Groovy Documentation

Package grails.test


Class Summary
AbstractCliTestCase This abstract test case makes it easy to run a Grails command and query its output.
AbstractClosureProxy Skeleton implementation of a wrapper class for closures that allows you to intercept invocations of the closure.
ControllerUnitTestCase Support class for writing unit tests for controllers.
DemandProxy Keeps track of demands and expectations for a particular Grails mock.
GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite Adds support for running Grails JUnit Tests from Eclipse JUnit runner or even from the command line.

Provides similar behaviour to MockFor and StubFor, but uses ExpandoMetaClass to mock the methods.

GrailsUnitTestCase Support class for writing unit tests in Grails.
GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase @author Luke Daley
GroovyPagesTestCase A test harness that eases testing of GSP and tag libraries for Grails.
MockClosureProxy This closure proxy stores an expectation and checks it before each call to the target closure.
MockUtils A utility/helper class for mocking various types of Grails artifacts and is one of the foundations of the Grails unit testing framework.
MvcUnitTestCase Common test case support class for controllers, tag libraries, and anything else that has access to the standard web properties such as "request", "response", and "session".
TagLibUnitTestCase Support class for writing unit tests for tag libraries.
ThreadLocalMap Custom ThreadLocal that stores a weak hash map.
WebFlowTestCase A test harness for testing Grails flows.

Groovy Documentation