Groovy Documentation
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbstractBuildSettings - Class in grails.util
Methods optimized to Java for the BuildSettings class
AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
@author Graeme Rocher
AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
@author Graeme Rocher
AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod(GrailsApplication, SessionFactory, ClassLoader, Pattern, String[]) - Method in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod
AbstractCliTestCase - Class in grails.test
This abstract test case makes it easy to run a Grails command and query its output.
AbstractClosureProxy - Class in grails.test
Skeleton implementation of a wrapper class for closures that allows you to intercept invocations of the closure.
AbstractClosureProxy(Closure) - Constructor in AbstractClosureProxy
Creates a new instance that wraps the target closure and sends profiling events to the given profiler log.
AbstractConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Abstract class for constraints to extend.
AbstractConverter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters
Abstract base implementation of the Converter interface that provides a default toString() implementation.
AbstractDelegate - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
An abstract delegate that relays property look-ups onto a either the application context or the currently executing controller.
AbstractDelegate(RequestContext) - Constructor in AbstractDelegate
AbstractDynamicConstructor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Abstract class that provides default implementation for isArgumentsMatch.
AbstractDynamicConstructor(Class[]) - Constructor in AbstractDynamicConstructor
Takes an array of types required to match this constructor.
AbstractDynamicControllerMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
An abstract class for dynamic controller methods to implement.
AbstractDynamicControllerMethod(Pattern, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor in AbstractDynamicControllerMethod
AbstractDynamicControllerProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
An abstract class for dynamic controller properties to implement.
AbstractDynamicControllerProperty(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor in AbstractDynamicControllerProperty
AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
@author Steven Devijver
AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation(Pattern) - Constructor in AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation
AbstractDynamicMethods - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Provides the base implementation responsible for performing dynamic method invocation such as the dynamic finders in GORM.
AbstractDynamicMethods() - Constructor in AbstractDynamicMethods
A non-registering constructor that simple creates an instance
AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Implements an the Interceptor interface to add support for using ProxyMetaClass to define dynamic methods.
AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor(Class) - Constructor in AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor
AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
@author Steven Devijver
AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod(Pattern, SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod
AbstractDynamicProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
An abstract class for implementors of dynamic getters to implement.
AbstractDynamicProperty(String) - Constructor in AbstractDynamicProperty
AbstractGrailsClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Abstract base class for Grails types that provides common functionality for evaluating conventions within classes.
AbstractGrailsClass(Class, String) - Constructor in AbstractGrailsClass
Used by all child classes to create a new instance and get the name right.
AbstractGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Abstract implementation that provides some default behaviours
AbstractGrailsPlugin.GrailsPluginClass(Class) - Constructor in AbstractGrailsPlugin.GrailsPluginClass
AbstractGrailsPlugin(Class, GrailsApplication) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
AbstractGrailsPluginManager - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Abstract implementation of the GrailsPluginManager interface
AbstractGrailsPluginManager(GrailsApplication) - Constructor in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
AbstractInjectableGrailsClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Configures Grails classe to be autowirable by name, always.
AbstractInjectableGrailsClass(Class, String) - Constructor in AbstractInjectableGrailsClass
AbstractIvyDependencyManager - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
Base class for IvyDependencyManager with some logic implemented in Java.
AbstractParsingParameterCreationListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters
Abstract base class for parameter creation listeners that parse incoming data such as JSON and XML.
AbstractSavePersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
Abstract class for different implementations that perform saving to implement.
AbstractSavePersistentMethod(Pattern, SessionFactory, ClassLoader, GrailsApplication) - Constructor in AbstractSavePersistentMethod
AbstractStaticMethodInvocation - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
@author Steven Devijver
AbstractStaticPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
Abstract base class for static persistent methods.
AbstractStaticPersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader, Pattern) - Constructor in AbstractStaticPersistentMethod
AbstractTokenResponseHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
Implements the behavior of wasInvoked in the TokenResponseHandler interface.
AbstractTokenResponseHandler(boolean) - Constructor in AbstractTokenResponseHandler
AbstractUrlMapping - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Abstract UrlMapping implementation that provides common basic functionality.
AbstractUrlMapping(URI, ConstrainedProperty[], ServletContext) - Constructor in AbstractUrlMapping
AbstractUrlMappingInfo - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Abstract super class providing pass functionality for configuring a UrlMappingInfo.
AbstractVetoingConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
TODO: write javadoc
ACCEPT_CHARSET - Field in HttpHeaders
ACCEPT_ENCODING - Field in HttpHeaders
accept(String, String, String) - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
ACCEPT - Field in HttpHeaders
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Field in HttpHeaders
ACCEPT_RANGES - Field in HttpHeaders
AcceptHeaderParser - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mime

Defines an interface for classes that parse the HTTP Accept header into a set or MimeType definitions ordered by priority.

accumulate(String, Object) - Method in JSONObject
Accumulate values under a key.
action(Closure) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
ACTION - Field in GrailsControllerClass
The general name to use when referring to action artefacts.
ACTION_NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
ACTION_NAME - Field in GroovyPage
ACTION_NAME_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
ACTION_URI_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
action - Field in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
ACTION - Field in UrlMapping
ActionDelegate - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
Acts as a delegate to a flow action.
ActionDelegate(Action, RequestContext) - Constructor in ActionDelegate
actionName - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
actionName(def) - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
Returns the name of the action targeted by the given request.
activateDestination() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.DestinationFactory
activateSiteMesh(String, String) - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
ACTIVE_FLOW_ID_ATTRIBUTE - Field in GrailsFlowExecutorImpl
adaptee - Field in ProxyMetaClass
add(Object) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference.WrappedPropertyValue
add_escapes(String) - Method in ParseException
Used to convert raw characters to their escaped version when these raw version cannot be used as part of an ASCII string literal.
add(int, Object) - Method in JSONArray
add(int, Object) - Method in ListOrderedSet
add(int, Object) - Method in PagedResultList
addAbstractBean(String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
addAbstractBean(String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Adds an abstract bean definition to the bean factory and returns the BeanConfiguration object.
addAlias(String, String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
addAlias(String, String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Adds an alias to a given bean name.
addAll(Collection) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference.WrappedPropertyValue
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in JSONArray
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in ListOrderedSet
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in PagedResultList
addArtefact(Class) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
addArtefact(Class) - Method in GrailsApplication
Adds the given artefact, attempting to determine type from
addBeanConfiguration(String, BeanConfiguration) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
addBeanConfiguration(String, BeanConfiguration) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Adds a bean configuration to the list of beans to be created.
addBeanDefinition(String, BeanDefinition) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
addBeanDefinition(String, BeanDefinition) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Adds a Spring BeanDefinition.
addClasspath(Path) - Method in GrailsTask
addCommonWebProperties(Class) - Method in MockUtils
Adds the properties common to controllers and tag libraries (and anything else HTTP based) to objects of the given class.
addCompileClasspath(Path) - Method in GrailsTask
addConverters(Class) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
addDependency(ModuleRevisionId) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
Adds a dependency to the project
addDependencyDescriptor(DependencyDescriptor) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
Adds a dependency descriptor to the project
addDomainClass(GrailsDomainClass) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainConfiguration
addDomainClass(GrailsDomainClass) - Method in GrailsAnnotationConfiguration
addDomainClass(GrailsDomainClass) - Method in GrailsDomainConfiguration
Adds a domain class to the configuration.
addDynamicConstructor(DynamicConstructor) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
addDynamicConstructor(DynamicConstructor) - Method in DynamicMethods
Adds a dynamic constructor.
addDynamicMethodInvocation(DynamicMethodInvocation) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
addDynamicMethodInvocation(DynamicMethodInvocation) - Method in DynamicMethods
Adds a new dynamic method invocation.
addDynamicProperty(DynamicProperty) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
addDynamicProperty(DynamicProperty) - Method in DynamicMethods
Adds a new dynamic property.
addError(Test, Throwable) - Method in JUnitReports
addError(Test, Throwable) - Method in PlainFormatter
addError(Test, Throwable) - Method in XMLFormatter
addEscapes(String) - Method in TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their escaped (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string
addExclude(Environment) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
addExclude(Environment) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Makes the plugin excluded for a particular Environment
addFailure(Test, AssertionFailedError) - Method in JUnitReports
addFailure(Test, Throwable) - Method in PlainFormatter
addFailure(Test, Throwable) - Method in XMLFormatter
addGrailsBuildListener(GrailsBuildListener) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
addGrailsClass(GrailsClass) - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo

Call to add a new class to this info object.

addGspSitemeshCapturing(String) - Method in SitemeshPreprocessor
addHeader(String, String) - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
Prevent content-length being set if page is parseable.
addJarsToRootLoader(Collection) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
addLogMethod(def, def) - Method in LoggingGrailsPlugin
addMetaBeanProperty(MetaBeanProperty) - Method in MetadataGeneratingExpandoMetaClass
addMetaConstraint(String, Object) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
Adds a meta constraints which is a non-validating informational constraint.
addOverridableArtefact(String, Class) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Adds an artefact of the given type for the given Class.
addOverridableArtefact(Class) - Method in GrailsApplication
Adds an artefact that can be overriden by user defined classes
addOverridableGrailsClass(GrailsClass) - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo
addParam(String, Object) - Method in GetParamsDynamicProperty
addParameterListener(ParameterCreationListener) - Method in GrailsWebRequest
addParameterListener(ParameterCreationListener) - Method in ParameterInitializationCallback
Adds a listener that will be called when the parameters are created.
addParams(Map) - Method in GetParamsDynamicProperty
addPluginDependencies(List, GrailsPlugin) - Method in BasePluginFilter
Defines operation for adding dependencies for a plugin to the list
addPluginDependencies(List, GrailsPlugin) - Method in ExcludingPluginFilter
addPluginDependencies(List, GrailsPlugin) - Method in IncludingPluginFilter
addPluginDependency(String, Map) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
For usages such as addPluginDependency("foo", [group:"junit", name:"junit", version:"4.8.1"])
addPluginDirectory(File, boolean) - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
Adds a plugin directory
addProjectionToList(Projection, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection to the projectList for the given alias
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Adds a property value to this bean.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
addProperty(String, String) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
addPrototypeBean(String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
addPrototypeBean(String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Adds an empty prototype bean configuration.
addRuleForModuleId(ModuleId, String, String, String) - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
addRuntimeClasspath(Path) - Method in GrailsTask
addSingletonBean(String, Class, Collection) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
addSingletonBean(String, Class, Collection) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Creates a new singleton bean and adds it to the list of bean references.
addStaticMethodInvocation(StaticMethodInvocation) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
addStaticMethodInvocation(StaticMethodInvocation) - Method in DynamicMethods
Adds a new static method invocation.
addTestClasspath(Path) - Method in GrailsTask
addToDeferred(BeanConfiguration, String, Object) - Method in BeanBuilder
addUserDefinedRules(State, PageBuilder) - Method in GrailsHTMLPageParser
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
AFTER_DELETE_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
AFTER_INSERT_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
AFTER_INTERCEPTOR - Field in GrailsControllerClass
The name of the after interceptor property.
AFTER_LOAD_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
AFTER_UPDATE_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in CompositeInterceptor
afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
afterCompletion(WebRequest, Exception) - Method in GrailsOpenSessionInViewInterceptor
afterConstructor(Object[], Object) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor
afterConstructor(Object[], Object) - Method in ConstructorInterceptor
Executed after the constructor passing the args and the instantiated instance.
afterInvocation() - Method in DynamicElementReader
Hook that subclass or anonymous classes can overwrite to implement custom behavior after invocation completes
afterInvoke(Object, String, Object[], Object) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor
afterInvoke(Object, String, Object[], Object) - Method in Interceptor
This code is executed after the method is optionally called.
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in ApplicationTagLib
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in ControllerFlowRegistry
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in GrailsApplicationFactoryBean
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in GrailsResourceLoaderFactoryBean
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in TagLibFactory
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in TagLibraryLookup
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in UrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean
AGE - Field in HttpHeaders
aliases - Field in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
ALL_CONFIGURATIONS - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
all(Object[]) - Method in Log4jConfig
all(Object[]) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
allocateSpace() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
allocateSpace() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
ALLOW_2_SLASHES - Field in UrlValidator
Allow two slashes in the path component of the URL.
ALLOW_ALL_SCHEMES - Field in UrlValidator
Allows all validly formatted schemes to pass validation instead of supplying a set of valid schemes.
ALLOW - Field in HttpHeaders
allowedValues() - Method in Converter.CircularReferenceBehaviour
Defines an Object that can convert an instance and render it to the response or a supplied writer.
allowUnwrappingOut - Field in GrailsPrintWriter
AND - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
AnnotationDomainClassArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Detects annotated domain classes for EJB3 style mappings.
ant - Field in PluginInstallEngine
APP_BASE_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The base directory of the application
APP_URI_ATTRIBUTE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
append(CharSequence) - Method in BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter.BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounterWriter
append(StreamCharBuffer) - Method in CodecPrintWriter
append(StreamCharBuffer) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
append(CharSequence) - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
append(String) - Method in JSONWriter
Append a value.
append(String) - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
append(String) - Method in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.MultiOutputWriter
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.SingleOutputWriter
append(CharSequence) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
appendCreateLink(StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in DocEngine
appender(Appender) - Method in Log4jConfig
appenders(Closure) - Method in Log4jConfig
appendLink(StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in DocEngine
appendStreamCharBufferChunk(StreamCharBuffer) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
application - Field in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod
application - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
application - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
APPLICATION_CONTEXT - Field in ApplicationAttributes
APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ID - Field in GrailsResourceHolder
APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ID - Field in GrailsUrlHandlerMapping
APPLICATION_ID - Field in GrailsApplication
The id of the grails application within a bean context
APPLICATION_NAME - Field in Metadata
application - Field in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
ApplicationAttributes - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Graeme Rocher
applicationContext - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
applicationContext - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
applicationContext - Field in AbstractPersistentConstraint
applicationContext - Field in RequestContextTag
applicationContext - Field in WebFlowTestCase
ApplicationHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Static singleton holder for the GrailsApplication instance.
applicationName - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
applicationPluginsLocation - Field in PluginInstallEngine
ApplicationTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
The base application tag library for Grails many of which take inspiration from Rails helpers (thanks guys!
applicationVersion - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
appliedConstraints - Field in ConstrainedProperty
applyConstraint(String, Object) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
Applies a constraint for the specified name and consraint value.
applyLastModifiedFromResource(Resource) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
applyPropertyValue(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory, String, String, Object) - Method in MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer
applyTemplate(StringWriter, def, def) - Method in GroovyPagesTestCase
areFileExtensionsEnabled() - Method in WebUtils
Returns the value of the "grails.mime.file.extensions" setting configured in COnfig.groovy
args - Field in GrailsScriptRunner.ScriptAndArgs
ARGUMENT_ACTION - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_BEAN - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_BUILDER - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_CACHE - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_COLLECTION - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_CONTENT_TYPE - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_CONTEXTPATH - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_CONTROLLER - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_DEEP_VALIDATE - Field in ValidatePersistentMethod
ARGUMENT_ENCODING - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_ERRORS - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_FETCH - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_ID - Field in DefaultUrlCreator
ARGUMENT_ID - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_IGNORE_CASE - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_LOCK - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_MAX - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_MODEL - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_OFFSET - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_ORDER - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_PARAMS - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_SORT - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ARGUMENT_STATUS - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_TEMPLATE - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_TEXT - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_URI - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_URL - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_VAR - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
ARGUMENT_VIEW - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
arguments - Field in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
argumentsRequired - Field in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
array(Closure) - Method in JSONBuilder
array() - Method in JSONWriter
Begin appending a new array.
array() - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
array() - Method in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
arrayCopy(char[], int, char[], int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
ArrayMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.xml
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
ArtefactHandler - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons

The ArtefactHandler interface's purpose is to allow the analysis of conventions within a Grails application.

ArtefactHandlerAdapter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Marc Palmer (
ArtefactHandlerAdapter(String, Class, Class, String, boolean) - Constructor in ArtefactHandlerAdapter
ArtefactInfo - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Holder for all the class-related info and structures relating to an Artefact.
ARTEFACTS - Field in GrailsPlugin
Define the list of ArtefactHandlers supporting by the plugin
asList() - Method in ListOrderedSet
Gets an unmodifiable view of the order of the Set.
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
assemble(Class, Map) - Method in StructuredDateEditor
assemble(Class, Map) - Method in StructuredPropertyEditor
Assemble and bind a property value from the specified fieldValues and the given type
assertAction(def, def, def) - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
assertController(def, def) - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
assertForwardUrlMapping(def, def, def) - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
assertNoExistingInlinePlugin(String) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
assertOutputEquals(def, def, def, Closure) - Method in GroovyPagesTestCase
Asserts the output of a given template against the specified expected value.
assertReverseUrlMapping(def, def, def) - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
assertUrlMapping(def, def, def) - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
assertView(def, def, def) - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
asShortObject(Object, JSON, GrailsDomainClassProperty, GrailsDomainClass) - Method in DomainClassMarshaller
assignBidirectionalAssociations(Object, Map, GrailsDomainClass) - Method in DataBindingUtils
Associations both sides of any bidirectional relationships found in the object and source map to bind
AstPluginDescriptorReader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Used to read plugin information from the AST.
AstPluginDescriptorReader.PluginReadingPhaseOperation(BasicGrailsPluginInfo) - Constructor in AstPluginDescriptorReader.PluginReadingPhaseOperation
AstPluginDescriptorReader(GroovyClassLoader) - Constructor in AstPluginDescriptorReader
asWritable() - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
ATTRIBUTE_IN - Field in GroovySyntaxTag
ATTRIBUTE_VAR - Field in GroovySyntaxTag
attribute(String, String) - Method in XML
attribute(String, String) - Method in XMLStreamWriter
ATTRIBUTES - Field in GroovyPage
attributes - Field in GroovySyntaxTag
attributes - Field in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
attributes - Field in RequestContextTag
ATTRIBUTES_STATUS - Field in GroovySyntaxTag
attributeValueOrNull(String) - Method in GroovyConditionalTag
AUTHORIZATION - Field in HttpHeaders
autoCreateIfPossible(MutablePropertyValues) - Method in GrailsDataBinder
Auto-creates the a type if it is null and is possible to auto-create.
autoImport(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Configures whether to auto import packages domain classes in HQL queries.

autoTimestamp(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Set whether auto time stamping should occur for last_updated and date_created columns
AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME - Field in BeanConfiguration
AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE - Field in BeanConfiguration
autowire(def) - Method in GrailsTestAutowirer
Autowires the bean by name, processes any autowiring annotations, and set's the applicationContext if it implements ApplicationContextAware.
autowireBeanProperties(Object, int, boolean) - Method in ReloadAwareAutowireCapableBeanFactory
autowireByName(String, AbstractBeanDefinition, BeanWrapper, MutablePropertyValues) - Method in ReloadAwareAutowireCapableBeanFactory
autowireIfNecessary() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
available() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferInputStream
avg(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the property average value


back() - Method in JSONTokener
Back up one character.
backup(int) - Method in SimpleCharStream
Backup a number of characters.
Base64ByteArrayMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.xml
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
Base64Codec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
A codec that encodes and decodes Objects using Base64 encoding.
BasePluginFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Base functionality shared by IncludingPluginFilter and ExcludingPluginFilter.
BasePluginFilter(String[]) - Constructor in BasePluginFilter
BasicGrailsPluginInfo - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Simple Javabean implementation of the GrailsPluginInfo interface.
BasicGrailsPluginInfo(Resource) - Constructor in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
batchSize(Integer) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Configures the batch-size used for lazy loading
bean - Field in GrailsDataBinder
BEAN_ID - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
BEAN_ID - Field in GroovyPageResourceLoader
The id of the instance of this bean to be used in the Spring context
BEAN_ID - Field in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
BEAN_ID - Field in GroovyPagesUriService
BEAN_ID - Field in PluginMetaManager
Id of the bean in the app ctx
BEAN_ID - Field in UrlMappingsHolder
BEAN_NAME - Field in GrailsPluginManager
bean - Field in RequestContextTag
BeanBinding - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Extends Groovy's Binding Object to allow a binding to a particular bean where the properties of the Object become binding variables.
BeanBinding(Object) - Constructor in BeanBinding
BeanBuilder - Class in grails.spring

Runtime bean configuration wrapper.

BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference.WrappedPropertyValue(String, Object) - Constructor in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference.WrappedPropertyValue
BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference(String, BeanConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference
BeanBuilder(ApplicationContext, RuntimeSpringConfiguration, ClassLoader) - Constructor in BeanBuilder
BeanConfiguration - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
Represents a runtime bean configuration.
beanFactory - Field in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
BeanPostProcessorAdapter - Class in
Adapter implementation of BeanPostProcessor.
beans(Closure) - Method in BeanBuilder
Defines a set of beans for the given block or closure.
beans(Closure) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
BEFORE_DELETE_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
BEFORE_INSERT_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
BEFORE_INTERCEPTOR - Field in GrailsControllerClass
The name of the before interceptor property.
BEFORE_LOAD_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
BEFORE_UPDATE_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
BEFORE_VALIDATE - Field in BeforeValidateHelper
beforeConstructor(Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor
beforeConstructor(Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in ConstructorInterceptor
Executed before the real constructor.
beforeGet(Object, String, InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor
beforeGet(Object, String, InvocationCallback) - Method in PropertyAccessInterceptor
Intercepts a getXXX call and returns a result.
beforeInvoke(Object, String, Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor
beforeInvoke(Object, String, Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in Interceptor
This code is executed before the method is optionally called.
beforeSet(Object, String, Object, InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor
beforeSet(Object, String, Object, InvocationCallback) - Method in PropertyAccessInterceptor
Intercepts a setXXX call.
BeforeValidateHelper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
beginColumn - Field in Token
The column number of the first character of this Token.
beginLine - Field in Token
The line number of the first character of this Token.
BeginToken() - Method in SimpleCharStream
BELONGS_TO - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
BETWEEN - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
bind(ServletRequest, String) - Method in GrailsDataBinder
bindAssociations(MutablePropertyValues) - Method in GrailsDataBinder
Interrogates the specified properties looking for properites that represent associations to other classes (e.g., '').
bindClass(GrailsDomainClass, Mappings) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a Grails domain class to the Hibernate runtime meta model
BindDynamicMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
A dynamic method present in controllers allowing data binding from a map to a target instance.
BindDynamicMethod() - Constructor in BindDynamicMethod
BindEventListener - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
An event listener used to inform when binding occurs
bindMockWebRequest() - Method in GrailsWebUtil
Binds a Mock implementation of a GrailsWebRequest object to the current thread.
bindNumericColumnConstraints(Column, ConstrainedProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Interrogates the specified constraints looking for any constraints that would limit the precision and/or scale of the property's value.
bindObjectToDomainInstance(GrailsDomainClass, Object, Object, List, List, String) - Method in DataBindingUtils
Binds the given source object to the given target object performing type conversion if necessary
bindObjectToInstance(Object, Object, List, List, String) - Method in DataBindingUtils
Binds the given source object to the given target object performing type conversion if necessary
bindRoot(GrailsDomainClass, Mappings) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Binds a root class (one with no super classes) to the runtime meta model based on the supplied Grails domain class
bindStringColumnConstraints(Column, ConstrainedProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Interrogates the specified constraints looking for any constraints that would limit the length of the property's value.
BLANK_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
BlankConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
A Constraint that validates a string is not blank.
blockFlushAndClose() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
BlockQuoteFilter - Class in grails.doc
BlockQuoteFilter() - Constructor in BlockQuoteFilter
BoldFilter - Class in grails.doc
BoldFilter() - Constructor in BoldFilter
BOOT_STRAP - Field in DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass
BootstrapArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Marc Palmer (
BootstrapArtefactHandler() - Constructor in BootstrapArtefactHandler
bootstrapGrailsFromApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsUtil
Bootstraps Grails with the given GrailsApplication instance.
bootstrapGrailsFromClassPath() - Method in GrailsUtil

Bootstraps a Grails application from the current classpath.

bootstrapGrailsFromParentContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsUtil
Bootstraps Grails from the given parent ApplicationContext which should contain a bean definition called "grailsApplication" of type GrailsApplication.
BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
Counts chars encoded as bytes up to a certain limit (capacity of byte buffer).
BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter(int, String) - Constructor in BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter
bufcolumn - Field in SimpleCharStream
buffer - Field in SimpleCharStream
bufline - Field in SimpleCharStream
bufpos - Field in SimpleCharStream
Position in buffer.
BUILD_CONFIGURATION - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
build(Closure) - Method in Converter
build(Closure) - Method in JSON
build(Closure) - Method in JSONBuilder
BUILD_LISTENERS - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for multiple buildListeners.
build(Map) - Method in PdfBuilder
Builds a PDF file from the manual's single.html file.
build(Closure) - Method in XML
buildCriteria(Closure) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
buildDispatchUrlForMapping(UrlMappingInfo) - Method in WebUtils
Constructs the URI to forward to using the given request and UrlMappingInfo instance
buildFinished(BuildEvent) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
buildPageMetaInfo(InputStream, Resource, String) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Constructs a GroovyPageMetaInfo instance which holds the script class, modified date and so on
buildProxyFactory(PersistentClass) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
BuildScope - Enum in grails.util
Represents the different scopes that plugins apply to.
buildSessionFactory() - Method in GrailsAnnotationConfiguration
BuildSettings - Class in grails.util

Represents the project paths and other build settings that the user can change when running the Grails commands.

