of the property ending with the base class.
getStatistics() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getStatisticsImplementor() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getStatus() - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
getSubquery() - Method in Query.Exists
getSubquery() - Method in Query.In
getSubquery() - Method in Query.NotExists
getSubquery() - Method in Query.NotIn
getTableName(PersistentEntity, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Evaluates the table name for the given property
getTableName(PersistentEntity, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Evaluates the table name for the given property
getTableName() - Method in Mapping
The table name
getTarget() - Method in EntityProxy
Obtains the target performing initialization if necessary
getTargetClass() - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
getTargetClass() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
getTargetClass() - Method in BuildableCriteria
@return The class the criteria applies to
getTargetKey(PersistentProperty) - Method in MappingUtils
getTargetName() - Method in Property
The target to map to, could be a database column, document attribute, or hash key
getTargetTransactionManager() - Method in PlatformTransactionManagerProxy
getTargetType() - Method in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
getTargetType() - Method in CustomTypeMarshaller
@return The target Java type
getTenantId() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getTenantId() - Method in PersistentEntity
@return The tenant id
getTenantResolver() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
getTenantResolver() - Method in MultiTenancySettings
@return The tenant resolver
getTenantResolver() - Method in MultiTenantCapableDatastore
@return Obtain the tenant resolver
getTestDbUrl() - Method in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
getTestPluginUsages() - Method in HibernateTestMixin
getThisMetaClass() - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
getTimestampProvider() - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
getTimestampProvider() - Method in HibernateEventListener
@deprecated Replaced by AutoTimestampEventListener
getTimestampProviders() - Method in AggregateTimestampProvider
getTo() - Method in Query.Between
getTotalCount() - Method in PagedResultList
getTPCacheAdapter(PersistentEntity) - Method in TPCacheAdapterRepository
Returns TPCacheAdapter for the specified PersistentEntity.
getTPCacheAdapter(PersistentEntity) - Method in TPCacheAdapterRepositoryImpl
getTransaction() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
getTransaction() - Method in AbstractSession
getTransaction() - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
getTransaction(TransactionDefinition) - Method in PlatformTransactionManagerProxy
getTransaction() - Method in Session
Obtains the current transaction instance
getTransaction() - Method in SessionHolder
getTransaction() - Method in TransactionObject
getTransaction(Datastore) - Method in TransactionUtils
getTransactionManager() - Method in HibernateDatastore
@return The org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager instance
getTransactionManager() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
getTransactionManager() - Method in HibernateTestMixin
getType() - Method in AbstractPersistentProperty
getType() - Method in EntityPersister
getType() - Method in PersistentProperty
The type of the property
getType() - Method in Persister
The type this persister persists
getTypedValues(Criteria, CriteriaQuery) - Method in RlikeExpression
getTypeHelper() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getTypeName(PersistentProperty, PropertyConfig, Mapping) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getTypeName(PersistentProperty, PropertyConfig, Mapping) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getTypeName(Class) - Method in Mapping
Return a type name of the known custom user types
getTypeResolver(SessionFactory) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
getTypeResolver(SessionFactory) - Method in HibernateQuery
getTypeResolver() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getUniquenessGroup() - Method in Property
getUpdateable() - Method in PropertyConfig
Whether or not this column is updatable by hibernate
getUpdateableness(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getUpdateableness(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getUpdateTimestampsCache() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getUserType(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
getUserType(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getUuid() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getValidatedFields() - Method in ValidationEvent
getValidatedSession() - Method in SessionHolder
getValidationApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in GormEnhancer
getValidationApi(Class<D>, String) - Method in HibernateGormEnhancer
getValidationQuery() - Method in DatabaseDriver
Return the validation query.
getValidator(PersistentEntity) - Method in BeanFactoryValidatorRegistry
getValidator() - Method in GormValidationApi
getValidator() - Method in ValidatorProvider
@return The validator
getValidator(PersistentEntity) - Method in ValidatorRegistry
Looks up a validator for the given entity
getValidatorRegistry() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
getValidatorRegistry() - Method in MappingContext
@return Gets the validation registry used by this MappingContext
getValue() - Method in Query.PropertyCriterion
getValue() - Method in Query.SubqueryCriterion
getValues() - Method in Query.In
getVersion() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
getVersion() - Method in PersistentEntity
Returns the version property.
getWrappedObject() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
getXaDataSourceClassName() - Method in DatabaseDriver
Return the XA driver source class name.
GlobalDetachedCriteriaASTTransformation - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query.transform
Global version of the detached query transformer
GlobalTraitRepairTransformation - Class in org.grails.compiler.gorm
Repairs the AST due to bugs in the way org.codehaus.groovy.transform.trait.TraitComposer works.
GormAllOperations - Interface in grails.gorm.api
All GORM operations
GormAsyncStaticApi - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.async
Transforms the GormStaticApi into an asynchronous API
GormAsyncStaticApi(GormStaticApi<D>) - Constructor in GormAsyncStaticApi
GormCompilerAutoConfiguration - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.boot.compiler
A compiler configuration that automatically adds the necessary imports
GormDocumentMappingFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.document.config
gormDynamicFinders - Field in GormStaticApi
GormEnhancer - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm
Enhances a class with GORM behavior
GormEnhancer(Datastore, PlatformTransactionManager, ConnectionSourceSettings) - Constructor in GormEnhancer
Construct a new GormEnhancer for the given arguments
gormEnhancer - Field in HibernateDatastore
GormEntity - Trait in org.grails.datastore.gorm
A trait that turns any class into a GORM entity
GormEntityApi - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm
API for instance methods defined by a GORM entity
GormEntityTraitProvider - Interface in org.grails.compiler.gorm
Provides the implementation to use for the GormEntity trait
GormEntityTransformation - Class in org.grails.compiler.gorm
An AST transformation that adds the following features:

GormInstanceApi - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm
Instance methods of the GORM API.
GormInstanceApi(Class<D>, Datastore) - Constructor in GormInstanceApi
GormInstanceOperations - Interface in grails.gorm.api
Instance methods of the GORM API.
GormKeyValueMappingFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.mapping.config
@author Graeme Rocher
GormKeyValueMappingFactory(String) - Constructor in GormKeyValueMappingFactory
GormMappingConfigurationStrategy - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.config
GormMappingConfigurationStrategy(MappingFactory) - Constructor in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
GormOperations - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query
Interface defining all typical GORM operations on class
GormProperties - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.config
Reserved static property names used by GORM to evaluate GORM-style syntax.
GormQueryOperations - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query
Interface defining all typical query GORM operations on class
GormStaticApi - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm
Static methods of the GORM API.
GormStaticApi(Class<D>, Datastore, List<FinderMethod>, PlatformTransactionManager) - Constructor in GormStaticApi
GormStaticOperations - Interface in grails.gorm.api
Interface for the default static methods in GORM
GormValidateable - Trait in org.grails.datastore.gorm
A trait that adds GORM validation behavior to any class
GormValidationApi - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm
Methods used for validating GORM instances.
GormValidationApi(Class<D>, MappingContext, ApplicationEventPublisher) - Constructor in GormValidationApi
GRAILS_APP_DIR - Field in AstUtils
The name of the Grails application directory
GrailsDomainBinder - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Handles the binding Grails domain classes and properties to the Hibernate runtime meta model.
GrailsDomainBinder(String, String, HibernateMappingContext) - Constructor in GrailsDomainBinder
GrailsHibernateConfigurationException - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.exceptions
Thrown when configuration Hibernate for GORM features.
GrailsHibernateConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsHibernateConfigurationException
GrailsHibernateException - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.exceptions
Base exception class for errors related to Hibernate configuration in Grails.
GrailsHibernateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsHibernateException
GrailsHibernateQueryUtils - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
Utility methods for configuring Hibernate queries
GrailsHibernateTemplate - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
GrailsHibernateTemplate.CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Invocation handler that suppresses close calls on Hibernate Sessions.
GrailsHibernateTemplate.CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler(Session) - Constructor in GrailsHibernateTemplate.CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler
GrailsHibernateTemplate.HibernateCallback - Interface in org.grails.orm.hibernate
GrailsHibernateTemplate(SessionFactory, HibernateDatastore, int) - Constructor in GrailsHibernateTemplate
GrailsHibernateTransactionManager - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Extends the standard class to always set the flush mode to manual when in a read-only transaction.
GrailsHibernateUtil - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Utility methods for configuring Hibernate inside Grails.
GrailsIdentifierGeneratorFactory - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Hibernate IdentifierGeneratorFactory that prefers sequence-identity generator over sequence generator
GrailsQueryException - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.exceptions
Base exception class for errors related to Domain class queries in Grails.
GrailsQueryException(String) - Constructor in GrailsQueryException
GrailsSessionContext - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Based on org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.SpringSessionContext.
GrailsSessionContext(SessionFactoryImplementor) - Constructor in GrailsSessionContext
GrailsTransactionAttribute - Class in grails.gorm.transactions
Used to configure a GrailsTransactionTemplate
GrailsTransactionAttribute(RuleBasedTransactionAttribute) - Constructor in GrailsTransactionAttribute
GrailsTransactionTemplate - Class in grails.gorm.transactions
Template class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling.
GrailsTransactionTemplate(PlatformTransactionManager, GrailsTransactionAttribute) - Constructor in GrailsTransactionTemplate
GraphDatastore - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.graph
Marker interface for a Datastore that is a Graph
GREATER_THAN - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_PROPERTY - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
GREATER_THAN_PROPERTY - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
GROOVY_OBJECT_CLASS - Field in KeyValueMappingContext
GROOVY_PROXY_FACTORY_NAME - Field in AbstractMappingContext
GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.proxy
@author Graeme Rocher
GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer(String, Class<?>, Class<?>, Serializable, Method, Method, CompositeType, SessionImplementor, boolean) - Constructor in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
GroovyAwareJavassistProxyFactory - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.proxy
Hibernate's default proxying mechanism proxies Groovy's getMetaClass() method.
GroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersister - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.persister.entity
A customized EntityPersister that creates proxies valid for use with Groovy.
GroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersister(PersistentClass, EntityRegionAccessStrategy, NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy, PersisterCreationContext) - Constructor in GroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersister
GroovyAwarePojoEntityTuplizer - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.proxy
Ensures a Groovy aware proxy factory is registered
GroovyAwarePojoEntityTuplizer(EntityMetamodel, PersistentClass) - Constructor in GroovyAwarePojoEntityTuplizer
GroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersister - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.persister.entity
A customized EntityPersister that creates proxies valid for use with Groovy.
GroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersister(PersistentClass, EntityRegionAccessStrategy, NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy, PersisterCreationContext) - Constructor in GroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersister
GroovyObjectMethodHandler - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.proxy
Javassist MethodHandler for handling GroovyObject methods
GroovyObjectMethodHandler(Class<?>) - Constructor in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
GroovyProxyFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.proxy
Implements the proxy interface and creates a Groovy proxy by passing the need for javassist style proxies and all the problems they bring.
group - Field in UniqueConstraint
groupProperty(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Defines a group by projection for datastores that support it
groupProperty(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
groupProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria's result to be grouped by a property
groupProperty(String) - Method in ProjectionList
Defines a group by projection for datastores that support it
groupProperty(String) - Method in Projections
Defines a group by projection for datastores that support it
groupProperty(String) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
gt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
gt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
gt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "greater than" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
gt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
gt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
gt(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
gt(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
gt(String, Object) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a value to be greater than the given value
gt(String, Object) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict a value to be greater than the given value
gtAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is greater than all the given returned values
gtAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
gtAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is greater than all the given returned values
gtAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is greater than all the given returned values
gtAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in DetachedCriteria
gte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
gte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
gte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
gte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
gte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
gte(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
gte(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
gte(String, Object) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
gte(String, Object) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
gtProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Constraints a property to be greater than a specified other property
gtProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
gtProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is greater than the second property
gtProperty(String, String) - Method in Criteria
Constrains a property to be greater than a specified other property
gtProperty(String, String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
gtProperty(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Constraints a property to be greater than a specified other property
gtSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
gtSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
gtSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
gtSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is greater than some of the given values
gtSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in DetachedCriteria


handle(ExecutionContext) - Method in SchemaExportCommand
handleEmbeddedInstance(Association, Object, boolean) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
handleEmbeddedToMany(EntityAccess, T, PersistentProperty, String) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
handleEmbeddedToOne(Association, String, EntityAccess, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
handleInvocation(Object, Method, Object) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
handleInvocation(Object, Method, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
handleInvocationFallback(Object, Method, Object) - Method in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
handleInvocationFallback(Object, Method, Object) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
handleInvocationFallback(Object, Method, Object) - Method in SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler
handleJunction(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
handleJunction(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
handleLazyProxy(PersistentEntity, PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
handleLazyProxy(PersistentEntity, PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
handleLazyProxy(PersistentEntity, PersistentProperty) - Method in HibernateUtils
Overrides a getter on a property that is a Hibernate proxy in order to make sure the initialized object is returned hence avoiding Hibernate proxy hell.
handleSubQuery(PersistentEntity, StringBuilder, StringBuilder, String, int, List, ConversionService, boolean, boolean, SubqueryCriterion, String) - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
handleUniqueConstraint(PersistentProperty, Column, String, Table, String, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
handleUniqueConstraint(PersistentProperty, Column, String, Table, String, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
handleValidationError(PersistentEntity, Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
Sets the flush mode to manual. which ensures that the database changes are not persisted to the database if a validation error occurs.
HAS_MANY - Field in GormProperties
HAS_ONE - Field in GormProperties
hasBoth() - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer.GetterAndSetter
hasChanged() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
hasChanged(String) - Method in DirtyCheckable
@param propertyName The name of the property
hasChanged() - Method in DirtyCheckableCollection
@return True if the collection has changed
hasChanged() - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
hasChanged() - Method in DirtyCheckingMap
hasChangedElements() - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
hasChangedSize() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
hasChangedSize() - Method in DirtyCheckableCollection
@return True if the collection has changed size
hasChangedSize() - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
hasChangedSize() - Method in DirtyCheckingMap
hasCompositeIdentifier(Mapping) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
hasCompositeIdentifier(Mapping) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
hasCurrentSession() - Method in AbstractDatastore
hasCurrentSession() - Method in Datastore
Checks if there is a current session.
hasDatastore - Field in GormValidationApi
hasDateCreated(String) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
hasErrors() - Method in GormValidateable
Tests whether an instance has any errors
hasErrors(D) - Method in GormValidationApi
Tests whether an instance has any errors
hasGrown() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
hasGrown() - Method in DirtyCheckableCollection
@return True if the collection has grown
hasGrown() - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
hasGrown() - Method in DirtyCheckingMap
hashCode() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
hashCode() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
hashCode(Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
hashCode() - Method in PagedResultList
hashCode() - Method in SoftKey
HashMapTPCacheAdapter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.cache.impl
Simple implementation of TPCacheAdapter backed by a local hash map.
hasJoinColumnMapping(PropertyConfig) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
hasJoinColumnMapping(PropertyConfig) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
hasJoinKeyMapping(PropertyConfig) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
hasJoinKeyMapping(PropertyConfig) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
hasJoinTableColumnNameMapping(PropertyConfig) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
hasJoinTableColumnNameMapping(PropertyConfig) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
hasLastUpdated(String) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
hasNeither() - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer.GetterAndSetter
hasOrInheritsProperty(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
hasProperty(String, Class) - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
hasProperty(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
Returns whether a classNode has the specified property or not
hasProperty(String, Class) - Method in PersistentEntity
Checks whether an entity has a bean property of the given name and type
hasShrunk() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
hasShrunk() - Method in DirtyCheckableCollection
@return True if the collection has shrunk
hasShrunk() - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
hasShrunk() - Method in DirtyCheckingMap
hasTransaction() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
hasTransaction() - Method in AbstractSession
hasTransaction() - Method in Session
@return Whether the current session has an active transaction
headSet(Object) - Method in PersistentSortedSet
HibernateConnectionSource - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
Implements the ConnectionSource interface for Hibernate
HibernateConnectionSource(String, SessionFactory, ConnectionSource<DataSource, DataSourceSettings>, HibernateConnectionSourceSettings) - Constructor in HibernateConnectionSource
HibernateConnectionSourceFactory - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
Constructs org.hibernate.SessionFactory instances from a HibernateMappingContext
HibernateConnectionSourceFactory(Class) - Constructor in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
HibernateConnectionSourceSettings - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
Settings for Hibernate
HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings.CacheSettings - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings.FlushSettings - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings.FlushSettings.FlushMode - Enum in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
We use a separate enum here because the classes differ between Hibernate 3 and 4
HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings.FlushSettings.FlushMode(int) - Constructor in HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings.FlushSettings.FlushMode
HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings.OsivSettings - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
Settings for OpenSessionInView
HibernateConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections
Builds the GORM for Hibernate configuration
HibernateConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder(PropertyResolver, String, ConnectionSourceSettings) - Constructor in HibernateConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder
HibernateCriteriaBuilder - Class in grails.orm
HibernateCriteriaBuilder(Class, SessionFactory, boolean) - Constructor in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
HibernateCriterionAdapter - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
@author Graeme Rocher
hibernateCustomUserType(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
HibernateDatastore - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Datastore implementation that uses a Hibernate SessionFactory underneath.
HibernateDatastore(Class) - Constructor in HibernateDatastore
Constructor used purely for testing purposes.
HibernateDatastoreConnectionSourcesRegistrar - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
A factory bean that looks up a datastore by connection name
HibernateDatastoreConnectionSourcesRegistrar(Iterable<String>) - Constructor in HibernateDatastoreConnectionSourcesRegistrar
HibernateDatastoreFactoryBean - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
Helper for constructing the datastore
HibernateDatastoreFactoryBean(Class<T>, MappingContext, SessionFactory, PropertyResolver, String) - Constructor in HibernateDatastoreFactoryBean
HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer - Class in grails.orm.bootstrap
Class that handles the details of initializing GORM for Hibernate
HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer(Map, Collection<Class>) - Constructor in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
@author Steven Devijver
hibernateDomain(TestRuntime, Map) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
Sets up a GORM for Hibernate domain
HibernateEventListener - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.event.listener
HibernateEventListener(AbstractHibernateDatastore) - Constructor in HibernateEventListener
HibernateEventListeners - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
hibernateEventListeners - Field in EventListenerIntegrator
hibernateEventListeners - Field in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
hibernateEventListeners - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
HibernateGormAutoConfiguration - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.boot.autoconfigure
Auto configuration for GORM for Hibernate
HibernateGormEnhancer - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Extended GORM Enhancer that fills out the remaining GORM for Hibernate methods and implements string-based query support via HQL.
HibernateGormEnhancer(Datastore, PlatformTransactionManager, ConnectionSourceSettings) - Constructor in HibernateGormEnhancer
HibernateGormInstanceApi - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
The implementation of the GORM instance API contract for Hibernate.
HibernateGormInstanceApi(Class<D>, HibernateDatastore, ClassLoader) - Constructor in HibernateGormInstanceApi
HibernateGormStaticApi - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
The implementation of the GORM static method contract for Hibernate
HibernateGormStaticApi(Class<D>, HibernateDatastore, List<FinderMethod>, ClassLoader, PlatformTransactionManager) - Constructor in HibernateGormStaticApi
HibernateGormValidationApi - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
HibernateGormValidationApi(Class<D>, HibernateDatastore, ClassLoader) - Constructor in HibernateGormValidationApi
HibernateGrailsPlugin - Class in grails.plugin.hibernate
Plugin that integrates Hibernate into a Grails application
HibernateHqlQuery - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
A query implementation for HQL queries
HibernateHqlQuery(Session, PersistentEntity, Query) - Constructor in HibernateHqlQuery
HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.transaction
Adapter for adding transaction controlling hooks for supporting Hibernate's org.hibernate.engine.transaction.Isolater class's interaction with transactions
HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter(PlatformTransactionManager) - Constructor in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
hibernateJunction - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
hibernateJunction - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateJunction
HibernateMappingBuilder - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Implements the ORM mapping DSL constructing a model that can be evaluated by the GrailsDomainBinder class which maps GORM classes onto the database.
HibernateMappingBuilder(Mapping, String, Closure) - Constructor in HibernateMappingBuilder
HibernateMappingContext - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
A Mapping context for Hibernate
hibernateMappingContext - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
HibernateMappingContext(Closure, Object) - Constructor in HibernateMappingContext
hibernateMappingContext - Field in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
hibernateMappingContext - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
HibernateMappingContextConfiguration - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
A Configuration that uses a MappingContext to configure Hibernate
HibernateMappingContextFactoryBean - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
Builds a HibernateMappingContext
HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Configures a SessionFactory using a HibernateMappingContext and a HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
HibernatePersistentEntity - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Persistent entity implementation for Hibernate
HibernatePersistentEntity(Class, MappingContext) - Constructor in HibernatePersistentEntity
HibernateProjectionAdapter - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
Adapts Grails datastore API to Hibernate projections.
HibernateProjectionAdapter(Projection) - Constructor in HibernateProjectionAdapter
hibernateProjectionList - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
HibernateProxyHandler - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.proxy
Implementation of the ProxyHandler interface for Hibernate.
HibernateQuery - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
Bridges the Query API with the Hibernate Criteria API
HibernateQuery(DetachedCriteria, PersistentEntity) - Constructor in HibernateQuery
HibernateQueryConstants - Interface in org.grails.orm.hibernate.query
Constants used for query arguments etc.
HibernateRuntimeUtils - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
Utility methods used at runtime by the GORM for Hibernate implementation
HibernateSession - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Session implementation that wraps a Hibernate org.hibernate.Session.
hibernateSession - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
HibernateSession(HibernateDatastore, SessionFactory) - Constructor in HibernateSession
HibernateSpec - Class in grails.test.hibernate
Specification for Hibernate tests
hibernateTemplate - Field in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
hibernateTemplate - Field in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
hibernateTemplate - Field in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
hibernateTemplate - Field in AbstractHibernateSession
hibernateTemplate - Field in HibernateGormStaticApi
hibernateTemplate - Field in InstanceApiHelper
HibernateTestMixin - Class in grails.test.mixin.hibernate
A testing plugin for Hibernate
HibernateUtils - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
HibernateVersionSupport - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
Methods to deal with the differences in different Hibernate versions


id() - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
id() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Adds an id projection
id() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
id() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
id() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
id() - Method in DetachedCriteria
Adds an id projection
ID_EQUALS - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
id(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
ID_PROJECTION - Field in Projections
id() - Method in ProjectionList
A Projection that obtains the id of an object
id() - Method in Projections
Projection used to obtain the id of an object
id() - Method in Query.ProjectionList
ident() - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
ident() - Method in GormEntity
Returns the objects identifier
ident() - Method in GormEntityApi
Returns the objects identifier
ident(D) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Returns the objects identifier
ident(D) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Returns the objects identifier
ident(D) - Method in GormStaticApi
ident(D) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
identifierType() - Method in EntityReflector
@return The identity type
Identity - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Defines the identity generation strategy.
identity - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
IDENTITY - Field in GormProperties
Identity(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in Identity
IDENTITY_PROPERTY - Field in MappingFactory
IdentityEnumType - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Hibernate Usertype that enum values by their ID.
identityEnumTypeSupports(Class<?>) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
identityEnumTypeSupports(Class<?>) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
IdentityGenerationException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Thrown when an identity cannot be generated.
IdentityGenerationException(String) - Constructor in IdentityGenerationException
IdentityMapping - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
@author Graeme Rocher
identityType - Field in HibernateGormStaticApi
idEq(Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates an "equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
idEq(Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
idEq(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
idEq(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
idEq(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
idEq(Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates an "equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
idEq(Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
idEq(Object) - Method in Query
Restricts the results by the given properties value
idEq(Object) - Method in Restrictions
Restricts the property to be equal to the given value
idEquals(Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
idEquals(Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
idEquals(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
idEquals(Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates a criterion that restricts the id to the given value
idEquals(Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
ignoreCase() - Method in Query.Order
Whether to ignore the case for this order definition
IHibernateTemplate - Interface in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Template interface that can be used with both Hibernate 3 and Hibernate 4
ilike(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates an ilike Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
ilike(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
ILIKE - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
ilike(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
ilike(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
ilike(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates an ilike Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
ilike(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
ilike(String, String) - Method in Query
Restricts the results by the given properties value
ilike(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Case insensitive like
IllegalMappingException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Thrown when an error occurs reading the mapping between object and datastore.
IllegalMappingException(String) - Constructor in IllegalMappingException
IMAGE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
implementsInterface(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
implementsOrInheritsZeroArgMethod(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
implementsZeroArgMethod(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
Tests whether the ClasNode implements the specified method name.
in(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates an "in" Criterion based on the specified property name and list of values.
in(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
IN - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
in(String, List) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
in(String, List) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
in(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates an "in" Criterion based on the specified property name and list of values
in(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
in(String, List) - Method in Query
Restricts the results by the given property values
in(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in Restrictions
Restricts the property to be in the list of given values
includeIdentifiers() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
includeIdentifiers() - Method in HibernatePersistentEntity
includes(Closure) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Include another config in this one
incrementEntityVersion(EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
incrementVersion(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
Increments the entities version number in order to force an update
incrementVersion(EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
incrementVersion(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Increments the entities version number in order to force an update
index(T, K) - Method in AssociationIndexer
Index a single foreign key
index(Object, K) - Method in PropertyValueIndexer
Creates an index for the given value to the specified key
indexer - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
indexOf(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
indexOf(Object) - Method in PersistentList
inferNativeKey(String, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Used to establish the native key to use from the identifier defined by the object
inherited - Field in AbstractPersistentProperty
init() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
init() - Method in Application
initDeferredClose(Datastore) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Initialize deferred close for the current thread and the given Datastore.
initForMappingContext(MappingContext) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
initialiseIfNecessary(Class<T>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Initializable - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.lifecycle
Interface for object that requires explicit initialization
initialize() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
initialize() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
initialize() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
initialize() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
initialize(ConnectionSourceSettings) - Method in DocumentMappingContext
initialize() - Method in EmbeddedPersistentEntity
initialize() - Method in EntityProxy
Initializes the proxy if it hasn't been initialized already
initialize(Object) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
initialize() - Method in HibernateDatastore
initialize(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
initialize() - Method in Initializable
Call to initialize the object
initialize(Object) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
INITIALIZE_METHOD - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
initialize() - Method in PagedResultList
initialize() - Method in PersistentCollection
Initializes the collection if it hasn't already been initialized.
initialize(Object) - Method in ProxyHandler
Initialises the given object
initialize(Object) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
initializeConverters(MappingContext) - Method in AbstractDatastore
initialized - Field in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
initialized - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
initialized - Field in AbstractResultList
INITIALIZED_PROPERTY - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
initializeDefaultMappingFactory(String) - Method in KeyValueMappingContext
initializedObjects - Field in AbstractResultList
initializeFully() - Method in AbstractResultList
initializeJoinStatus() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
initializeMethods(def) - Method in AbstractGormApi
initializeProxyTarget(Object) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
initializeTarget() - Method in SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler
initializing - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
initialValue() - Method in SoftThreadLocalMap
Creates an initial value of a Map.
initJta() - Method in GrailsSessionContext
initTransaction(TestRuntime, Object) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
injectIdProperty(ClassNode) - Method in GormEntityTransformation
injectTrait(ClassNode, Class) - Method in AstUtils
injectVersionProperty(ClassNode) - Method in GormEntityTransformation
inList(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates an "in" Criterion based on the specified property name and list of values.
inList(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
inList(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Delegates to in as in is a Groovy keyword
inList(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates an "in" Criterion based on the specified property name and list of values
inList(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
InMemoryConnectionSources - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Default implementation of the ConnectionSources interface.
InMemoryConnectionSources(ConnectionSource<T, S>, ConnectionSourceFactory<T, S>, PropertyResolver) - Constructor in InMemoryConnectionSources
insert(D, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
insert(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
insert(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
insert(Map) - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
insert(Object) - Method in EntityPersister
insert(Map) - Method in GormEntity
Forces an insert of an object to the datastore
insert(Map) - Method in GormEntityApi
Forces an insert of an object to the datastore
insert(D, Map) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Forces an insert of an object to the datastore
insert(D, Map) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Forces an insert of an object to the datastore
insert(D, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
insert(Object) - Method in Persister
Forces an insert of an object rather than trying to guess if it is an insert or an update
insert(Object) - Method in Session
Forces an insert
insert(D, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
instance - Field in InstanceProxy
instanceApi - Field in InstanceProxy
InstanceApiHelper - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Workaround for VerifyErrors in Groovy when using a HibernateCallback.
instanceApiHelper - Field in HibernateGormInstanceApi
InstanceApiHelper(GrailsHibernateTemplate) - Constructor in InstanceApiHelper
InstanceFactoryBean - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.bootstrap.support
Simple singleton instance implementation of Spring's FactoryBean interface
InstanceFactoryBean(T) - Constructor in InstanceFactoryBean
InstanceMethodInvokingClosure - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.internal
Not public API.
InstanceMethodInvokingClosure(def, Class<?>, String, Class) - Constructor in InstanceMethodInvokingClosure
instanceOf(D, Class) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
instanceOf(Class) - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
instanceOf(Class) - Method in GormEntity
Proxy aware instanceOf implementation.
instanceOf(Class) - Method in GormEntityApi
Proxy aware instanceOf implementation.
instanceOf(D, Class) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Proxy aware instanceOf implementation.
instanceOf(D, Class) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Proxy aware instanceOf implementation.
instanceOf(D, Class) - Method in GormStaticApi
instanceOf(D, Class) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
InstanceProxy - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
InstanceProxy(def, AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi, AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi) - Constructor in InstanceProxy
instantiate(Class<T>) - Method in ReflectionUtils
Instantiates an object catching any relevant exceptions and rethrowing as a runtime exception
InstantiationException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
Runtime exception equivalent of java.lang.InstantiationException
InstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in InstantiationException
IntArrayToIntegerArrayConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
INTEGER - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
IntegerToByteConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
IntegerToShortConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
integrate(Metadata, SessionFactoryImplementor, SessionFactoryServiceRegistry) - Method in EventListenerIntegrator
interceptor - Field in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
intValue(Map, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
invoke(Class, String, Object) - Method in DynamicFinder
invoke(Class, String, Closure, Object) - Method in FinderMethod
Invokes the method
invoke(Object, Method, Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate.CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler
invoke(Object, Method, Method, Object) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
invoke(Object, Method, Method, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
INVOKE_IMPLEMENTATION - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
invoke(Class, String, Closure, Object) - Method in ListOrderByFinder
INVOKE_METHOD - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
invokeBeforeValidate(Object, List<?>) - Method in BeforeValidateHelper
invokeClosureNode(Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
invokeEntityProxyMethods(Object, String, Object) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
invokeList() - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in ClosureToMapPopulator
invokeMethod(String, def) - Method in DefaultMappingConfigurationBuilder
invokeMethod(String, def) - Method in InstanceProxy
invokeMethod(Object, String, Object) - Method in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
Handle method calls on our proxy.
invokeMethodAfterResolving(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
invokeMethodBeforeResolving(Object, String, Object) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
invokeMethodBeforeResolving(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
invokeQuery(Query) - Method in AbstractFindByFinder
invokeQuery(Query) - Method in CountByFinder
invokeQuery(Query) - Method in FindAllByFinder
invokeQuery(Query) - Method in ListOrderByFinder
invokeThisMethod(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
IS_EMPTY - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
IS_INITIALIZED_METHOD - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
IS_NOT_EMPTY - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
IS_NOT_NULL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
IS_NULL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
IS_NULL_CRITERION - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
IS_PROXY_METHOD - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
isAbstract() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isAbstract(PersistentEntity) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
isActive() - Method in SessionOnlyTransaction
isActive() - Method in Transaction
Whether the transaction is active
isAnnotatedSuperClass(MappingConfigurationStrategy, Class) - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isApplyFlushModeOnlyToNonExistingTransactions() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
isAssignableFrom(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in ReflectionUtils
isAssignableOrConvertibleFrom(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in ClassUtils
Returns true if the specified clazz parameter is either the same as, or is a superclass or superinterface of, the specified type parameter.
isAssignedId(PersistentEntity) - Method in EntityPersister
isAttached(D) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
isAttached() - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
isAttached() - Method in GormEntity
No concept of session-based model so defaults to true
isAttached() - Method in GormEntityApi
No concept of session-based model so defaults to true
isAttached(D) - Method in GormInstanceApi
No concept of session-based model so defaults to true
isAttached(D) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
No concept of session-based model so defaults to true
isAttached(D) - Method in GormStaticApi
isAttached(D) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
isAutoFlush() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
isAvailable() - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer.GrailsBeanBuilderInit
isAvailable() - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer.GroovyBeanReaderInit
isAvailable() - Method in GormEntityTraitProvider
@return Whether this trait provided is available
isBasic() - Method in Association
@return Whether this association is embedded
isBidirectional() - Method in Association
isBidirectionalManyToOne(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isBidirectionalManyToOne(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isBidirectionalManyToOneWithListMapping(PersistentProperty, Property) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isBidirectionalManyToOneWithListMapping(PersistentProperty, Property) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isBidirectionalOneToManyMap(Association) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isBidirectionalOneToManyMap(Association) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isCached(Class, Serializable) - Method in AbstractSession
isCached(Class, Serializable) - Method in SessionImplementor
Whether an object with the specified key is contained within the first level cache.
isCacheQueries - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
isCacheQueries() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
isCancelled() - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
isCircular() - Method in Association
@return Whether the association is circular
isCircularAssociation(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isCircularAssociation(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isClassBelowPackage(Class<?>, List) - Method in ClassUtils
isClosed() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
isComponentPropertyNullable(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isComponentPropertyNullable(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isCompositeIdProperty(Mapping, PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isCompositeIdProperty(Mapping, PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isConfigurational(String) - Method in NameUtils
isConnected() - Method in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
isConnected() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
isConnected() - Method in Session
@return true if connected to the datastore
isCustomType(Class<?>) - Method in MappingFactory
isDerived() - Method in Property
@return Whether the property is derived or not
isDirty(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
isDirty() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
isDirty(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
isDirty() - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
isDirty() - Method in GormEntity
Checks whether an entity is dirty
isDirty() - Method in GormEntityApi
Checks whether an entity is dirty
isDirty(D) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Checks whether an entity is dirty
isDirty(D) - Method in HibernateGormInstanceApi
Checks whether an entity is dirty
isDirty(Object, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
isDirty() - Method in PersistentCollection
Check whether the collection has been modified.
isDirty(Object) - Method in Session
Check if the instance has been modified since loading.
isDomainClass(ClassNode) - Method in AstUtils
isDomainClass(Class) - Method in HibernateMappingContext
isEmbedded() - Method in Association
@return Whether this association is embedded
isEmbeddedEntry(Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Tests whether a native entry is an embedded entry
isEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
isEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
isEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
isEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
isEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
isEmpty() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
isEmpty() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
isEmpty() - Method in AbstractResultList
isEmpty(String) - Method in Criteria
Creates a criterion that asserts the given property is empty (such as a blank string)
isEmpty(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
isEmpty() - Method in PagedResultList
isEmpty() - Method in PropertyResolverMap
isEmpty(String) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a value to be empty (such as a blank string or an empty collection)
isEmpty() - Method in Query.Junction
isEmpty() - Method in Query.ProjectionList
isEmpty(String) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict a value to be empty (such as a blank string or an empty collection)
isEmpty() - Method in SessionHolder
isEnabled() - Method in IdentityEnumType
isEnum(ClassNode) - Method in AstUtils
isExposeNativeSession() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
isExternal() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isExternal() - Method in PersistentEntity
Whether this PersistentEntity is mapped using a different store.
isFailOnError() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
isForeignKeyInChild() - Method in ToOne
isGetter(String, Class<?>) - Method in ReflectionUtils
Returns true if the name of the method specified and the number of arguments make it a javabean property
isGrailsPresent() - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
isGroovyType(ClassNode) - Method in AstUtils
Whether the given type is a Groovy object
isIdentityName(String) - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isIdentityName(String) - Method in PersistentEntity
True if the given property is the identifier
isIdentityProperty(Mapping, PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isIdentityProperty(Mapping, PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isIgnoreCase() - Method in Query.Order
isIndex() - Method in Property
@return Whether this property is index
isIndexed(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractDatastore
isInherited() - Method in AbstractPersistentProperty
isInherited() - Method in PersistentProperty
@return Whether this property is inherited
isInheritRollbackOnly() - Method in GrailsTransactionAttribute
isInInheritanceHierarchy(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
Returns true if the given entity is in an inheritance hierarchy
isInInheritanceHierarchy(PersistentEntity) - Method in MappingContext
Returns true if the given entity is in an inheritance hierarchy
isInitialized() - Method in AbstractMappingContext
isInitialized() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
isInitialized() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isInitialized() - Method in EntityProxy
Checks whether the proxy has been initialized
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Checks whether an associated property is initialized and returns true if it is
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
isInitialized(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
isInitialized() - Method in Initializable
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
isInitialized() - Method in PersistentCollection
Check whether the collection has been loaded.
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in ProxyHandler
Checks whether the given association name of the given object is initialized
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
isInstance(Object) - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isInstance(Object) - Method in PersistentEntity
Tests whether the given instance is an instance of this persistent entity
isInvertBooleanReturnValue() - Method in EventTriggerCaller
isLazy() - Method in Property
Whether to use lazy proxies for each association.
isLazy() - Method in ToMany
@return Whether this association is lazy
isList() - Method in Association
@return Whether the association is a List
isListenerExcluded(String) - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
isLocked(Object) - Method in LockableEntityPersister
Return whether an object is locked or not
isLocked(Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Subclasses can override to provide locking semantics
isMappedClass(String, Class) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
isMappedWithHibernate(PersistentEntity) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
isMethodMatch(String) - Method in DynamicFinder
isMethodMatch(String) - Method in FinderMethod
Whether the given method name matches this finder
isMethodMatch(String) - Method in ListOrderByFinder
isMethodOverriddenFromParent(Method) - Method in ReflectionUtils
Tests whether a method is overridden from the parent
isMultiTenant() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isMultiTenant(Class) - Method in ClassUtils
Whether the class is multi tenant
isMultiTenant(Class) - Method in ConnectionSourcesSupport
isMultiTenant() - Method in PersistentEntity
@return Whether the entity is multi tenant
isMutable() - Method in IdentityEnumType
isNewSession() - Method in TransactionObject
isNewSessionHolder() - Method in TransactionObject
isNonPropertyToken(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isNonPropertyToken(String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isNoOperationCaller() - Method in EventTriggerCaller
isNotConfigurational(String) - Method in NameUtils
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in Criteria
Creates a criterion that asserts the given property is not empty
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a value to be not empty (such as a blank string or an empty collection)
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict a value to be not empty (such as a non-blank string)
isNotNull(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
isNotNull(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
isNotNull(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
isNotNull(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
isNotNull(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
isNotNull(String) - Method in Criteria
Creates a criterion that asserts the given property is not null
isNotNull(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
isNotNull(String) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a property to be not null
isNotNull(String) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict a value to be null
isNull(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
isNull(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
isNull(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
isNull(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
isNull(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
isNull(String) - Method in Criteria
Creates a criterion that asserts the given property is null
isNull(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
isNull(String) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a property to be null
isNull(String) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict a value to be null
isNullable() - Method in AbstractPersistentProperty
isNullable() - Method in OneToMany
isNullable() - Method in PersistentProperty
Whether the property can be set to null
isNullable() - Method in Property
@return Whether the property is nullable
isOnValue() - Method in FunctionCallingCriterion
Whether the function is called on the value or on the property
isOpen() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
isOsivReadOnly() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
isOsivReadOnly() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
isOwningEntity(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isOwningEntity(PersistentEntity) - Method in PersistentEntity
Returns whether the specified entity asserts ownership over this entity
isOwningSide() - Method in Association
Returns whether this side owns the relationship.
isOwningSide() - Method in Basic
isOwningSide() - Method in Embedded
isOwningSide() - Method in EmbeddedCollection
isOwningSide() - Method in ToOne
isPassReadOnlyToHibernate() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
isPendingAlready(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
isPendingAlready(T) - Method in SessionImplementor
@param obj Whether the given object is already pending
isPersistentEntity(Object) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
isPersistentEntity(Class) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
Tests whether an class is a persistent entity
isPersistentEntity(Class) - Method in MappingConfigurationStrategy
Tests whether the given class is a persistent entity
isPersistentEntity(Object) - Method in MappingContext
Returns whether the specified value is a persistent entity
isPresent(String, ClassLoader) - Method in ClassUtils
Determine whether the java.lang.Class identified by the supplied name is present and can be loaded.
isPropertyIndexed(Property) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
isProxy(Object) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
Check our object has the correct meta class to be a proxy of this type.
isProxy(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
isProxy(Object) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
isProxy(Object) - Method in ProxyHandler
Checks whether the specified instance is a proxy
isProxy(Object) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
isProxyIfReloadEnabled() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
isProxyInitiated(Object) - Method in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
isProxyInitiated(Object) - Method in EntityProxyMethodHandler
isProxyInitiated() - Method in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
isProxyInitiated(Object) - Method in SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler
isReadableProperty(String) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
isRealMethod(MetaMethod) - Method in GormEnhancer
isReference() - Method in Property
@return Whether this property is a database reference such as a foreign key
isRollback() - Method in HibernateSpec
Whether to rollback on each test (defaults to true)
isRollbackOnly() - Method in TransactionObject
isRoot() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isRoot() - Method in PersistentEntity
Whether this entity is a root entity
isSaveUpdateCascade(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Check if a save-update cascade is defined within the Hibernate cascade properties string.
isSaveUpdateCascade(String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Check if a save-update cascade is defined within the Hibernate cascade properties string.
isSchemaless() - Method in AbstractDatastore
isSchemaless() - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
isSchemaless() - Method in AbstractSession
isSchemaless() - Method in Datastore
Whether the datastore is schema-less.
isSchemaless() - Method in QueryCreator
@return Whether schemaless queries are allowed
isSessionTransactional(Session, Datastore) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Return whether the given Datastore Session is transactional, that is, bound to the current thread by Spring's transaction facilities.
isSessionTransactional(Session) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
isSetter(String, Class) - Method in ReflectionUtils
isSharedConnection() - Method in MultiTenancySettings.MultiTenancyMode
@return Whether a single shared connection is used
isSimpleType(String) - Method in MappingFactory
isSingleton() - Method in HibernateDatastoreFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in HibernateMappingContextFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in InstanceFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
isSorted(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Establish whether a collection property is sorted
isSorted(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Establish whether a collection property is sorted
isStateless(PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractSession
isStateless(PersistentEntity) - Method in SessionImplementor
@return Whether the session is stateless
isSubclassOf(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
Returns true if the given class name is a parent class of the given class
isSubclassOfOrImplementsInterface(ClassNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
isSynchronizedWithTransaction - Field in AbstractSession
isTablePerConcreteClass() - Method in Mapping
isTenantId(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
isTenantId(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in KeyValueMappingFactory
isTenantId(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in MappingFactory
Return whether the given property descriptor is the tenant id
isTransactionPresent(Datastore) - Method in TransactionUtils
isUnidirectionalOneToMany(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Checks whether a property is a unidirectional non-circular one-to-many
isUnidirectionalOneToMany(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Checks whether a property is a unidirectional non-circular one-to-many
isUnique() - Method in Property
@return Whether the property should be unique
isUnique() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to determine whether the property's column is configured to be unique.
isUniqueWithinGroup() - Method in Property
@return Whether the property is unique within a group
isValidSource(AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in AbstractPersistenceEventListener
isVersioned() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
isVersioned() - Method in Entity
@return Whether this entity is versioned
isVersioned(EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
isVersioned() - Method in PersistentEntity
Is the entity versioned for optimistic locking.
isVetoed() - Method in PendingDeleteAdapter
isVetoed() - Method in PendingInsertAdapter
isVetoed() - Method in PendingOperation
@return Whether the operation has been vetoed
isVetoed() - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
isVetoed() - Method in PendingUpdateAdapter
iterateEntityNameResolvers() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
iterator() - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
iterator() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
iterator() - Method in AbstractResultList
Override to transform elements if necessary during iteration.
iterator() - Method in DetachedCriteria
iterator() - Method in PagedResultList
iterator() - Method in StaticConnectionSources