BuildSettings(File, File) - Constructor in BuildSettings
BuildSettingsHolder - Class in grails.util
Static singleton holder for the BuildSettings instance.
buildStarted(BuildEvent) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
buildStates() - Method in FlowBuilder
bundle - Field in ConstrainedProperty
byName() - Method in AbstractInjectableGrailsClass
byName() - Method in InjectableGrailsClass
If autowiring by name is enabled.
ByteArrayMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
bytesUnread() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
bytesUsed() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
byType() - Method in AbstractInjectableGrailsClass
byType() - Method in InjectableGrailsClass
If autowiring by type is enabled.


cache - Field in AbstractBuildSettings
Used to cache results of certain expensive operations
CACHE_CONTROL - Field in HttpHeaders
cache(boolean) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Whether to use the query cache
cache(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Configures the second-level cache with the default usage of 'read-write' and the default include of 'all' if the passed argument is true

CacheConfig - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Defines the cache configuration.
cacheCriteriaByMapping(Class, Criteria) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Configures the criteria instance to cache based on the configured mapping.
calculateExpression(String) - Method in GroovySyntaxTag
calculateLineNumbersForPage(ServletContext, String) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Retrieves a line number matrix for the specified page that can be used to retrieve the actual line number within the GSP page if the line number within the compiled GSP is known
call(Object[]) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
This is the important one: logs entry and exit of the closure call.
call(SourceUnit, GeneratorContext, ClassNode) - Method in AstPluginDescriptorReader.PluginReadingPhaseOperation
call(Object) - Method in ClosureEventListener.EventTriggerCaller
call(Object) - Method in ClosureEventListener.FieldClosureCaller
call(Object) - Method in ClosureEventListener.MetaMethodCaller
call(Object) - Method in ClosureEventListener.MetaPropertyClosureCaller
call(Object) - Method in ClosureEventListener.MethodCaller
call(Object[]) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.MappingCapturingClosure
call(SourceUnit, GeneratorContext, ClassNode) - Method in GrailsAwareInjectionOperation
call(SourceUnit, GeneratorContext, ClassNode) - Method in GrailsInjectionOperation
call(Object[]) - Method in GroovyPage.ConstantClosure
call(Object) - Method in GroovyPageTagBody
call(Object[]) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
call() - Method in ProxyMetaClass.Callable
callDestroy() - Method in DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass
callDestroy() - Method in GrailsBootstrapClass
Calls the destroy closure if one exists.
CALLED - Field in ForwardMethod
callInit(ServletContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass
callInit(ServletContext) - Method in GrailsBootstrapClass
Calls the init closure if one exists.
CannotRedirectException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions
Thrown when the request cannot be redirected.
CannotRedirectException(String) - Constructor in CannotRedirectException
canRegisterPlugin(GrailsPlugin) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
captureTagContent(def, def, def, def) - Method in SitemeshTagLib
captureTagOutput(TagLibraryLookup, String, String, Map, Object, GrailsWebRequest) - Method in GroovyPage
cascadeToAssociativeProperty(Errors, BeanWrapper, GrailsDomainClassProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
Cascades validation onto an associative property maybe a one-to-many, one-to-one or many-to-one relationship.
cascadeValidationToMany(Errors, BeanWrapper, GrailsDomainClassProperty, String) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
Cascades validation to a one-to-many type relationship.
cascadeValidationToMany(Errors, BeanWrapper, GrailsDomainClassProperty, String) - Method in HibernateDomainClassValidator
Overrides the default behaviour and first checks if a PersistentCollection instance has been initialised using the wasInitialised() method before cascading
cascadeValidationToOne(Errors, BeanWrapper, Object, GrailsDomainClassProperty, String) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
Cascades validation to a one-to-one or many-to-one property.
cascadeValidationToOne(Errors, BeanWrapper, Object, GrailsDomainClassProperty, String) - Method in HibernateDomainClassValidator
CascadingValidator - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Extends the default Spring Validator interface and provides an additional method that specifies whether validation should cascade into associations.
ChainedConverterConfiguration - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
An immutable ConverterConfiguration which chains the lookup calls for ObjectMarshallers for performance reasons.
ChainedConverterConfiguration.ChainedObjectMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
ChainedConverterConfiguration.ChainedObjectMarshaller(ObjectMarshaller, ChainedObjectMarshaller) - Constructor in ChainedConverterConfiguration.ChainedObjectMarshaller
ChainedConverterConfiguration(ConverterConfiguration, ProxyHandler) - Constructor in ChainedConverterConfiguration
ChainMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
Implementation of the chain() method for controllers.
CHAR - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
characters(String) - Method in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in TldReader
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in WebXmlTagLibraryReader
characters(String) - Method in XMLStreamWriter
charAt(int) - Method in Reverse
charAt(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
chars(String) - Method in XML
charsUsed() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
checkAppContext() - Method in ClosureInvokingAction
checkError() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
Flush the stream if it's not closed and check its error state.
checkError() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
checkExistingPluginInstall(String, def) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
Checks an existing plugin path to install and returns true if the installation should be aborted or false if it should continue
checkFieldMarkers(MutablePropertyValues) - Method in GrailsDataBinder
This overrides the method from WebDataBinder to allow for nested checkbox handling, so property paths such as a.
checkForChanges() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
checkForChanges() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
Monitors the plugin resources defined in the watchResources property for changes and fires onChange events by calling an onChange closure defined in the plugin (if it exists)
checkForChanges() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
checkForChanges() - Method in GrailsPlugin
When called this method checks for any changes to the plug-ins watched resources and reloads appropriately
checkForChanges() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Checks all the plugins to see whether they have any changes
checkForErrors(def, def) - Method in ClosureInvokingAction
checkInitialised() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
checkMultipart(HttpServletRequest) - Method in ErrorHandlingServlet
checkMultipart(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
Convert the request into a multipart request.
checkMultipart(HttpServletRequest) - Method in UrlMappingsFilter
checkPluginsToUninstall(List) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
checkState() - Method in AbstractConstraint
chunkSize() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
CLASS_EDITOR_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
CLASS - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
CLASS_LOADER_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
ClassEditor - Class in
Converts Strings to Class references for Spring.
ClassEditor(Object) - Constructor in ClassEditor
ClassInjector - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
When implemented allows additional properties to be injected into Grails classes at compile time (ie when they are loaded by the GroovyClassLoader).
classLoader - Field in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
ClassLoaderAware - Interface in
Convenience interface that can be implemented by classes that are registered by plugins.
ClassLoaderAwareBeanPostProcessor - Class in
ClassLoaderAwareBeanPostProcessor(ClassLoader) - Constructor in ClassLoaderAwareBeanPostProcessor
classNameToPluginMap - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
classPatternToFilePattern(def) - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
ClassPropertyFetcher - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Accesses class "properties": static fields, static getters, instance fields or instance getters.
ClassPropertyFetcher.FieldReaderFetcher(Field, boolean) - Constructor in ClassPropertyFetcher.FieldReaderFetcher
ClassPropertyFetcher.ReferenceInstanceCallback - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
classShortName - Field in AbstractConstraint
clazz - Field in AbstractDynamicMethods
cleanControllers() - Method in ResourceCopier
Cleans out controllers replacing them with new ones
cleanup() - Method in GrailsTestType
Do any necessary tidy up.
cleanup() - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Called after the tests have completed, regardless of success or not.
cleanup() - Method in GroovyPage
clear() - Method in BodyContentImpl
clear() - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService
clear() - Method in GrailsFlashScope
clear() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
clear() - Method in GroovyPagesUriService
clear() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
clear() - Method in JSONArray
clear() - Method in JSONObject
clear() - Method in JspWriterDelegate
clear() - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
@throws UnsupportedOperationException
clear() - Method in ListOrderedSet
clear() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
clear() - Method in PagedResultList
clear() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Clear any pending changes.
clear() - Method in TypeConvertingMap
clear() - Method in UrlCreatorCache
clearBuffer() - Method in BodyContentImpl
clearBuffer() - Method in JspWriterDelegate
clearCache() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Clears any cached entries.
clearCaches() - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Clears cached resolved resources
clearClassPropertyFetcherCache() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
clearGrailsWebRequest() - Method in WebUtils
Removes any GrailsWebRequest instance from the current request.
clearInstance() - Method in ConverterUtil
clearPageCache() - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Clears the page cache.
clearViewCache() - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver
Clears any cached scaffolded views.
clone() - Method in ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod
For thread safety when using a ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod it should ALWAYS be cloned first Weird behaviour will occur if a unique cloned instance is not used for each invocation
clone() - Method in CodecPrintWriter
clone() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
clone() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
clone() - Method in GroovyPageAttributes
clone() - Method in JSONArray
clone() - Method in JSONObject.Null
There is only intended to be a single instance of the NULL object, so the clone method returns itself.
close() - Method in BodyContentImpl
close() - Method in BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter.BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounterWriter
close() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
close() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.NullWriter
close() - Method in GSPResponseWriter
Close the stream.
close() - Method in JspWriterDelegate
close() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferOutputStream
close() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.FixedCharArrayWriter
close() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.MultiOutputWriter
close() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.SingleOutputWriter
close() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferReader
close() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
close() - Method in UncloseableInputStream
closeSession(Session, SessionFactory) - Method in GrailsOpenSessionInViewFilter
closeWebApplicationContext(ServletContext) - Method in GrailsContextLoader
ClosureClassIgnoringComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.context.annotation
Extends Spring's default <context:component-scan/> element to ignore Groovy's generated closure classes.
ClosureClassIgnoringComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser.ParentOnlyGetResourcesClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor in ClosureClassIgnoringComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser.ParentOnlyGetResourcesClassLoader
ClosureEventListener - Class in

Invokes closure events on domain entities such as beforeInsert, beforeUpdate and beforeDelete.

ClosureEventListener(Class, boolean, List) - Constructor in ClosureEventListener
ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor - Class in

Invokes closure events on domain entities such as beforeInsert, beforeUpdate and beforeDelete.

ClosureExpression - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
Implements the Spring binding expression interface to allow an expression to evaluate a closure for using with dynamic transitions.
ClosureExpression(Closure) - Constructor in ClosureExpression
ClosureInvokingAction - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
Invokes a closure as a Webflow action placing the returned model within the flow scope.
ClosureInvokingAction(Closure) - Constructor in ClosureInvokingAction
ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
An implementation of DynamicMethodInvocation that invokes a closure.
ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod(String, Closure) - Constructor in ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod
ClosureOjectMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller
ObjectMarshaller that delegates the conversion logic to the supplied closure
ClosureOjectMarshaller(Class, Closure) - Constructor in ClosureOjectMarshaller
ClosureToMapPopulator - Class in grails.util
A simple class that takes method invocations and property setters and populates the arguments of these into the supplied map ignoring null values.
ClosureToMapPopulator() - Constructor in ClosureToMapPopulator
CNTRL_ESC - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
CODEC - Field in DefaultGrailsCodecClass
CODEC_OUT - Field in GroovyPage
CODEC_VARNAME - Field in GroovyPage
CodecArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Marc Palmer (
CodecArtefactHandler() - Constructor in CodecArtefactHandler
CodecPrintWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
CodecPrintWriter(Writer, Class) - Constructor in CodecPrintWriter
CodecsGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
A plugin that configures pluggable codecs.
CodeFilter - Class in grails.doc
CodeFilter() - Constructor in CodeFilter
collection - Field in GrailsDomainBinder.GrailsCollectionSecondPass
CollectionMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
collectionToObjectArray(Collection) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Convenience method for converting a collection to an Object[]
collectionTypeForClass(Class) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder.CollectionType
column(Map) - Method in PropertyDefinitionDelegate
column - Field in SimpleCharStream
ColumnConfig - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Defines a column within the mapping.
columns(Closure) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Consumes the columns closure and populates the value into the Mapping objects columns property

comma - Field in JSONWriter
The comma flag determines if a comma should be output before the next value.
comma() - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
CommandLineHelper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli
Utility methods for use on the command line, including method to accept user input etc.
CommandLineHelper(PrintStream) - Constructor in CommandLineHelper
CommandLineResourceLoader - Class in
Loads locations starting with /WEB-INF from the Grails web-app directory.
CommandObjectEnablingPostProcessor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
@author Graeme Rocher
CommandObjectEnablingPostProcessor(ApplicationContext) - Constructor in CommandObjectEnablingPostProcessor
compare(Object, Object) - Method in DomainClassPropertyComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in QualityComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in SimpleDomainClassPropertyComparator
compare(def, def) - Method in VersionComparator
compareTo(Object) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
compareTo(Entry) - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration.Entry
compareTo(Object) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingKey
compareTo(Object) - Method in RegexUrlMapping
Compares this UrlMapping instance with the specified UrlMapping instance and deals with URL mapping precedence rules.
compareTo(Object) - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
CompilationFailedException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Thrown when a compilation error occurs.
CompilationFailedException(Throwable) - Constructor in CompilationFailedException
COMPILE_CONFIGURATION - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
compile() - Method in GenerateStubsTask
compile(String) - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
compile() - Method in GrailsCompiler
compile() - Method in GroovyPageCompiler
Compiles the given GSP pages and returns a Map of URI to classname mappings
compileGSP(File, File, String, String) - Method in GroovyPageCompiler
Compiles an individual GSP file
COMPILER_ROOT_PATTERNS - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
CompositeIdentity - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Represents a composite identity, equivalent to Hibernate mapping.
CompositeInterceptor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.filters
Composed of other HandlerInterceptor instances.
CompositePluginDescriptorReader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Combines different implementation into one.
CompositePluginDescriptorReader(PluginBuildSettings) - Constructor in CompositePluginDescriptorReader
computeTestMethods() - Method in GrailsTestCaseRunner
config - Field in AbstractBuildSettings
The settings stored in the project's BuildConfig.groovy file if there is one.
CONFIG_CLASS - Field in GrailsApplication
The name of the class that provides configuration
CONFIG_PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERIES - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
CONFIG_PROPERTY_GSP_ENABLE_RELOAD - Field in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
configChanged() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
configChanged() - Method in GrailsApplication
Fired to inform the application when the Config.groovy file changes.
configCheckMillis - Field in Grails5535Factory
ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate
A SessionFactory bean that allows the configuration class to be changed and customise for usage within Grails.
ConfigurationHelper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.cfg
Helper methods for initialising config object.
ConfigurationHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Holds a reference to the ConfigObject instance.
configurationNames - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
configure(GrailsWebRequest) - Method in AbstractUrlMappingInfo
configure(ServletContext, boolean) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
configure(Closure) - Method in Log4jConfig
configure(GrailsWebRequest) - Method in UrlMappingInfo
Configure this UrlMappingInfo the for the given GrailsWebRequest
configureDependencyDescriptor(EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor, String, Closure, boolean) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
configureDependencyManager(ConfigObject) - Method in BuildSettings
configureDomainBinder(GrailsApplication, Set) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainConfiguration
configureDomainClassRelationships(GrailsClass[], Map) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
Configures the relationships between domain classes after they have been all loaded.
configureDomainOnly() - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
configureHibernateDomainClasses(SessionFactory, GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
configureInheritanceMappings(Map) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
configureNamingStrategy(Object) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Override the default naming strategy given a Class or a full class name.
configureScanner(ParserContext, Element) - Method in ClosureClassIgnoringComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser
configureServletContextAttributes(ServletContext, GrailsApplication, GrailsPluginManager, WebApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsConfigUtils
configureWebApplicationContext(ServletContext, WebApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsConfigUtils
CONNECTION - Field in HttpHeaders
connectTo(StreamCharBuffer.LazyInitializingWriter, boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Console - Class in grails.ui
Extends regular Groovy console and bootstraps Grails environment before launch to allow interaction with the Grails domain model.
Console(ClassLoader, Binding) - Constructor in Console
CONSTANT_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE - Field in GroovyPageParser
CONSTANT_NAME_JSP_TAGS - Field in GroovyPageParser
ConstrainedProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Provides the ability to set contraints against a properties of a class.
ConstrainedProperty(Class, String, Class) - Constructor in ConstrainedProperty
Constructs a new ConstrainedProperty for the given arguments.
ConstrainedPropertyBuilder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Builder used as a delegate within the "constraints" closure of GrailsDomainClass instances .
ConstrainedPropertyBuilder(Class) - Constructor in ConstrainedPropertyBuilder
Constraint - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Defines a validatable constraint.
ConstraintException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.exceptions
Thrown when an error occurs applying a constraint to a property.
ConstraintException(Throwable) - Constructor in ConstraintException
ConstraintFactory - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
A factory for creating constraint instances.
constraintOwningClass - Field in AbstractConstraint
constraintParameter - Field in AbstractConstraint
constraintPropertyName - Field in AbstractConstraint
constraints - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
constraints - Field in ConstrainedProperty
CONSTRAINTS - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
ConstraintsDynamicProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.metaclass
Instead of returning the closure sets a new proxy meta class for the scope of the call and invokes the closure itself which builds up a list of ConstrainedProperty instances.
ConstraintsDynamicProperty(GrailsApplication) - Constructor in ConstraintsDynamicProperty
ConstraintsEvaluatingDynamicProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.metaclass
This is a dynamic property that instead of returning the closure sets a new proxy meta class for the scope of the call and invokes the closure itself which builds up a list of ConstrainedProperty instances.
ConstraintsEvaluatingDynamicProperty() - Constructor in ConstraintsEvaluatingDynamicProperty
ConstructorInterceptor - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Extends interceptor interface to allow interception of constructors
contains(Object) - Method in JSONArray
contains(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
containsAll(Collection) - Method in JSONArray
containsAll(Collection) - Method in PagedResultList
containsBean(String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
containsBean(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
containsBean(String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Returns whether the runtime spring config contains the specified bean.
containsBeanDefinition(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
containsKey(Object) - Method in GrailsFlashScope
containsKey(Object) - Method in GrailsParameterMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in JSONObject
containsKey(Object) - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
containsLocalBean(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
containsMethodName(def) - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
containsValue(Object) - Method in GrailsFlashScope
containsValue(Object) - Method in GrailsParameterMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in JSONObject
containsValue(Object) - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
Checks whether the specified value is contained within the Map.
containsValue(Object) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
CONTENT_ENCODING - Field in HttpHeaders
CONTENT_FORMAT - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Field in HttpHeaders
CONTENT_LENGTH - Field in HttpHeaders
CONTENT_LOCATION - Field in HttpHeaders
CONTENT_MD5 - Field in HttpHeaders
CONTENT_RANGE - Field in HttpHeaders
CONTENT_TYPE - Field in HttpHeaders
ContentLengthAwareCommonsMultipartResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.multipart
Safari includes the multipart packet inside an HTTP redirect without the Content-Length header.
context - Field in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in Log4jConfigListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in Log4jConfigListener
contextPath - Field in RequestContextTag
controller - Field in ControllerUnitTestCase
CONTROLLER - Field in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
CONTROLLER - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
CONTROLLER - Field in GrailsControllerClass
The general name to use when referring to controller artefacts.
CONTROLLER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
CONTROLLER_NAME - Field in GroovyPage
CONTROLLER_NAME_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
CONTROLLER_URI_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
controller - Field in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
CONTROLLER - Field in UrlMapping
ControllerArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Marc Palmer (
ControllerArtefactHandler() - Constructor in ControllerArtefactHandler
ControllerDelegate - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
A delegate that relays method calls onto the currently executing controller.
ControllerDelegate(RequestContext) - Constructor in ControllerDelegate
ControllerDynamicMethods - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
Holds constants that refer to the names of dynamic methods and properties within controllers
ControllerExecutionException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions
Throw when an exception occurs during controller execution
ControllerExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor in ControllerExecutionException
ControllerFlowRegistry - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
A flow execution repository that scans the set GrailsApplication instance for controllers that contain flow closures.
controllerName - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
controllerName(def) - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
Returns the name of the controller targeted by the given request.
ControllerNameExtractor - Class in
ControllersGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web
Handles the configuration of controllers for Grails.
ControllerUnitTestCase - Class in grails.test
Support class for writing unit tests for controllers.
ControllerUnitTestCase(Class) - Constructor in ControllerUnitTestCase
Creates a new test case for the given controller class.
convertAnother(Object) - Method in Converter
convertAnother(Object) - Method in JSON
convertAnother(Object) - Method in XML
Converter - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters
Defines an Object that can convert an instance and render it to the response or a supplied writer.
Converter.CircularReferenceBehaviour - Enum in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters
converter - Field in ExecuteQueryPersistentMethod
converter - Field in FindAllPersistentMethod
converter - Field in FindPersistentMethod
converter - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ConverterConfiguration - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
ConverterException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.exceptions
Thrown when an error occurs originating from a Converter instance.
ConverterException() - Constructor in ConverterException
CONVERTERS_DEFAULT_ENCODING - Field in ConvertersConfigurationHolder
ConvertersConfigurationHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
Singleton which holds all default and named configurations for the Converter classes.
ConvertersConfigurationInitializer - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
ConvertersGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.converters
A plug-in that allows the obj as XML syntax.
ConverterUtil - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters
A utility class for creating and dealing with Converter objects.
ConverterUtil() - Constructor in ConverterUtil
convertToReference(char) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamingHTMLEncoderHelper
convertToRegex(String) - Method in RegexUrlMapping
Converts a Grails URL provides via the UrlMappingData interface to a regular expression.
convertValueToIdentifierType(def, def) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
Converts an id value to the appropriate type for a domain class
COOKIE - Field in HttpHeaders
copyBinding(Binding, Binding, Writer) - Method in GroovyPageWritable
copyExpandoMetaClass(Class, Class, boolean) - Method in GrailsMetaClassUtils
Copies the ExpandoMetaClass dynamic methods and properties from one Class to another.
copyGrailsApp() - Method in ResourceCopier
Copies the whole grails-app replacing any changes
copyParamsFromPreviousRequest(GrailsWebRequest, GrailsWebRequest) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
copyResourceBundles() - Method in ResourceCopier
Copies the resource bundles.
copyViews() - Method in ResourceCopier
Copies only the views.
CoreGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
A plugin that configures the core shared beans within the Grails application context.
CorePluginFinder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Loads core plugin classes.
CorePluginFinder(GrailsApplication) - Constructor in CorePluginFinder
CosineSimilarity - Class in grails.util
Uses cosine similarity to find matches from a candidate set for a specified input.
CouldNotDetermineHibernateDialectException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.exceptions
Thrown when no Hibernate dialect could be found for a database name.
CouldNotDetermineHibernateDialectException(Throwable) - Constructor in CouldNotDetermineHibernateDialectException
count(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the property count
count(Closure) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
CountByPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
Dynamic method that allows counting the values of the specified property names
CountByPersistentMethod(GrailsApplication, SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in CountByPersistentMethod
countDistinct(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the distinct property count
CountryTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Tags for rendering country selection / display of country names.
countToken(String, String) - Method in UrlValidator
Returns the number of times the token appears in the target.
create(GrailsApplication, Class, String) - Method in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
create(GrailsDomainClassProperty, PersistentClass, String, Mappings) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder.CollectionType
createAndPrepareCommandObjectAction(GroovyObject, Closure, String, ApplicationContext) - Method in WebMetaUtils
createApplicationContext() - Method in BeanBuilder
Creates an ApplicationContext from the current state of the BeanBuilder
createApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
Creates the ApplicationContext instance.
createApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in WebRuntimeSpringConfiguration
createAutowirer() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
createBeanDefinition() - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
createBeanDefinition(String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
createBeanDefinition(String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Creates and returns the BeanDefinition that is regsitered within the given name or returns null.
createBeanWrapper(Object) - Method in AbstractConverter
createBeanWrapper(Object) - Method in ConverterUtil
createBinder(Object, String) - Method in GrailsDataBinder
Utility method for creating a GrailsDataBinder instance
createChunk() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
Creates a new chunk from the content written to the buffer (used before adding StringChunk or StreamCharBufferChunk).
createClasspath() - Method in GroovyPageCompilerTask
Adds a path to the classpath.
createClassProperties(GrailsDomainClass, PersistentClass, Mappings) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Creates and binds the properties for the specified Grails domain class and PersistantClass and binds them to the Hibernate runtime meta model
createClosureForHtmlPart(int) - Method in GroovyPage
createCommandObjectBindingAction(ApplicationContext) - Method in WebMetaUtils
Creates a command object binding action that can be used to replace an existing action
createCompilationUnit(CompilerConfiguration, CodeSource) - Method in GrailsAwareClassLoader
@see groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader#createCompilationUnit(org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration,
createConcreteCollection(Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Creates a concrete collection for the suppied interface
createConfigSlurper() - Method in BuildSettings
createContextLoader() - Method in GrailsContextLoaderListener
createControllerMap() - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
createConverter(Class, Object, ApplicationContext) - Method in ConverterUtil
createDefaults() - Method in MimeType
Creates the default MimeType configuration if none exists in Config.groovy
createDynamicElementReader(String, boolean) - Method in BeanBuilder
CreateDynamicMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
A dynamic static method that is a factory method for creating new instances.
CreateDynamicMethod() - Constructor in CreateDynamicMethod
createEndState(String, String, FlowArtifactFactory, Closure) - Method in FlowBuilder
createExcludeArtifactId(String, String) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
createFlattenedKeys(Map, Map, Map, def) - Method in AbstractParsingParameterCreationListener
Populates the target map with current map using the root map to form a nested prefix so that a hierarchy of maps is flattened.
createFlowDefinitionUrl(String, AttributeMap, HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsFlowUrlHandler
createFlowExecutionUrl(String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsFlowUrlHandler
createForWAR(String, String) - Method in EmbeddableServerFactory
Creates a EmbeddableServer instance for the given WAR file and context path.
createFreshDependencyManager() - Method in PluginResolveEngine
createFromBuildBinding(Binding) - Method in JUnitReportsFactory
createInline(String, String, String, ClassLoader) - Method in EmbeddableServerFactory
Creates an inline server for the the given base directory, web.xml file and class loader.
createInstance() - Method in UrlMappingFactoryBean
createInterceptor(Object, ApplicationContext, String[]) - Method in GrailsTestMode
createJUnit4TestCaseFacade(Description) - Method in PerTestRunListener
createJUnitReportsFactory() - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
createKey(String, String, Map) - Method in UrlCreatorCache
createListener(def) - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
createLocalPluginResolver(String, String) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
createMappingsHolder() - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
createMock() - Method in GrailsMock
Creates a mock instance that can be passed as a collaborator to classes under test.
createModuleDescriptor() - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
createNamedConfig(String, Closure) - Method in JSON
createNamedConfig(String, Closure) - Method in XML
createNew(Writer) - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
createNode(Object, Object) - Method in ConstrainedPropertyBuilder
createNode(Object, Object) - Method in JSON.Builder
createNode(Object, Object) - Method in JSonBuilder
createNode(Object, Object) - Method in OpenRicoBuilder
createNode(Object, Map, Object) - Method in XML.Builder
createNormalMetaClass(Class, MetaClassRegistry) - Method in MetadataGeneratingMetaClassCreationHandle
createNotifier(def) - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
createOutputCapturingClosure(Object, Object, GrailsWebRequest, boolean) - Method in GroovyPage
createPrototypeBean(String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
createPrototypeBean(String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Creates a new prototype bean configuration.
createProxy(Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in GroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersister
createProxy(Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in GroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersister
createRedirectEndState(String, String, FlowArtifactFactory, Closure) - Method in FlowBuilder
createRelativeURL(String, String, Map, String, String) - Method in DefaultUrlCreator
createRelativeURL(String, String, Map, String, String) - Method in RegexUrlMapping
createRelativeURL(String, String, Map, String, String) - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
createRelativeURL(String, String, Map, String, String) - Method in UrlCreator
Creates a URL for the given parameters values, controller and action names without the context path information
createRelativeURL(String, String, Map, String) - Method in UrlCreatorCache.CachingUrlCreator
createReport(String, String) - Method in JUnitReportsFactory
createReports(String) - Method in JUnitReportsFactory
createRequestEnvironmentInterceptor() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
createResolveArguments(String, String) - Method in PluginResolveEngine
createResponseWriter(HttpServletResponse) - Method in GrailsReloadServletFilter
createResponseWriter(HttpServletResponse) - Method in GroovyPagesServlet
Creates a response writer for the given response object
createResponseWriter(HttpServletResponse) - Method in GroovyPageView
Creates the Response Writer for the specified HttpServletResponse instance.
createRunnerBuilder() - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
createRuntimeSpringConfiguration(ApplicationContext, ClassLoader) - Method in BeanBuilder
createRuntimeSpringConfiguration(ApplicationContext, ClassLoader) - Method in WebBeanBuilder
createScaffoldedView(String, String) - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver
createScanner(XmlReaderContext, boolean) - Method in ClosureClassIgnoringComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser
createSingletonBean(String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
createSingletonBean(String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Creates a new singleton bean configuration.
createString(char[]) - Method in StringCharArrayAccessor
creates a new java.lang.String by setting the char array directly to the String instance with reflection.
createSuite(def) - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
createSystemOutAndErrSwapper() - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Creates swapper with echo parameters based on testOptions.echoOut and testOptions.echoErr in the build binding.
createTemplate(InputStream, Resource, String) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Constructs a Groovy Template from the given InputStream and Spring Resource object
createTemplate(URL) - Method in ResourceAwareTemplateEngine
createTemplateForUri(String[]) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
createTransactionInterceptor() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
createURL(String, String, Map, String, String) - Method in DefaultUrlCreator
createURL(String, String, Map, String, String) - Method in RegexUrlMapping
createURL(String, String, Map, String, String) - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
createURL(String, String, Map, String, String) - Method in UrlCreator
Creates a URL for the given parameters values, controller and action names
createURL(Map, String) - Method in UrlCreatorCache.CachingUrlCreator
createViewFactory(String) - Method in FlowBuilder
createWebApplicationContext(ServletContext, ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsContextLoader
createWebApplicationContext(WebApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
createWebRuntimeSpringConfiguration(GrailsApplication, ApplicationContext, ClassLoader) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
createWrapper(Closure) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
Called when a new instance of the proxy needs to be created for the given closure.
createWrapper(Closure) - Method in MockClosureProxy
Creates a new MockClosureProxy wrapping the given closure.
credentials(Closure) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
CREDIT_CARD_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
CreditCardConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates a credit card number.
CRLF - Field in GrailsPrintWriter
curChar - Field in JsonParserTokenManager
CurrencyEditor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
A Property editor for converting instances of java.util.Currency.
currentPluginManager() - Method in PluginManagerHolder
Retrieves the bound GrailsPluginManager that resides in the current Thread
currentSession() - Method in FlowAwareCurrentSessionContext
currentStack(RequestAttributes, boolean, Writer, boolean, boolean) - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
currentToken - Field in ParseException
This is the last token that has been consumed successfully.
currentWriter() - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
curry(Object[]) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
CUSTOM_EDITORS_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
customizeBuildSettings(BuildSettings) - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
customizeClassInjectors(List) - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
customizeClassLoader(GrailsAwareClassLoader) - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
customizeGrailsResources(List) - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite


DATA_SOURCE_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
DATA_SOURCE_CLASS - Field in GrailsApplication
DataBindingLazyMetaPropertyMap - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
Extends the default implementation and does data binding.
DataBindingLazyMetaPropertyMap(Object) - Constructor in DataBindingLazyMetaPropertyMap
Constructs the map
DataBindingUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
Utility methods to perform data binding from Grails objects.
DataSourceGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.datasource
A plugin that handles the configuration of a DataSource within Grails.
DataSourceRequiredPropertyMissingException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Thrown when a missing property on a Grails data source is missing.
DataSourceRequiredPropertyMissingException(Throwable) - Constructor in DataSourceRequiredPropertyMissingException
DATE_CREATED - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
DATE - Field in HttpHeaders
DateMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
JSON ObjectMarshaller which converts a Date Object, conforming to the ECMA-Script-Specification Draft, to a String value.
DateMarshaller() - Constructor in DateMarshaller
Default constructor.
dateToString(Date) - Method in JSONObject
debug(Object[]) - Method in Log4jConfig
debug(Object[]) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
DebugHttpSessionListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
Simple implementation of the HttpListener interface that writes to standard out
debugStream - Field in JsonParserTokenManager
Debug output.
decode(Object) - Method in HTMLCodec
decorate(List) - Method in ListOrderedSet
Factory method to create an ordered set using the supplied list to retain order.
deepCopy(Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
DeepDomainClassMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.xml
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
DeepDomainClassMarshaller(boolean, ProxyHandler) - Constructor in DeepDomainClassMarshaller
deepSanitize(Throwable) - Method in GrailsUtil

Sanitize the exception and ALL nested causes

This will MODIFY the stacktrace of the exception instance and all its causes irreversibly

DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT - Field in GrailsDataBinder
DEFAULT_ENCODING - Field in GrailsWebUtil
DEFAULT - Field in Environment
Constants that indicates whether this GrailsApplication is running in the default environment
DEFAULT_HOST - Field in EmbeddableServer
DEFAULT_IMPORTS - Field in GroovyPageParser
DEFAULT_INDENT_STR - Field in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
DEFAULT_INDENT_STR - Field in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
DEFAULT - Field in JsonParserConstants
Lexical state.
DEFAULT_MESSAGES - Field in ConstrainedProperty
DEFAULT_METHOD_PARAM - Field in HiddenHttpMethodFilter
Default method parameter: _method
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Field in GrailsTagLibClass
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Field in GroovyPage
DEFAULT_PORT - Field in EmbeddableServer
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Field in DefaultConverterConfiguration
DEFAULT_REST_MAPPING - Field in UrlMappingEvaluator
DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT - Field in EmbeddableServer
DefaultAcceptHeaderParser - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mime
Parsed the HTTP accept header into a a list of MimeType instances in the order of priority.
DefaultArtefactInfo - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Mutable holder of artefact info.
DefaultBeanConfiguration - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
Default implementation of the BeanConfiguration interface .
DefaultBeanConfiguration(Class, Collection) - Constructor in DefaultBeanConfiguration
DefaultConverterConfiguration - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
Mutable Converter Configuration with an priority sorted set of ObjectMarshallers
DefaultConverterConfiguration.Entry - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
DefaultConverterConfiguration(List, ProxyHandler) - Constructor in DefaultConverterConfiguration
defaultDependenciesProvided(boolean) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
DefaultDynamicMethods - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Simple concrete class implementation of AbstractDynamicMethods class.
DefaultDynamicMethods(Class) - Constructor in DefaultDynamicMethods
DefaultGrailsApplication - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Default implementation of the GrailsApplication interface that manages application loading, state, and artefact instances.
DefaultGrailsApplication(GrailsResourceLoader) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsApplication
DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Holds knowledge about how to obtain certain attributes from either the ServletContext or the HttpServletRequest instance.
DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes(ServletContext) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass
DefaultGrailsClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
A default implementation for Grails classes that need to be registered and managed by a GrailsApplication, but don't need any special handling.
DefaultGrailsClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsClass
DefaultGrailsCodecClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Jeff Brown
DefaultGrailsCodecClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsCodecClass
DefaultGrailsControllerClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Evaluates the conventions contained within controllers to perform auto-configuration.
DefaultGrailsControllerClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
DefaultGrailsDomainClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Graeme Rocher
DefaultGrailsDomainClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
DefaultGrailsDomainClassInjector - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
Default implementation of domain class injector interface that adds the 'id' and 'version' properties and other previously boilerplate code.
DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Represents a property of a domain class and contains meta information about the properties relationships, naming conventions and type.
DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty(GrailsDomainClass, PropertyDescriptor) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
DefaultGrailsDomainConfiguration - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Creates runtime configuration mapping for the Grails domain classes based on the work done in the Hibernate Annotations project
DefaultGrailsFiltersClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.filters
Loads filter definitions into a set of FilterConfig instances.
DefaultGrailsFiltersClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsFiltersClass
DefaultGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Implementation of the GrailsPlugin interface that wraps a Groovy plugin class and provides the magic to invoke its various methods from Java.
DefaultGrailsPlugin(Class, GrailsApplication) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsPlugin
DefaultGrailsPluginManager - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins

Handles the loading and management of plug-ins in the Grails system.

DefaultGrailsPluginManager(Resource[], GrailsApplication) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
DefaultGrailsServiceClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Steven Devijver
DefaultGrailsServiceClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsServiceClass
DefaultGrailsTagLibClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Default implementation of a tag lib class.
DefaultGrailsTagLibClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsTagLibClass
Default contructor.
DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding
Default implementation of the generator that generates grails artifacts (controllers, views etc.)
DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator() - Constructor in DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator
Default constructor.
DefaultGrailsUrlMappingsClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
DefaultGrailsUrlMappingsClass(Class) - Constructor in DefaultGrailsUrlMappingsClass
DefaultGroovyPagesUriService - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Provides services for resolving URIs
DefaultGroovyPagesUriService.ControllerObjectKey(GroovyObject) - Constructor in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService.ControllerObjectKey
DefaultGroovyPagesUriService.TupleStringKey(String, String) - Constructor in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService.TupleStringKey
DefaultPluginMetaManager - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Implements the PluginMetaManager interface by parsing a set of plugin.xml files from the given set of resources.
DefaultPluginMetaManager(Resource[]) - Constructor in DefaultPluginMetaManager
DefaultPluginPublisher - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.publishing
Utility methods for manipulating the plugin-list.xml file used when publishing plugins to a Grails plugin repository
DefaultPluginPublisher(String, String) - Constructor in DefaultPluginPublisher
DefaultProxyHandler - Class in
Trivial default implementation that always returns true and the object.
DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
A programmable runtime Spring configuration that allows a spring ApplicationContext to be constructed at runtime.
DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration(ApplicationContext, ClassLoader) - Constructor in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
DefaultUrlCreator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
The default implementation of the UrlCreator interface that constructs URLs in Grails default pattern of /controllerName/actionName/id.
DefaultUrlCreator(String, String) - Constructor in DefaultUrlCreator
DefaultUrlMappingData - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Default implementating of the UrlMappingData interface.
DefaultUrlMappingData(String) - Constructor in DefaultUrlMappingData
DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping

A UrlMapping evaluator that evaluates Groovy scripts that are in the form:

 mappings {
DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.MappingCapturingClosure(Object) - Constructor in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.MappingCapturingClosure
DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder(Binding, ServletContext) - Constructor in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator(ServletContext) - Constructor in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator
DefaultUrlMappingInfo - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Holds information established from a matched URL.
DefaultUrlMappingInfo(Object, UrlMappingData, ServletContext) - Constructor in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
DefaultUrlMappingParser - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
A simple implementation of the UrlMappingParser interface.
DefaultUrlMappingsHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Default implementation of the UrlMappingsHolder interface that takes a list of mappings and then sorts them according to their precedence rules as defined in the implementation of Comparable.
DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingKey(String, String, Set) - Constructor in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingKey
DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingsListKey(String, String) - Constructor in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingsListKey
DefaultUrlMappingsHolder(List, List, boolean) - Constructor in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
definitionLocator - Field in FlowBuilder
dehexchar(char) - Method in JSONTokener
Get the hex value of a character (base16).
DemandProxy - Class in grails.test
Keeps track of demands and expectations for a particular Grails mock.
DemandProxy(Class, boolean) - Constructor in DemandProxy
dependencies - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
dependencies - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
dependencies(Closure) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
dependencyConfiguration(String) - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
DependencyDefinitionParser - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
Defines methods for parsing dependency definitions defined in the form of a Groovy DSL.
dependencyDescriptors - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
dependencyNames - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
DependencyResolver - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
Defines methods to resolve dependencies based on a supplied dependency definition.
DEPENDS_ON - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that specifies which plugins this plugin depends on
deprecated(String) - Method in GrailsUtil
Logs warning message about some deprecation and code style related hints.
deSnapshot(String) - Method in VersionComparator
Removes any suffixes that indicate that the version is a kind of snapshot
destroy() - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
destroy() - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
destroy() - Method in GrailsPageFilter
destroy() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
destroy() - Method in GrailsTestRequestEnvironmentInterceptor
Removes the mock request environment
destroy() - Method in GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor
Rolls back the current transaction.
destroy() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
destroy() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
destroy() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Called to finalize the persistent context.
destroyRequestEnvironmentIfNecessary() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
destroyTransactionIfNecessary() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
determineGrailsRuntimeConfiguratorFromServletContext(GrailsApplication, ServletContext, ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsConfigUtils
development(Closure) - Method in Environment.EnvironmentBlockEvaluator
development(Closure) - Method in Log4jConfig
DevelopmentResourceLoader - Class in
Allows files references like /WEB-INF/grails-app to be loaded from .
DevelopmentResourceLoader(GrailsApplication, String) - Constructor in DevelopmentResourceLoader
DevelopmentShutdownHook - Class in
A shutdown hook that closes the application context when CTRL+C is hit in dev mode.
DIALECT_DETECTOR_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
digest(String, def) - Method in DigestUtils
DigestUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
DIGITS - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
disable() - Method in MetadataGeneratingMetaClassCreationHandle
disable_tracing() - Method in JSONParser
Disable tracing.
disassemble(Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
disconnect() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
disconnect() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
disconnect() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Disconnects the persistence context.
discriminator(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Configures the discriminator name.

displayNewScripts(def, def) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
distinct(Collection, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
A distinct projection that takes a list
Defines the name of the property that defines a closure that will be invoked after intialisation and when the application context has been built
DO_WITH_DYNAMIC_METHODS - Field in GrailsPlugin
DO_WITH_SPRING - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that defines the closure that will be invoked during runtime spring configuration
DO_WITH_WEB_DESCRIPTOR - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that defines the closure that will be invoked when the web.xml is being generated
doAfterBody() - Method in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
doAfterCall(Object[]) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
This method is called after the target closure is invoked.
doAfterCall(Object[]) - Method in MockClosureProxy
Empty implementation.
doArtefactConfiguration() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
doArtefactConfiguration() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
doArtefactConfiguration() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Called prior to the initialisation of the GrailsApplication instance to allow the registration of additonal ArtefactHandlers
doArtefactConfiguration() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Called prior to the initialisation of the GrailsApplication object to allow registration of additional ArtefactHandler objects
doBeforeCall(Object[]) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
This method is called before the target closure is invoked.
doBeforeCall(Object[]) - Method in MockClosureProxy
Checks whether the target "method" is expected or not, on the basis that this closure is mocking a method with the name methodName.
doBegin(Object, TransactionDefinition) - Method in GrailsHibernateTransactionManager
doBind(Object, MutablePropertyValues, TypeConverter) - Method in BindEventListener
@param target The target to bind to
doBind(MutablePropertyValues) - Method in GrailsDataBinder
doc(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
doc(String) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Write some documentation to the DocumentationContext
doCall(Object[]) - Method in GroovyPage.ConstantClosure
doCall(Object) - Method in GroovyPageTagBody
DocEngine - Class in grails.doc
A Radeox Wiki engine for generating documentation using a confluence style syntax.
DocEngine(InitialRenderContext) - Constructor in DocEngine
DocPublisher - Class in grails.doc
Coordinated the DocEngine the produce documentation based on the gdoc format.
DocPublisher(File, File) - Constructor in DocPublisher
DocPublisherTask - Class in grails.doc.ant
An ant task for using the DocEngine.
doCreateBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) - Method in ReloadAwareAutowireCapableBeanFactory
DOCS_CONFIGURATION - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
document(String) - Method in DocumentationContext
Stores documentation for the next method or property to be added
DocumentationContext - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.documentation
Gathers information about the behavior a plugin adds at runtime.
DocumentationContextThreadLocal - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.documentation
DocumentedElement - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.documentation
DocumentedMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.documentation
DocumentedProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.documentation
documentMethod(String, Class, String, Class[]) - Method in DocumentationContext
Documents an instance method
documentProperty(String, Class, String) - Method in DocumentationContext
Documents a property
documentStaticMethod(String, Class, String, Class[]) - Method in DocumentationContext
Documents a static method
doDispatch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in ErrorHandlingServlet
doDispatch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
doDynamicMethods() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
doDynamicMethods() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
doDynamicMethods() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Called on all plugins so that they can add new methods/properties/constructors etc.
doEachMethod(String) - Method in GroovySyntaxTag
@param in
doEndTag() - Method in GrailsTag
process the end tag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyCollectTag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyConditionalTag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyDefTag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyEachTag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyElseIfTag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyElseTag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyFindAllTag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyGrepTag
doEndTag() - Method in GroovyWhileTag
doEndTag() - Method in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
doEndTag() - Method in RequestContextTag
doEndTagInternal() - Method in RenderInputTag
doEndTagInternal() - Method in RequestContextTag
doesMatch(Pattern, CharSequence) - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
doesTagReturnObject(String, String) - Method in TagLibraryLookup
doExecute(RequestContext) - Method in ClosureInvokingAction
doExecute(RequestContext) - Method in RuntimeRedirectAction
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in GrailsPageFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in GrailsOpenSessionInViewFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in GrailsReloadServletFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in GrailsWebRequestFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in HiddenHttpMethodFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in UrlMappingsFilter
doInRequestEnvironment(String, Closure) - Method in GrailsTestRequestEnvironmentInterceptor
Calls init() before and destroy() after invoking body.
doInTransaction(Closure) - Method in GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor
Calls init() before and destroy() after invoking body.
doInvokeInternal(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Object, Object[]) - Method in AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Object, Object[]) - Method in AbstractSavePersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in AbstractStaticPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in ExecuteQueryPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in ExecuteUpdatePersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in FindAllPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in FindPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in ListOrderByPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in ListPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternal(Object, Object[]) - Method in ValidatePersistentMethod
doInvokeInternalWithExpressions(Class, String, Object[], List, String, Closure) - Method in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternalWithExpressions(Class, String, Object[], List, String, Closure) - Method in CountByPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternalWithExpressions(Class, String, Object[], List, String, Closure) - Method in FindAllByPersistentMethod
doInvokeInternalWithExpressions(Class, String, Object[], List, String, Closure) - Method in FindByPersistentMethod
DOMAIN_PATH_PATTERN - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
DomainBuilder - Class in grails.util

Allows the construction of object graphs of domain classes.

DomainBuilder.DefaultGrailsChildPropertySetter - Class in grails.util
DomainBuilder() - Constructor in DomainBuilder
DOMAINCLASS_DISALLOWED - Field in GrailsDataBinder
domainClass - Field in GrailsDomainClassValidator
DomainClassArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Evaluates the conventions that define a domain class in Grails.
DomainClassArtefactHandler() - Constructor in DomainClassArtefactHandler
DomainClassGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
A plugin that configures the domain classes in the spring context.
DomainClassMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
DomainClassMarshaller(boolean, ProxyHandler) - Constructor in DomainClassMarshaller
DomainClassPluginSupport - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
@author Graeme Rocher
DomainClassPropertyComparator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding
Comparator that uses the domain class property constraints to establish order in sort methods and always places the id first.
DomainClassPropertyComparator(GrailsDomainClass) - Constructor in DomainClassPropertyComparator
DomainValidator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.routines

Domain name validation routines.

Done() - Method in SimpleCharStream
Reset buffer when finished.
doPopulate(FlowDefinitionRegistry) - Method in ControllerFlowRegistry
Implements the doPopulate method by using a GrailsApplication instance and its contained controller classes to locate and populate flow definitions in the registry
doPostProcessing(ApplicationContext) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
Base implementation that will simply go through each plugin and call doWithApplicationContext on each.
doPostProcessing(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Performs post initialization configuration for each plug-in, passing the built application context
doPrepare() - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Do any preparation and return the (approximate) number of tests that will be run.
doPrepare() - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
doRemoteFunction(def, def, def) - Method in JavascriptProvider
Creates a remote function call
doRemoteFunction(def, def, def) - Method in PrototypeProvider
doRun(GrailsTestEventPublisher) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Performs the tests, and appropriately calls GrailsTestEventPublisher to communicate the status.
doRun(GrailsTestEventPublisher) - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
doRuntimeConfiguration(String, RuntimeSpringConfiguration) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
Base implementation that will perform runtime configuration for the specified plugin name.
doRuntimeConfiguration(String, RuntimeSpringConfiguration) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Executes the runtime configuration for a specific plugin AND all its dependencies
doSecondPass(Map) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder.GrailsCollectionSecondPass
doSecondPass(Map) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder.ListSecondPass
doSecondPass(Map) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder.MapSecondPass
doService(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in GroovyPagesServlet
doStartTag() - Method in GrailsTag
Process the start tag
doStartTag() - Method in GroovyCollectTag
doStartTag() - Method in GroovyConditionalTag
doStartTag() - Method in GroovyDefTag
doStartTag() - Method in GroovyEachTag
doStartTag() - Method in GroovyElseTag
doStartTag() - Method in GroovyFindAllTag
doStartTag() - Method in GroovyGrepTag
doStartTag() - Method in GroovyWhileTag
doStartTag() - Method in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
doStartTag() - Method in RequestContextTag
doStartTagInternal() - Method in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
doStartTagInternal() - Method in JspRenderInputTag
doStartTagInternal() - Method in RenderInputTag
doStartTagInternal() - Method in RequestContextTag
doTag(Writer, Map, Closure) - Method in JspTag
Invokes a tag with a closure representing the body of the tag
doTag(Writer, Map, Closure) - Method in JspTagImpl
doTestCaseEnd(String, String, String) - Method in GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter
doTestCaseStart(String) - Method in GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter
doTestFailure(String, def, boolean) - Method in GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter
DOUBLE_QUOTE_LITERAL - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
doWebDescriptor(File, Writer) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
doWebDescriptor(File, Writer) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
@see #doWebDescriptor(Resource, Writer)
doWithApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
doWithApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsPlugin

This method is called to allow the plugin to add org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinitions to the

doWithDynamicMethods(ApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
doWithDynamicMethods(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Calls a "doWithDynamicMethods" closure that allows a plugin to register dynamic methods at runtime
doWithRuntimeConfiguration(RuntimeSpringConfiguration) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
doWithRuntimeConfiguration(RuntimeSpringConfiguration) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Executes the plugin code that performs runtime configuration as defined in the doWithSpring closure
doWithWebDescriptor(GPathResult) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
doWithWebDescriptor(GPathResult) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
doWithWebDescriptor(GPathResult) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Handles processing of web.xml.
DYNAMIC_METHODS_REGISTERED - Field in GrailsContextEvent
DynamicConstructor - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Defines a dynamic constructor.
dynamicConstructors - Field in AbstractDynamicMethods
DynamicElementReader - Class in grails.spring
Used by BeanBuilder to read a Spring namespace expression in the Groovy DSL.
DynamicElementReader(String, Map, NamespaceHandler, ParserContext) - Constructor in DynamicElementReader
dynamicInsert(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Whether to use dynamic update queries
DynamicMethodInvocation - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Dynamic method invocation callback interface.
dynamicMethodInvocations - Field in AbstractDynamicMethods
DynamicMethods - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Defines methods for a handling dynamic method, static method and property invocations.
DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Extends ExpandoMetaClass and adds the ability to use regex to specified method matches that then get passed to the invocable closure.
DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass(Class, boolean) - Constructor in DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass
Constructs a new DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass given the current class and places it in the MetaClassRegistry
dynamicProperties - Field in AbstractDynamicMethods
DynamicProperty - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
A Dynamic class property getter interface.
dynamicUpdate(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Whether to use dynamic update queries


E - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
each(Closure) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Iterates over the request attributes.
eachErrorInternal(def, def, boolean) - Method in ValidationTagLib
eachLogger(def, Closure) - Method in Log4jConfig
eachSourceFile(Closure) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Calls body with the GrailsTestTargetPattern that matched the source, and the File for the source.
ebr() - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
EMAIL_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
EmailConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates an email address.
EmbeddableServer - Interface in grails.web.container
Defines the container implementation used by Grails during development.
EmbeddableServerFactory - Interface in grails.web.container
An interface for server vendors to implement in order to provide the ability to embed a container within Grails' run-app command.
EMBEDDED - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
EMPTY_BODY_CLOSURE - Field in GroovyPage
EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
enable() - Method in BuildScope
Enables this build scope as the curent system wide instance.
enable() - Method in MetadataGeneratingMetaClassCreationHandle
Enables the ExpandoMetaClassCreationHandle with the registry.
enable_tracing() - Method in JSONParser
Enable tracing.
enableCascadingValidation() - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Enables the cascading validation support for domain classes.
enableDynamicFilterEnablerIfPresent(SessionFactory, Session) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
encode(Object) - Method in GroovyPageWritable.GspNoneCodec
encode(Object) - Method in HTMLCodec
encodeAsHTML() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
encoding - Field in UrlCreatorCache.UrlCreatorKey
end(JSONWriter.Mode, char) - Method in JSONWriter
End something.
end(Mode, char) - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
end(Mode, char) - Method in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
end() - Method in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
end() - Method in XML
end() - Method in XMLStreamWriter
endArray() - Method in JSONWriter
End an array.
endArray() - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
endArray() - Method in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
endColumn - Field in Token
The column number of the last character of this Token.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in TldReader
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in WebXmlTagLibraryReader
endLine - Field in Token
The line number of the last character of this Token.
endObject() - Method in JSONWriter
End an object.
endObject() - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
endObject() - Method in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
ENDQUOTE - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
endStartTag() - Method in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
endStartTag() - Method in XMLStreamWriter
endTest(Test) - Method in JUnitReports
endTestSuite(JUnitTest) - Method in JUnitReports
endTestSuite(JUnitTest) - Method in PlainFormatter
enhanceCommandObject(ApplicationContext, Class) - Method in WebMetaUtils
Enhances a command object with new capabilities such as validation and constraints handling
EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
Adds new methods to make access to this class Groovier
EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor(ModuleRevisionId, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
enhanceDomainClasses(GrailsApplication, ApplicationContext) - Method in DomainClassGrailsPlugin
enhanceProxy(HibernateProxy) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
enhanceProxyClass(Class) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
enhanceSessionFactory(SessionFactory, GrailsApplication, ApplicationContext) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in JSONArray
ensureCorrectGroovyMetaClass(Object, Class) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Ensures the meta class is correct for a given class
enterInput(String) - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
Allows you to provide user input for any commands that require it.
Entity - Annotation Type in grails.persistence
A class annotation used to make a class into a GORM domain class.
EntityASTTransformation - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
Injects the necessary fields and behaviors into a domain class in order to make it a property GORM entity.
EntityProxyHandler - Interface in
Methods specified to proxied entities
entrySet() - Method in GrailsFlashScope
entrySet() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
entrySet() - Method in JSONObject
entrySet() - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
entrySet() - Method in TypeConvertingMap
ENUM_ID_ACCESSOR - Field in IdentityEnumType
EnumMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.xml
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
ENV_APPLICATION - Field in GrailsApplication
Constant for the application data source, primarly for backward compatability for those applications that use ApplicationDataSource.groovy
ENV_DEVELOPMENT - Field in GrailsApplication
Constant for the development environment
env - Field in GrailsScriptRunner.ScriptAndArgs
ENV_PRODUCTION - Field in GrailsApplication
Constant for the production environment.
ENV_TEST - Field in GrailsApplication
Constant for the test environment.
Environment - Enum in grails.util
An enum that represents the current environment
ENVIRONMENT_DEFAULT - Field in GrailsApplication
Constants that indicates whether this GrailsApplication is running in the default environment
ENVIRONMENT - Field in GrailsApplication
Constant used to resolve the environment via System.getProperty(ENVIRONMENT)
environments(Closure) - Method in Environment.EnvironmentBlockEvaluator
ENVIRONMENTS - Field in GrailsPlugin
The environments to which this plugin applies
environments(Closure) - Method in Log4jConfig
EOF - Field in JsonParserConstants
End of File.
EOF - Field in Tokens
eol - Field in ParseException
The end of line string for this machine.
eq(String, Object, Map) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates an "equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value.
eqProperty(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that compares to class properties for equality
equals(Object) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
Compares based on identities, but unlike the standard implementation this one will return true if the given object is the target closure for this wrapper as well.
equals(Object) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
equals(Object) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
Overriddent equals to take into account inherited properties e.g. childClass.propertyName is equal to parentClass.propertyName if the types match and
equals(Object) - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService.ControllerObjectKey
equals(Object) - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService.TupleStringKey
equals(Object) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingKey
equals(Object) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingsListKey
EQUALS - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
equals(Object, Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
equals(Object) - Method in JSONObject
equals(Object) - Method in JSONObject.Null
A Null object is equal to the null value and to itself.
equals(Object) - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
equals(Object) - Method in MimeType
equals(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
EQUALS_PROPERTY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
equals(Object) - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver.ViewKey
equals(Object) - Method in SoftKey
equals(Object) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
equals uses String.equals to check for equality to support compatibility with String instances in maps, sets, etc.
equals(def) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
equals(Object) - Method in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
equals(Object) - Method in UrlCreatorCache.UrlCreatorKey
equals(def) - Method in VersionComparator
error(Object[]) - Method in Log4jConfig
error(Object[]) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
ErrorHandlingServlet - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
A servlet for handling errors.
ERRORS - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
ERRORS_PREFIX - Field in GrailsFlashScope
ERRORS_PROPERTY - Field in AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod
ERRORS_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
ESC_STATE - Field in JsonParserConstants
Lexical state.
ESCAPE_CHAR - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
establishInterceptors(WebApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsControllerHandlerMapping
Evalutes the given WebApplicationContext for all HandlerInterceptor and WebRequestInterceptor instances
establishInterceptors(WebApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
Evalutes the given WebApplicationContext for all HandlerInterceptor and WebRequestInterceptor instances
establishPageName(Resource, String) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Establishes the name to use for the given resource
ETAG - Field in HttpHeaders
evaluate() - Method in GrailsTestEnvironmentStatement
evaluate(String, int, Object, Closure) - Method in GroovyPage
In the development environment this method is used to evaluate expressions and improve error reporting
evaluate(Closure) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Central entry point for the class.
evaluate(Closure) - Method in HibernateNamedQueriesBuilder
evaluateConstraints(Class, GrailsDomainClassProperty[]) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
Evaluates the constraints closure to build the list of constraints.
evaluateMapping(GrailsDomainClass, Closure) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
evaluateMappings(Closure) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator
evaluateMappings(Closure) - Method in UrlMappingEvaluator
Evaluates mapping from the given closure if possible
evaluateNameForValue(Object, GrailsWebRequest) - Method in AbstractUrlMappingInfo
EVANESCENT - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Event - Enum in grails.persistence
Enum of the available events that Grails triggers
event - Field in GrailsTestEventPublisher
EVENT_ON_CHANGE - Field in GrailsPlugin
EVENT_ON_CONFIG_CHANGE - Field in GrailsPlugin
EVENT_ON_SHUTDOWN - Field in GrailsPlugin
EVICT - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that specifies a List or plugins that this plugin evicts Eviction occurs when the PluginManager loads
evictionList - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
evictPlugin(GrailsPlugin, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
EXCEEDED_SUFFIX - Field in ConstrainedProperty
EXCEPTION_HANDLER_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
EXCEPTION_MODEL_KEY - Field in GroovyPagesServlet
EXCEPTION_MODEL_KEY - Field in GroovyPageView
exclude(def) - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
EXCLUDED_RESOURCES - Field in PluginBuildSettings
Resources to be excluded from the final packaged plugin.
excludes(Object) - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
excludes(String) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
ExcludingPluginFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Implementation of PluginFilter which removes that all of the supplied plugins (identified by name) as well as their dependencies are omitted from the filtered plugin list.
ExcludingPluginFilter(String[]) - Constructor in ExcludingPluginFilter
execute(List) - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
Executes a Grails command.
execute() - Method in DocPublisherTask
execute(Object) - Method in FunctionCallback
execute(String, String, String) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
Executes the named Grails script with the given arguments in the specified environment.
execute() - Method in GrailsTask
execute() - Method in GroovyPageCompilerTask
execute(Closure) - Method in JSON.Builder
execute(Writer, MacroParameter) - Method in NoteMacro
execute(Writer, MacroParameter) - Method in WarningMacro
execute(Closure) - Method in XML.Builder
executeAction(GroovyObject, GrailsControllerClass, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Map) - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
Invokes the action defined by the webRequest for the given arguments.
executeCommand(String, String, String) - Method in GrailsScriptRunner
executeForCurrentEnvironment(Closure) - Method in Environment
Takes an environment specific DSL block like:
executeForEnvironment(Environment, Closure) - Method in Environment
Takes an environment specific DSL block like:
executeGrailsBootstraps(GrailsApplication, WebApplicationContext, ServletContext) - Method in GrailsConfigUtils
Executes Grails bootstrap classes
ExecuteQueryPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
Allows the executing of arbitrary HQL queries.
ExecuteQueryPersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in ExecuteQueryPersistentMethod
ExecuteUpdatePersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
Allows the executing of arbitrary HQL updates.
ExecuteUpdatePersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in ExecuteUpdatePersistentMethod
exists(String) - Method in DocEngine
exists() - Method in MockApplicationContext.MockResource
ExpandBuff(boolean) - Method in SimpleCharStream
EXPECT - Field in HttpHeaders
expectedTokenSequences - Field in ParseException
Each entry in this array is an array of integers.
EXPIRES - Field in HttpHeaders
ExpressionDelegate - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
Used for evaluating PropertyExpression instances
ExpressionDelegate(RequestContext) - Constructor in ExpressionDelegate
ExtendedProxy - Class in grails.util
Extends the Groovy Proxy implementation and adds proxying of property getters/setters.
ExtendedProxy() - Constructor in ExtendedProxy
extendInterceptors(List) - Method in GrailsControllerHandlerMapping
EXTENSION - Field in GroovyPage
ExternalGrailsDomainClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Represents a persistable Grails domain class that is externally mapped.
extractControllerNameFromTestClassName(String, String[]) - Method in ControllerNameExtractor
extractErrors(def) - Method in ValidationTagLib
extractIdValue(Object, GrailsDomainClassProperty) - Method in ConverterUtil
Reads the value of the primary identifier property of a domain class instance
extractLineNumber(CompilationFailedException) - Method in GrailsExceptionResolver
extractRootCause(Throwable) - Method in GrailsUtil

Extracts the root cause of the exception, no matter how nested it is

extractValue(Object, GrailsDomainClassProperty) - Method in DomainClassMarshaller


FactoryHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
Holds a reference to the Sitemesh Factory object.
failedPlugins - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
failureCount - Field in GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter
FastStringWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Java's default StringWriter uses a StringBuffer which is synchronized.
FastStringWriter(Object) - Constructor in FastStringWriter
fatal(Object[]) - Method in Log4jConfig
fatal(Object[]) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
FETCH_EAGER - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
FETCH_LAZY - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
FETCH_MODE - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
fetchMode(String, FetchMode) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Sets the fetch mode of an associated path
fieldImpl(def, def) - Method in FormTagLib
FILE - Field in Metadata
file - Field in PlainFormatter
FillBuff() - Method in SimpleCharStream
FilterConfig - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.filters
@author mike
filterGStringReferences(Object[]) - Method in BeanBuilder
filterPluginList(List) - Method in BasePluginFilter
Template method shared by subclasses of BasePluginFilter.
filterPluginList(List) - Method in IdentityPluginFilter
Simply returns original list reference.
filterPluginList(List) - Method in PluginFilter
Returns a filtered list of plugins.
filterQueryArgumentMap(Map) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
FiltersConfigArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.filters
Detects artefact types that end with *Filter.
FiltersConfigArtefactHandler() - Constructor in FiltersConfigArtefactHandler
FiltersGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.filters
@author Mike
FilterToHandlerAdapter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.filters
Adapter between a FilterConfig object and a Spring HandlerInterceptor.
finalizeDeferredProperties() - Method in BeanBuilder
find(Closure) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Adds a "find()" method to the request that searches the request's attributes.
findAll(Closure) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Like the find(Closure) method, this searches the request attributes.
FindAllByBooleanPropertyPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
The "findAllBy*" static persistent method.
FindAllByBooleanPropertyPersistentMethod(GrailsApplication, SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in FindAllByBooleanPropertyPersistentMethod
FindAllByPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
The "findBy*" static persistent method.
FindAllByPersistentMethod(GrailsApplication, SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in FindAllByPersistentMethod
FindAllPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass

The "findAll" persistent static method allows searching for instances using either an example instance or an HQL query.

FindAllPersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in FindAllPersistentMethod
findAllWhere(Map, Boolean) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
findAnnotationOnBean(String, Class) - Method in GenericBeanFactoryAccessor
Find a java.lang.annotation.Annotation of annotationType on the specified bean, traversing its interfaces and super classes if no annotation can be found on the given class itself, as well as checking its raw bean class if not found on the exposed bean reference (e.g. in case of a proxy).
findAnnotationOnBean(String, Class) - Method in MockApplicationContext
findAttribute(String) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
findBaseDir() - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
FindByBooleanPropertyPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
The "findBy*" static persistent method.
FindByBooleanPropertyPersistentMethod(GrailsApplication, SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in FindByBooleanPropertyPersistentMethod
FindByPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
The "findBy*" static persistent method.
FindByPersistentMethod(GrailsApplication, SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in FindByPersistentMethod
findEventsScript(File) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
findGrailsHome() - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
findMarhallerFor(Object) - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration.ChainedObjectMarshaller
findMissingOrUpgradePlugins(Collection) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
FindPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass

The "find" persistent static method allows searching for instances using either an example instance or an HQL query.

FindPersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in FindPersistentMethod
findPropertyNameForValue(Object, Object) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Locates the name of a property for the given value on the target object using Groovy's meta APIs.
findResourceUsingPattern(ModuleRevisionId, String, Artifact, ResourceMDParser, Date) - Method in GrailsRepoResolver
findSourceFiles(GrailsTestTargetPattern) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Finds source based on the testSuffixes and testExtensions that match the targetPattern.
findStreamCharBufferTarget(boolean) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
findUriForType(Class) - Method in RenderInputTag
findWhere(def) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
finish() - Method in PerTestRunListener
fireModifiedEvent(Resource, GrailsPlugin) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
firstExpressionIsRequiredBoolean() - Method in FindAllByBooleanPropertyPersistentMethod
firstExpressionIsRequiredBoolean() - Method in FindAllByPersistentMethod
Indicates if the first expression in the query is a required boolean property and as such should be ANDed to the other expressions, not ORed.
firstExpressionIsRequiredBoolean() - Method in FindByBooleanPropertyPersistentMethod
firstExpressionIsRequiredBoolean() - Method in FindByPersistentMethod
Indicates if the first expression in the query is a required boolean property and as such should be ANDed to the other expressions, not ORed.
FLASH - Field in GroovyPage
FLASH_SCOPE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
FLASH_SCOPE_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
FlashScope - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Represents flash scope and allows a flash scope map to be set to the next state.
flatConfig - Field in AbstractBuildSettings
Flattened version of the ConfigObject for easy access from Java
flatDir(Map) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
FlowAwareCurrentSessionContext - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.persistence
A Hibernate CurrentSessionContext that is aware of flow requests and looks up the Session from the flow instead of the current Thread.
FlowAwareCurrentSessionContext(SessionFactoryImplementor) - Constructor in FlowAwareCurrentSessionContext
Create a new SpringSessionContext for the given Hibernate SessionFactory.
FlowBuilder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder

A builder implementation used to construct Spring Webflows.

FlowBuilder(String, Closure, FlowBuilderServices, FlowDefinitionLocator) - Constructor in FlowBuilder
flowBuilderServices - Field in FlowBuilder
flowBuilderServices - Field in WebFlowTestCase
FlowDefinitionException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
Thrown when an error occurs duing Flow definition
FlowDefinitionException(String) - Constructor in FlowDefinitionException
flowDefinitionRegistry - Field in WebFlowTestCase
FlowInfoCapturer - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
Used to capture details of the flow
FlowInfoCapturer(FlowBuilder, ApplicationContext) - Constructor in FlowInfoCapturer
flush() - Method in BodyContentImpl
flush() - Method in BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter.BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounterWriter
flush() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
Flush the stream.
flush() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
flush() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.NullWriter
flush() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
flush() - Method in JspWriterDelegate
flush() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
flush() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Flushes any pending changes to the DB.
flush() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.ConnectedWriter
flush() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.FixedCharArrayWriter
flush() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.MultiOutputWriter
flush() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.SingleOutputWriter
flush() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
flushBuffer() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
Prevent buffer from being flushed if this is a page being parsed.
flushIfNecessary(Session, boolean) - Method in GrailsOpenSessionInViewInterceptor
FlushOnRedirectEventListener - Class in
Flushes the session on a redirect.
FlushOnRedirectEventListener(SessionFactory) - Constructor in FlushOnRedirectEventListener
flushTagBuffering() - Method in GroovyPageParser
forClass(Class, ClassPropertyFetcher.ReferenceInstanceCallback) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
formatErrors(Errors, String) - Method in ValidationException
FormatInterceptor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.mimes
formats - Field in JUnitReportsFactory
FormatTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
The base application tag library for Grails many of which take inspiration from Rails helpers (thanks guys!
formatValue(def, String) - Method in ValidationTagLib
Formats a given value for output to an HTML page by converting it to a string and encoding it.
FormTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Tags for working with form controls.
formulateBinding(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Binding, Writer) - Method in GroovyPageWritable
Prepare Bindings before instantiating page.
forward(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Map) - Method in ForwardMethod
forward(String) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
forwardArgs - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
FORWARDED - Field in HttpHeaders
ForwardMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
Implements performing a forward.
ForwardMethod(UrlMappingsHolder) - Constructor in ForwardMethod
forwardRequestForUrlMappingInfo(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, UrlMappingInfo, Map, boolean) - Method in WebUtils
Forwards a request for the given UrlMappingInfo object and model
forwardURI - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
ForwardUrlMappingInfo - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
A customizable UrlMappingInfo instance used for forwards and includes.
fragment - Field in UrlCreatorCache.UrlCreatorKey
FROM - Field in HttpHeaders
A system property with this name is populated in the preparation phase of functional testing with the base URL that tests should be run against.
FunctionCallback - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass

Interface for code that returns a value based on an input object.


GDECLAR - Field in Tokens
GDIRECT - Field in Tokens
ge(String, Object) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "greater than or equal to" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
GEND_EMPTY_TAG - Field in Tokens
GEND_TAG - Field in Tokens
generateController(GrailsDomainClass, Writer) - Method in DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator
generateController(GrailsDomainClass, Writer) - Method in GrailsTemplateGenerator
Generates a controller for the specified domain class, writing the result to the specified instance.
generateGsp(Writer, boolean) - Method in GroovyPageParser
generateJavaName(String) - Method in GroovyPageCompiler
generateParseException() - Method in JSONParser
Generate ParseException.
GenerateStubsTask - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli
Need to spin our own GenerateStubsTask because Groovy's one stupidly tries to compile properties files and anything that doesn't end with Java.
generateToken() - Method in SynchronizerToken
GenerateUtils - Class in grails.util
Utility class with a "main" method that allows an application to run the template generation.
generateView(GrailsDomainClass, String, Writer) - Method in DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator
generateView(GrailsDomainClass, String, String) - Method in GrailsTemplateGenerator
Generates a view for the specified domain class and view name to the target directory.
generateViews(GrailsDomainClass, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator
generateViews(GrailsDomainClass, String) - Method in GrailsTemplateGenerator
Generates the necessary views for the supplied domain class.
generateViewSource(GrailsWebRequest, GrailsDomainClass) - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver
generateWebXml() - Method in ResourceCopier
Re-generates the web.xml file
GenericBeanFactoryAccessor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.beans.factory
A fork of the Spring 2.5.6 GenericBeanFactoryAccess class that was removed from Spring 3.0.
GenericBeanFactoryAccessor(ListableBeanFactory) - Constructor in GenericBeanFactoryAccessor
Constructs a GenericBeanFactoryAccessor that wraps the supplied ListableBeanFactory.
GenericDynamicProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
A generic dyanmic property for any type.
GenericDynamicProperty(String, Class, FunctionCallback, boolean) - Constructor in GenericDynamicProperty

Variant that allows supply of a lazy-initialization function for the initial value.

GenericJavaBeanMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
geProperty(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is greater than or equal to the second property
get(Object) - Method in AbstractDynamicProperty
get(ReferenceInstanceCallback) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher.FieldReaderFetcher
get(ReferenceInstanceCallback) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher.GetterPropertyFetcher
get(ReferenceInstanceCallback) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher.PropertyFetcher
get(Object) - Method in ConstraintsDynamicProperty
get(Object) - Method in ConstraintsEvaluatingDynamicProperty
get(UrlMappingsListKey) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingsList
get(Object) - Method in DynamicProperty
Call the getter on the given object
get(Object) - Method in GenericDynamicProperty
get(Object) - Method in GetParamsDynamicProperty
get(String, T, List) - Method in GrailsConfig
Configuration Value lookup with a default value and a list of allowed values.
get(Object) - Method in GrailsFlashScope
get(Object) - Method in GrailsParameterMap
get(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the object value associated with an index.
get(Object) - Method in JSONObject
get(Object) - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
Obtains the value of an object's properties on demand using Groovy's MOP.
get(int) - Method in ListOrderedSet
get() - Method in Metadata.FinalReference
get(def) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
get(int) - Method in PagedResultList
GET_TEMPLATE_URI - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
get(Object) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
GET_VIEW_URI - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
get(Object) - Method in WeakGenericDynamicProperty
getAction() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
getAction() - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
getAction() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getAction() - Method in JspFormTag
getAction() - Method in JspLinkTag
getAction() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getAction() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getAction() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getActionName() - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
@see org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.UrlMapping#getActionName()
getActionName() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
getActionName() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
@return The Action name
getActionName() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return the actionName
getActionName() - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
getActionName() - Method in UrlMapping
Retrieves the action name which is either a groovy.lang.Closure that evaluates the action name at runtime or a java.lang.String that represents the action name
getActionName() - Method in UrlMappingInfo
The name of the action that the URL mappping maps to
getActionName() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getActions(def) - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
getAdaptee() - Method in ProxyMetaClass
getAfter() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getAfter() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getAfter() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getAfter() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getAfterInterceptor(GroovyObject) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
getAfterInterceptor(GroovyObject) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Retrieves the after interceptor for the specified controller instance.
getAjaxOptions(def) - Method in PrototypeProvider
getAliases(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getAllArtefacts() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Returns all the classes identified as artefacts by ArtefactHandler instances.
getAllArtefacts() - Method in GrailsApplication
Retrieves all java.lang.Class instances considered Artefacts loaded by the Grails class loader
getAllClasses() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Retrieves all classes loaded by the GrailsApplication.
getAllClasses() - Method in GrailsApplication
Retrieves all java.lang.Class instances loaded by the Grails class loader
getAllEvents() - Method in Event
@return The names of all persistence events
getAllPlugins() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getAllPlugins() - Method in BasePluginFilter
getAllPlugins() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Returns an array of all the loaded plug-ins
getAppDir(Resource) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
getApplication() - Method in ApplicationHolder
getApplicationContext() - Method in ApplicationAttributes
@return The application context for servlet
getApplicationContext() - Method in ConvertersConfigurationInitializer
getApplicationContext() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getApplicationContext() - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
getApplicationContext() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
The ApplicationContext instance.
getApplicationContext() - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Will return the application context if it is present, but will throw an IllegalStateException if it is not.
getApplicationContext() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Obtains the ApplicationContext object.
getApplicationContext() - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Retrieves the application context from the current state.
getApplicationContext() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getApplicationDefaultDecorator(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper
getApplicationDependencyDescriptors(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Returns all of the dependency descriptors for dependencies of the application and not those inherited from frameworks or plugins
getApplicationName() - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
getApplicationName() - Method in Metadata
@return The application name
getApplicationUri(ServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
@deprecated Use instead
getApplicationUri(ServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
@param request
getApplicationVersion() - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
getApplicationVersion() - Method in Metadata
@return The application version
getAppliedConstraint(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
Obtains an applied constraint by name.
getAppliedConstraints() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the appliedConstraints.
getArgs() - Method in GrailsTask
getArtefact(String, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Retrieves an artefact for the given type and name.
getArtefact(String, String) - Method in GrailsApplication

Gets the GrailsClass associated with the named artefact class

i.e. to get the GrailsClass for controller called "BookController" you pass the name "BookController"

getArtefactByLogicalPropertyName(String, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getArtefactByLogicalPropertyName(String, String) - Method in GrailsApplication
Retrieves an artefact by its logical property name.
getArtefactForFeature(Object) - Method in ArtefactHandler

Called to retrieve an artefact relating to some other key for example a URI or tag name

Handlers are responsible for caching the appropriate information using the data passed to them in calls to initialize()

getArtefactForFeature(Object) - Method in ArtefactHandlerAdapter
getArtefactForFeature(Object) - Method in ControllerArtefactHandler
getArtefactForFeature(String, Object) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getArtefactForFeature(String, Object) - Method in GrailsApplication

Get an artefact GrailsClass by a "feature" which depending on the artefact may be a URI or tag name for example

getArtefactForFeature(Object) - Method in TagLibArtefactHandler
Looks up a tag library by using either a full qualified tag name such as g:link or via namespace such as "g".
getArtefactHandler(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getArtefactHandler(String) - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns the ArtefactHandler for the given type
getArtefactHandlers() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getArtefactHandlers() - Method in GrailsApplication

Obtain a list of all the artefact handlers

getArtefactInfo(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Get the cache of classes for the specified artefact type.
getArtefactInfo(String) - Method in GrailsApplication

Obtain all the class information about the artefactType specified

getArtefactResources(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All artefact resources (all Groovy files contained within the grails-app directory of plugins or applications).
getArtefactResources() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains a reference to all artefact resources (all Groovy files contained within the grails-app directory of plugins or applications).
getArtefactResourcesForOne(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All artefacts in the given application or plugin directory as Spring resources.
getArtefactResourcesForOne(String) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns an array of all artefacts in the given application or plugin directory as Spring resources.
getArtefacts(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Returns all of the GrailsClass instances for the given artefactType as defined by the ArtefactHandler
getArtefacts(String) - Method in GrailsApplication

Get an array of all the GrailsClass instances relating to artefacts of the specified type.

getArtefactType(Class) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getArtefactType(Class) - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns the ArtefactHandler for the given class or null
getAs() - Method in JspRenderErrorsTag
getAssociatedDomainClassFromApplication(Object) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
getAssociatedDomainClassFromApplication(Object) - Method in HibernateDomainClassValidator
getAssociationIdentifier(Object, String, GrailsDomainClass) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
getAssociationMap() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
Retrieves the association map
getAssociationMap() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getAssociationMap() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns this classes association map
getAssociationMap(Class) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
Returns the association map for the specified domain class
getAssociationMap() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getAssociationProxy(Object, String) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Returns the proxy for a given association or null if it is not proxied
getAssociationProxy(Object, String) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
getAsText() - Method in ClassEditor
getAsText() - Method in CurrencyEditor
getAsText() - Method in TimeZoneEditor
getAsText() - Method in UriEditor
getAsynchronous() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getAsynchronous() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getAsynchronous() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getAsynchronous() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getAt(Object) - Method in GrailsConfig
Configuration Value lookup for Groovy's array-like property access GrailsConfig['my.config.key']
getAt(String) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Map-like access to request attributes, e.g. request["count"].
getAt(String) - Method in GrailsMockHttpSession
getAttribute(String) - Method in GrailsHttpSession
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getAttributeNames() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
getAttributeNamesInScope(int) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getAttributes() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
getAttributes() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return The GrailsApplicationAttributes instance
getAttributesScope(String) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getAutowireCapableBeanFactory() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getAvailable() - Method in AbstractInjectableGrailsClass
getAvailable() - Method in InjectableGrailsClass
If class should be configured for dependency injection.
getAvailableNamespaces() - Method in TagLibraryLookup
@return The namespaces available
getAvailableScripts(String, String, String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All Gant scripts that are availabe for execution in a Grails application.
getAvailableScripts() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains an array of all Gant scripts that are availabe for execution in a Grails application.
getBaseDir() - Method in BuildSettings
Returns the current base directory of this project.
getBasePluginDescriptor(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
getBasePluginDescriptor() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains the 'base' plugin descriptor, which is the plugin descriptor of the current plugin project.
getBean(String, Class) - Method in GenericBeanFactoryAccessor
@see org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory#getBean(String, Class)
getBean() - Method in JspEachErrorTag
getBean() - Method in JspHasErrorsTag
getBean() - Method in JspRenderErrorsTag
getBean() - Method in JspRenderInputTag
getBean() - Method in JspRenderTag
getBean(String, Object) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getBean() - Method in RenderInputTag
getBeanConfig(String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
getBeanConfig(String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Returns the BeanConfiguration for the specified name.
getBeanDefinition(String) - Method in BeanBuilder
Retrieves a BeanDefinition for the given name
getBeanDefinition() - Method in BeanConfiguration
@return The Spring bean definition instance
getBeanDefinition() - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
getBeanDefinition(String) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
getBeanDefinition(String) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Obtains a BeanDefinition instance for the given beanName.
getBeanDefinitionCount() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getBeanDefinitionNames() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getBeanDefinitions() - Method in BeanBuilder
Retrieves all BeanDefinitions for this BeanBuilder
getBeanFactory() - Method in GenericBeanFactoryAccessor
Return the wrapped ListableBeanFactory.
getBeanName() - Method in ScaffoldedGroovyPageView
Used for debug reporting.
getBeanNames() - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
getBeanNames() - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
getBeanNamesForType(Class, boolean, boolean) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getBeansConfig() - Method in MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer
getBeansOfType(Class, boolean, boolean) - Method in GenericBeanFactoryAccessor
@see ListableBeanFactory#getBeansOfType(Class, boolean, boolean)
getBeansOfType(Class, boolean, boolean) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getBeansWithAnnotation(Class) - Method in GenericBeanFactoryAccessor
Find all beans whose Class has the supplied java.lang.annotation.Annotation type.
getBeansWithAnnotation(Class) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getBefore() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getBefore() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getBefore() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getBefore() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getBeforeInterceptor(GroovyObject) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
getBeforeInterceptor(GroovyObject) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Retrieves the before interceptor for the specified controller instance.
getBeginColumn() - Method in SimpleCharStream
Get token beginning column number.
getBeginLine() - Method in SimpleCharStream
Get token beginning line number.
getBidiEnumMap(Class) - Method in IdentityEnumType
getBody() - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
getBoolean(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the boolean value associated with an index.
getBoolean(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get the boolean value associated with a key.
getBoolean(String) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
Helper method for obtaining float value from parameter
getBooleanFromMap(String, Map) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Retrieves a boolean value from a Map for the given key
getBooleanValue(def, String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
getBuffer() - Method in FastStringWriter
getBuffer() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferInputStream
getBuffer() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferOutputStream
getBuffer() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferReader
getBuffer() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
getBuildListeners() - Method in BuildSettings
getByte(String) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
Helper method for obtaining integer value from parameter
getCallable() - Method in Environment.EnvironmentBlockEvaluator
getCause() - Method in JSONException
getChainResolver() - Method in IvyDependencyManager
@return The current chain resolver
getCharArray() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.FixedCharArrayWriter
getChunkMinSize() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
getChunkReader(boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunk
getChunkReader(boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunk
getChunkReader(boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunk
getChunkReader(boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StringChunk
getCircularReferenceBehaviour() - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration
getCircularReferenceBehaviour() - Method in ConverterConfiguration
Lookup the configured CircularReferenceBehaviour (how the converter should behave when a circular reference is detected)
getCircularReferenceBehaviour() - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
getCircularReferenceBehaviour() - Method in ImmutableConverterConfiguration
@see ConverterConfiguration#getCircularReferenceBehaviour()
getClasses() - Method in ArtefactInfo
Gets you the array of all artefact Class(es), the original classes loaded that represent the artefacts.
getClasses() - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo
getClassesByName() - Method in ArtefactInfo
Gets you the unmodifiable Map of all artefact Class(es), the actual classes implementing the artefact.
getClassesByName() - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo
getClassesDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getClassesDir() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getClassForName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Retrieves a class from the GrailsApplication for the given name.
getClassForName(String) - Method in GrailsApplication
Retrieves a class for the given name within the GrailsApplication or returns null
getClassLoader() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getClassLoader() - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns the class loader instance for the Grails application.
getClassLoader() - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
getClassLoader() - Method in MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer
getClassLoader() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getClassLoader() - Method in StaticResourceLoader
getClassName(String, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns the class name for the given logical name and trailing name.
getClassName(String, String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Returns the class name for the given logical name and trailing name.
getClassName(Resource) - Method in GrailsResourceHolder
Retrieves the class name of the specified resource.
getClassName(String) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
Returns the class name for a Grails resource.
getClassName() - Method in GrailsWrappedRuntimeException
@return Returns the className.
getClassName() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getClassNameRepresentation(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns the class name representation of the given name
getClassNameRepresentation(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Returns the class name representation of the given name
getClasspath() - Method in GrailsTask
getClazz() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getClazz() - Method in GrailsClass
Returns the actual clazz represented by the GrailsClass.
getClosurePropertyName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
getClosurePropertyName(String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Returns a closure property name for a specific URI or null if the URI does not map to a closure.
getCode() - Method in JspMessageTag
getCodecClass() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getCodecName() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getCodecOut() - Method in GroovyPage
getCodeSnippet() - Method in GrailsWrappedRuntimeException
@return Returns the line.
getCollection() - Method in JspRenderTag
getColumn() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the column name for this property.
getColumn() - Method in SimpleCharStream
See Also:
getColumnName() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getCommand() - Method in GrailsTask
getCommandObjectActions() - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
@deprecated This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Grails
getCommandObjectActions() - Method in GrailsControllerClass
@return A Set of names of actions with command objects presented in this controller
getCommandObjectClasses() - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
@deprecated This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Grails
getCommandObjectClasses() - Method in GrailsControllerClass
@return command object classes used by this controller
getCompilationError() - Method in GrailsClassLoader
getCompilationException() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getCompileClasspath() - Method in GrailsTask
getCompileDependencies() - Method in BuildSettings
List containing the compile-time dependencies of the app as File instances.
getCompileDependencies() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getComponent() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getComponent() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
If #isEmbedded returns true then this method can be called to obtain a reference to the embedded component, which implements the GrailsDomainClass interface.
getComponent() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getConfig() - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
getConfig() - Method in ConfigurationHolder
Retrieve the ConfigObject.
getConfig() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getConfig() - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns the ConfigObject instance.
getConfigLocations() - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
getConfigs(Object) - Method in DefaultGrailsFiltersClass
getConfigs(Object) - Method in GrailsFiltersClass
@return the FilterConfig instances
getConfigurationClass() - Method in GrailsDataSource
@return The configuration class to use when setting up the database.
getConfigurationMappings() - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
getConfigurationNames() - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
getConfiguredMimeTypes() - Method in MimeType
getConstrainedProperties() - Method in ConstrainedPropertyBuilder
getConstrainedProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getConstrainedProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getConstrainedProperties() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns a map of constraints applied to this domain class with the keys being the property name and the values being ConstrainedProperty instances
getConstrainedProperties() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getConstraints() - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
@see UrlMapping#getConstraints()
getConstraints() - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
getConstraints() - Method in UrlMapping

The constraints the apply to this UrlMapping.

getContent() - Method in GrailsContentBufferingResponse
getContent() - Method in IncludedContent
Returns the included content
getContent(String) - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
getContentAsCharArray() - Method in IncludedContent
getContentBuffer(String) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
name - propertyName of contentBuffer (with "page." prefix)
getContents() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
getContentType(String, String) - Method in GrailsWebUtil
getContentType() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getContentType() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getContentType() - Method in IncludedContent
Returns the included content type (default is text/html;charset=UTF=8)
getContentType() - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
getContentType() - Method in NullView
getContextPath() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Returns the context path of the request.
getController(ServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getController() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
getController(ServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
@return The controller for the request
getController() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getController() - Method in JspFormTag
getController() - Method in JspLinkTag
getController() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getController() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getController() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getControllerActionUri(ServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getControllerActionUri(ServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
@param request
getControllerClass() - Method in ControllerUnitTestCase
getControllerClassByName(String) - Method in GrailsControllerHelper
Retrieves a controller class for the specified class name
getControllerClassByName(String) - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
getControllerClassByURI(String) - Method in GrailsControllerHelper
Retrieves a GrailsControllerClass by URI.
getControllerClassByURI(String) - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
getControllerFromRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsWebUtil
Obtains the currently executing controller from the given request if any.
getControllerInstance(GrailsControllerClass) - Method in GrailsControllerHelper
Creates a new controller instance for the specified GrailsControllerClass.
getControllerInstance(GrailsControllerClass) - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
getControllerName() - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
@see UrlMapping#getControllerName()
getControllerName() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
getControllerName() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
@return The Controller Name
getControllerName() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
getControllerName() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return the controllerName
getControllerName() - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
getControllerName() - Method in UrlMapping
Retrieves the controller name which is either a groovy.lang.Closure that evaluates the controller name at runtime or a java.lang.String that represents the controller name
getControllerName() - Method in UrlMappingInfo
The name of the controller that the URL mapping maps to
getControllerName() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getControllerUri(ServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getControllerUri(ServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
@param request
getConversation() - Method in AbstractDelegate
Returns the conversation scope instance
getConverterClass() - Method in ObjectMarshallerRegisterer
getConverterConfiguration(Class) - Method in ConvertersConfigurationHolder
getCountingWriter() - Method in BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter
getCreationTime() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
getCriteria(Session, Closure, Class) - Method in AbstractStaticPersistentMethod
getCriterion() - Method in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
getCurrent() - Method in BuildScope
Returns the current Scope object based on the currently set "grails.scope" System property
getCurrent() - Method in Environment
Returns the current environment which is typcally either DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION or TEST.
getCurrent() - Method in Metadata
@return the metadata for the current application
getCurrent() - Method in PageContextFactory
getCurrentEnvironment() - Method in Environment
@see #getCurrent()
getCurrentLineNumber() - Method in GSPWriter
getCurrentOriginalWriter() - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
getCurrentOutputLineNumber() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getCurrentRequest() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return The currently executing request
getCurrentRequestUri(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Return the page identifier.
getCurrentResponse() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
getCurrentStrackReference() - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
getDbCreate() - Method in GrailsDataSource
Whether to generate the database with HBM 2 DDL, values can be "create", "create-drop" or "update".
getDecodeMethod() - Method in DefaultGrailsCodecClass
getDecodeMethod() - Method in GrailsCodecClass
@return The decode closure
getDecorator(HttpServletRequest, Page) - Method in GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper
getDefaultAction() - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
getDefaultAction() - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Returns the default action for this Controller.
getDefaultAction(def) - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
getDefaultCodecDirectiveValue() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getDefaultConstraints() - Method in DomainClassArtefactHandler
getDefaultDependencies(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Obtains the default dependency definitions for the given Grails version
getDefaultMessage(String) - Method in AbstractConstraint
Returns the default message for the given message code in the current locale.
getDefaultProps() - Method in DocEngine
getDelegate() - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
getDemand() - Method in GrailsMock
Returns a "demand" object that supports the "control.demand.myMethod() {}" syntax.
getDependencies() - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
Obtains a list of dependencies defined in the project
getDependencyNames() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getDependencyNames() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getDependencyNames() - Method in GrailsPlugin
@return The names of the plugins this plugin is dependant on
getDependentVersion(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getDependentVersion(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getDependentVersion(String) - Method in GrailsPlugin
The version of the specified dependency
getDeployedViewURI(String, String) - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService
getDeployedViewURI(String, String) - Method in GroovyPagesUriService
getDeployedViewURI(String, String) - Method in GroovyPageUtils
Obtains a view URI when deployed within the /WEB-INF/grails-app/views context
getDepth() - Method in JSON
getDepth() - Method in XML
getDescription() - Method in MockApplicationContext.MockResource
getDescriptor() - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
getDescriptor() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getDescriptor() - Method in GrailsPluginInfo
Returns the location of the Resource that represents the plugin descriptor (the *GrailsPlugin.groovy file)
getDescriptor() - Method in PluginInfo
Returns the location of the descriptor
getDescriptorForPlugin(Resource) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns the descriptor location for the given plugin directory.
getDescriptorForPlugin(Resource) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns the descriptor location for the given plugin directory.
getDestroyClosure() - Method in DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass
getDestroyClosure() - Method in GrailsBootstrapClass
Returns the destroy closure which is called on application exit.
getDialect() - Method in GrailsDataSource
The dialect implementation to use.
getDirective() - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
getDisplayName() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getDomainClass(String) - Method in ConverterUtil
getDomainClass() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getDomainClass() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the parent domain class of the property instance.
getDomainClass() - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
getDomainClass() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getDomainClassNames() - Method in ConverterUtil
getDouble(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the double value associated with an index.
getDouble(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get the double value associated with a key.
getDouble(String) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
Helper method for obtaining double value from parameter
getDriverClassName() - Method in GrailsDataSource
The driver class name for the data source.
getDynamicMethod(String) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
getDynamicMethod(String) - Method in DynamicMethods
Retrieves a dynamic method for the specified method name.
getDynamicProperty(String) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
getDynamicProperty(String) - Method in DynamicMethods
Retrieves a dynamic property for the specified property name.
getEffectivePluginDependencyDescriptors() - Method in IvyDependencyManager
The plugin dependencies excluding non-exported transitive deps and collapsed to the highest version of each dependency.
getElementName(Object) - Method in ArrayMarshaller
getElementName(Object) - Method in CollectionMarshaller
getElementName(Object) - Method in MapMarshaller
getElementName(Object) - Method in NameAwareMarshaller
Returns the tag name for the object
getElementName(Object) - Method in ProxyUnwrappingMarshaller
getElementName(Object) - Method in ValidationErrorsMarshaller
getElementName(Object) - Method in XML
getEncodeMethod() - Method in DefaultGrailsCodecClass
getEncodeMethod() - Method in GrailsCodecClass
@return The encode closure
getEncoding() - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration
getEncoding() - Method in ConverterConfiguration
Lookup the configured default Character encoding for the Converter
getEncoding() - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
getEncoding() - Method in ImmutableConverterConfiguration
@see ConverterConfiguration#getEncoding()
getEndColumn() - Method in SimpleCharStream
Get token end column number.
getEndLine() - Method in SimpleCharStream
Get token end line number.
getEngineInfo() - Method in GroovyPagesJspFactory
getEngineProperties() - Method in DocPublisher
Returns the engine properties.
getEntryAction() - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
getEnumType() - Method in PropertyConfig
getEnumValue(Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType.BidiEnumMap
getEnvironment(String) - Method in Environment
Returns the environment for the given short name
getEnvironment() - Method in GrailsTask
getEnvironment() - Method in GrailsUtil
Retrieves the current execution environment.
getEnvironment() - Method in Metadata
@return The environment the application expects to run in
getEnvironmentSpecificBlock(Environment, Closure) - Method in Environment
Takes an environment specific DSL block like:
getError() - Method in JspMessageTag
getErrors(ServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getErrors(ServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
@param request
getEventType() - Method in GrailsContextEvent
getEvictionNames() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getEvictionNames() - Method in GrailsPlugin
@return The names of the plugins this plugin should evict onload
getException() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
getException() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getExceptionType() - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
getExcludePatterns() - Method in DefaultGrailsUrlMappingsClass
getExcludePatterns() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
getExcludePatterns() - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsClass
Returns a List of URI patterns to exclude.
getExcludePatterns() - Method in UrlMappingsHolder
Retrieves the held Exclude Pattern instances as a list, could be null if there is no exclude
getExitAction() - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
getExitCode() - Method in ScriptExitException
getExpandoMetaClass(Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
getExpandoMetaClass(Class) - Method in GrailsMetaClassUtils
getExportedDependencyDescriptors(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Returns all the dependency descriptors for dependencies of a plugin that have been exported for use in the application
getExpressionEvaluator() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getExpressionString() - Method in ClosureExpression
getExpressionText(String) - Method in GroovyPageParser
Returns an expression text for the given expression
getFactory() - Method in FactoryHolder
getFailCount() - Method in GrailsTestTypeResult
The number of tests that can be considered to have not passed
getFailCount() - Method in JUnit4ResultGrailsTestTypeResultAdapter
getFailedLoadPlugins() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getFailedLoadPlugins() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
@return An array of plugins that failed to load due to dependency resolution errors
getFailedPlugin(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getFailedPlugin(String) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Retrieves a plug-in that failed to load, or null if it doesn't exist
getFetchMode() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getFetchMode() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the configured fetch mode for the property
getFetchMode() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getFetchMode(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Retrieves the fetch mode for the specified instance; otherwise returns the default FetchMode.
getField() - Method in JspEachErrorTag
getField() - Method in JspHasErrorsTag
getField() - Method in JspRenderErrorsTag
getFieldName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getFieldName() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getFieldName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getFieldName(String) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns the field name for the given property name
getFieldName() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the domain field name for this property.
getFieldName(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getFieldName() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Get the value of a declared field on an object
getFilename() - Method in GrailsByteArrayResource
getFileName() - Method in GrailsTagException
getFileName() - Method in GroovyPagesException
getFilename() - Method in MockFileResource
getFileName() - Method in SourceCodeAware
getFileSystemName() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getFileSystemName() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Returns the name of the plugin as represented in the file system including the version.
getFileSystemShortName() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getFileSystemShortName() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Returns the name of the plugin as represented on the file system without the version.
getFinalTarget() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
getFinalTarget() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
getFirstRuntimeException(Throwable) - Method in GrailsExceptionResolver
getFlash() - Method in AbstractDelegate
Returns the flash scope instance
getFlashScope(ServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getFlashScope(ServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
Retrieves the flash scope instance for the given requeste
getFlashScope() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return The FlashScope instance for the current request
getFlatConfig() - Method in ConfigurationHolder
Returns the ConfigObject has a flattened map for easy access from Java in a properties file like way.
getFlatConfig() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getFlatConfig() - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns the flatten ConfigObject for use from Java classes.
getFloat(String) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
Helper method for obtaining float value from parameter
getFlow() - Method in AbstractDelegate
Returns the flow scope instance
getFlow() - Method in WebFlowTestCase
Subclasses should return the flow closure that within the controller.
getFlowBuilderContext() - Method in FlowBuilder
getFlowDefinition() - Method in WebFlowTestCase
getFlowId(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsFlowUrlHandler
getFlowId() - Method in WebFlowTestCase
Subclasses should override to change flow id.
getFlows() - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
getFlows() - Method in GrailsControllerClass

Returns a map of the flows for this controller.