javaClass - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
JAVASIST_PROXY_FACTORY - Field in AbstractMappingContext
JavassistProxyFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.proxy
A proxy factory that uses Javassist to create proxies
jdbcExceptionTranslator - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
join(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
join(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Specifies whether a join query should be used (if join queries are supported by the underlying datastore)
join(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Use a join query
join(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
join(String) - Method in BuildableCriteria
Whether to join on an association
join(String) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
join(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
join(String) - Method in Query
Specifies whether a join query should be used (if join queries are supported by the underlying datastore)
JoinTable - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Represents a Join table in Grails mapping.
JpaQueryBuilder - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.jpa
Builds JPA 1.0 String-based queries from the Query model
JpaQueryBuilder(PersistentEntity, Junction, ProjectionList, Order>) - Constructor in JpaQueryBuilder
JpaQueryInfo - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.jpa
JpaQueryInfo(String, List) - Constructor in JpaQueryInfo
jtaSessionContext - Field in GrailsSessionContext
junctions - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria


keys - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
keySet() - Method in PropertyResolverMap
keyspace - Field in KeyValueMappingFactory
KeyValue - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.mapping.config
KeyValue(String) - Constructor in KeyValue
KeyValueEntry - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.engine
@author Graeme Rocher
KeyValueEntry(String) - Constructor in KeyValueEntry
KeyValueMappingContext - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.mapping.config
A MappingContext used to map objects to a Key/Value store
KeyValueMappingContext(String, ConnectionSourceSettings) - Constructor in KeyValueMappingContext
Constructs a context using the given keyspace
KeyValueMappingFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.mapping.config
@author Graeme Rocher
KeyValueMappingFactory(String) - Constructor in KeyValueMappingFactory
KeyValuePersistentEntity - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.mapping.config
@author Graeme Rocher
KeyValuePersistentEntity.KeyValueClassMapping - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.keyvalue.mapping.config
KeyValuePersistentEntity.KeyValueClassMapping(PersistentEntity, MappingContext) - Constructor in KeyValuePersistentEntity.KeyValueClassMapping
KeyValuePersistentEntity(Class, MappingContext) - Constructor in KeyValuePersistentEntity


last(Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
last(Map) - Method in GormEntity
Finds the last object.
last(Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
Finds the last object.
last(Map) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Finds the last object.
last() - Method in PersistentSortedSet
last(Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
LAST_UPDATED - Field in GormProperties
LAST_UPDATED_PROPERTY - Field in AutoTimestampEventListener
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in PersistentList
lazyQuery - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
le(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
le(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
le(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "less than or equal to" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
le(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
le(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
le(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
le(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
le(String, Object) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
leAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is less than all the given returned values
leAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
leAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is less than all the given returned values
leAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is less than all the given returned values
leAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in DetachedCriteria
leProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Constraints a property to be less than or equal to a specified other property
leProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
leProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is less than or equal to the second property
leProperty(String, String) - Method in Criteria
Constrains a property to be less than or equal to a specified other property
leProperty(String, String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
leProperty(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Constraints a property to be less than or equal to a specified other property
leSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
leSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
leSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
leSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is less than or equal to some of the given values
leSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in DetachedCriteria
LESS_THAN - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_PROPERTY - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
LESS_THAN_PROPERTY - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
like(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates an like Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
like(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
LIKE - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
like(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
like(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
like(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates a like Criterion based on the specified property name and value
like(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
like(String, String) - Method in Query
Restricts the results by the given properties value
like(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Restricts the property match the given String expressions.
linkBidirectionalOneToMany(Collection, PersistentClass, DependantValue, PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Links a bidirectional one-to-many, configuring the inverse side and using a column copy to perform the link
linkBidirectionalOneToMany(Collection, PersistentClass, DependantValue, PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Links a bidirectional one-to-many, configuring the inverse side and using a column copy to perform the link
linkValueUsingAColumnCopy(PersistentProperty, Column, DependantValue) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
linkValueUsingAColumnCopy(PersistentProperty, Column, DependantValue) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
list(Map, Closure) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
list() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
list(Map, Closure) - Method in BuildableCriteria
Defines and executes a list query in a single call.
LIST_CALL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
list(Map, Closure) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
list(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Lists all records matching the criterion contained within this DetachedCriteria instance
LIST_DISTINCT_CALL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
list() - Method in GormEntity
List all entities
list(Map, Closure) - Method in GormQueryOperations
Lists all records matching the criterion contained within this DetachedCriteria instance
list() - Method in GormStaticApi
List all entities
list() - Method in GormStaticOperations
List all entities
list(Map) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
list(Map, Closure) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
list() - Method in Query
Executes the query returning zero or many results as a list.
list() - Method in QueryableCriteria
List all results
list() - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
listDirtyPropertyNames() - Method in DirtyCheckable
@return A list of the dirty property names
listDistinct(Closure) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
listDistinct(Closure) - Method in BuildableCriteria
Defines and executes a list distinct query in a single call.
listDistinct(Closure) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
Defines and executes a list distinct query in a single call.
listDistinct(Map, Closure) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
listeners - Field in AbstractConnectionSources
listForCriteria() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
listIterator(int) - Method in AbstractResultList
listIterator(int) - Method in PagedResultList
listIterator(int) - Method in PersistentList
ListOrderByFinder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
The "listOrderBy*" static persistent method.
ListOrderByFinder(Datastore) - Constructor in ListOrderByFinder
load(Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
load(Serializable) - Method in GormEntity
Retrieves and object from the datastore as a proxy. eg.
load(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticApi
Retrieves and object from the datastore as a proxy. eg.
load(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Retrieves and object from the datastore as a proxy. eg.
load(Class<T>, Serializable) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
load(Class<T>, Serializable) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
load(Serializable) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
loadAll(Class<T>) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
loadEmbeddedCollection(EmbeddedCollection, EntityAccess, Object, String) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Implementors who want to the ability to read embedded collections should implement this method
loadEmbeddedCollectionKeys(Association, EntityAccess, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Implementors who want to support one-to-many associations embedded should implement this method
loadInverseChildKeys(Session, Class, Collection) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
LOCALE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
locateEntityPersister(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
lock(boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Whether a pessimistic lock should be obtained.
lock(D) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
lock(boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
lock(Class<T>, Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
lock(Class, Serializable) - Method in AbstractSession
lock() - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
lock(Serializable) - Method in GormEntity
Locks an instance for an update
lock() - Method in GormEntityApi
Upgrades an existing persistence instance to a write lock
lock(D) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Upgrades an existing persistence instance to a write lock
lock(D) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Upgrades an existing persistence instance to a write lock
lock(D) - Method in GormStaticApi
lock(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Locks an instance for an update
lock(Object, LockMode) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
lock(Serializable) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
lock(Object, LockMode) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
lock(Serializable, int) - Method in LockableEntityPersister
Acquire a lock using the given identifier and timeout delay
lock(Serializable, int) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
lock(LockModeType) - Method in Query
Specifies whether the query should obtain a pessimistic lock
lock(Class<T>, Serializable) - Method in Session
Retrieves an individual object, using a write lock to prevent loss of updates
lock(Serializable) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
LockableEntityPersister - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
Abstract base class for entity persisters that support locking.
LockableEntityPersister(MappingContext, PersistentEntity, Session, ApplicationEventPublisher) - Constructor in LockableEntityPersister
lockedObjects - Field in AbstractSession
lockEntry(PersistentEntity, String, Serializable, int) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Subclasses can override to provide locking semantics
lockResult - Field in Query
LOG - Field in AbstractDatastore
LOG - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
LOG - Field in ClosureEventListener
LOG - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
LOG - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
logCascadeMapping(Association, String, PersistentEntity) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
logCascadeMapping(Association, String, PersistentEntity) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
LOGICAL_AND - Field in JpaQueryBuilder
LOGICAL_OR - Field in JpaQueryBuilder
logicalExpressionStack - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
LONG - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
LongArrayToLongArrayConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
lt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
lt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
lt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "less than" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
lt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
lt(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
lt(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
lt(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
lt(String, Object) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value
lt(String, Object) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value
ltAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is less than all the given returned values
ltAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
ltAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is less than all the given returned values
ltAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is less than all the given returned values
ltAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in DetachedCriteria
lte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
lte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
lte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
lte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
lte(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
lte(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
lte(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
lte(String, Object) - Method in Query
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
lte(String, Object) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value
ltProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Constraints a property to be less than a specified other property
ltProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
ltProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is less than the second property
ltProperty(String, String) - Method in Criteria
Constrains a property to be less than a specified other property
ltProperty(String, String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
ltProperty(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Constraints a property to be less than a specified other property
ltSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
ltSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
ltSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
ltSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in Criteria
Creates a subquery criterion that ensures the given property is less than some of the given values
ltSome(String, Closure<?>) - Method in DetachedCriteria