getFormat() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
getFormatFromURI(String) - Method in WebUtils
Obtains the format from the URI.
getForwardURI() - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Implementation of the dynamic "forwardURI" property.
getForwardURI(HttpServletRequest) - Method in WebUtils
Obtains the forwardURI from the request, since Grails uses a forwarding technique for URL mappings.
getFrom() - Method in JspSelectTag
getFullName() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getFullName() - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
getFullName() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getFullName(ClassNode) - Method in GrailsASTUtils
Gets the full name of a ClassNode.
getFullName() - Method in GrailsClass
Returns the full name of the class in the application with the the trailing convention part and with the package name.
getFullName() - Method in GrailsPluginInfo
@return The full name of the plugin including version
getFullName() - Method in PluginInfo
getFunctionalTestBaseUrl() - Method in BuildSettings
getFurthestParent(ClassNode) - Method in GrailsASTUtils
getFurthestUnresolvedParent(ClassNode) - Method in GrailsASTUtils
getGetterName(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Calculate the name for a getter method to retrieve the specified property
getGetterName(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Calculate the name for a getter method to retrieve the specified property
getGlobalPluginsDir() - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
getGlobalPluginsDir() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getGlobalPluginsPath() - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
The path to the global plugins directory.
getGlobalPluginsPath() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains the path to the global plugins directory.
getGrailsApplication() - Method in ApplicationAttributes
@return Retrieves the grails application instance
getGrailsApplication() - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
@return Returns the grailsApplication.
getGrailsApplication() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getGrailsAttributes() - Method in GrailsControllerHelper
@return Returns the grails request attributes instance
getGrailsAttributes() - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
getGrailsClass(String) - Method in ArtefactInfo

Retrieves the GrailsClass representing a named artefact.

getGrailsClass(String) - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo
getGrailsClassByLogicalPropertyName(String) - Method in ArtefactInfo
Retrieves a Grails class by its logical property name.
getGrailsClassByLogicalPropertyName(String) - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo
getGrailsClasses() - Method in ArtefactInfo
Gets you the array of all artefact GrailsClass(es), the classes used to track information about the artefact.
getGrailsClasses() - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo
getGrailsClassesByName() - Method in ArtefactInfo

Gets you the unmodifiable Map of all artefact GrailsClass(es), the classes that store extra state relating to the artefact.

getGrailsClassesByName() - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo
getGrailsPlugin(String, Object) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getGrailsPlugin(String, Object) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Retrieves a plug-in for its name and version
getGrailsPluginForClassName(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getGrailsPluginForClassName(String) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Obtains a GrailsPlugin for the given classname
getGrailsVersion() - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
getGrailsVersion() - Method in GrailsUtil
getGrailsVersion() - Method in Metadata
@return The Grails version used to build the application
getGrailsWorkDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getGrailsWorkDir() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getGroovyPageFileName() - Method in GroovyPage
getGroovyPagesUriService() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getGroovyPagesUriService() - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
getGroovySource() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getHandler(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
getHandlerExecutionChain(Object, HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsControllerHandlerMapping
getHandlerForControllerClass(GrailsControllerClass, HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsControllerHandlerMapping
Obtains the handler for the given controller class.
getHandlerForControllerClass(GrailsControllerClass, HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsFlowHandlerMapping
getHandlerInternal(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsControllerHandlerMapping
getHandlerInternal(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsUrlHandlerMapping
getHead() - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
getHibernateTemplate() - Method in AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod
getHibernateTemplate() - Method in AbstractPersistentConstraint
getHibernateTemplate() - Method in AbstractStaticPersistentMethod
getHibernateTemplate() - Method in PersistentConstraint
Obtains the HibernateTemplate
getHome() - Method in GrailsTask
getHtmlParts() - Method in GroovyPage
getHtmlParts() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getHtmlParts() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getHtmlPartsArray() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getHttpMethodOverride(HttpServletRequest) - Method in HiddenHttpMethodFilter
getId() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
getId() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
getId() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
getId() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getId() - Method in JspFormTag
getId() - Method in JspLinkTag
getId() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getId() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getId() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getId() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getId() - Method in UrlMappingInfo
The id part of the URL mapping if any
getIdentifier() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getIdentifier() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getIdentifier() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns the identifier property
getIdentifier() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
GetImage() - Method in SimpleCharStream
Get token literal value.
getImplicitPluginDirectories() - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
Returns a list of all plugin directories in both the given path and the global "plugins" directory together.
getImplicitPluginDirectories(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All plugin directories in both the given path and the global "plugins" directory together.
getImplicitPluginDirectories() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns a list of all plugin directories in both the given path and the global "plugins" directory together.
getIndex() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the index setting for this property's column.
getInitClosure() - Method in DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass
getInitClosure() - Method in GrailsBootstrapClass
Returns the init closure which is called on application load.
getInjectionOperation() - Method in GrailsApplicationFactoryBean
getInlinePluginDirectories() - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
Returns an array of the inplace plugin locations.
getInlinePluginDirectories() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns an array of the inplace plugin locations.
getInlinePluginsFromConfiguration(Map, File) - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
Extracts the inline plugin dirs from the given config, relative to the given baseDir.
getInList() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the inList.
getInputStream() - Method in MockApplicationContext.MockResource
getInputStream() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
getInstalledPlugins() - Method in Metadata
Obtains a map (name->version) of installed plugins specified in the project metadata
getInstance() - Method in ConverterUtil
getInstance() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getInstance() - Method in DocumentationContext
getInstance() - Method in DomainValidator
Returns the singleton instance of this validator.
getInstance() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Retrieves the wrapped plugin instance for this plugin
getInstance() - Method in GrailsTagRegistry
getInstance(ServletResponse) - Method in GSPResponseWriter
getInstance() - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Returns the criteria instance
getInstance() - Method in InetAddressValidator
Returns the singleton instance of this validator.
getInstance() - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
Returns the wrapped instance.
getInstance(File) - Method in Metadata
Loads and returns a new Metadata object for the given File.
getInstance(Class) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
convenience factory method for the most usual case.
getInstance() - Method in UrlValidator
Returns the singleton instance of this class with default schemes and options.
getInt(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the int value associated with an index.
getInt(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get the int value associated with a key.
getInt(String) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
Helper method for obtaining integer value from parameter
getInterceptor() - Method in ProxyMetaClass
@return the interceptor in use or null if no interceptor is used
getInvoker() - Method in InvocationCallback
getJarsFromServletContext() - Method in TagLibraryResolver
getJpaClassNames() - Method in AnnotationDomainClassArtefactHandler
getJSON() - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Parses the request content as JSON using the JSON converter.
getJSONArray(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the JSONArray associated with an index.
getJSONArray(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get the JSONArray value associated with a key.
getJSONObject(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the JSONObject associated with an index.
getJSONObject(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get the JSONObject value associated with a key.
getJspContext() - Method in JspFragmentImpl
getJspTagLibraryResolver() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getJspTags() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getJspTags() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getKey(Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType.BidiEnumMap
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
getLastModified() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getLastModified() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getLength() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the length of this property's column.
getLine() - Method in SimpleCharStream
See Also:
getLineNumber() - Method in GrailsTagException
getLineNumber() - Method in GrailsWrappedRuntimeException
@return Returns the lineNumber.
getLineNumber() - Method in GroovyPagesException
getLineNumber() - Method in SourceCodeAware
getLineNumberMatrix() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getLineNumbers() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getLineNumbers() - Method in GSPWriter
getList() - Method in InListConstraint
@return Returns the list.
getList(String) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
Helper method for obtaining a list of values from parameter
getListenerMap() - Method in HibernateEventListeners
getLoadAfterNames() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getLoadAfterNames() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getLoadAfterNames() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Retrieves the names of plugins that this plugin should be loaded after.
getLoadBeforeNames() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getLoadBeforeNames() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getLoadBeforeNames() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Retrieves the names of plugins that this plugin should be loaded before.
getLoadedResources() - Method in GrailsResourceLoader
getLog() - Method in BeanBuilder
getLog() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getLogger() - Method in IvyDependencyManager
getLogicalControllerName(GroovyObject) - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService
getLogicalMappings() - Method in RegexUrlMapping
getLogicalName(String, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Retrieves the logical name of the class without the trailing name
getLogicalName(String, String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Retrieves the logical name of the class without the trailing name
getLogicalPropertyName() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getLogicalPropertyName() - Method in GrailsClass
Returns the logical name of the class as a property name.
getLogicalPropertyName(String, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
@deprecated Use GrailsNameUtils.getLogicalPropertyName instead.
getLogicalPropertyName(String, String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
getLogicalUrls() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingData
getLogicalUrls() - Method in ResponseCodeMappingData
getLogicalUrls() - Method in UrlMappingData

Obtains the logical URLs for this URL

getLong(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the long value associated with an index.
getLong(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get the long value associated with a key.
getLong(String) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
Helper method for obtaining long value from parameter
getLowerVersion(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns the lower version of a Grails version number expression in a plugin
getMainContext() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getMainContext() - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns the Spring context for this application.
getManager() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getManager() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Retrieves the plugin manager if known, otherwise returns null
getMandatory(String, List) - Method in GrailsConfig
Configuration Value lookup with thows a GrailsConfigurationException when the value is null or not within the allowedValues.
getMappedBy() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getMappedBy() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getMappedBy() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
@return The map that defines association mappings
getMappedBy() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getMappedByMap(Class) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
Retrieves the mappedBy map for the specified class.
getMapping(GrailsDomainClass) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
Obtains a mapping object for the given domain class nam
getMappingFileName(String) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
Returns the ORM framework's mapping file name for the specified class name.
getMappingName() - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
getMappingName() - Method in UrlMapping
getMappings() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.MappingCapturingClosure
getMappingsClosure() - Method in DefaultGrailsUrlMappingsClass
getMappingsClosure() - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsClass
Returns the mappings closure which is called to evaluate the url mappings.
getMappingStrategy() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getMappingStrategy() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getMappingStrategy() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
@return The name of the ORM implementation used to map the domain class (default is "GORM")
getMappingStrategy() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getMarshaller(Object) - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration
getMarshaller(Object) - Method in ConverterConfiguration
Lookup the ObjectMarshaller with the highest priority that support to marshall the given object
getMarshaller(Object) - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
getMarshaller(Object) - Method in ImmutableConverterConfiguration
@see ConverterConfiguration#getMarshaller(Object)
getMarshaller() - Method in ObjectMarshallerRegisterer
getMatches() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the matches.
getMax() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the max.
getMaximumNumberOfParameters() - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
getMaxInactiveInterval() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
getMaxSize() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the maxSize.
getMaxSize() - Method in MaxSizeConstraint
@return Returns the maxSize.
getMaxValue() - Method in MaxConstraint
@return Returns the maxValue.
getMergedPluginProperties(Locale) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
Get a PropertiesHolder that contains the actually visible properties for a Locale, after merging all specified resource bundles.
getMessage() - Method in GrailsTagException
getMessage() - Method in GrailsWrappedRuntimeException
getMessage(MessageSourceResolvable, Locale) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getMessage() - Method in ParseException
This method has the standard behavior when this object has been created using the standard constructors.
getMessage() - Method in TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
getMessage() - Method in ValidationException
getMessageSource() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getMessageSource() - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
getMetaClass() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
@return the metaClass
getMetaClass() - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference
getMetaClass() - Method in DefaultGrailsFiltersClass
getMetaClass() - Method in FlowBuilder
getMetaClass() - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
getMetaClass() - Method in GrailsClass
@return The MetaClass for this Grails class
getMetaConstraintValue(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
Obtains the value of the named meta constraint.
getMetadata() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getMetadata() - Method in GrailsApplication

Get access to the project's metadata, specified in

This provides access to information like required grails version, application name, version etc but NOT general application settings.

getMetadataForPlugin(Resource) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns XML metadata for the plugin.
getMetadataForPlugin(Resource) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns XML metadata for the plugin.
getMetadataRegisteredPluginNames() - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
getMetaInfo() - Method in GroovyPageTemplate
getMethod() - Method in HiddenHttpMethodFilter.HttpMethodRequestWrapper
getMethod() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getMethod() - Method in JspFormTag
getMethod() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getMethod() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getMethod() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getMin() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the min.
getMinSize() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the minSize.
getMinSize() - Method in MinSizeConstraint
@return Returns the minSize.
getMinValue() - Method in MinConstraint
@return Returns the minValue.
getModel() - Method in JspEachErrorTag
getModel() - Method in JspHasErrorsTag
getModel() - Method in JspRenderErrorsTag
getModel() - Method in JspRenderTag
getModuleRevisionIds(String) - Method in DependencyResolver
Obtains the ModuleRevisionId instances for the given organisation name
getModuleRevisionIds(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
getName() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getName() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getName() - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
getName() - Method in BeanConfiguration
@return The name of the bean
getName() - Method in BlankConstraint
getName() - Method in Constraint
@return The name of the constraint
getName() - Method in CreditCardConstraint
getName() - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
getName() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getName() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getName() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getName() - Method in EmailConstraint
getName() - Method in Environment
@return the name of the environment
getName() - Method in GrailsClass
Returns the logical name of the class in the application without the trailing convention part if applicable and without the package name.
getName() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the name of the property.
getName() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getName() - Method in GrailsPluginInfo
@return The name of the plug-in
getName() - Method in GrailsTag
@return The name of the tag
getName() - Method in GrailsTestType
A suitable display name for this test type.
getName() - Method in GroovyCollectTag
getName() - Method in GroovyDefTag
getName() - Method in GroovyEachTag
getName() - Method in GroovyElseIfTag
getName() - Method in GroovyElseTag
getName() - Method in GroovyFindAllTag
getName() - Method in GroovyGrepTag
getName() - Method in GroovyIfTag
getName() - Method in GroovyUnlessTag
getName() - Method in GroovyWhileTag
getName() - Method in InListConstraint
getName() - Method in JspCheckboxTag
getName() - Method in JspCurrencySelectTag
getName() - Method in JspDatePickerTag
getName() - Method in JspLocaleSelectTag
getName() - Method in JspSelectTag
getName() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getName() - Method in JspTimeZoneSelectTag
getName() - Method in MatchesConstraint
getName() - Method in MaxConstraint
getName() - Method in MaxSizeConstraint
getName() - Method in MinConstraint
getName() - Method in MinSizeConstraint
getName() - Method in NoteMacro
getName() - Method in NotEqualConstraint
getName() - Method in NullableConstraint
getName() - Method in PluginInfo
Returns the plugin's name.
getName() - Method in RangeConstraint
getName() - Method in RequestContextTag
getName() - Method in ScaleConstraint
getName() - Method in SizeConstraint
getName() - Method in UniqueConstraint
getName() - Method in UrlConstraint
getName() - Method in ValidatorConstraint
getName() - Method in WarningMacro
getNamedConfig(String) - Method in JSON
getNamedConfig(String) - Method in XML
getNamedConverterConfiguration(String, Class) - Method in ConvertersConfigurationHolder
getNamedDecorator(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper
getNamedPlugin(String) - Method in BasePluginFilter
getNameFromScript(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Calculates the class name from a script name in the form my-funk-grails-script
getNameFromScript(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Calculates the class name from a script name in the form my-funk-grails-script.
getNamespace() - Method in DefaultGrailsTagLibClass
getNamespace() - Method in GrailsTagLibClass
@return the namespace that this taglib occupies.
getNamespace() - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
getNaturalName() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getNaturalName() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getNaturalName(String) - Method in DocEngine
getNaturalName() - Method in GrailsClass
Returns the name of the property in natural terms (eg.
getNaturalName(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Converts a property name into its natural language equivalent eg ('firstName' becomes 'First Name')
getNaturalName() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
The natural name representation of the property (eg.
getNaturalName() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getNaturalName(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Converts a property name into its natural language equivalent eg ('firstName' becomes 'First Name')
getNextToken() - Method in JSONParser
Get the next Token.
getNextToken() - Method in JsonParserTokenManager
Get the next Token.
getNoSuffixViewURI(GroovyObject, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getNoSuffixViewURI(String, String) - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService
getNoSuffixViewURI(GroovyObject, String) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
getNoSuffixViewURI(String, String) - Method in GroovyPagesUriService
getNoSuffixViewURI(String, String) - Method in GroovyPageUtils
Obtains a view URI of the given controller name and view name without the suffix
getNotEqual() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the notEqual.
getNotEqualTo() - Method in NotEqualConstraint
@return Returns the notEqualTo.
getNow() - Method in FlashScope
Returns the current state of flash scope, to be used if you don't want to include variables in the next request
getNow() - Method in GrailsFlashScope
getObject() - Method in ControllerFlowRegistry
getObject() - Method in GrailsApplicationFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in GrailsResourceLoaderFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in UrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in ControllerFlowRegistry
getObjectType() - Method in GrailsApplicationFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in GrailsResourceLoaderFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in TypeSpecifyableTransactionProxyFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in UrlMappingFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in UrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean
getObservedPluginNames() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getObservedPluginNames() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Retrieve the plugin names that this plugin is observing for changes
getOnComplete() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getOnComplete() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getOnComplete() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getOnComplete() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getOnFailure() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getOnFailure() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getOnFailure() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getOnFailure() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getOnInteractive() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getOnInteractive() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getOnInteractive() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getOnInteractive() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getOnLoaded() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getOnLoaded() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getOnLoaded() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getOnLoaded() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getOnLoading() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getOnLoading() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getOnLoading() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getOnLoading() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getOnSuccess() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getOnSuccess() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getOnSuccess() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getOnSuccess() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getOptionalFields() - Method in StructuredDateEditor
getOptionalFields() - Method in StructuredPropertyEditor
@return The optional fields
getOptionKey() - Method in JspSelectTag
getOptionValue() - Method in JspSelectTag
getOrder() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the order.
getOrder() - Method in OrderedAdapter
getOrder() - Method in ScopeRegistrar
getOrderedObjectMarshallers() - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration
getOrderedObjectMarshallers() - Method in ConverterConfiguration
Retrieve the ordered list of ObjectMarshallers
getOrderedObjectMarshallers() - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
getOrderedObjectMarshallers() - Method in ImmutableConverterConfiguration
getOtherProperties() - Method in GrailsDataSource
Other properties for this data source.
getOtherSide() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getOtherSide() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the other side of a bidirectional association
getOtherSide() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getOut(HttpServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getOut(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
Holds the current response write for the request
getOut() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
getOut() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
The response writer.
getOut() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
getOut() - Method in GrailsScriptRunner
getOut() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return the out
getOut() - Method in GroovyPage
getOut() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getOut() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getOutput() - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
Returns the process output as a string.
getOutputStack() - Method in GroovyPage
getOutputStack() - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack.GroovyPageProxyWriter
getOutputStream() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
getOutputStream() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper.GrailsBuffer
getOutputStream() - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
getOutputStream() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
getPackageName() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getPackageName() - Method in GrailsClass
Returns the package name of the class.
getPackageName() - Method in GroovyPageParser
getPage() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
getPage() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getPage() - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
getPage() - Method in RenderTagLib
getPageClass() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getPageContext(Servlet, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, String, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in GroovyPagesJspFactory
getPagesTemplateEngine() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getPagesTemplateEngine() - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
@return Retrieves the shared GSP template engine
getParameter() - Method in BlankConstraint
getParameterMap() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Overriden to return the GrailsParameterMap instance,
getParameters() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
getParameters() - Method in ForwardUrlMappingInfo
getParameters() - Method in UrlMappingInfo
The parameters that were extracted from the URI that was matched
getParameterTypes() - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
getParams() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
The params object.
getParams() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return The Grails params object
getParams() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getParams() - Method in JspFormTag
getParams() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getParams() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getParams() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getParams() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
GetParamsDynamicProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
A dynamic property that adds a "params" map to a controller for accessing request and controller parameters.
GetParamsDynamicProperty(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor in GetParamsDynamicProperty
getParent() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getParentBeanFactory() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getParentContext() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Retrieves the parent ApplicationContext for this GrailsApplication.
getParentContext() - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns the Spring application context that contains this application instance.
getParentCtx() - Method in BeanBuilder
Retrieves the parent ApplicationContext
getParentCtx() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getPassCount() - Method in GrailsTestTypeResult
The number of tests that can be considered to have passed
getPassCount() - Method in JUnit4ResultGrailsTestTypeResultAdapter
getPassword() - Method in GrailsDataSource
The password for the data source.
getPathFromRoot(String) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
Get the path relative to an artefact folder under grails-app i.e:
getPathWithinApplication(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsUrlPathHelper
getPattern() - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation
getPattern() - Method in AbstractStaticMethodInvocation
getPersistantProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
@see org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsDomainClass#getPersistantProperties()
getPersistantProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
@deprecated Use #getPersistentProperties instead
getPersistantProperties() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns all of the persistant properties of the domain class
getPersistantProperties() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getPersistentProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getPersistentProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getPersistentProperties() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns all of the persistant properties of the domain class
getPersistentProperties() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getPlugin() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getPluginBaseDirectories() - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
Gets a list of all the known plugin base directories (directories where plugins are installed to).
getPluginBaseDirectories() - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All the known plugin base directories (directories where plugins are installed to).
getPluginBaseDirectories() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Gets a list of all the known plugin base directories (directories where plugins are installed to).
getPluginBaseNames() - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
getPluginBuildSettings() - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns a cached PluginBuildSettings instance.
getPluginBundles(String) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
getPluginClass() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getPluginClass() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Returns the underlying class that represents this plugin
getPluginClasses() - Method in CorePluginFinder
getPluginClassesDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getPluginContextPath(HttpServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getPluginContextPath(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
Retrieves the plugin context path for the current request.
getPluginContextPath() - Method in GroovyPage
getPluginContextPath() - Method in GroovyPageBinding
getPluginDependencyDescriptor(String) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
Obtains a particular DependencyDescriptor by the plugin name
getPluginDependencyNames() - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
Obtains a set of plugins this application is dependent onb
getPluginDescriptor(Resource) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns the plugin descriptor for the Given plugin directory.
getPluginDescriptors(String, String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All plug-in descriptors (the root classes that end with *GrailsPlugin.groovy).
getPluginDescriptors() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
/*.groovy") }
getPluginDir() - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
getPluginDir() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getPluginDir() - Method in GrailsPluginInfo
@return The directory where the plugin exists or null if it cannot be read
getPluginDirectories() - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
Obtains a list of plugin directories for the application
getPluginDirectories(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
getPluginDirectories() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains a list of plugin directories for the application
getPluginDirectory() - Method in PluginInfo
Obtains the plugins directory.
getPluginDirForName(String, String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Obtains a plugin directory for the given name.
getPluginDirForName(String) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains a plugin directory for the given name.
getPluginExcludes(String) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
getPluginExcludes() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getPluginExcludes() - Method in GrailsPlugin
A list of resources that the plugin should exclude from the packaged distribution
getPluginFilter(Map) - Method in PluginFilterRetriever
getPluginForResource(String) - Method in DefaultPluginMetaManager
getPluginForResource(String) - Method in PluginMetaManager
Obtains a plug-in instance from the pluginManager for the given resource name.
getPluginI18nDirectories(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All plugin i18n directories.
getPluginI18nDirectories() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains an array of all plugin i18n directories.
getPluginInfo(String) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains a PluginInfo for the installed plugin directory.
getPluginInfoForName(String) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains a PluginInfo for the installed plugin directory.
getPluginInfoForSource(String) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Gets a PluginInfo for a particular source file if its contained within that plugin
getPluginInfos(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns an array of PluginInfo objects
getPluginInfos(String) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns an array of PluginInfo objects
getPluginJarFiles(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All plug-in provided JAR files.
getPluginJarFiles() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains an array of all plugin provided JAR files
getPluginLibDirectories(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All plug-in lib directories.
getPluginLibDirectories() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains an array of all plugin lib directories.
getPluginList(List, List) - Method in BasePluginFilter
Defines an operation getting the final list to return from the original and derived lists
getPluginList(List, List) - Method in ExcludingPluginFilter
getPluginList(File) - Method in GrailsRepoResolver
Obtains the XML representation of the plugin-list.xml held in a Grails compatible repository
getPluginList(List, List) - Method in IncludingPluginFilter
getPluginManager() - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
getPluginManager() - Method in PluginManagerHolder
Retrieves the GrailsPluginManager bound to the current Thread
getPluginMetadata(String) - Method in DefaultPluginPublisher
getPluginName() - Method in ArtefactHandler
Obtains the plugin name that deals with this artefact.
getPluginName() - Method in ArtefactHandlerAdapter
getPluginName() - Method in ControllerArtefactHandler
getPluginName(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Returns the name of a plugin given the name of the *GrailsPlugin.groovy descriptor file.
getPluginName(Class) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Get the name of the a plugin for a particular class.
getPluginName() - Method in ServiceArtefactHandler
getPluginName() - Method in TagLibArtefactHandler
getPluginObservers(GrailsPlugin) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
getPluginObservers(GrailsPlugin) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Retrieves a collection of plugins that are observing the specified plugin
getPluginPath() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getPluginPath(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getPluginPath() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Returns the path of the plug-in
getPluginPath(String) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Returns the pluginContextPath for the given plugin
getPluginPathForClass(Class) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getPluginPathForClass(Class) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Returns the plugin path for the given class
getPluginPathForInstance(Object) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getPluginPathForInstance(Object) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Returns the pluginContextPath for the given instance
getPluginPathForResource(String) - Method in DefaultPluginMetaManager
getPluginPathForResource(String) - Method in PluginMetaManager
Obtains the path to the plug-in for the given resource.
getPluginResourceBundles(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All plugin provided resource bundles.
getPluginResourceBundles() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains an array of all plugin provided resource bundles.
getPluginResources() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getPluginResources(String) - Method in DefaultPluginMetaManager
getPluginResources(String) - Method in PluginMetaManager
Retrieves all the plugin resource names for the given plugin name.
getPluginScripts(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Plug-in provided Gant scripts available to a Grails application.
getPluginScripts() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
.groovy").each { if (!
getPluginSourceFiles(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
All plug-in provided source files (Java and Groovy).
getPluginSourceFiles(File) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
getPluginVersion(Class) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Get the version of the a plugin for a particular class.
getPluginViewsPathForClass(Class) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getPluginViewsPathForClass(Class) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Returns the plugin views directory path for the given class
getPluginViewsPathForInstance(Object) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getPluginViewsPathForInstance(Object) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Returns the plugin views directory for the given instance
getPluginViewsPathForResource(String) - Method in DefaultPluginMetaManager
getPluginViewsPathForResource(String) - Method in PluginMetaManager
Obtains the path to the plug-in views directory for the given resource name.
getPluginXmlMetadata(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
The Plugin metadata XML files used to describe the plugins provided resources.
getPluginXmlMetadata() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains a Resource array of the Plugin metadata XML files used to describe the plugins provided resources
getPrecision() - Method in JspDatePickerTag
getPrecision() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the precision of this property's column.
getPrecompiledGspMap() - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
getPriority() - Method in ObjectMarshallerRegisterer
getProjectPluginsDir() - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
getProjectPluginsDir() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getProjectTargetDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getProjectWarExplodedDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getProjectWarFile() - Method in BuildSettings
getProjectWarOsgiHeaders() - Method in BuildSettings
getProjectWorkDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getProjectWorkDir() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getProperties() - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
getProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getProperties() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getProperties() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns all of the properties of the domain class
getProperties() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getProperties() - Method in GrailsPluginInfo
Gets the properties of the plugin as a map
getProperties() - Method in PluginInfo
getPropertiesAssignableToType(Class, Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Retrieves all the properties of the given class which are assignable to the given type
getPropertiesOfType(Class, Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Retrieves all the properties of the given class for the given type
getProperty(String) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
getProperty(String) - Method in AbstractDelegate
Resolves properties from the currently executing controller
getProperty(Object, String, InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
getProperty(String) - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
getProperty(String) - Method in BeanBuilder
This method overrides property retrieval in the scope of the BeanBuilder to either:
getProperty(String) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference
getProperty(String) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference.WrappedPropertyValue
getProperty(String) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
getProperty(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Override property access and hit on xxxxClasses to return class arrays of artefacts.
getProperty(String) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
getProperty(Object, String, InvocationCallback) - Method in DynamicMethods
Attempts to get a dynamic property.
getProperty(String) - Method in DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass
getProperty(String) - Method in ExtendedProxy
getProperty(String) - Method in FlowBuilder
getProperty(String) - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
getProperty(Class, String, Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Retrieves a property of the given class of the specified name and type
getProperty(String) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Property access for request attributes.
getProperty(String) - Method in GrailsMockHttpSession
getProperty(String) - Method in GroovyPage
getProperty(String) - Method in GroovyPageBinding
getProperty(String) - Method in JSONBuilder
getProperty() - Method in JspRenderInputTag
getProperty(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getProperty(String) - Method in PluginInfo
getProperty(String) - Method in PropertyExpression
getProperty(Class, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
Interceptors the call to getProperty if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available.
getProperty() - Method in RenderInputTag
getPropertyByName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getPropertyByName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getPropertyByName(String) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns the property for the given name
getPropertyByName(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getPropertyConfig(GrailsDomainClassProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainBinder
getPropertyConfig(String) - Method in Mapping
Obtains a ColumnConfig object for the given name
getPropertyDescriptorForValue(Object, Object) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Retrieves a PropertyDescriptor for the specified instance and property value
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertyEditorRegistry() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Obtains the PropertyEditorRegistry instance.
getPropertyForGetter(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns a property name equivalent for the given getter name or null if it is not a getter
getPropertyForSetter(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns a property name equivalent for the given setter name or null if it is not a getter
getPropertyName() - Method in AbstractConstraint
getPropertyName() - Method in AbstractDynamicProperty
getPropertyName() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getPropertyName() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the propertyName.
getPropertyName() - Method in Constraint
@return The property name of the constraint
getPropertyName() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getPropertyName() - Method in DynamicProperty
@return The name of the property
getPropertyName() - Method in GrailsClass
Returns the name of the class as a property name.
getPropertyName(Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Shorter version of getPropertyNameRepresentation
getPropertyName() - Method in GrailsDomainClass