main(String) - Method in Application
makeAccessible(Method) - Method in ReflectionUtils
Make the given method accessible, explicitly setting it accessible if necessary.
ManualEntityOrdering - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.order
Manual implementation of query ordering for datastores that don't support native ordering.
ManualEntityOrdering(PersistentEntity) - Constructor in ManualEntityOrdering
ManualProjections - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.projections
Implements common projections in-memory given a set of results.
ManualProjections(PersistentEntity) - Constructor in ManualProjections
ManyToMany - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models a many-to-many association between one class and another
ManyToMany(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in ManyToMany
ManyToOne - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models a many-to-one association
ManyToOne(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in ManyToOne
MAPPED_BY - Field in GormProperties
MAPPED_BY_NONE - Field in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
mappedPropertiesByName - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
Mapping - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Models the mapping from GORM classes to the db.
MAPPING_CACHE - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
MAPPING - Field in GormProperties
MAPPING_STRATEGY - Field in GormProperties
MappingConfigurationBuilder - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config.groovy
Interface for objects that build a mapping configuration
MappingConfigurationStrategy - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
MappingContext - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
MappingContext.Listener - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Implementors can register for events when the mapping context changes
mappingContext - Field in AbstractDatastore
mappingContext - Field in DynamicFinder
mappingContext - Field in GormValidationApi
mappingContext - Field in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
MappingContextAwareConstraintFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints
A constraint that restricts constraints to be applicable only to a given MappingContext
MappingContextAwareConstraintFactory(Class<? extends Constraint>, MessageSource, MappingContext, List<Class>) - Constructor in MappingContextAwareConstraintFactory
MappingFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
mappingFactory - Field in DocumentMappingContext
mappingFactory - Field in KeyValueMappingContext
MappingUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.internal
Utility methods for mapping logic.
mapToPropertyResolver(Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractDatastore
markDirty() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
markDirty(String, def, def) - Method in DirtyCheckable
Marks the given property name as dirty
markDirty() - Method in PersistentCollection
Mark the collection as dirty.
markInsertActive() - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
Called by org.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass.SavePersistentMethod's performInsert to set a ThreadLocal variable that determines the value for getAssumedUnsaved().
matches(ClassNode) - Method in GormCompilerAutoConfiguration
matchesFilter(MetadataReader, MetadataReaderFactory) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
Check whether any of the configured entity type filters matches the current class descriptor contained in the metadata reader.
matchProductName(String) - Method in DatabaseDriver
MATERIALIZED_BLOB - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
MATERIALIZED_CLOB - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
max(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Computes the max value of a property
max(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Adds a min projection
max(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
max(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve a maximum property value
max(int) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
max(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
max(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Adds a min projection
max(Collection, String) - Method in ManualProjections
Calculates the maximum value of a property
max(String) - Method in ProjectionList
Computes the max value of a property
max(String) - Method in Projections
Computes the max value of a property
max - Field in Query
max(String) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
Computes the max value of a property
maxResults(int) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
maxResults(int) - Method in Query
Defines the maximum number of results to return
merge(D, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
merge(Map) - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
merge(D) - Method in GormEntity
Merges an instance with the current session
merge(Map) - Method in GormEntityApi
Saves an object the datastore
merge(D, Map) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Saves an object the datastore
merge(D, Map) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Saves an object the datastore
merge(D, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
merge(D) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Merges an instance with the current session
merge(D) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
META_CLASS - Field in GormProperties
META_CLASS_PROPERTY - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
metaClass - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
MetaClassUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
Utility methods for manipulating meta classes
metadataBuildingContext - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
metadataContributor - Field in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
metaMethod - Field in MethodInvokingClosure
METHOD_NAME_MARK_DIRTY - Field in DirtyCheckingTransformer
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in FindAllByBooleanFinder
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in FindByBooleanFinder
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in FindOrCreateByFinder
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in FindOrSaveByFinder
MethodExpression - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Method expression used to evaluate a dynamic finder.
MethodExpression.Between - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.Between(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.Between
MethodExpression.Equal - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.Equal(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.Equal
MethodExpression.GreaterThan - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.GreaterThan(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.GreaterThan
MethodExpression.GreaterThanEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.GreaterThanEquals(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.GreaterThanEquals
MethodExpression.Ilike - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.Ilike(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.Ilike
MethodExpression.InList - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.InList(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.InList
MethodExpression.InRange - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.InRange(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.InRange
MethodExpression.IsEmpty - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.IsEmpty(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.IsEmpty
MethodExpression.IsNotEmpty - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.IsNotEmpty(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.IsNotEmpty
MethodExpression.IsNotNull - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.IsNotNull(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.IsNotNull
MethodExpression.IsNull - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.IsNull(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.IsNull
MethodExpression.LessThan - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.LessThan(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.LessThan
MethodExpression.LessThanEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.LessThanEquals(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.LessThanEquals
MethodExpression.Like - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.Like(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.Like
MethodExpression.NotEqual - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.NotEqual(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.NotEqual
MethodExpression.Rlike - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
MethodExpression.Rlike(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression.Rlike
MethodExpression(Class<?>, String) - Constructor in MethodExpression
MethodInvokingClosure - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.internal
Not public API.
MethodInvokingClosure(def, String, Class) - Constructor in MethodInvokingClosure
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Method missing handler that deals with the invocation of dynamic finders
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in GormQueryOperations
Method missing handler for dynamic finders
methodMissing(String, Object) - Method in GormStaticApi
Method missing handler that deals with the invocation of dynamic finders
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Handles static method missing for dynamic finders
methodMissing(String, Object) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in NamedQueriesBuilder
methodMissing(String, Object) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
methodName - Field in MethodInvokingClosure
min(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Computes the min value of a property
min(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Adds a sum projection
min(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
min(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve a minimum property value
min(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
min(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Adds a sum projection
min(Collection, String) - Method in ManualProjections
Calculates the minimum value of a property
min(String) - Method in ProjectionList
Computes the min value of a property
min(String) - Method in Projections
Computes the min value of a property
min(String) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
Computes the min value of a property
ModificationTrackingEntityAccess - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
Tracks modifications to the entity access, this allows synchronization of state for Hibernate for example
ModificationTrackingEntityAccess(EntityAccess) - Constructor in ModificationTrackingEntityAccess
moveInterceptorBeansToManagedList(BeanDefinitionRegistry, Collection<String>) - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptorAggregator
MultipleDataSourceSupport - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.datasource
Support methods for Multiple data source handling
multiTenancyMode - Field in GormStaticApi
MultiTenancySettings - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy
Represents the multi tenancy settings
MultiTenancySettings.MultiTenancyMode - Enum in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy
MultiTenant - Trait in grails.gorm
A trait for domain classes to implement that should be treated as multi tenant
MultiTenantCapableDatastore - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy
An implementation that is capable of multi tenancy
MultiTenantEventListener - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.multitenancy
An event listener that hooks into persistence events to enable discriminator based multi tenancy (ie org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.MultiTenancySettings.MultiTenancyMode#DISCRIMINATOR
MultiTenantEventListener(Datastore) - Constructor in MultiTenantEventListener
multiTenantMode - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
mutex(Closure) - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
mutex(Closure) - Method in GormEntity
Locks the instance for updates for the scope of the passed closure
mutex(Closure) - Method in GormEntityApi
Locks the instance for updates for the scope of the passed closure
mutex(D, Closure<T>) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Locks the instance for updates for the scope of the passed closure
mutex(D, Closure<T>) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Locks the instance for updates for the scope of the passed closure
mutex(D, Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticApi
mutex(D, Closure<T>) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations


name - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder.LogicalExpression
name - Field in AbstractPersistentProperty
name - Field in DefaultConnectionSource
name - Field in Query.PropertyNameCriterion
NAME - Field in UniqueConstraint
NAMED_QUERIES - Field in GormProperties
NamedCriteriaProxy - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query
Handles named queries
NamedCriteriaProxy(Closure, PersistentEntity, List) - Constructor in NamedCriteriaProxy
NamedQueriesBuilder - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.query
Handles creation of named queries
NameUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect
@author Graeme Rocher
NAMING_STRATEGIES - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Overrideable naming strategy.
NAMING_STRATEGIES - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
Overrideable naming strategy.
namingStrategy - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
nativeEntry - Field in PendingOperationAdapter
NativeEntryEntityPersister - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
Provides an implementation of the EntityPersister class that reads and writes against a native datastore type specified by the generic type parameter T
NativeEntryEntityPersister.NativeEntryModifyingEntityAccess - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
NativeEntryEntityPersister.NativeEntryModifyingEntityAccess(PersistentEntity, Object) - Constructor in NativeEntryEntityPersister.NativeEntryModifyingEntityAccess
NativeEntryEntityPersister(MappingContext, PersistentEntity, Session, ApplicationEventPublisher, TPCacheAdapterRepository<T>) - Constructor in NativeEntryEntityPersister
nativeKey - Field in PendingOperationAdapter
NaturalId - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
@author Graeme Rocher
ne(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "not equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
ne(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
ne(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "not equal" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
ne(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates a "not equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
ne(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
ne(String, Object) - Method in Restrictions
Restricts the property to be not equal to the given value
negation() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
negation() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
negation() - Method in Query
Creates a negation of several criterion
neProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Constraints a property to be not equal to a specified other property
neProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria#neProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
neProperty(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that compares to class properties for !
neProperty(String, String) - Method in Criteria
Constrains a property to be not equal to a specified other property
neProperty(String, String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
neProperty(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Constraints a property to be not equal to a specified other property
newChildBuilder(Object, String) - Method in ConfigurationBuilder
Subclasses can override for when a new child builder is created
newChildBuilderForFallback(Object, Object) - Method in ConfigurationBuilder
newConfiguration() - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
newConnectionSource(ConnectionSource<T, S>) - Method in ConnectionSourcesListener
Triggered when a new connection source is added at runtime
newEntityInstance(PersistentEntity) - Method in EntityPersister
newInstance() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
newInstance() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
newInstance() - Method in DetachedCriteria
newInstance() - Method in PersistentEntity
Constructs a new instance
newInstance(String, Errors) - Method in ValidationException
nextDecoded() - Method in AbstractResultList
NO_CLASSES - Field in GroovyAwareJavassistProxyFactory
nonGeneric(ClassNode, ClassNode) - Method in AstUtils
NonPersistentTypeException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
Thrown when an object cannot be persisted.
NonPersistentTypeException(String) - Constructor in NonPersistentTypeException
not(Closure) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
not(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Handles a disjunction
NOT - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
NOT_CLAUSE - Field in JpaQueryBuilder
not(Closure) - Method in Criteria
Creates a logical negation
not(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
NOT_EQUAL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
NOT_EQUAL_PROPERTY - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
NoTenantResolver - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.resolvers
A TenantResolver that throws an exception indicating the tenant id was not found
notEqual(String, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
notExists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
notExists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria#notExists(org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.QueryableCriteria)
notExists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
notExists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in Criteria
Executes a not exists subquery
notExists(QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in DetachedCriteria
notIn(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
notIn(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
notIn(String, Closure<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
notIn(String, Closure<?>) - Method in Criteria
Creates a negated "in" Criterion using a subquery
notIn(String, Closure<?>) - Method in DetachedCriteria
notIn(String, QueryableCriteria) - Method in Restrictions
Restricts the property to be in the list of given values
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, String, SessionImplementor, Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Object, int, SessionImplementor) - Method in IdentityEnumType
NUMERIC_BOOLEAN - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder


OBJECT_CLASS_NODE - Field in AstUtils
offset(int) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Sets the default offset to use and returns a new criteria instance.
offset(int) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
offset - Field in AbstractResultList
offset(int) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Sets the default offset to use and returns a new criteria instance.
offset - Field in Query
onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in AbstractPersistenceEventListener
onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in MultiTenantEventListener
onChange(Map<String, Object>) - Method in HibernateGrailsPlugin
onChange(def, Map) - Method in OnChangeHandler
OnChangeHandler - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.plugin.support
Common onChange handling logic.
OnChangeHandler(Datastore, PlatformTransactionManager) - Constructor in OnChangeHandler
onErrors(Object, Errors) - Method in ValidatingEventListener
Sub classes should override to receive error notifications
OneToMany - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models a one-to-many association
OneToMany(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in OneToMany
OneToOne - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models a one-to-one association
OneToOne(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in OneToOne
ONLOAD_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
ONLOAD_SAVE - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPersistenceEvent(AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in AbstractPersistenceEventListener
onPersistenceEvent(AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
onPersistenceEvent(AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in DomainEventListener
onPersistenceEvent(AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onPersistenceEvent(AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in ValidatingEventListener
onPersistenceEvent(AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in ValidationEventListener
onPostDelete(PostDeleteEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPostDelete(PostDeleteEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPostDelete(PostDeleteEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onPostInsert(PostInsertEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPostInsert(PostInsertEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPostInsert(PostInsertEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onPostLoad(PostLoadEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPostLoad(PostLoadEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPostLoad(PostLoadEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onPreDelete(PreDeleteEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPreDelete(PreDeleteEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPreDelete(PreDeleteEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onPreInsert(PreInsertEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPreInsert(PreInsertEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPreInsert(PreInsertEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onPreLoad(PreLoadEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPreLoad(PreLoadEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPreLoad(PreLoadEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onSaveOrUpdate(SaveOrUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onSaveOrUpdate(SaveOrUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onSaveOrUpdate(SaveOrUpdateEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
onShutdown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in HibernateGrailsPlugin
onTestEvent(TestEvent) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
onValidate(ValidationEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onValidate(ValidationEvent) - Method in HibernateEventListener
openSession() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
@return Opens a session
openSession() - Method in HibernateDatastore
openSession() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
openSession(SessionFactory) - Method in SessionFactoryUtils
openStatelessSession(Connection) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
openTemporarySession() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
OPERATOR_AND - Field in AbstractFindByFinder
OPERATOR_OR - Field in AbstractFindByFinder
OPERATORS - Field in AbstractFindByFinder
opField - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
OptimisticLockingException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Indicates an optimistic locking violation during an update.
OptimisticLockingException(PersistentEntity, Object) - Constructor in OptimisticLockingException
or(Closure) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
or(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Handles a disjunction
OR - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
or(Criterion, Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
or(Criterion, Criterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
or(Closure) - Method in Criteria
Creates a logical disjunction
or(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
OR_OPERATOR - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
or(Query.Criterion, Query.Criterion) - Method in Query
Creates a disjunction using two specified criterion
or(Criterion, Criterion) - Method in Restrictions
order(String, String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Orders by the specified property name and direction
order(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
order(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Orders by the specified property name and direction
order(Order) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
order(Order) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
ORDER_ASC - Field in DynamicFinder
ORDER_ASC - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ORDER_ASC - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ORDER_ASCENDING - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
ORDER_ASCENDING - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
ORDER_ASCENDING - Field in CriteriaBuilder
order(String, String) - Method in Criteria
Orders by the specified property name and direction
ORDER_DESC - Field in DynamicFinder
ORDER_DESC - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ORDER_DESC - Field in HibernateQueryConstants
ORDER_DESCENDING - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
ORDER_DESCENDING - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
ORDER_DESCENDING - Field in CriteriaBuilder
order(String, String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
order(String) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
order(Query.Order) - Method in Query
Specifies the order of results
orderBy - Field in Query
orderEntries - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
orderEntries - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
orders - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
originalSize - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
OSIV_CLASS_NAME - Field in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
osivReadOnly - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
otherProperty - Field in Query.PropertyComparisonCriterion
owner - Field in AbstractPersistentProperty
owners - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity


PagedResultList - Class in grails.orm
A result list for Criteria list calls, which is aware of the totalCount for the paged result.
PagedResultList(GrailsHibernateTemplate, HibernateQuery) - Constructor in PagedResultList
paginationEnabledList - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
paginationEnabledList - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
PARAM_ENUM_CLASS - Field in IdentityEnumType
PARAMETER_NAME_PREFIX - Field in JpaQueryBuilder
parameterTypes - Field in MethodInvokingClosure
participate - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
passReadOnlyToHibernate - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
password(String) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
pattern - Field in DynamicFinder
patternToRegex(Object) - Method in Query
Converts a pattern to regex for regex queruies
PendingDelete - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
Represents a pending delete, that is an object that is due to be deleted as part of a flush() operation
PendingDeleteAdapter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
Adapter for the PendingDelete interface
PendingDeleteAdapter(PersistentEntity, K, E) - Constructor in PendingDeleteAdapter
PendingInsert - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
An insert that is pending execution in a flush() operation
PendingInsertAdapter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
Provides default implementation for most of the methods in the PendingInsert interafce
PendingInsertAdapter(PersistentEntity, K, E, EntityAccess) - Constructor in PendingInsertAdapter
PendingOperation - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
An operation that is pending execution.
PendingOperationAdapter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
Base implementation of the PendingOperation interface.
PendingOperationAdapter(PersistentEntity, K, E) - Constructor in PendingOperationAdapter
PendingOperationExecution - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
Provides a default implementation to execute a pending operation.
PendingUpdate - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
An update that is pending execution in a flush() operation
PendingUpdateAdapter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.impl
Provides a default implementation for the PendingUpdate interface
PendingUpdateAdapter(PersistentEntity, K, E, EntityAccess) - Constructor in PendingUpdateAdapter
performInjection(SourceUnit, ClassNode) - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
performInjectionOnAnnotatedClass(SourceUnit, ClassNode) - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
performInjectionOnAnnotatedEntity(ClassNode) - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
performInsert(D, boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
performMerge(D, boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
performSave(D, boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
persist(Iterable) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
persist(Iterable) - Method in AbstractSession
persist(Iterable) - Method in EntityPersister
persist(Iterable) - Method in Persister
Persists a number of objects at the same time and returns their keys in the order specified by the objs parameter
persist(Iterable) - Method in Session
Persists several objects returning their identifiers in the order specified by the Iterable
PersistenceContextInterceptorAggregator - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.plugin.support
BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor that replaces multiple discovered PersistenceContextInterceptor beans with a single aggregating instance.
PersistenceEventListener - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
persistentClass - Field in AbstractGormApi
persistentClasses - Field in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
PersistentCollection - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.collection
A lazy loaded collection.
persistentEntities - Field in AbstractMappingContext
persistentEntitiesByDiscriminator - Field in AbstractMappingContext
persistentEntitiesByName - Field in AbstractMappingContext
persistentEntitiesByParent - Field in AbstractMappingContext
PersistentEntity - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Represents a persistent entity.
persistentEntity - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
persistentEntity - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
persistentEntity - Field in AbstractGormApi
persistentEntity - Field in BeanEntityAccess
persistentEntityAdded(PersistentEntity) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
persistentEntityAdded(PersistentEntity) - Method in DomainEventListener
persistentEntityAdded(PersistentEntity) - Method in MappingContext.Listener
Fired when a new entity is added
PersistentEntityNamingStrategy - Interface in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Allows plugging into to custom naming strategies
persistEntities(PersistentEntity, Iterable) - Method in EntityPersister
persistEntities(PersistentEntity, Iterable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
This is a rather simplistic and unoptimized implementation.
persistEntity(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in EntityPersister
Persist the given persistent entity
persistEntity(PersistentEntity, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
PersistentList - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.collection
A lazy loaded list.
PersistentList(Association, Serializable, Session) - Constructor in PersistentList
persistentProperties - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
PersistentProperty - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
@author Graeme Rocher
persistentPropertyNames - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
PersistentSet - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.collection
A lazy loaded set.
PersistentSet(Serializable, Session, AssociationQueryExecutor) - Constructor in PersistentSet
PersistentSortedSet - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.collection
A lazy loaded sorted set.
PersistentSortedSet(Serializable, Session, AssociationQueryExecutor) - Constructor in PersistentSortedSet
Persister - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
A Persister is responsible for persisting and retrieving an object.
persisters - Field in AbstractSession
pickGormEntityTrait(ClassNode, SourceUnit) - Method in GormEntityTransformation
pickMetaMethod(MetaClass, String, Class, boolean) - Method in MethodInvokingClosure
Utility method for choosing matching metamethod, handles MethodSelectionException
PlatformTransactionManagerProxy - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.transaction
A proxy for the org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager instance
PlatformTransactionManagerProxy() - Constructor in PlatformTransactionManagerProxy
populate(Closure) - Method in ClosureToMapPopulator
populateArgumentsForCriteria(Class<?>, Query, Map) - Method in DynamicFinder
populateArgumentsForCriteria(PersistentEntity, Criteria, Map, ConversionService, boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateQueryUtils
Populates criteria arguments for the given target class and arguments map
populateArgumentsForCriteria(Criteria, Map, ConversionService) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
populateProperties(Properties, Map, String) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings
populateQueryArguments(Query, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
populateQueryWithNamedArguments(Query, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
PostDeleteEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
PostDeleteEvent(Object, PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Constructor in PostDeleteEvent
postFlush(boolean) - Method in AbstractSession
postFlushOperations - Field in AbstractSession
PostInsertEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
PostInsertEvent(Object, PersistentEntity) - Constructor in PostInsertEvent
postInstantiate(String, Class, Set, Method, Method, CompositeType) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistProxyFactory
PostLoadEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
PostLoadEvent(Object, PersistentEntity) - Constructor in PostLoadEvent
postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in HibernateDatastoreConnectionSourcesRegistrar
postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptorAggregator
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in HibernateDatastoreConnectionSourcesRegistrar
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptorAggregator
PostQueryEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.event
Query fired after a query has run.
PostQueryEvent(Object, Query, List) - Constructor in PostQueryEvent
PostUpdateEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
PostUpdateEvent(Object, PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Constructor in PostUpdateEvent
PreDeleteEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
PreDeleteEvent(Object, PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Constructor in PreDeleteEvent
PREFIX - Field in Settings
The default prefix
preIndex(K, List<T>) - Method in AssociationIndexer
Creates an index queryable via the primary key.
PreInsertEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
PreInsertEvent(Object, PersistentEntity) - Constructor in PreInsertEvent
PreLoadEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
PreLoadEvent(Object, PersistentEntity) - Constructor in PreLoadEvent
prepareCriteria(Criteria) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Prepare the given Criteria object, applying cache settings and/or a transaction timeout.
prepareMultiTenantClosure(Closure<T>) - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
preparePropertyResolver(PropertyResolver, String) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Prepares a property resolver and ensures it is suitable for GORM configuration
prepareQuery(Query) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Prepare the given Query object, applying cache settings and/or a transaction timeout.
PreQueryEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.event
Event fired immediately before a query is executed.
PreQueryEvent(Object, Query) - Constructor in PreQueryEvent
PreUpdateEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
PreUpdateEvent(Object, PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Constructor in PreUpdateEvent
processDeferredClose(Datastore) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Process all Datastore Sessions that have been registered for deferred close for the given SessionFactory.
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in UniqueConstraint
ProjectionList - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api
Models a list of projections
projectionList - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
projectionList - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Projections - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Projections used to customize the results of a query
projections(Closure) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Defines projections
projections - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
PROJECTIONS - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
projections() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
projections(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Defines projections.
projections - Field in Query
properties(Map<String, String>) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
propertiesByName - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
Property - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config
Base class for classes returned from PropertyMapping.getMappedForm
property(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
A projection that obtains the value of a property of an entity
property(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Adds a property projection
property(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
property(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
A projection that selects a property name
property(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
property(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Adds a property projection
property(Collection, String) - Method in ManualProjections
Obtains a properties value from the results
PROPERTY_NAME - Field in SystemPropertyTenantResolver
property(String) - Method in ProjectionList
A projection that obtains the value of a property of an entity
property(String) - Method in Projections
A projection that obtains the value of a property of an entity
property(String) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
A projection that obtains the value of a property of an entity
PropertyConfig - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Custom mapping for a single domain property.
PropertyConfig() - Constructor in PropertyConfig
PropertyDefinitionDelegate - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Builder delegate that handles multiple-column definitions for a single domain property, e.g.
PropertyDefinitionDelegate(PropertyConfig) - Constructor in PropertyDefinitionDelegate
PropertyMapping - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Interface for a property mapping which specifies what or where a particular property is mapped to.
propertyMissing(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
propertyMissing(String) - Method in GormEntity
Allow access to datasource by name
propertyMissing(D, String) - Method in GormInstanceApi
propertyMissing(D, String) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Allow access to datasource by name
propertyMissing(D, String) - Method in GormStaticApi
Merges an instance with the current session
propertyMissing(String, def) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Handles property missing, does nothing by default, sub traits to override
propertyMissing(String) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
propertyMissing(String, def) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
propertyMissing(String, Object) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
propertyName - Field in MethodExpression
PropertyResolverMap - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.config.utils
Adapts a property resolver to the Map interface
PropertyResolverMap(PropertyResolver) - Constructor in PropertyResolverMap
propertyType() - Method in EntityReflector.PropertyReader
@return The property type
propertyType() - Method in EntityReflector.PropertyWriter
@return The property type
PropertyValueIndexer - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
Responsible for creating indices for property values used in queries.
proxy(Class<T>, Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
proxy(Class, Serializable) - Method in AbstractSession
proxy(DataSource, DataSourceSettings) - Method in DataSourceConnectionSourceFactory
proxy(Serializable) - Method in EntityPersister
proxy(Serializable) - Method in GormEntity
Retrieves and object from the datastore as a proxy. eg.
proxy(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticApi
Retrieves and object from the datastore as a proxy. eg.
proxy(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Retrieves and object from the datastore as a proxy. eg.
PROXY_KEY_PROPERTY - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
proxy(Serializable) - Method in LockableEntityPersister
proxy(Serializable) - Method in Persister
Creates a proxy for the given key
PROXY_PROPERTY - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
proxy(Class<T>, Serializable) - Method in Session
Retrieves a proxy for the given key
proxy(Serializable) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
proxyClass - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
proxyEntities - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
ProxyFactory - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.proxy
The factory used to create proxies
proxyFactory - Field in AbstractMappingContext
proxyFactory - Field in EntityPersister
ProxyHandler - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.proxy
Interface for classes that handle proxies
proxyHandler - Field in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
proxyHandler - Field in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
proxyHandler - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
proxyIfReloadEnabled - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
ProxyInstanceMetaClass - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.proxy
Per-instance metaclass to use for proxied GORM domain objects.
ProxyInstanceMetaClass(MetaClass, Session, Serializable) - Constructor in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
publisher - Field in AbstractSession
publisher - Field in EntityPersister
publishEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in ConfigurableApplicationContextEventPublisher
publishEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in DefaultApplicationEventPublisher
put(Object, Object) - Method in DirtyCheckingMap
put(String, Object) - Method in PropertyResolverMap
putAll(Map) - Method in DirtyCheckingMap
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) - Method in PropertyResolverMap
putAt(String, def) - Method in DynamicAttributes
Sets a dynamic attribute
putAt(String, def) - Method in InstanceProxy
putAt(String, String) - Method in ValidationErrors


qualify(String, String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
qualify(String, String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
qualify(String, String) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Query - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Models a query that can be executed against a data store.
Query.AvgProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Computes the average value of a property
Query.AvgProjection(String) - Constructor in Query.AvgProjection
Query.Between - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Criterion used to restrict the result to be between values (range query)
Query.Between(String, Object, Object) - Constructor in Query.Between
Query.Conjunction - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A Criterion used to combine to criterion in a logical AND
Query.Conjunction(List<Criterion>) - Constructor in Query.Conjunction
Query.CountDistinctProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.CountDistinctProjection(String) - Constructor in Query.CountDistinctProjection
Query.CountProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used to count the results of a query
Query.Criterion - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Represents a criterion to be used in a criteria query
Query.Disjunction - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A Criterion used to combine to criterion in a logical OR
Query.Disjunction(List<Criterion>) - Constructor in Query.Disjunction
Query.DistinctProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.DistinctPropertyProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.DistinctPropertyProjection(String) - Constructor in Query.DistinctPropertyProjection
Query.Equals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A criterion that restricts the results based on equality
Query.Equals(String, Object) - Constructor in Query.Equals
Query.EqualsAll - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be equal to all the given values
Query.EqualsAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.EqualsAll
Query.EqualsProperty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.EqualsProperty(String, String) - Constructor in Query.EqualsProperty
Query.Exists - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used for exists subquery
Query.Exists(QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.Exists
Query.GreaterThan - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used to restrict a value to be greater than the given value
Query.GreaterThan(String, Object) - Constructor in Query.GreaterThan
Query.GreaterThanAll - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be greater than all the given values
Query.GreaterThanAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.GreaterThanAll
Query.GreaterThanEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value
Query.GreaterThanEquals(String, Object) - Constructor in Query.GreaterThanEquals
Query.GreaterThanEqualsAll - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be greater than or equal to all the given values
Query.GreaterThanEqualsAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.GreaterThanEqualsAll
Query.GreaterThanEqualsProperty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.GreaterThanEqualsProperty(String, String) - Constructor in Query.GreaterThanEqualsProperty
Query.GreaterThanEqualsSome - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be greater than some of the given values
Query.GreaterThanEqualsSome(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.GreaterThanEqualsSome
Query.GreaterThanProperty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.GreaterThanProperty(String, String) - Constructor in Query.GreaterThanProperty
Query.GreaterThanSome - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be greater than some of the given values
Query.GreaterThanSome(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.GreaterThanSome
Query.GroupPropertyProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.GroupPropertyProjection(String) - Constructor in Query.GroupPropertyProjection
Query.IdEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A criterion that restricts the results based on the equality of the identifier
Query.IdEquals(Object) - Constructor in Query.IdEquals
Query.IdProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A projection used to obtain the identifier of an object
Query.ILike - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Criterion used to restrict the results based on a pattern (likeness)
Query.ILike(String, String) - Constructor in Query.ILike
Query.In - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Criterion used to restrict the results based on a list of values
Query.In(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.In
Query.IsEmpty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a property to be empty (such as a blank string)
Query.IsEmpty(String) - Constructor in Query.IsEmpty
Query.IsNotEmpty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a property to be empty (such as a blank string)
Query.IsNotEmpty(String) - Constructor in Query.IsNotEmpty
Query.IsNotNull - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a property to be not null
Query.IsNotNull(String) - Constructor in Query.IsNotNull
Query.IsNull - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Models a query that can be executed against a data store.
Query.IsNull(String) - Constructor in Query.IsNull
Query.Junction - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.Junction(List<Criterion>) - Constructor in Query.Junction
Query.LessThan - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value
Query.LessThan(String, Object) - Constructor in Query.LessThan
Query.LessThanAll - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be less than all the given values
Query.LessThanAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.LessThanAll
Query.LessThanEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value
Query.LessThanEquals(String, Object) - Constructor in Query.LessThanEquals
Query.LessThanEqualsAll - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be less than or equal to all the given values
Query.LessThanEqualsAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.LessThanEqualsAll
Query.LessThanEqualsProperty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.LessThanEqualsProperty(String, String) - Constructor in Query.LessThanEqualsProperty
Query.LessThanEqualsSome - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be less than some of the given values
Query.LessThanEqualsSome(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.LessThanEqualsSome
Query.LessThanProperty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.LessThanProperty(String, String) - Constructor in Query.LessThanProperty
Query.LessThanSome - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be less than some of the given values
Query.LessThanSome(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.LessThanSome
Query.Like - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Criterion used to restrict the results based on a pattern (likeness)
Query.Like(String, String) - Constructor in Query.Like
Query.MaxProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Computes the max value of a property
Query.MaxProjection(String) - Constructor in Query.MaxProjection
Query.MinProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Computes the min value of a property
Query.MinProjection(String) - Constructor in Query.MinProjection
Query.Negation - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A criterion used to negate several other criterion
Query.NotEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A criterion that restricts the results based on equality
Query.NotEquals(String, Object) - Constructor in Query.NotEquals
Query.NotEqualsAll - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Restricts a value to be not equal to all the given values
Query.NotEqualsAll(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.NotEqualsAll
Query.NotEqualsProperty - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.NotEqualsProperty(String, String) - Constructor in Query.NotEqualsProperty
Query.NotExists - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used for exists subquery
Query.NotExists(QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.NotExists
Query.NotIn - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Criterion used to restrict the results based on a list of values
Query.NotIn(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.NotIn
Query.Order - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
The ordering of results.
Query.Order.Direction - Enum in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Represents the direction of the ordering
Query.Order(String, Query.Order.Direction) - Constructor in Query.Order
Query.Projection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A projection
Query.ProjectionList - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A list of projections
Query.PropertyComparisonCriterion - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A Criterion that compares to properties
Query.PropertyComparisonCriterion(String, String) - Constructor in Query.PropertyComparisonCriterion
Query.PropertyCriterion - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Criterion that applies to a property and value
Query.PropertyCriterion(String, Object) - Constructor in Query.PropertyCriterion
Query.PropertyNameCriterion - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A Criterion that applies to a property
Query.PropertyNameCriterion(String) - Constructor in Query.PropertyNameCriterion
Query.PropertyProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
A projection that obtains the value of a property of an entity
Query.PropertyProjection(String) - Constructor in Query.PropertyProjection
Query.RLike - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Criterion used to restrict the results based on a regular expression pattern
Query.RLike(String, String) - Constructor in Query.RLike
Query.SizeEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.SizeEquals(String, int) - Constructor in Query.SizeEquals
Query.SizeGreaterThan - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.SizeGreaterThan(String, int) - Constructor in Query.SizeGreaterThan
Query.SizeGreaterThanEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.SizeGreaterThanEquals(String, int) - Constructor in Query.SizeGreaterThanEquals
Query.SizeLessThan - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.SizeLessThan(String, int) - Constructor in Query.SizeLessThan
Query.SizeLessThanEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.SizeLessThanEquals(String, int) - Constructor in Query.SizeLessThanEquals
Query.SizeNotEquals - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query.SizeNotEquals(String, int) - Constructor in Query.SizeNotEquals
Query.SubqueryCriterion - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Used to differentiate criterion that require a subquery
Query.SubqueryCriterion(String, QueryableCriteria) - Constructor in Query.SubqueryCriterion
Query.SumProjection - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Computes the sum of a property
Query.SumProjection(String) - Constructor in Query.SumProjection
query - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
query(PersistentProperty, PropertyCriterion, Q) - Method in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
query - Field in AbstractQueryEvent
The query.
query(K) - Method in AssociationQueryExecutor
Queries the given primary key and returns the foreign keys
query(PersistentProperty, PropertyCriterion, Q) - Method in CustomTypeMarshaller
Populates a query
query(Object, int, int) - Method in PropertyValueIndexer
Queries the given value and returns the keys
Query(Session, PersistentEntity) - Constructor in Query
QueryableCriteria - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api
@author Graeme Rocher
QueryAliasAwareSession - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api
@author Graeme Rocher
QueryArgumentsAware - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api
Interface for classes that are interested in additional query arguments defined as a map for things like the limit, offset and join information
QueryBuildingFinder - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.finders
Implemented by finders that build queries.
queryCache - Field in Query
QueryCreator - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Query for any class that creates Queries
queryCreator - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
QueryEventType - Enum in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.event
The type of a query event.
QueryException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Throw when there is a problem with the query
QueryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in QueryException
queryInternal(PersistentProperty, String, PropertyCriterion, Q) - Method in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
queryMetaClass - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
queryPattern - Field in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi


read(Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
read(PersistentProperty, N) - Method in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
read(Class<T>, String, Map<String, String>, T) - Method in ConfigUtils
read(PersistentProperty, N) - Method in CustomTypeMarshaller
Converts a value from its native form
read(Object) - Method in EntityReflector.PropertyReader
reads the property
read(Serializable) - Method in GormEntity
Retrieves and object from the datastore. eg.
read(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticApi
Retrieves and object from the datastore. eg.
read(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Retrieves and object from the datastore. eg.
read(Serializable) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
readIdentifierFromObject(Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
readInternal(PersistentProperty, String, N) - Method in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
readObjectIdentifier(EntityAccess, ClassMapping) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Reads an objects identifier using the entity access and ClassMapping instance
readOnly - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
readOnly(boolean) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
readOnly(boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Whether to check for changes on the objects loaded
readOnly(boolean) - Method in BuildableCriteria
Whether to cache the query should be readOnly
readOnly(boolean) - Method in Criteria
readOnly(boolean) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
readPreviousFlushMode(Session) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
readPreviousFlushMode(Session) - Method in HibernateGormValidationApi
reconnect() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
ReflectionUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.utils
Utility methods for working with reflection.
reflector - Field in EntityPersister
refresh(D) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
refresh(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
refresh(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
refresh() - Method in BeanEntityAccess
Refreshes the object from entity state.
refresh() - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
refresh() - Method in EntityAccess
Refreshes the object from underlying entity state.
refresh() - Method in FieldEntityAccess
refresh() - Method in GormEntity
Refreshes the state of the current instance
refresh() - Method in GormEntityApi
Refreshes the state of the current instance
refresh(D) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Refreshes the state of the current instance
refresh(D) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Refreshes the state of the current instance
refresh(D) - Method in GormStaticApi
refresh(Object, LockMode) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
refresh(Object) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
refresh(Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
refresh(Object) - Method in Persister
Refreshes the given objects state
refresh(Object) - Method in Session
Refreshes the given objects state
refresh(D) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
refreshObjectStateFromNativeEntry(PersistentEntity, Object, Serializable, T, boolean) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
register(ConverterRegistry) - Method in BasicTypeConverterRegistrar
registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in HibernateGormAutoConfiguration
registerBeans(BeanDefinitionRegistry, Closure) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer.GrailsBeanBuilderInit
registerBeans(BeanDefinitionRegistry, Closure) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer.GroovyBeanReaderInit
registerBeans(TestRuntime, GrailsApplication) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
registerConstraints(Datastore) - Method in GormEnhancer
registerConstraints(Datastore) - Method in HibernateGormEnhancer
registerCustomType(CustomTypeMarshaller) - Method in MappingFactory
registerEntity(PersistentEntity) - Method in GormEnhancer
Registers a new entity with the GORM enhancer
registerEventListeners(ConfigurableApplicationEventPublisher) - Method in HibernateDatastore
registerHibernateDomains(TestRuntime, GrailsApplication, Collection<Class<?>>, Map, boolean) - Method in HibernateTestMixin
registerInstanceMethod(Class, ExpandoMetaClass, AbstractGormApi, String, Class) - Method in GormEnhancer
registerJtaSynchronization(Session, SessionHolder) - Method in GrailsSessionContext
registerNamedQueryDefinition(String, NamedQueryDefinition) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
registerNamedSQLQueryDefinition(String, NamedSQLQueryDefinition) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
registerNewMethodExpression(Class) - Method in DynamicFinder
Registers a new method expression.
registerPending(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
registerPending(T) - Method in SessionImplementor
Register a pending object
registerStaticMethod(ExpandoMetaClass, String, Class<?>, GormStaticApi) - Method in GormEnhancer
RelationalDatastore - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.rdbms
@author Guillaume Laforge
releaseSession(Session, Datastore) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Close the given Session, created via the given factory, if it is not managed externally (i.e. not bound to the thread).
remove(Object) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
remove(Object) - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
remove(int) - Method in DirtyCheckingList
remove(Object) - Method in DirtyCheckingMap
remove(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
remove(int) - Method in PersistentList
remove(Object) - Method in PropertyResolverMap
removeAll(Collection) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
removeAll(Collection) - Method in DirtyCheckingCollection
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in PagedResultList
removeAttributesForEntity(Object) - Method in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
removeBackticks(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
removeBackticks(String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
removeConstraints() - Method in GormEnhancer
removeFrom(String, Object) - Method in GormEntity
Removes the given value to given association ensuring both sides are correctly disassociated
removeNullNames(Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
removeSession(Session) - Method in SessionHolder
render(BasicType, List<String>, SessionFactory, SQLFunction) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
render(BasicType, List<String>, SessionFactory, SQLFunction) - Method in HibernateQuery
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
replaceGenericsPlaceholders(ClassNode, Map<String, ClassNode>, ClassNode) - Method in AstUtils
requiresPostCommitHanding(EntityPersister) - Method in ClosureEventListener
requiresPostCommitHanding(EntityPersister) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
reset() - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
resetDirty() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
resetDirty() - Method in PersistentCollection
Mark the collection as no longer dirty.
resetErrors(D) - Method in GormValidationApi
resetInsertActive() - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
Clears the ThreadLocal variable set by markInsertActive().
resolveDelegate(Object) - Method in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
resolveDelegate(Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
resolveDelegate(Object) - Method in SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler
resolveDelegateAndGetProperty(Object, String) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
resolveDelegateAndInvokeThisMethod(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
resolveDelegateAndSetProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
resolveIdentifier() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
resolveIdentifier() - Method in EmbeddedPersistentEntity
resolveIdIfEntity(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
resolveIdIfEntity(Object) - Method in Query
resolveSchemaNames(DataSource) - Method in DefaultSchemaHandler
resolveSchemaNames(DataSource) - Method in SchemaHandler
@return Resolves the schema names
resolveTableName(PersistentEntity) - Method in PersistentEntityNamingStrategy
resolveTargetMetaClass(T, Class<T>) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
resolveTenantIdentifier() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
resolveTenantIdentifier() - Method in FixedTenantResolver
resolveTenantIdentifier() - Method in NoTenantResolver
resolveTenantIdentifier() - Method in SystemPropertyTenantResolver
resolveTenantIdentifier() - Method in TenantResolver
resolveTenantIds() - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
resolveTenantIds() - Method in AllTenantsResolver
@return Resolves all tenant ids
restoreFlushMode(Session, Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
restoreFlushMode(Session, Object) - Method in HibernateGormValidationApi
Restrictions - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.query
Factory for creating org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.Query.Criterion instances
resultList - Field in PagedResultList
resultTransformer - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
resume(Transaction) - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
resume() - Method in SpringSessionSynchronization
retainAll(Collection) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in PagedResultList
retrieve(Class<T>, Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
retrieve(Class, Serializable) - Method in AbstractSession
retrieve(Serializable) - Method in EntityPersister
retrieve(Serializable) - Method in Persister
Retrieves an object for the given context and Key
retrieve(Class<T>, Serializable) - Method in Session
Retrieves an individual object
retrieveAll(Class, Serializable) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
retrieveAll(Class, Serializable) - Method in AbstractSession
retrieveAll(Serializable) - Method in EntityPersister
retrieveAll(Class, Iterable) - Method in HibernateSession
retrieveAll(Serializable) - Method in Persister
Batch retrieve several objects in one go
retrieveAll(Class, Serializable) - Method in Session
Retrieves several objects for the specified keys
retrieveAllEntities(PersistentEntity, Iterable<Serializable>) - Method in EntityPersister
retrieveAllEntities(PersistentEntity, Serializable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Simplistic default implementation of retrieveAllEntities that iterates over each key and retrieves the entities one-by-one.
retrieveEntity(PersistentEntity, Serializable) - Method in EntityPersister
Retrieve a PersistentEntity for the given mappingContext and key
retrieveEntity(PersistentEntity, Serializable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
retrieveEntry(PersistentEntity, String, Serializable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Reads the native form of a Key/value datastore entry.
retrieveSession(Class) - Method in AbstractDatastore
Static way to retrieve the session
returnedClass() - Method in IdentityEnumType
rlike(String, Object) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Creates an rlike Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
rlike(String, Object) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
RLIKE - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
rlike(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
rlike(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateAssociationQuery
rlike(String, Object) - Method in Criteria
Creates an rlike Criterion based on the specified property name and value
rlike(String, Object) - Method in DetachedCriteria
rlike(String, Object) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion with from the specified property name and "rlike" (a regular expression version of "like") expression
rlike(String, String) - Method in Query
Restricts the results by the given properties value
rlike(String, String) - Method in Restrictions
Restricts the property match the given regular expressions.
RlikeExpression - Class in grails.orm
Adds support for rlike to Hibernate in supported dialects.
RlikeExpression(String, String, MatchMode) - Constructor in RlikeExpression
rollback() - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
rollback(TransactionStatus) - Method in PlatformTransactionManagerProxy
rollback() - Method in SessionOnlyTransaction
rollback() - Method in Transaction
Rollback the transaction.
rollbackOn(Throwable) - Method in GrailsTransactionAttribute
ROOT_CALL - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
ROOT_CALL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
ROOT_DO_CALL - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
ROOT_DO_CALL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
rootBuilder - Field in ConfigurationBuilder
rowCount() - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Count the number of records returned
rowCount() - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
rowCount(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the row count
rowCount() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
rowCount() - Method in ProjectionList
Count the number of records returned
rowCount() - Method in Query.ProjectionList