Returns the default property name of the GrailsClass.

getPropertyName(Class) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Shorter version of getPropertyNameRepresentation.
getPropertyName() - Method in ValidatorConstraint.ValidatorDelegate
getPropertyNameForLowerCaseHyphenSeparatedName(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Converts foo-bar into fooBar
getPropertyNameForLowerCaseHyphenSeparatedName(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Converts foo-bar into fooBar.
getPropertyNameRepresentation(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns the property name representation of the given name
getPropertyNameRepresentation(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Returns the property name representation of the given name.
getPropertyOrStaticPropertyOrFieldValue(String, Class) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass

Looks for a property of the reference instance with a given name and type.

getPropertyOrStaticPropertyOrFieldValue(Object, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils

Looks for a property of the reference instance with a given name.

getPropertyType(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getPropertyType(String, boolean) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertyType(String) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher.FieldReaderFetcher
getPropertyType(String) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher.GetterPropertyFetcher
getPropertyType(String) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher.PropertyFetcher
getPropertyType() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the propertyType.
getPropertyType(Class, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns the type of the given property contained within the specified class
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Returns the value of the given property or throws a MissingPropertyException.
getPropertyValue(String, Class) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
getPropertyValue(String, Class) - Method in GrailsClass
Obtains a property value for the given name and type
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in HibernateBeanWrapper
Checks Hibernate.isInitialized before calling super method.
getPropertyValueObject(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getPropertyValueOfNewInstance(Class, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns the value of the specified property and type from an instance of the specified Grails class
getProvidedArtefacts() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getProvidedArtefacts() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Retrieves an array of provided Artefacts that are pre-compiled additions to the GrailsApplication object but are overridable by the end-user
getProxiedClass(Object) - Method in EntityProxyHandler
Returns the proxied class without initializing the proxy
getProxiedClass(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
getProxy(Class, String, Class, Class[], Method, Method, AbstractComponentType, Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
getProxy(Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistProxyFactory
getProxyFactory(Class, Class[]) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
getProxyHandler() - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration
getProxyHandler() - Method in ConverterConfiguration
Lookup the ProxyHandler used to deal with proxies instances.
getProxyHandler() - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
getProxyHandler() - Method in ImmutableConverterConfiguration
getProxyIdentifier(Object) - Method in EntityProxyHandler
This method returns the identifier of the proxy or null if the object is not a proxy
getProxyIdentifier(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
getProxyWriter() - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
getRange() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the range.
getRange() - Method in RangeConstraint
@return Returns the range.
getRange() - Method in SizeConstraint
@return Returns the range.
getReader() - Method in BodyContentImpl
getReader() - Method in FastStringWriter
getReader(boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Like getReader(), but when removeAfterReading is true, the read data will be removed from the buffer.
getReadLenLimit(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBufferReader
getReadLenLimit(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunkReader
getReadLenLimit(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.ChunkReader
getReadLenLimit(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferReader
getReadLenLimit(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunkReader
getReadLenLimit(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StringChunkReader
getReadMode() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
getRealLocationInProject(String) - Method in DevelopmentResourceLoader
Retrieves the real location of a GSP within a Grails project.
getRealLocationInProject(String) - Method in GroovyPageResourceLoader
Retrieves the real location of a GSP within a Grails project
getRedirectUrl() - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
getRedirectURL() - Method in IncludedContent
Returns the URL of a redirect if a redirect was issue in the Include otherwise it returns null if there was no redirect.
getRedirectURL() - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
getReference() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
Used to get configured property values.
getReference() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getReference() - Method in GrailsClass
getReferencedDomainClass() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getReferencedDomainClass() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the GrailsDomainClass of a relationship property or null, if the property is not a relationship property.
getReferencedDomainClass() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getReferencedPropertyName() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getReferencedPropertyName() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Retrieves the name of property referenced by this property if it is an association and is known, otherwise null.
getReferencedPropertyName() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getReferencedPropertyType() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getReferencedPropertyType() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the referenced property type.
getReferencedPropertyType() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getReferenceInstance() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getReferenceInstance() - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher.ReferenceInstanceCallback
getReferenceInstance() - Method in GrailsClass
@return Sample (reference) instance for this Grails class
getRegex() - Method in MatchesConstraint
@return Returns the regex.
getRegistry() - Method in GrailsMetaClassUtils
Retrieves the MetaClassRegistry instance.
getRegistry() - Method in RequestContextTag
getRelatedClassType(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getRelatedClassType(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getRelatedClassType(String) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns the type of the related class of the given property
getRelatedClassType(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getRelativeInsideWebInf(Resource) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
Takes a Grails resource (one located inside the grails-app dir) and gets its relative path inside the WEB-INF directory when deployed.
getRelativeSourcePath() - Method in GrailsTestType
The relative path from the configured test source directory to the particular directory that contains the tests for this test type.
getReloadLocation() - Method in Environment
@return Obtains the location to reload resources from
getRemaining() - Method in BodyContentImpl
getRemaining() - Method in JspWriterDelegate
getRenderAction() - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
getRepositoryRoot() - Method in GrailsRepoResolver
getRequest() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
@return Returns the request.
getRequest() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
The request object.
getRequest() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getRequest() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getRequestLogMessage(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsExceptionResolver
getRequestURI() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
@return The Request URI
getRequestURI() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getRequestURIForGrailsDispatchURI(HttpServletRequest) - Method in WebUtils
The Grails dispatch servlet maps URIs like /app/grails/example/index.dispatch.
getRequiredFields() - Method in StructuredDateEditor
getRequiredFields() - Method in StructuredPropertyEditor
@return The required fields
getResolver() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
@return the resolver
getResolveStrategy() - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
getResource(String) - Method in ClosureClassIgnoringComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser.ParentOnlyGetResourcesClassLoader
getResource(String) - Method in CommandLineResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in DevelopmentResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in GroovyPageResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getResource(String) - Method in MockResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in MockStringResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in StaticResourceLoader
getResourceByPath(String) - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
This implementation supports file paths beneath the root of the ServletContext.
getResourceForClass(Class) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Retrieves the Spring Resource that was used to load the given Class.
getResourceForClass(Class) - Method in GrailsApplication
Retrieves a Resource instance for the given Grails class or null it doesn't exist.
getResourceForClass(Class) - Method in GrailsResourceLoader
Returns the Grails resource for the given class or null if it is not a Grails resource.
getResourceLoader() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
getResourceLoader() - Method in GrailsResourceLoaderHolder
getResourcePatternResolver() - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
This implementation supports pattern matching in unexpanded WARs too.
getResources(String) - Method in ClosureClassIgnoringComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser.ParentOnlyGetResourcesClassLoader
getResources() - Method in GrailsResourceHolder
getResources() - Method in GrailsResourceLoader
getResources(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getResourcesDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getResourcesDir() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getResponse() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
The response object.
getResponse() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getResponse() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getResponseCode() - Method in ResponseCodeMappingData
getReverseMapping(String, String, Map) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
@see UrlMappingsHolder#getReverseMapping(String, String, java.util.Map)
getReverseMapping(String, String, Map) - Method in UrlMappingsHolder
Retrieves the best guess of a URI for the given controller, action and parameters
getRootCause(Throwable) - Method in GrailsExceptionResolver
Obtains the root cause of the given exception
getRuntimeClasspath() - Method in GrailsTask
getRuntimeDependencies() - Method in BuildSettings
List containing the runtime dependencies of the app as File instances.
getRuntimeDependencies() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getScale() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return The scale, if defined for this property; null, otherwise
getScale() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the scale of this property's column.
getScale() - Method in ScaleConstraint
@return the scale
getScript() - Method in GrailsTask
getScriptName(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
@deprecated Use GrailsNameUtils.getScriptName instead.
getScriptName(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Retrieves the script name representation of the given class name.
getScriptName() - Method in ScriptNotFoundException
getServletConfig() - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
getServletConfig() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getServletContext() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getServletContext() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
getServletContext() - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
Retrieves the servlet context instance
getServletContext() - Method in GrailsControllerHelper
@return The servlet context instance
getServletContext() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
getServletContext() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
The servletContext object.
getServletContext() - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
getServletContext() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return The ServletContext instance
getServletContext() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getServletContext() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getServletContext() - Method in ServletContextHolder
getServletContext() - Method in SimpleGrailsController
getServletContext() - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
getServletContext() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getServletVersion() - Method in Metadata
@return The version of the servlet spec the application was created for
getSession(SessionFactory) - Method in GrailsOpenSessionInViewFilter
getSession() - Method in GrailsRequestContext
The session object.
getSession() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return The Grails session object
getSession() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getSession() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
getSessionContext() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
See Also:
GetSessionDynamicProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
A dynamic property that adds a "session" map to a controller for accessing the Http Session.
getSessionFactory() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
@return the sessionFactory
getSetterName(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Retrieves the name of a setter for the specified property name
getSetterName(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Retrieves the name of a setter for the specified property name
getSettings() - Method in BuildSettingsHolder
getSharedConstraint(String) - Method in ConstrainedPropertyBuilder
getShort(String) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
Helper method for obtaining short value from parameter
getShortName() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
getShortName() - Method in GrailsClass
Returns the short name of the class without package prefix.
getShortName(String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns the class name without the package prefix
getShortName(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils
Returns the class name without the package prefix.
getSize() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the size.
getSourceDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getSourceDir() - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
The location of this type's source
getSourceUnit() - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
getSpecificationVersion() - Method in GroovyPagesJspFactory
getSpringConfig() - Method in BeanBuilder
Retrieves the RuntimeSpringConfiguration instance used the the BeanBuilder
getSqlType() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to get the SQL type of the corresponding column.
getStackReference(int) - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
getStackTraceLines() - Method in GrailsWrappedRuntimeException
@return Returns the stackTrace lines
getStackTraceText() - Method in GrailsWrappedRuntimeException
@return Returns the stackTrace.
getStartupDate() - Method in MockApplicationContext
getStatic() - Method in DemandProxy
getStaticPropertyValue(String, Class) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
Get the value of the named static property.
getStaticPropertyValue(String, Class) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
getStaticPropertyValue(Class, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils

Get a static property value, which has a public static getter or is just a public static field.

getStaticResourcePathForResource(Resource, String) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
Retrieves the static resource path for the given Grails resource artifact (controller/taglib etc.)
getStatus() - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
getStream() - Method in XML
getString() - Method in BodyContentImpl
getString(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the string associated with an index.
getString(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get the string associated with a key.
getSubBufferChunkMinSize() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
getSubClasses() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getSubClasses() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getSubClasses() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns the sub-classes for this class if any
getSubClasses() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getSubflow() - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
getSubStringChunkMinSize() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
GetSuffix(int) - Method in SimpleCharStream
Get the suffix.
getSuperClassChain(Class) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
getSuppliedNames() - Method in BasePluginFilter
getSupportedPluginInfos(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns only the PluginInfo objects that support the current Environment and BuildScope
getSupportedPluginInfos() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns only the PluginInfo objects that support the current Environment and BuildScope.
getTableName() - Method in Mapping
The table name
getTabSize(int) - Method in SimpleCharStream
getTag(String) - Method in JspTagLib
Obtains a reference to a JspTag instance contained within the library
getTag(String) - Method in JspTagLibImpl
getTagLibClass() - Method in TagLibUnitTestCase
getTagLibraryForTag(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getTagLibraryForTag(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
Retrieves a Grails tag library from the request for the named tag in a given namespace.
getTagLibraryLookup() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
getTagName() - Method in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
getTagNames() - Method in DefaultGrailsTagLibClass
getTagNames() - Method in GrailsTagLibClass
@return The tag names in this library
getTagNamesThatReturnObject() - Method in DefaultGrailsTagLibClass
getTagNamesThatReturnObject() - Method in GrailsTagLibClass
getTargetBeanDefinition(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory, String, BeanDefinition, Class) - Method in MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer
getTargetBeanDefinitionForFactoryBean(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory, String, BeanDefinition, Class) - Method in MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer
getTemplate() - Method in JspRenderTag
getTemplateNames() - Method in DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator
getTemplateUri(CharSequence, ServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getTemplateURI(GroovyObject, String) - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService
getTemplateUri(CharSequence, ServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
@param templateName
getTemplateURI(GroovyObject, String) - Method in GroovyPagesUriService
getTemplateURI(String, String) - Method in GroovyPageUtils
Obtains the URI to a template using the controller name and template name
getTestClass() - Method in MvcUnitTestCase
getTestClasses() - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
getTestClassesDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getTestClassesDir() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getTestClassLoader() - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
A class loader with class path additions of this type's source dir and compile classed dir.
getTestClasspath() - Method in GrailsTask
getTestDependencies() - Method in BuildSettings
List containing the test-time dependencies of the app as File instances.
getTestDependencies() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getTestExtensions() - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Override to have the tests for this type require a certain file extension
getTestReportsDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getTestReportsDir() - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
getTestSourceDir() - Method in BuildSettings
getTestSuffixes() - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Override to have the tests for this type require a certain suffix
getTestSuffixes() - Method in JUnit4GrailsTestType
getTheme(String) - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
getThreadLocalConverterConfiguration(Class) - Method in ConvertersConfigurationHolder
getTldFromServletContext(String) - Method in TagLibraryResolver
getToJSONMethod(Object) - Method in InstanceMethodBasedMarshaller
getToken(int) - Method in JSONParser
Get the specific Token.
getTokens() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingData
getTokens() - Method in ResponseCodeMappingData
getTokens() - Method in UrlMappingData

Retrieves the tokens that make up a URL.

getTotalCount() - Method in PagedResultList
getToXMLMethod(Object) - Method in InstanceMethodBasedMarshaller
getTransactionAttribute(Method, Class) - Method in GroovyAwareNamedTransactionAttributeSource
getTransitions() - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
getType() - Method in ArtefactHandler
Implementations must return a name such as "Domain" to indicate the type of artefact they represent.
getType() - Method in ArtefactHandlerAdapter
getType() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getType() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the type for the domain class
getType() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getType() - Method in JndiBindingHandler
@return The interface type this binder handles (eg. javax.sql.DataSource)
getType() - Method in JndiBindingSupport.DataSourceBinder
getType(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
getTypedValues(Criteria, CriteriaQuery) - Method in RlikeExpression
getTypeFilters() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
getTypeFilters() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
getTypeFilters() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Plugin can provide a list of Spring TypeFilters so that annotated components can be scanned into the ApplicationContext
getTypeFilters() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Get all of the TypeFilter definitions defined by the plugins
getTypeName(Class) - Method in Mapping
Return a type name of the known custom user types
getTypePropertyName() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
getTypePropertyName() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns the class type as a property name representation.
getTypePropertyName() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
getUniquenessGroup() - Method in UniqueConstraint
getUnmanagedPluginJarFiles() - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Obtains an array of all plugin provided JAR files for plugins that don't define a dependencies.groovy.
getUnrefreshedApplicationContext() - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
getUnrefreshedApplicationContext() - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
getUpdate() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getUpdate() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getUpdate() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getUpdate() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getUpperVersion(String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns the upper version of a Grails version number expression in a plugin
getUri() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
getURI() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
getURI() - Method in JspTagLib
@return The URI of the tag library
getURI() - Method in JspTagLibImpl
getURI() - Method in UrlMappingInfo
The URI to map to.
getUriFromRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsWebUtil
Retrieves the URI from the request from either the include attribute or the request.getRequestURI() method.
getURIs() - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
getURIs() - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Gets the list of all possible URI's available in this controller.
getUriWithinGrailsViews(String) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Returns the path to the view of the relative URI within the Grails views directory
getURL() - Method in GrailsByteArrayResource
Overrides the default behaviour to generate a fake "file:" URL so that the resource can be used from a ServletContextResource.
getUrl() - Method in GrailsDataSource
The URL for the data source.
getUrl() - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
getUrl() - Method in JspFormTag
getUrl() - Method in JspLinkTag
getUrl() - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
getUrl() - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
getUrl() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getUrlData() - Method in RegexUrlMapping
getUrlData() - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
getUrlData() - Method in UrlMapping
Retrieves the UrlMappingData instance that describes this UrlMapping
getUrlMappingEvaluatees() - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
getUrlMappings() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
getUrlMappings() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
getUrlMappings() - Method in UrlMappingsHolder
Retrieves the held UrlMapping instances as an array
getUrlPattern() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingData
getUrlPattern() - Method in ResponseCodeMappingData
getUrlPattern() - Method in UrlMappingData
Retrieves the URL pattern for this UrlMappingData instance
getUsername() - Method in GrailsDataSource
The username for the data source.
getUserPlugins() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
getUserPlugins() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Gets plugin installed by the user and not provided by the framework
getValidator() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getValidator() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getValidator() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Retreives the validator for this domain class
getValidator() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getValue(Object) - Method in ClosureExpression
getValue() - Method in FastStringWriter
getValue(String) - Method in GrailsHttpSession
See Also:
getValue() - Method in GroovyPageTagWriter
getValue() - Method in JspActionSubmitTag
getValue() - Method in JspCheckboxTag
getValue() - Method in JspCurrencySelectTag
getValue() - Method in JspDatePickerTag
getValue() - Method in JspLocaleSelectTag
getValue() - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
getValue() - Method in JspTimeZoneSelectTag
getValue() - Method in PropertyExpression
getValue() - Method in Token
An optional attribute value of the Token.
getValueNames() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
See Also:
getValueType(Object) - Method in ClosureExpression
getVariable(String) - Method in BeanBinding
getVariableResolver() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
getVariables() - Method in BeanBinding
getVersion() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
getVersion() - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
getVersion() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
getVersion() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
getVersion() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns the version property
getVersion() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
getVersion() - Method in GrailsPluginInfo
@return The version of the plug-in
getVersion() - Method in PluginInfo
Returns the plugin's version.
getView() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
getViewByName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
getViewByName(String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Retrieves the view name for the specified closure name.
getViewByURI(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
getViewByURI(String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Retrieves the view name for the specified URI.
getViewName() - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
@see org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.UrlMapping#getViewName()
getViewName() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
getViewName() - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
getViewName() - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
getViewName() - Method in UrlMapping
Returns the name of the view to map to
getViewName() - Method in UrlMappingInfo
The name of the view that the URL mappping maps to
getViewsDir(Resource) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
getViewUri(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
getViewUri(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
Retrieves the uri of a named view
getViewURI(String, String) - Method in GroovyPageUtils
Obtains a view URI of the given controller name and view name
getWatchedResources() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
@return the watchedResources
getWeb23DTD() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
getWebRequest() - Method in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
Retrieves the webRequest object.
getWebXmlFromServletContext() - Method in TagLibraryResolver
getWebXmlLocation() - Method in BuildSettings
getWidget() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
getWikiView(String) - Method in LinkTestFilter
Returns the view of the wiki name that is shown to the user.
getWorkDir() - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
Returns the working directory for the current command.
getWrappedResponse() - Method in WrappedResponseHolder
Return the HttpServletResponse currently bound to the thread.
getWriteDirectlyToConnectedMinSize() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
getWriter() - Method in Converter
getWriter() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
getWriter() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper.GrailsBuffer
getWriter() - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
getWriter() - Method in JSON
getWriter() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Writer interface for adding/writing data to the buffer.
getWriter() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.LazyInitializingWriter
getWriter() - Method in XML
getWriterUsedCounter() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunk
getWriterUsedCounter() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunkReader
getWriterUsedCounter() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBufferReader
getWriterUsedCounter() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.ChunkReader
getXML() - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Parses the request content as XML using XmlSlurper and returns the GPath result object.
GEXPR - Field in Tokens
GLOBAL_PLUGINS_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for globalPluginsDir.
GLOBAL_PLUGINS_DIR - Field in GrailsApplication
The path to the global plug-ins directory for the application
GlobalEntityASTTransformation - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
A global AST transformation that injects methods and properties into classes in the grails-app/domain directory.
globalEventHooks - Field in GrailsBuildEventListener
GlobalPluginAwareEntityASTTransformation - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
Automatically annotates any class with @Plugin(name="foo") if it is a plugin resource.
globalPluginsDir - Field in AbstractBuildSettings
The location where global plugins are installed to.
globalPluginsDirSet - Field in AbstractBuildSettings
globalPluginsLocation - Field in PluginInstallEngine
GORM - Field in GrailsDomainClass
The name of the default ORM implementation used to map the class
GORMEnhancingBeanPostProcessor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
A BeanPostProcessor that enhances an existing SessionFactory with GORM behavior.
GORMNamespaceHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
A Spring namespace handler for the namespace tags
GORMSessionFactoryDefinitionParser - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
A BeanDefinitionParser that will scan for GORM entities to configure and automatically setup an appropriate Hibernate SessionFactory for usage with GORM.
Grails5535Factory - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
TODO remove this once is fixed.
Grails5535Factory(Config) - Constructor in Grails5535Factory
GRAILS_APP_DIR - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
The name of the Grails application directory
GRAILS_APPLICATION - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
GRAILS_ATTRIBUTES - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
GRAILS_DISPATCH_EXTENSION - Field in GrailsUrlPathHelper
GRAILS_REDIRECT_ISSUED - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
GRAILS_SERVLET_PATH - Field in GrailsUrlPathHelper
GRAILS_URL_MAPPINGS - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
GRAILS_VIEWS_ENABLE_JSESSIONID - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
GrailsAnnotationConfiguration - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Allows configuring Grails' hibernate support to work in conjuntion with Hibernate's annotation support.
GrailsApplication - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons

The main interface representing a running Grails application.

grailsApplication - Field in GrailsDomainClassValidator
grailsApplication - Field in RequestContextTag
GrailsApplicationAttributes - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Defines the names of and methods to retrieve Grails specific request and servlet attributes.
GrailsApplicationAware - Interface in

Convenience interface that can be implemented by classes that are registered by plugins.