save(D, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
save(Map) - Method in DelegatingGormEntityApi
save(Map) - Method in GormEntity
Saves an object with the given parameters
save(Map) - Method in GormEntityApi
Saves an object with the given parameters
save(D, Map) - Method in GormInstanceApi
Saves an object with the given parameters
save(D, Map) - Method in GormInstanceOperations
Saves an object with the given parameters
save(D, Map) - Method in GormStaticApi
save(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
save(Object) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
save(D, Map) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
saveAll(Iterable<?>) - Method in GormEntity
Saves a list of objects in one go
saveAll(Iterable<?>) - Method in GormStaticApi
Saves a list of objects in one go
saveAll(Iterable<?>) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Saves a list of objects in one go
saveAll(Iterable<?>) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
SaveOrUpdateEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
SaveOrUpdateEvent(Datastore, Object) - Constructor in SaveOrUpdateEvent
scanForPersistentClasses() - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
scanPackages(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
Perform Spring-based scanning for entity classes, registering them as annotated classes with this Configuration.
SchemaExportCommand - Class in grails.plugin.hibernate.commands
Adds a schema-export command
SchemaHandler - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc.schema
A resolver that helps resolve information about the database schema.
schemaHandler - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
scroll - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
scroll(Closure) - Method in BuildableCriteria
Defines and executes a scroll query in a single call.
SCROLL_CALL - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
SCROLL_CALL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
scroll(Closure) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
secondaryDatastore - Field in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
select(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
select(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Specifies whether a select (lazy) query should be used (if join queries are supported by the underlying datastore)
select(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Use a select query
select(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
select(String) - Method in BuildableCriteria
Whether to select on an association
select(String) - Method in CriteriaBuilder
select(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
select(String) - Method in Query
Specifies whether a select (lazy) query should be used (if join queries are supported by the underlying datastore)
SEQUENCE_KEY - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
SERIALIZABLE_CLASS_NODE - Field in GormEntityTransformation
SERIALIZABLE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
serializableProxy() - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
Session - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
The Session represents the active interaction with a datastore.
session - Field in AbstractPersistentCollection
session - Field in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
session - Field in CriteriaBuilder
session - Field in EntityPersister
SESSION_FACTORY_BEAN_NAME - Field in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
session - Field in Query
SessionCallback - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
@author Burt Beckwith
SessionCreationEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Event fired when a session is created.
SessionCreationEvent(Session) - Constructor in SessionCreationEvent
SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.proxy
An EntityProxyMethodHandler that uses the session to initialize a target for the given id
SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler(Class, Session, Class, Serializable) - Constructor in SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler
sessionFactory - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
sessionFactory - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
sessionFactory - Field in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
sessionFactory - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate
sessionFactory - Field in GrailsSessionContext
sessionFactory - Field in HibernateGormStaticApi
sessionFactoryBeanName - Field in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
sessionFactoryBeanName - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
SessionFactoryHolder - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
Holds a reference to the SessionFactory, used to allow proxying of the session factory in development mode.
sessionFactoryName - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
SessionFactoryProxy - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate
SessionFactoryUtils - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
Helper methods for Hibernate 5
SessionHolder - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.transactions
Holds a reference to one or more sessions.
SessionHolder(Session, Object) - Constructor in SessionHolder
SessionImplementor - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Methods for the implementation of the Session interface to implement.
SessionOnlyTransaction - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.transactions
SessionOnlyTransaction(T, Session) - Constructor in SessionOnlyTransaction
sessionPropertyMap - Field in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
set(int, Object) - Method in AbstractResultList
set(int, Object) - Method in DirtyCheckingList
SET_META_CLASS - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
set(int, E) - Method in PagedResultList
set(int, Object) - Method in PersistentList
SET_PROPERTY - Field in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
SET_RESULT_TRANSFORMER_CALL - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
setAccessType(AccessType) - Method in Property
setAlias(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Sets the root alias to be used for the query
setAnnotatedClasses(Class<?>) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Specify annotated entity classes to register with this Hibernate SessionFactory.
setAnnotatedPackages(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Specify the names of annotated packages, for which package-level annotation metadata will be read.
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in AbstractDatastore
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in HibernateDatastore
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in HibernateDatastoreFactoryBean
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in SpringDataSourceConnectionSourceFactory
setApplyFlushModeOnlyToNonExistingTransactions(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
setArguments(Object) - Method in MethodExpression
setArguments(Object) - Method in MethodExpression.Between
setArguments(Object) - Method in MethodExpression.InList
setArguments(Object) - Method in MethodExpression.InRange
setArguments(Map) - Method in QueryArgumentsAware
@param arguments The query arguments
setAssociatedEntity(PersistentEntity) - Method in Association
setAttr(String) - Method in Attribute
setAttribute(Object, String, Object) - Method in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
setAttribute(String) - Method in Attribute
setAttribute(DynamicAttributes, String, Object) - Method in DynamicAttributeHelper
setAttribute(Object, String, Object) - Method in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
setAttribute(Object, String, Object) - Method in Session
Associates an attribute with the given persistent entity.
setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
setBinder(GrailsDomainBinder) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
setCacheableMappingLocations(Resource) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set locations of cacheable Hibernate mapping files, for example as web app resource "/WEB-INF/mapping/example.hbm.xml".
setCacheQueries(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
setCanExpandMappingContext(boolean) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
Whether the strategy can add new entities to the mapping context
setCanExpandMappingContext(boolean) - Method in MappingConfigurationStrategy
Whether the strategy can add new entities to the mapping context
setCanInitializeEntities(boolean) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
setCanInitializeEntities(boolean) - Method in KeyValueMappingContext
setCascade(String) - Method in Property
setCascadeBehaviour(PersistentProperty, Property) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
setCascadeBehaviour(PersistentProperty, Property) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
setCollection(String) - Method in Collection
Sets the name of the collection
setCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit) - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
setCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit) - Method in GormEntityTransformation
setConfigClass(Class<? extends HibernateMappingContextConfiguration>) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Sets the class to be used for Hibernate Configuration.
setConfigLocation(Resource) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set the location of a single Hibernate XML config file, for example as classpath resource "classpath:hibernate.cfg.xml".
setConfigLocations(Resource) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set the locations of multiple Hibernate XML config files, for example as classpath resources "classpath:hibernate.cfg.xml,classpath:extension.cfg.xml".
setContextObject(Object) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
@param contextObject Context object to be passed to mapping blocks
setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in BeanEntityAccess
setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
setCurrentSessionContextClass(Class<?>) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Sets class to be used for the Hibernate CurrentSessionContext.
setCurrentSessionContextClass(Class) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
The class to use for the current session context
setCustomTypeMarshaller(CustomTypeMarshaller) - Method in Basic
setCustomTypes(List<CustomTypeMarshaller>) - Method in AbstractConnectionSourceFactory
The custom user types to register
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set the DataSource to be used by the SessionFactory.
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
setDataSourceConnectionSource(ConnectionSource<DataSource, DataSourceSettings>) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
Set the target SQL javax.sql.DataSource
setDataSourceConnectionSourceFactory(DataSourceConnectionSourceFactory) - Method in AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory
Sets the factory for creating SQL javax.sql.DataSource connection sources
setDataSourceName(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
setDataSourceName(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
setDatastore(AbstractHibernateDatastore) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
setDatastore(AbstractHibernateDatastore) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
setDatastore(Datastore) - Method in DatastoreAware
Sets the datastore on this instance
setDatastore(Datastore) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
setDatastoreManagedSession(boolean) - Method in DatastoreTransactionManager
setDateVersion(EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
setDefault(ConnectionSourceSettings.DefaultSettings) - Method in ConnectionSourceSettings
setDefaultConstraints(Closure) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
setDefaultConstraints(Closure) - Method in HibernateMappingContext
Sets the default constraints to be used
setDefaultFlushMode(int) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
setDefaultMapping(Closure) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
setDefaultMapping(Closure) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
The default ORM mapping
setDefaultMapping(Closure) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
The default mapping defined by org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.GrailsDomainConfiguration#DEFAULT_MAPPING
setDerived(boolean) - Method in Property
setDetachedCriteria(DetachedCriteria) - Method in DynamicFinderInvocation
setDetachedCriteriaValue(QueryableCriteria, PropertyCriterion) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
setDetachedCriteriaValue(QueryableCriteria, PropertyCriterion) - Method in HibernateQuery
setEmbedded(T, String, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Implementors should override this method to provide support for embedded objects
setEmbeddedCollection(T, String, Collection<?>, List<T>) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Implementors should override this method to provide support for embedded objects
setEmbeddedCollectionKeys(Association, EntityAccess, T, List<Serializable>) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
setEmbeddedMap(T, String, Map, Map<Object, T>) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Implementors should override this method to provide support for maps of embedded objects
setEntityInterceptor(Interceptor) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set a Hibernate entity interceptor that allows to inspect and change property values before writing to and reading from the database.
setEntryValue(T, String, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Sets a value on an entry
setEnumType(String) - Method in Property
setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in HibernateGormAutoConfiguration
setErrors(D, Errors) - Method in GormValidationApi
Sets the errors for an instance
setErrorsOnInstance(Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
Associates the Errors object on the instance
setEventListeners(Map<String, Object>) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
Default listeners.
setEventListeners(Map<String, Object>) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Specify the Hibernate event listeners to register, with listener types as keys and listener objects as values.
setEventPublisher(ConfigurableApplicationEventPublisher) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
setExecuted(boolean) - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
setExistingSession(Session) - Method in TransactionObject
setExposeNativeSession(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
setExternal(boolean) - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
setExternal(boolean) - Method in PersistentEntity
Whether this PersistentEntity is mapped using a different store.
setFamily(String) - Method in Family
setFetch(String) - Method in Property
Makes it easier to configure the fetch strategy
setFetch(FetchMode) - Method in PropertyConfig
@param fetch The Hibernate org.hibernate.FetchMode
setFetchStrategy(FetchType) - Method in Property
Sets the strategy to use to fetch the property (lazy or eager)
setFlushMode(FlushModeType) - Method in AbstractSession
setFlushMode(int) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
Set the flush behavior to one of the constants in this class.
setFlushMode(FlushModeType) - Method in HibernateSession
setFlushMode(Session, FlushMode) - Method in HibernateVersionSupport
Set the native Hibernate FlushMode, adapting between Hibernate 5.0/5.1 and 5.2+.
setFlushMode(int) - Method in IHibernateTemplate
setFlushMode(FlushModeType) - Method in Session
The flush mode, defaults to FlushModeType.AUTO
setFlushModeManual(def) - Method in GrailsHibernateTransactionManager
setFlushModeManual() - Method in InstanceApiHelper
setForeignKeyInChild(boolean) - Method in ToOne
setFormula(String) - Method in Property
setGeneratedUniqueName(UniqueKey) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
setGeneratedUniqueName(UniqueKey) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
setGenerator(String) - Method in Property
Set the id generator name or class.
setHibernateCompatible(boolean) - Method in JpaQueryBuilder
setHibernateEventListeners(HibernateEventListeners) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
setHibernateEventListeners(HibernateEventListeners) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
User-specifiable extra listeners.
setHibernateEventListeners(HibernateEventListeners) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
setHibernateMappingContext(HibernateMappingContext) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
setHibernateMappingContext(HibernateMappingContext) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
setHibernateProperties(Properties) - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
setHibernateProperties(Properties) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set Hibernate properties, such as "hibernate.dialect".
setIdentifier(Object) - Method in BeanEntityAccess
setIdentifier(Object) - Method in EntityAccess
Sets the entity identifier to the given value
setIdentifier(Object, Object) - Method in EntityReflector
Set the identifier
setIdentifier(Object) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
setIdentifierNoConversion(Object) - Method in BeanEntityAccess
setIdentifierNoConversion(Object) - Method in EntityAccess
Sets the entity identifier to the given value
setIdentifierNoConversion(Object) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
setIndex(boolean) - Method in Property
Whether this property is index
setInheritRollbackOnly(boolean) - Method in GrailsTransactionAttribute
setInList(List<String>) - Method in Property
setInterceptor(Interceptor) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
setInversePropertyName(String) - Method in ManyToMany
setInvertBooleanReturnValue(boolean) - Method in EventTriggerCaller
setKey(String) - Method in KeyValue
setKeyspace(String) - Method in Family
setLazy(Boolean) - Method in Property
@param lazy Set to true if lazy proxies should be used for each element of collection types
setListenerMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in HibernateEventListeners
setManyToMany(PersistentEntity, Object, T, ManyToMany, Collection, Map<Association, List<Serializable>>) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
setMappingDirectoryLocations(Resource) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set locations of directories that contain Hibernate mapping resources, like "WEB-INF/mappings".
setMappingFactory(MappingFactory<Family, KeyValue>) - Method in KeyValueMappingContext
setMappingJarLocations(Resource) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set locations of jar files that contain Hibernate mapping resources, like "WEB-INF/lib/example.hbm.jar".
setMappingLocations(Resource) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set locations of Hibernate mapping files, for example as classpath resource "classpath:example.hbm.xml".
setMappingResources(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set Hibernate mapping resources to be found in the class path, like "example.hbm.xml" or "mypackage/example.hbm.xml".
setMax(Comparable) - Method in Property
setMaxSize(Number) - Method in Property
setMetadataContributor(MetadataContributor) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceFactory
setMetadataContributor(MetadataContributor) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
setMin(Comparable) - Method in Property
setMinSize(Number) - Method in Property
setName(String) - Method in Property
setNamingStrategy(PersistentEntityNamingStrategy) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
@param namingStrategy Custom naming strategy to plugin into table naming
setNamingStrategy(PersistentEntityNamingStrategy) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
@param namingStrategy Custom naming strategy to plugin into table naming
setNamingStrategy(NamingStrategy) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Set a Hibernate NamingStrategy for the SessionFactory, determining the physical column and table names given the info in the mapping document.
setNativeEntry(T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister.NativeEntryModifyingEntityAccess
setNativeEvent(Serializable) - Method in AbstractPersistenceEvent
setNativeJdbcExtractor(NativeJdbcExtractor) - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
setNullable(boolean) - Method in Property
setObject(T) - Method in InstanceFactoryBean
setObjectIdentifier(Object, Serializable) - Method in EntityPersister
Obtains an objects identifer
setObjectToReadOnly(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
Sets the target object to read-only using the given SessionFactory instance.
setObjectToReadWrite(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
Sets the target object to read-write, allowing Hibernate to dirty check it and auto-flush changes.
setObjectToReadWrite(Object, SessionFactory) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Sets the target object to read-write, allowing Hibernate to dirty check it and auto-flush changes.
setObjectToReadWrite(Object) - Method in HibernateGormInstanceApi
setObjectToReadyOnly(Object, SessionFactory) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Sets the target object to read-only using the given SessionFactory instance.
setObjectType(Class<?>) - Method in InstanceFactoryBean
setOsivReadOnly(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
setOwningSide(boolean) - Method in Association
setOwningSide(boolean) - Method in Basic
setPackagesToScan(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
Specify packages to search for autodetection of your entity classes in the classpath.
setParameterValues(Properties) - Method in IdentityEnumType
setPattern(String) - Method in DynamicFinder
setPattern(String) - Method in FinderMethod
@param pattern A regular expression
setPattern(String) - Method in ListOrderByFinder
setPooled(boolean) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
setPooledConnection(boolean) - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in BeanEntityAccess
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in ClosureToMapPopulator
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in EntityAccess
Sets a property value
setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in EntityReflector
Set a property for the specified index
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
setProperty(String, def) - Method in InstanceProxy
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in ModificationTrackingEntityAccess
Sets a property value
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister.NativeEntryModifyingEntityAccess
setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in ProxyInstanceMetaClass
setPropertyAfterResolving(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
setPropertyBeforeResolving(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
setPropertyNoConversion(String, Object) - Method in BeanEntityAccess
setPropertyNoConversion(String, Object) - Method in EntityAccess
Sets a property without applying any automatic type conversion
setPropertyNoConversion(String, Object) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
setPropertyNoConversion(String, Object) - Method in ModificationTrackingEntityAccess
setProxyEntities(boolean) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
Whether to proxy entities by their keys
setProxyFactory(ProxyFactory) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
setProxyFactory(ProxyFactory) - Method in MappingContext
Factory to use for creating proxies
setProxyIfReloadEnabled(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
@param proxyIfReloadEnabled Sets whether a proxy should be created if reload is enabled
setRange(ObjectRange) - Method in Property
setReadOnly() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
setReadWrite() - Method in AbstractDatastorePersistenceContextInterceptor
setReference(boolean) - Method in Property
setReferencedPropertyName(String) - Method in Association
setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
setResults(List) - Method in PostQueryEvent
Reset the list of results to a new list.
setResultTransformer(Criteria) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
setRollbackOnly() - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
setScale(int) - Method in Property
setScale(int) - Method in PropertyConfig
setSecondaryDatastore(boolean) - Method in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
Whether this datastore is secondary to another primary datastore (example the SQL DB)
setSession(Session) - Method in TransactionObject
setSessionFactory(SessionFactory) - Method in SessionFactoryHolder
setSessionFactoryBeanName(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextConfiguration
setSessionFactoryBeanName(String) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
setSessionHolder(SessionHolder) - Method in TransactionObject
setSessionProperty(String, Object) - Method in AbstractAttributeStoringSession
Set a property on this session.
setSessionProperty(String, Object) - Method in Session
Set a property on this session.
setSize(IntRange) - Method in Property
setSort(Object) - Method in Entity
setSynchronizedWithTransaction(boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
setSynchronizedWithTransaction(boolean) - Method in AbstractSession
Whether the session is synchronized with an external transaction
setSynchronizedWithTransaction(boolean) - Method in Session
Whether the session is synchronized with a transaction
setSynchronizedWithTransaction(boolean) - Method in SessionHolder
setSyntaxStrategy(MappingConfigurationStrategy) - Method in KeyValueMappingContext
setTableName(String) - Method in Mapping
Set the table name
setTablePerConcreteClass(boolean) - Method in Mapping
setTargetBean(String) - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
The target bean to proxy
setTargetName(String) - Method in Property
setTargetTransactionManager(PlatformTransactionManager) - Method in PlatformTransactionManagerProxy
setTenantResolver(TenantResolver) - Method in AbstractConnectionSourceFactory
The tenant resolver to use
setTenantResolver(TenantResolver) - Method in MultiTenancySettings
Sets the tenant resolver to use
setThisMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
setTimeout(int) - Method in SessionOnlyTransaction
setTimeout(int) - Method in Transaction
Sets the transaction timeout period
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in HibernateEventListener
@deprecated Replaced by AutoTimestampEventListener
setTimestampProviders(List<TimestampProvider>) - Method in AggregateTimestampProvider
SETTING_AUTO_FLUSH - Field in Settings
Whether to flush the session between each query
SETTING_CUSTOM_TYPES - Field in Settings
The custom types
SETTING_DATASOURCE - Field in Settings
The data source setting
The data sources setting
SETTING_DB_CREATE - Field in Settings
The dbCreate setting (defaults to none)
The default constraints
The default mapping
SETTING_FAIL_ON_ERROR - Field in Settings
Whether to throw an exception on a validation error
SETTING_FLUSH_MODE - Field in Settings
The default flush mode
The multi tenancy mode
The multi tenancy resolver class
The multi tenancy resolver class
Settings - Interface in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Settings for Hibernate
settings - Field in DefaultConnectionSource
setToIndex(Map<PersistentProperty, Object>) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister.NativeEntryModifyingEntityAccess
setTotalCount(int) - Method in PagedResultList
setTPCacheAdapter(String, TPCacheAdapter<T>) - Method in TPCacheAdapterRepository
Sets TPCacheAdapter for the specified FQN java class of PersistentEntity.
setTPCacheAdapter(String, TPCacheAdapter<T>) - Method in TPCacheAdapterRepositoryImpl
setTransaction(Transaction<?>) - Method in SessionHolder
setTransaction(Transaction<?>) - Method in TransactionObject
@deprecated Here for binary compatibility, doesn't actually do anything
setTransactionManager(PlatformTransactionManager) - Method in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
setTransactionTimeout(int) - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
setTypeForPropertyConfig(PersistentProperty, SimpleValue, PropertyConfig) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
setTypeForPropertyConfig(PersistentProperty, SimpleValue, PropertyConfig) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
setUnique(List<String>) - Method in Property
setUniqueResult(boolean) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
setUniqueResult(boolean) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Set whether a unique result should be returned
setUniqueResult(boolean) - Method in Query
Here purely for compatibility
setup() - Method in HibernateSpec
setUpdateable(boolean) - Method in PropertyConfig
Whether or not this column is updatable by hibernate
setupErrorsProperty(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
Initializes the Errors property on target.
setupErrorsProperty(Object) - Method in HibernateRuntimeUtils
Initializes the Errors property on target.
setupSpec() - Method in HibernateSpec
setValidatedFields(List<?>) - Method in ValidationEvent
setValidator(Validator) - Method in GormValidationApi
setValidatorRegistry(ValidatorRegistry) - Method in AbstractMappingContext
setValidatorRegistry(ValidatorRegistry) - Method in MappingContext
Sets the validator registry used by this mapping context
setValue(Object) - Method in Query.Equals
setValue(Object) - Method in Query.IdEquals
setValue(Object) - Method in Query.NotEquals
setValue(Object) - Method in Query.PropertyCriterion
setVendorNameDialectMappings(Properties) - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
setVersion(EntityAccess) - Method in DomainEventListener
setVersion(EntityAccess) - Method in EntityPersister
setVersionByDefault(boolean) - Method in AbstractGormMappingFactory
Whether the version entities using optimistic locking by default
setVetoed(boolean) - Method in PendingDeleteAdapter
setVetoed(boolean) - Method in PendingInsertAdapter
setVetoed(boolean) - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
setVetoed(boolean) - Method in PendingUpdateAdapter
SHORT - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(ToMany) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(ToMany) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn(ToMany) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn(ToMany) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
shouldCreateTransactionalProxy(String, GrailsServiceClass) - Method in SpringConfigurer
shouldFail(Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
shouldFlush(Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormInstanceApi
shouldInject(URL) - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
shouldPassReadOnlyToHibernate() - Method in GrailsHibernateTemplate
shouldSaveOnCreate() - Method in FindOrCreateByFinder
shouldSaveOnCreate() - Method in FindOrSaveByFinder
shouldSkipValidation() - Method in GormValidateable
@return Whether this instance should skip validation
Simple - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Models a simple property type
Simple(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in Simple
SIMPLE_TYPES - Field in MappingFactory
SimpleHibernateProxyHandler - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.proxy
Implementation of the ProxyHandler interface for Hibernate.
singleResult() - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery
singleResult() - Method in Query
Executes the query returning a single result or null
SingletonConnectionSources - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
Models a ConnectionSources object that only supports a single connection
SingletonConnectionSources.NullConnectionFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
SingletonConnectionSources(ConnectionSource<T, S>, PropertyResolver) - Constructor in SingletonConnectionSources
size() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
size() - Method in AbstractResultList
SIZE_CONSTRAINT_PREFIX - Field in AbstractHibernateQuery
size() - Method in DetachedCriteria
Synonym for #count()
SIZE_EQUALS - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
size() - Method in PagedResultList
size() - Method in PropertyResolverMap
size() - Method in SessionHolder
sizeEq(String, int) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
sizeEq(String, int) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
sizeEq(String, int) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property by size
sizeEq(String, int) - Method in Criteria
Creates a Criterion that constrains a collection property by size
sizeEq(String, int) - Method in DetachedCriteria
sizeEq(String, int) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict the size of a collection property
sizeGe(String, int) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
sizeGe(String, int) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
sizeGe(String, int) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be greater than or equal to the given size
sizeGe(String, int) - Method in Criteria
Creates a Criterion that constrains a collection property to be greater than or equal to the given size
sizeGe(String, int) - Method in DetachedCriteria
sizeGe(String, int) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict the size of a collection property to be greater than or equal to the given value
sizeGt(String, int) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
sizeGt(String, int) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
sizeGt(String, int) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be greater than the given size
sizeGt(String, int) - Method in Criteria
Creates a Criterion that constrains a collection property to be greater than the given size
sizeGt(String, int) - Method in DetachedCriteria
sizeGt(String, int) - Method in Restrictions
Used to restrict the size of a collection property to be greater than the given value
sizeLe(String, int) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
sizeLe(String, int) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
sizeLe(String, int) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be less than or equal to the given size
sizeLe(String, int) - Method in Criteria
Creates a Criterion that constrains a collection property to be less than or equal to the given size
sizeLe(String, int) - Method in DetachedCriteria
sizeLe(String, int) - Method in Restrictions
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be less than or equal to the given size
sizeLt(String, int) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
sizeLt(String, int) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
sizeLt(String, int) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be less than to the given size
sizeLt(String, int) - Method in Criteria
Creates a Criterion that constrains a collection property to be less than to the given size
sizeLt(String, int) - Method in DetachedCriteria
sizeLt(String, int) - Method in Restrictions
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be less than to the given size
sizeNe(String, int) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
sizeNe(String, int) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
@see Criteria
sizeNe(String, int) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be not equal to the given size
sizeNe(String, int) - Method in Criteria
Creates a Criterion that constrains a collection property to be not equal to the given size
sizeNe(String, int) - Method in DetachedCriteria
sizeNe(String, int) - Method in Restrictions
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be not equal to the given size
skipValidation(boolean) - Method in GormValidateable
Marks this instance to skip validation
SoftKey - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
SoftReference key to be used with ConcurrentHashMap.
SoftKey(T) - Constructor in SoftKey
SoftThreadLocalMap - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
Creates a InheritableThreadLocal with an intial value of a Map.
sort(String, String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Adds a sort order to this criteria instance
sort(String, String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Adds a sort order to this criteria instance
sort(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
SortConfig - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
source - Field in DefaultConnectionSource
SpringConfigurer - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.plugin.support
Helper class for use by plugins in configuring Spring.
SpringDataSourceConnectionSourceFactory - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.jdbc.connections
A DataSourceConnectionSourceFactory for building data sources that could come from spring
SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.support
Attempts to auto-detect the LobHandler to use from the db meta data.
SpringSessionSynchronization - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.transactions.support
An instance of org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionSynchronization for the Datastore abstraction.
SpringSessionSynchronization(SessionHolder, Datastore, boolean) - Constructor in SpringSessionSynchronization
sqlGroupProjection(String, String, List<String>, List<Type>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a sql projection to the criteria
sqlProjection(String, List<String>, List<Type>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a sql projection to the criteria
sqlRestriction(String, List<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Applies a sql restriction to the results to allow something like:
sqlTypes() - Method in IdentityEnumType
startBuild(Object, String) - Method in ConfigurationBuilder
Subclasses can override for when building starts for the given builder
stateless - Field in AbstractSession
StatelessDatastore - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
For Datastores that support stateless connectivity
StaticConnectionSources - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections
A static non-mutable implementation for existing for a set of existing ConnectionSource instances
StaticConnectionSources(ConnectionSource<T, S>, Iterable<ConnectionSource<T, S>>, PropertyResolver) - Constructor in StaticConnectionSources
staticDetachedCriteriaVariables - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
StaticMethodInvokingClosure - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.internal
Not public API.
StaticMethodInvokingClosure(def, String, Class) - Constructor in StaticMethodInvokingClosure
staticMethodMissing(String, def) - Method in GormEntity
Handles static method missing for dynamic finders
staticPropertyMissing(String, def) - Method in GormEntity
Handles property missing, does nothing by default, sub traits to override
storeDateCreatedAndLastUpdatedInfo(PersistentEntity) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
storeEntry(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, K, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Stores the native form of a Key/value datastore to the actual data store
storeTimestampAvailability(Map<String, Boolean>, PersistentEntity, PersistentProperty<?>) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
STRING - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
STRING_TYPE - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
STRING_TYPE - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
StringToBigDecimalConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
StringToBigIntegerConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
StringToByteArrayConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
StringToCurrencyConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
StringToLocaleConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
StringToShortConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
StringToTimeZoneConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
StringToURLConverter - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.conversion
@author Stefan Armbruster
subList(int, int) - Method in PagedResultList
subList(int, int) - Method in PersistentList
subSet(Object, Object) - Method in PersistentSortedSet
sum(String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
Computes the sum of a property
sum(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Adds a sum projection
sum(String) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria.DetachedProjections
sum(String, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve the sum of the results of a property
sum(String) - Method in AbstractHibernateQuery.HibernateProjectionList
sum(String) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Adds a sum projection
sum(String) - Method in ProjectionList
Computes the sum of a property
sum(String) - Method in Projections
Computes the sum of a property
sum(String) - Method in Query.ProjectionList
Computes the sum of a property
supports(MappingContext) - Method in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
supports(Datastore) - Method in CustomTypeMarshaller
@deprecated Use supports(MappingContext) instead
supports(Class) - Method in IdentityEnumType
supports(Class) - Method in UniqueConstraint
supportsCreating(Class<?>) - Method in AggregateTimestampProvider
supportsCreating(Class<?>) - Method in DefaultTimestampProvider
supportsCreating(Class<?>) - Method in TimestampProvider
Whether a timestamp can be created for the given type
supportsCustomType(Class<?>) - Method in GormMappingConfigurationStrategy
supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent>) - Method in AbstractHibernateEventListener
supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent>) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent>) - Method in DomainEventListener
supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent>) - Method in HibernateEventListener
supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent>) - Method in MultiTenantEventListener
supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent>) - Method in ValidatingEventListener
supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent>) - Method in ValidationEventListener
supportsJoinColumnMapping(PersistentProperty) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
supportsJoinColumnMapping(PersistentProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
supportsSourceType(Class<?>) - Method in AbstractPersistenceEventListener
supportsSourceType(Class<?>) - Method in MultiTenantEventListener
suspend() - Method in HibernateJtaTransactionManagerAdapter
suspend() - Method in SpringSessionSynchronization
syntaxStrategy - Field in KeyValueMappingContext
SystemPropertyTenantResolver - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.resolvers
A TenantResolver that resolves from a System property called "gorm.tenantId".


Table - Class in org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Represents a table definition in GORM.
table(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
tablePerConcreteClass(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
If true the class and its subclasses will be mapped with table per subclass mapping
tablePerHierarchy(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
If true the class and its sub classes will be mapped with table per hierarchy mapping
tablePerSubclass(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
If true the class and its subclasses will be mapped with table per subclass mapping
tailSet(Object) - Method in PersistentSortedSet
target - Field in AssociationQueryProxyHandler
target - Field in GrailsHibernateTemplate.CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler
TARGET_PROPERTY - Field in EntityProxyMethodHandler
target - Field in SessionEntityProxyMethodHandler
targetClass - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
targetClass - Field in AbstractDetachedCriteria
targetClass - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
targetClass - Field in MethodExpression
task(Closure<T>) - Method in GormAsyncStaticApi
Used to perform a sequence of operations asynchronously
TENANT_IDENTITY - Field in GormProperties
TenantDelegatingGormOperations - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.multitenancy
Wraps each method call in the the given tenant id
TenantDelegatingGormOperations(Datastore, Serializable, GormAllOperations<D>) - Constructor in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
TenantException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.exceptions
Exception thrown when an error occurs resolving the tenant
TenantException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in TenantException
TenantId - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Represents the mapping of a tenant id for multi tenancy
tenantId(String) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Sets the tenant id
TenantId(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, PropertyDescriptor) - Constructor in TenantId
TenantNotFoundException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.exceptions
Thrown when the tenant cannot be found
TenantNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in TenantNotFoundException
TenantResolver - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy
An interface for applications that implement Multi Tenancy to implement in order to resolve the current identifier
tenantResolver - Field in AbstractHibernateDatastore
Tenants - Class in grails.gorm.multitenancy
Helper methods for working with multi tenancy
Tenants.CurrentTenant - Class in grails.gorm.multitenancy
TEST_DB_URL - Field in HibernateDatastoreSpringInitializer
TEXT - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
ThirdPartyCacheEntityPersister - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine
An EntityPersister that supports third party cache adapters
ThirdPartyCacheEntityPersister(MappingContext, PersistentEntity, Session, ApplicationEventPublisher, TPCacheAdapterRepository<T>) - Constructor in ThirdPartyCacheEntityPersister
throwRuntimeException(RuntimeException) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
Throws a runtime exception where necessary to ensure the session gets closed
TIME - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
TIMESTAMP - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
TimestampProvider - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.timestamp
*************************************************************************** Copyright 2014 original authors
TIMEZONE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
toArray(Object) - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
toArray(T) - Method in PagedResultList
toConfiguration(B) - Method in ConfigurationBuilder
Convert the builder to the final configuration
toConfiguration(ConnectionSourceSettings) - Method in ConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder
toConfiguration(DataSourceSettings) - Method in DataSourceSettingsBuilder
toConfiguration(HibernateConnectionSourceSettings) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceSettingsBuilder
toCriterion() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder.LogicalExpression
toHibernateCriterion(AbstractHibernateQuery, Criterion, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
toHibernateCriterion(AbstractHibernateQuery, T, String) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter.CriterionAdaptor
toHibernateDetachedCriteria(AbstractHibernateQuery, QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in AbstractHibernateCriterionAdapter
toHibernateDetachedCriteria(AbstractHibernateQuery, QueryableCriteria<?>) - Method in HibernateCriterionAdapter
toHibernateEventListeners(AbstractClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor) - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings
toHibernateProjection() - Method in HibernateProjectionAdapter
toHibernateProperties() - Method in DataSourceSettings
Convert to Hibernate properties
ToMany - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
Shared super class inherited by both OneToMany and ManyToMany
ToMany(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in ToMany
ToOne - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types
@author Graeme Rocher
ToOne(PersistentEntity, MappingContext, String, Class) - Constructor in ToOne
toProperties() - Method in DataSourceSettings
@return Convert to datasource properties
toProperties() - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceSettings
Convert to hibernate properties
toProperties() - Method in HibernateConnectionSourceSettings.HibernateSettings
Convert to Hibernate properties
toSqlString(Criteria, CriteriaQuery) - Method in RlikeExpression
toString() - Method in AbstractPersistentCollection
toString() - Method in AbstractPersistentEntity
toString() - Method in AbstractPersistentProperty
toString() - Method in Association
toString() - Method in ColumnConfig
toString() - Method in Identity
toString() - Method in PropertyConfig
toString() - Method in RlikeExpression
totalCount - Field in PagedResultList
toValidConnectionSourceNames(Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractConnectionSources
TPCacheAdapter - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.cache
TPCacheAdapterRepository - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.cache
A repository of TPCacheAdapters.
TPCacheAdapterRepositoryImpl - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.cache.impl
Simple implementation of TPCacheAdapterRepository
trackChanges() - Method in DirtyCheckable
Indicates that the instance should start tacking changes.
trackCustomCascadingSaves(Mapping, Iterable<PersistentProperty>) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
Checks for any custom cascading saves set up via the mapping DSL and records them within the persistent property.
trackCustomCascadingSaves(Mapping, Iterable<PersistentProperty>) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Checks for any custom cascading saves set up via the mapping DSL and records them within the persistent property.
Transaction - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.transactions
Class giving the ability to start, commit and rollback a transaction.
transaction - Field in AbstractSession
TRANSACTION_MANAGER_BEAN - Field in AbstractDatastoreInitializer
transactionManager - Field in GormStaticApi
transactionManager - Field in HibernateDatastore
transactionManager - Field in HibernateMappingContextSessionFactoryBean
TransactionObject - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.transactions
A transaction object returned when the transaction is created.
TransactionUtils - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.transactions
Utility methods for Transactions.
transformClosureExpression(ClassNode, ClosureExpression) - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
transformedExpressions - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
TRANSIENT - Field in GormProperties
trimBackTigs(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
trimBackTigs(String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
TRUE_FALSE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
type - Field in AbstractPersistentProperty
type(Class<? extends DataSource>) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
TYPES - Field in EventListenerIntegrator


unbindSession(Session) - Method in DatastoreUtils
Unbinds and closes a session.
UNDERSCORE - Field in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
UNDERSCORE - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
uninitializedEntities - Field in AutoTimestampEventListener
UniqueConstraint - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.builtin
A constraint that validates for the presence of an existing object (uniqueness)
UniqueConstraint(Class<?>, String, Object, MessageSource) - Constructor in UniqueConstraint
uniqueResult - Field in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
uniqueResult - Field in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
uniqueResult - Field in Query
unlock(Object) - Method in AbstractHibernateSession
unlock(Object) - Method in AbstractSession
unlock(Object) - Method in LockableEntityPersister
Unlocks a locked object
unlock(Object) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
unlock(Object) - Method in Session
Releases a lock, if not called all locked objects should be released by disconnect()
unlockEntry(PersistentEntity, String, Serializable) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Subclasses to override to provide locking semantics
unqualify(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsDomainBinder
unqualify(String) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
unqualify(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
unsupported(def) - Method in GormStaticApi
unwrap(Object) - Method in GroovyProxyFactory
unwrap(Object) - Method in JavassistProxyFactory
Unwraps the given proxy if it is one
unwrap(Object) - Method in ProxyHandler
Unwraps the given proxy if it is one
unwrap(Object) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
unwrapIfProxy(Object) - Method in FieldEntityAccess
unwrapIfProxy(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
unwrapIfProxy(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
unwrapIfProxy(Object) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
unwrapProxy(HibernateProxy) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Unwraps and initializes a HibernateProxy.
unwrapProxy(HibernateProxy) - Method in SimpleHibernateProxyHandler
UPDATE_CLAUSE - Field in JpaQueryBuilder
updateAll(QueryableCriteria, Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractSession
This default implementation of updateAll is unlikely to be optimal as it iterates and updates each object one by one.
updateAll(Map) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Updates all entities matching this criteria
updateAll(Map) - Method in GormOperations
Updates all entities matching this criteria
updateAll(QueryableCriteria, Map<String, Object>) - Method in HibernateSession
Updates all objects matching the given criteria and property values.
updateAll(QueryableCriteria, Map<String, Object>) - Method in Session
Updates all objects matching the given criteria and property values
updateEntry(PersistentEntity, EntityAccess, K, T) - Method in NativeEntryEntityPersister
Updates an existing entry to the actual datastore
updateTPCache(PersistentEntity, T, Serializable) - Method in ThirdPartyCacheEntityPersister
url(String) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
URL - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
useDefaultSchema(Connection) - Method in DefaultSchemaHandler
useDefaultSchema(Connection) - Method in SchemaHandler
Uses the given schema.
username(String) - Method in DataSourceBuilder
useSchema(Connection, String) - Method in DefaultSchemaHandler
useSchema(Connection, String) - Method in SchemaHandler
Uses the given schema.
usesConnectionSource(PersistentEntity, String) - Method in ConnectionSourcesSupport
Returns whether the given entity uses the give connection source name or not
usesDatasource(PersistentEntity, String) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
usesDatasource(PersistentEntity, String) - Method in MultipleDataSourceSupport
UUID_BINARY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
UUID_CHAR - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder


validate(D, List, Map) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormValidationApi
validate(Object, Errors, boolean) - Method in CascadingValidator
An extended version of the validate(errors,obj) method that takes an additional argument specifying whether the Validator should cascade into associations or not.
validate() - Method in GormValidateable
Validates an instance
validate(D) - Method in GormValidationApi
Validates an instance
validateApi - Field in InstanceProxy
validateMethods - Field in InstanceProxy
validateParameter(Object) - Method in UniqueConstraint
validatePropertyName(String, String) - Method in AbstractCriteriaBuilder
validateSimpleExpression() - Method in AbstractHibernateCriteriaBuilder
ValidatingEventListener - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.validation
A PersistenceEventListener that uses Spring's validation mechanism to evict objects if an error occurs
ValidatingEventListener(Datastore) - Constructor in ValidatingEventListener
VALIDATION_EXCEPTION_TYPE - Field in ValidationException
ValidationErrors - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.validation
Models validation errors
ValidationErrors(Object) - Constructor in ValidationErrors
Creates a new instance of the org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult class.
ValidationEvent - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event
@author Burt Beckwith
ValidationEvent(Object, PersistentEntity, EntityAccess) - Constructor in ValidationEvent
ValidationEventListener - Class in org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.listener
An event listener for ensuring entities are valid before saving or updating
ValidationEventListener(Datastore) - Constructor in ValidationEventListener
ValidationException - Class in org.grails.datastore.mapping.validation
Exception thrown when a validation error occurs
ValidationException(String, Errors) - Constructor in ValidationException
ValidatorProvider - Interface in org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation
A class that provides a validator
ValidatorRegistry - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.validation
Strategy interface for looking up validators
validatorRegistry - Field in AbstractMappingContext
value() - Method in Domain
@return Domain classes to register in the runtime
value - Field in Query.PropertyCriterion
ValueGenerator - Enum in org.grails.datastore.mapping.model
Value generation strategies
values() - Method in PropertyResolverMap
version - Field in AbstractPersistentEntity
VERSION - Field in GormProperties
version(String) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
VERSION_KEY - Field in DefaultMappingConfigurationBuilder
versionByDefault - Field in AbstractGormMappingFactory
visit(ASTNode, SourceUnit) - Method in DetachedCriteriaASTTransformation
The method is invoked when an AST Transformation is active.
visit(ASTNode, SourceUnit) - Method in DirtyCheckTransformation
visit(ASTNode, SourceUnit) - Method in GlobalDetachedCriteriaASTTransformation
The method is invoked when an AST Transformation is active.
visit(ASTNode, SourceUnit) - Method in GlobalTraitRepairTransformation
visit(ClassNode, SourceUnit) - Method in GormEntityTransformation
visitClass(ClassNode) - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
visitClass(ClassNode) - Method in GlobalTraitRepairTransformation
visitDeclarationExpression(DeclarationExpression) - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
visitField(FieldNode) - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
visitMethod(MethodNode) - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
visitMethodCallExpression(MethodCallExpression) - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
visitStaticMethodCallExpression(StaticMethodCallExpression) - Method in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
VoidSessionCallback - Interface in org.grails.datastore.mapping.core
@author Burt Beckwith


warning(SourceUnit, ASTNode, String) - Method in AstUtils
wasExecuted() - Method in PendingOperation
@return Whether it was already executed
wasExecuted() - Method in PendingOperationAdapter
wasHandled(Object) - Method in GroovyObjectMethodHandler
weaveIntoExistingSetter(String, DirtyCheckingTransformer.GetterAndSetter, MethodNode) - Method in DirtyCheckingTransformer
where(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Where method derives a new query from this query.
where(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Where method derives a new query from this query.
where(Closure) - Method in GormEntity
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
where(Closure) - Method in GormStaticApi
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
where(Closure) - Method in GormStaticOperations
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
WHERE_LAZY - Field in DetachedCriteriaTransformer
where(Closure) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
whereAny(Closure) - Method in GormEntity
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
whereAny(Closure) - Method in GormStaticApi
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
whereAny(Closure) - Method in GormStaticOperations
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
whereAny(Closure) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
whereLazy(Closure) - Method in AbstractDetachedCriteria
Where method derives a new query from this query.
whereLazy(Closure) - Method in DetachedCriteria
Where method derives a new query from this query.
whereLazy(Closure) - Method in GormEntity
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
whereLazy(Closure) - Method in GormStaticApi
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
whereLazy(Closure) - Method in GormStaticOperations
@param callable Callable closure containing detached criteria definition
whereLazy(Closure) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
withCriteria(Map, Closure) - Method in GormEntity
Creates a criteria builder instance
withCriteria(Map, Closure) - Method in GormStaticApi
Creates a criteria builder instance
withCriteria(Map, Closure) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Creates a criteria builder instance
withCriteria(Map, Closure) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
withCurrent(Class<? extends Datastore>, Closure<T>) - Method in Tenants
Execute the given closure with the current tenant
withDatastoreSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormEntity
Same as withSession, but present for the case where withSession is overridden to use the Hibernate session
withDatastoreSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticApi
Same as withSession, but present for the case where withSession is overridden to use the Hibernate session
withDatastoreSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Same as withSession, but present for the case where withSession is overridden to use the Hibernate session
withDatastoreSession(Closure<T>) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
withFlushMode(AbstractHibernateDatastore.FlushMode, Callable<Boolean>) - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
Execute the given operation with the given flush mode
withFlushMode(FlushMode, Callable<Boolean>) - Method in HibernateDatastore
withId(Class<? extends Datastore>, Serializable, Closure<T>) - Method in Tenants
Execute the given closure with given tenant id
withNewSession(Serializable, Closure<T1>) - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
withNewSession(Closure<T>) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
withNewSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormEntity
Creates and binds a new session for the scope of the given closure
withNewSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticApi
Creates and binds a new session for the scope of the given closure
withNewSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Creates and binds a new session for the scope of the given closure
withNewSession(Serializable, Closure<T1>) - Method in MultiTenantCapableDatastore
Execute a new session with the given tenantId
withNewSession(Closure<T>) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
withNewTransaction(Map, Closure<T>) - Method in GormEntity
Executes the closure within the context of a new transaction which is configured with the properties contained in transactionProperties.
withNewTransaction(Map, Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticApi
Executes the closure within the context of a new transaction which is configured with the properties contained in transactionProperties.
withNewTransaction(Map, Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Executes the closure within the context of a new transaction which is configured with the properties contained in transactionProperties.
withNewTransaction(Map, Closure<T>) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
withOptions() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
withoutDateCreated(Class, Runnable) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
Temporarily disables the date created processing only on the provided class during the execution of the runnable
withoutId(Closure<T>) - Method in Tenants
Execute the given closure without any tenant id.
withoutLastUpdated(Class, Runnable) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
Temporarily disables the last updated processing only on the provided class during the execution of the runnable
withoutTimestamps(Class, Runnable) - Method in AutoTimestampEventListener
Temporarily disables the timestamp processing during the execution of the runnable
withQueryEvents(Query, Closure<T>) - Method in HibernateGormStaticApi
withSession(Closure<T>) - Method in AbstractDatastore
withSession(Closure<T>) - Method in AbstractHibernateDatastore
withSession(Closure<T>) - Method in AbstractHibernateGormStaticApi
withSession(Closure<T>) - Method in Datastore
Execute the given closure with a session
withSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormEntity
Execute a closure whose first argument is a reference to the current session.
withSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticApi
Execute a closure whose first argument is a reference to the current session.
withSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Execute a closure whose first argument is a reference to the current session.
withSession(Closure<T>) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
withStatelessOptions() - Method in SessionFactoryProxy
withStatelessSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormEntity
Creates and binds a new session for the scope of the given closure
withStatelessSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticApi
Creates and binds a new session for the scope of the given closure
withStatelessSession(Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Creates and binds a new session for the scope of the given closure
withStatelessSession(Closure<T>) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
withTenant(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticApi
withTenant(Serializable) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Return the GormAllOperations for the given tenant id
withTenant(Serializable) - Method in MultiTenant
Return the GormAllOperations for the given tenant id
withTenant(Serializable) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
withTenant(Serializable, Closure<T>) - Method in Tenants.CurrentTenant
Execute with the current tenant
withTransaction(TransactionDefinition, Closure<T>) - Method in GormEntity
Executes the closure within the context of a transaction for the given org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition
withTransaction(TransactionDefinition, Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticApi
Executes the closure within the context of a transaction for the given org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition
withTransaction(TransactionDefinition, Closure<T>) - Method in GormStaticOperations
Executes the closure within the context of a transaction for the given org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition
withTransaction(TransactionDefinition, Closure<T>) - Method in TenantDelegatingGormOperations
wrap(Collection, DirtyCheckable, String) - Method in DirtyCheckingSupport
Wraps a collection in dirty checking capability
wrapNullInNoopCaller(EventTriggerCaller) - Method in EventTriggerCaller
WRAPPER_BINARY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
write(PersistentProperty, T, N) - Method in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
write(PersistentProperty, T, N) - Method in CustomTypeMarshaller
Converts a value to its native form
write(Object, Object) - Method in EntityReflector.PropertyWriter
Writes the property
writeInternal(PersistentProperty, String, T, N) - Method in AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller



YES_NO - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder


ZERO_ARGUMENTS - Field in AstUtils
ZERO_PARAMETERS - Field in AstUtils
ZERO_PARAMS - Field in DomainEventListener


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