GrailsApplicationAwareBeanPostProcessor - Class in
Implementation of org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor that recognizes GrailsApplicationAware and injects and instance of GrailsApplication.
GrailsApplicationAwareBeanPostProcessor(GrailsApplication) - Constructor in GrailsApplicationAwareBeanPostProcessor
GrailsApplicationContext - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
An ApplicationContext that extends StaticApplicationContext and implements GroovyObject such that beans can be retrieved with the dot de-reference syntax instead of using getBean('name').
GrailsApplicationContext() - Constructor in GrailsApplicationContext
GrailsApplicationFactoryBean - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Creates a Grails application object based on Groovy files.
GrailsASTUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
Helper methods for working with Groovy AST trees.
GrailsAwareClassLoader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
A class loader that is aware of Groovy sources and injection operations.
GrailsAwareClassLoader(ClassLoader, CompilerConfiguration) - Constructor in GrailsAwareClassLoader
GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite - Class in grails.test
Adds support for running Grails JUnit Tests from Eclipse JUnit runner or even from the command line.
GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite() - Constructor in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
GrailsAwareInjectionOperation - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
A Groovy compiler injection operation that uses a specified array of ClassInjector instances to attempt AST injection.
GrailsAwareInjectionOperation(GroovyResourceLoader, ClassInjector[]) - Constructor in GrailsAwareInjectionOperation
GrailsBootstrapClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Loaded and executed on application load.
GrailsBuildEventListener - Class in
@author Graeme Rocher
GrailsBuildEventListener(GroovyClassLoader, Binding, BuildSettings) - Constructor in GrailsBuildEventListener
GrailsBuildHelper - Class in
Helper class that allows a client to bootstrap the Grails build system in its own class loader.
GrailsBuildHelper(ClassLoader, String, String) - Constructor in GrailsBuildHelper
GrailsBuildListener - Interface in
Implement to receive events raised by the Grails build system.
GrailsByteArrayResource - Class in
Hacky version of the ByteArrayResource that implements the getURL() method, required for the resource to work with Spring's ServletContextResource.
GrailsByteArrayResource(byte[], String) - Constructor in GrailsByteArrayResource
grailsCentral() - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
GrailsClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Represents any class in a Grails application.
GrailsClassLoader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler
A GroovyClassLoader that supports reloading using inner class loaders
GrailsClassLoader(ClassLoader, CompilerConfiguration, GrailsResourceLoader) - Constructor in GrailsClassLoader
GrailsClassUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Utility methods for dealing with Grails class artifacts.
GrailsCodecClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Provides access to Codec classes.
GrailsCompiler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler
An extended version of the Groovy compiler that sets up the Grails ResourceLoader upon compilation.
GrailsConfig - Class in grails.util
General purpose Grails Configuration Utility for retieving configuration options with the ability to log warnings on type/constraint mismatch.
GrailsConfigurationAware - Interface in
Obtains the Grails ConfigObject via Spring.
GrailsConfigurationException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
@author Graeme Rocher
GrailsConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsConfigurationException
GrailsConfigUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context
A common class where shared configurational methods can reside.
GrailsContentBufferingResponse - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
GrailsContentBufferingResponse(HttpServletResponse, ContentProcessor, SiteMeshWebAppContext) - Constructor in GrailsContentBufferingResponse
GrailsContextEvent - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
Signals various events related to the Grails context loading.
GrailsContextEvent(WebApplicationContext, int) - Constructor in GrailsContextEvent
GrailsContextLoader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context
@author graemerocher
GrailsContextLoaderListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context
Extends the Spring default ContextLoader to load GrailsApplicationContext.
GrailsContextNamespaceHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.context.annotation
Provides custom implementation of component-scan that ignores Groovy closures.
GrailsControllerClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Represents a controller class in Grails.
GrailsControllerHandlerMapping - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Matches Grails' SimpleController class.
GrailsControllerHelper - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
Processes Grails controller requests and responses.
GrailsDataBinder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
A data binder that handles binding dates that are specified with a "struct"-like syntax in request parameters.
GrailsDataBinder(Object, String) - Constructor in GrailsDataBinder
Create a new GrailsDataBinder instance.
GrailsDataSource - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Represents a data source in Grails.
GrailsDataSourceException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Base exception for errors related to Grails data sources.
GrailsDataSourceException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsDataSourceException
GrailsDispatcherServlet - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Handles incoming requests for Grails.
GrailsDispatcherServlet() - Constructor in GrailsDispatcherServlet
GrailsDomainBinder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Handles the binding Grails domain classes and properties to the Hibernate runtime meta model.
GrailsDomainBinder.GrailsCollectionSecondPass(GrailsDomainClassProperty, Mappings, Collection) - Constructor in GrailsDomainBinder.GrailsCollectionSecondPass
GrailsDomainBinder.ListSecondPass(GrailsDomainClassProperty, Mappings, Collection) - Constructor in GrailsDomainBinder.ListSecondPass
GrailsDomainBinder.MapSecondPass(GrailsDomainClassProperty, Mappings, Collection) - Constructor in GrailsDomainBinder.MapSecondPass
GrailsDomainClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Represents a persistable Grails domain class.
GrailsDomainClassInjector - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
Mainly just a marker interface for implementations that perform injection on domain classes.
GrailsDomainClassProperty - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
A property of a GrailsDomainClass instance.
GrailsDomainClassValidator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
A specialised Spring validator that validates a domain class instance using the constraints defined in the static constraints closure.
GrailsDomainConfiguration - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
@author Graeme Rocher
GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Utility methods used in configuring the Grails Hibernate integration.
GrailsDomainException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Thrown when creation of the Grails domain from the Grails domain classes fails.
GrailsDomainException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsDomainException
GrailsException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Base class for all Grails exceptions that are not recoverable.
GrailsException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsException
GrailsExceptionResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.errors
Wraps any runtime exceptions with a GrailsWrappedException instance.
GrailsFiltersClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.filters
Interface that defines filter class which return a list of FilterConfig instances
GrailsFlashScope - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Grails implementation of Flash scope (@see org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.FlashScope).
GrailsFlowExecutorImpl - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.execution
@author Graeme Rocher
GrailsFlowExecutorImpl(FlowDefinitionLocator, FlowExecutionFactory, FlowExecutionRepository) - Constructor in GrailsFlowExecutorImpl
Create a new flow executor.
GrailsFlowHandlerAdapter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.mvc.servlet
Extends the default FlowHandlerAdapter in order to populate a valid Grails request.
GrailsFlowHandlerMapping - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.mvc.servlet
A HandlerMapping implementation that maps Grails controller classes onto flows.
GrailsFlowUrlHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.context.servlet
Changes the default FlowUrlHandler to take into account that Grails request run as part of a forward.
GrailsHibernateConfigurationException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.exceptions
Thrown when configuration Hibernate for GORM features.
GrailsHibernateConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsHibernateConfigurationException
GrailsHibernateDomainClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate
An implementation of the GrailsDomainClass interface that allows Classes mapped in Hibernate to integrate with Grails' validation, dynamic methods etc. seamlessly.
GrailsHibernateDomainClass(Class, SessionFactory, GrailsApplication, ClassMetadata, Map) - Constructor in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
Contructor to be used by all child classes to create a new instance and get the name right.
GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate
An implementation of the GrailsDomainClassProperty interface that allows Classes mapped in Hibernate to integrate with Grails' validation, dynamic methods etc. seamlessly.
GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty(GrailsHibernateDomainClass, String) - Constructor in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
GrailsHibernateException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.exceptions
Base exception class for errors related to Hibernate configuration in Grails.
GrailsHibernateException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsHibernateException
GrailsHibernateTransactionManager - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate
Extends the standard class to always set the flush mode to manual when in a read-only transaction.
GrailsHibernateUtil - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Utility methods for configuring Hibernate inside Grails.
grailsHome() - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
GrailsHTMLPageParser - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
GrailsHttpSession - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
An adapter class that takes a regular HttpSession and allows you to access it like a Groovy map.
GrailsHttpSession(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor in GrailsHttpSession
GrailsInjectionOperation - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.injection
A Groovy compiler operation that gets plugged into the GroovyClassLoader instance to add custom properties to classes at compile time.
GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
Implements the SiteMesh decorator mapper interface and allows grails views to map to grails layouts.
GrailsMetaClassUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Provides utility methods for working with the Groovy MetaClass API.
GrailsMock - Class in grails.test

Provides similar behaviour to MockFor and StubFor, but uses ExpandoMetaClass to mock the methods.

GrailsMock(Class, boolean) - Constructor in GrailsMock
Creates a new mock for the given class.
GrailsMockErrors - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.testing
A simple Spring Errors implementation that adds support for Groovy- style access to field errors.
GrailsMockErrors(def) - Constructor in GrailsMockErrors
GrailsMockHttpServletRequest - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.testing
A custom mock HTTP servlet request that provides the extra properties and methods normally injected by the "servlets" plugin.
GrailsMockHttpServletResponse - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.testing
Simple sub-class of Spring's MockHttpServletResponse that adds the left-shift operator, "<<".
GrailsMockHttpSession - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.testing
Simple sub-class of Spring's MockHttpSession that adds support for map and property notation, i.e.
GrailsMVCException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions
Thrown when an unrecoverable error occured in the Grails MVC framework.
GrailsMVCException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsMVCException
GrailsNameUtils - Class in grails.util
Utility methods for converting between different name types, for example from class names -> property names and vice-versa.
GrailsNoDecorator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
Grails version of Sitemesh's NoDecorator
GrailsOpenSessionInViewFilter - Class in
Uses the GrailsApplication sessionFactory to apply the filter.
GrailsOpenSessionInViewInterceptor - Class in
Extends the default spring OSIVI and doesn't flush the session if it has been set to MANUAL on the session itself.
GrailsPageFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
Extends the default page filter to overide the apply decorator behaviour if the page is a GSP
GrailsPageResponseWrapper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
@author Graeme Rocher
GrailsPageResponseWrapper.GrailsBuffer(PageParser, String, GSPSitemeshPage) - Constructor in GrailsPageResponseWrapper.GrailsBuffer
GrailsPageResponseWrapper(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, PageParserSelector) - Constructor in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
GrailsParameterMap - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
A parameter map class that allows mixing of request parameters and controller parameters.
GrailsParameterMap(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor in GrailsParameterMap
Creates a GrailsParameterMap populating from the given request object
GrailsPlaceholderConfigurer - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.cfg
Uses Grails' ConfigObject for place holder values.
GrailsPlugin - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins

Plugin interface that adds Spring org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinitions to a registry based on a GrailsApplication object.

GrailsPluginInfo - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Base interface that just contains information about a particular plugin.
GrailsPluginManager - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins

Handles the loading and management of plug-ins in the Grails system.

GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
A factory bean for loading the GrailsPluginManager instance.
grailsPlugins() - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
GrailsPluginsDirectoryResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
A resolver that resolves JAR files from plugin lib directories.
GrailsPluginsDirectoryResolver(BuildSettings, IvySettings) - Constructor in GrailsPluginsDirectoryResolver
GrailsPluginUtils - Class in
@deprecated Use GrailsUtil instead.
GrailsPrintWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
PrintWriter implementation that doesn't have synchronization.
GrailsPrintWriter(Writer) - Constructor in GrailsPrintWriter
GrailsQueryException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.exceptions
Base exception class for errors related to Domain class queries in Grails.
GrailsQueryException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsQueryException
GrailsReloadServletFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.filter
Copies resources from the source on content change and manages reloading if necessary.
grailsRepo(String, String) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
Defines a repository that uses Grails plugin repository format.
GrailsRepoResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
Overrides the default Ivy resolver to substitute the release tag in Grails' repository format prior to a resolve
GrailsRepoResolver(String, URL) - Constructor in GrailsRepoResolver
GrailsRequestContext - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Defines the methods and objects available during a Grails request context.
GrailsResourceHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
Holds references to all the Grails resource instances to support class reloading.
GrailsResourceLoader - Class in
Loads groovy files using Spring's IO abstraction.
GrailsResourceLoader(Resource[]) - Constructor in GrailsResourceLoader
GrailsResourceLoaderFactoryBean - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
A factory bean that constructs the Grails ResourceLoader used to load Grails classes.
GrailsResourceLoaderHolder - Class in
A holder for the GrailsResourceLoader object.
GrailsResourceUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Utility methods for working with Grails resources and URLs that represent artifacts within a Grails application.
GrailsRootLoader - Class in
A custom Groovy RootLoader that works around issue GROOVY-2303.
GrailsRootLoader() - Constructor in GrailsRootLoader
GrailsRoutablePrintWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.DestinationFactory - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
Factory to lazily instantiate the destination.
GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.NullWriter() - Constructor in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.NullWriter
GrailsRoutablePrintWriter(GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.DestinationFactory) - Constructor in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
GrailsRuntimeConfigurator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
Handles the runtime configuration of the Grails ApplicationContext.
GrailsRuntimeConfigurator(GrailsApplication, ApplicationContext) - Constructor in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
GrailsRuntimeException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Generic global runtime exception.
GrailsRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsRuntimeException
GrailsScriptRunner - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli
Handles Grails command line interface for running scripts.
GrailsScriptRunner(BuildSettings) - Constructor in GrailsScriptRunner
GrailsServiceClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Steven Devijver
GrailsStarter - Class in
@author Graeme Rocher
GrailsTag - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
Allows to tag implementation to be abstracted from the JSP custom tag spec.. hence allowing them to be used in direct method calls etc.
GrailsTagException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.exceptions
@author Graeme Rocher
GrailsTagException(String, Throwable, String, int) - Constructor in GrailsTagException
GrailsTagLibClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Represents a Grails tab library class.
GrailsTagRegistry - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
A registry for holding all Grails tag implementations.
GrailsTask - Class in grails.ant

Ant task for executing Grails scripts.

GrailsTemplateGenerator - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding
Defines methods for generating Grails artifacts from a domain class.
GrailsTestAutowirer - Class in
Convenience class to autowire test classes
GrailsTestAutowirer(ApplicationContext) - Constructor in GrailsTestAutowirer
GrailsTestCaseRunner - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.junit4.runner
GrailsTestCaseRunner(Class, GrailsTestMode, ApplicationContext, GrailsTestTargetPattern[]) - Constructor in GrailsTestCaseRunner
GrailsTestCaseRunnerBuilder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.junit4.runner
GrailsTestCaseRunnerBuilder(GrailsTestMode, ApplicationContext, GrailsTestTargetPattern[]) - Constructor in GrailsTestCaseRunnerBuilder
GrailsTestEnvironmentStatement - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.junit4.runner
GrailsTestEnvironmentStatement(Statement, Object, GrailsTestInterceptor) - Constructor in GrailsTestEnvironmentStatement
GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.event
GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter(PrintStream) - Constructor in GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter
GrailsTestEventPublisher - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.event
Publishes test related events to the Grails build system.
GrailsTestEventPublisher(Closure) - Constructor in GrailsTestEventPublisher
@param event the "event" closure from the Grails build system
GrailsTestInterceptor - Class in
GrailsTestInterceptor(Object, GrailsTestMode, ApplicationContext, String[]) - Constructor in GrailsTestInterceptor
GrailsTestMode - Class in
GrailsTestRequestEnvironmentInterceptor - Class in
Establishes a �mock� request environment suitable for running tests in.
GrailsTestRequestEnvironmentInterceptor(ApplicationContext) - Constructor in GrailsTestRequestEnvironmentInterceptor
GrailsTestTargetPattern - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test
A pattern passed to `grails test-app` that targets one or more tests and potentially a single method
GrailsTestTargetPattern(String) - Constructor in GrailsTestTargetPattern
GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor - Class in
Establishes a rollback only transaction for running a test in.
GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor(ApplicationContext) - Constructor in GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor
GrailsTestType - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test
Describes the contract that a test type must support to be runnable by `grails test-app`.
GrailsTestTypeResult - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test
Describes the outcome of running a test type.
GrailsTestTypeSupport - Class in
Provides a convenient base for GrailsTestType implementations.
GrailsTestTypeSupport(String, String) - Constructor in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Sets the name and relativeSourcePath
GrailsTokenizedHTMLPage - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
GrailsTokenizedHTMLPage(char[], CharArray, CharArray) - Constructor in GrailsTokenizedHTMLPage
GrailsUnitTestCase - Class in grails.test
Support class for writing unit tests in Grails.
GrailsUrlHandlerMapping - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
Handles URL mapping for Grails.
GrailsUrlMappingsClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Loads the UrlMappings.
GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase - Class in grails.test
@author Luke Daley
GrailsUrlPathHelper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Extends the default Spring UrlPathHelper and makes methods Grails path aware.
GrailsUtil - Class in grails.util
Grails utility methods for command line and GUI applications.
GrailsViewResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.view
Evaluates the existance of a view for different extensions choosing which one to delegate to.
GrailsViewResolver() - Constructor in GrailsViewResolver
GrailsWebApplicationContext - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
A WebApplicationContext that extends StaticApplicationContext to allow for programmatic configuration at runtime.
GrailsWebApplicationContext(DefaultListableBeanFactory, ApplicationContext) - Constructor in GrailsWebApplicationContext
GrailsWebRequest - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
Encapsulates a Grails request.
GrailsWebRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext) - Constructor in GrailsWebRequest
GrailsWebRequestFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
Binds a GrailsWebRequestFilter to the currently executing thread.
GrailsWebUtil - Class in grails.util
Utility methods for clients using the web framework.
GrailsWrappedRuntimeException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.errors
Wraps a Grails RuntimeException and attempts to extract more relevent diagnostic messages from the stack trace.
GrailsWrappedRuntimeException(ServletContext, Throwable) - Constructor in GrailsWrappedRuntimeException
@param servletContext The ServletContext instance
GREATER_THAN - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_PROPERTY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
GREATER_THAN_PROPERTY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
GROOVY_DISALLOWED - Field in GrailsDataBinder
GroovyAwareAspectJAwareAdvisorAutoProxyCreator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.aop.framework.autoproxy
Enables AspectJ weaving from the application context.
GroovyAwareInfrastructureAdvisorAutoProxyCreator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.aop.framework.autoproxy
Tells Spring always to proxy Groovy classes.
GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.proxy
@author Graeme Rocher
GroovyAwareJavassistProxyFactory - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.proxy
Hibernate's default proxying mechanism proxies Groovy's getMetaClass() method.
GroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersister - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.persister.entity
A customized EntityPersisteer that creates proxies valid for use with Groovy.
GroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersister(PersistentClass, EntityRegionAccessStrategy, SessionFactoryImplementor, Mapping) - Constructor in GroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersister
GroovyAwareNamedTransactionAttributeSource - Class in
@author Graeme Rocher
GroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersister - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.persister.entity
A customized EntityPersisteer that creates proxies valid for use with Groovy.
GroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersister(PersistentClass, EntityRegionAccessStrategy, SessionFactoryImplementor, Mapping) - Constructor in GroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersister
GroovyBeanMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.xml
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
GroovyCollectTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
GroovyDefTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
Allows defining of variables within the page context.
GroovyDynamicMethodsInterceptor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
For dynamic methods applied to a Groovy object that registers itself with the GroovyObject instances meta class instance.
GroovyDynamicMethodsInterceptor(GroovyObject) - Constructor in GroovyDynamicMethodsInterceptor
GroovyEachTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
@author Graeme Rocher
GroovyElseIfTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
GroovyElseTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
@author Graeme Rocher
GroovyFindAllTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
GroovyGrepTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
GroovyIfTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
GroovyPage - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
NOTE: Based on work done by on the GSP standalone project (
GroovyPage.ConstantClosure - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
GroovyPage.ConstantClosure(Object) - Constructor in GroovyPage.ConstantClosure
GroovyPage() - Method in GroovyPage
GroovyPageAttributes - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
Defines attributes passed to a GSP tag.
GroovyPageAttributes(Map) - Constructor in GroovyPageAttributes
GroovyPageBinding - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
GroovyPageBinding(String) - Constructor in GroovyPageBinding
GroovyPageCompiler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Used to compile GSP files into a specified target directory.
GroovyPageCompilerTask - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
An Ant task used for compiling GSP sources.
GroovyPageMetaInfo(Class) - Constructor in GroovyPageMetaInfo
GroovyPageOutputStack - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
GroovyPageOutputStack.GroovyPageProxyWriter() - Constructor in GroovyPageOutputStack.GroovyPageProxyWriter
GroovyPageParser - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
NOTE: Based on work done by the GSP standalone project (
GroovyPageParser(String, String, String, InputStream) - Method in GroovyPageParser
GroovyPageResourceLoader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
A StaticResourceLoader that loads GSPs from a local grails-app folder instead of from WEB-INF in development mode.
GroovyPagesException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.exceptions
Thrown when processing GSP pages.
GroovyPagesException(String) - Constructor in GroovyPagesException
GroovyPagesGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web
A Plugin that sets up and configures the GSP and GSP tag library support in Grails.
GroovyPagesJspFactory - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
GroovyPagesPageContext - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
A JSP PageContext implementation for use with GSP.
GroovyPagesPageContext() - Constructor in GroovyPagesPageContext
GroovyPagesServlet - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
NOTE: Based on work done by on the GSP standalone project (
GroovyPagesServlet() - Constructor in GroovyPagesServlet
GroovyPagesTemplateEngine - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Based on (but not extending) the existing TemplateEngine implementations within Groovy.
GroovyPagesTemplateEngine(ServletContext) - Constructor in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
GroovyPagesTestCase - Class in grails.test
A test harness that eases testing of GSP and tag libraries for Grails.
GroovyPagesUriService - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Provides methods to lookup URIs of views and templates.
GroovyPagesUriSupport - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Methods to establish template names, paths and so on.
GroovyPageTagBody - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
Represents the body of a tag and captures its output returning the result when invoked.
GroovyPageTagBody(Object, GrailsWebRequest, Closure, boolean) - Constructor in GroovyPageTagBody
GroovyPageTagWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
A temporary writer used by GSP to write to a StringWriter and later retrieve the value.
GroovyPageTagWriter(boolean) - Constructor in GroovyPageTagWriter
GroovyPageTemplate - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Knows how to make in instance of GroovyPageWritable.
GroovyPageTemplate(GroovyPageMetaInfo) - Constructor in GroovyPageTemplate
GroovyPageUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Methods to establish template names, paths and so on.
GroovyPageView - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.view
A Spring View that renders Groovy Server Pages to the reponse.
GroovyPageWritable(GroovyPageMetaInfo) - Constructor in GroovyPageWritable
GroovySyntaxTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib

A tag type that gets translated directly into Groovy syntax by the GSP parser.

GroovyUnlessTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
GroovyWhileTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
@author Graeme Rocher
groupProperty(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria's result to be grouped by a property
GSCRIPT - Field in Tokens
GSP_SITEMESH_PAGE - Field in GrailsPageFilter
GSP_SUFFIX - Field in GrailsViewResolver
GSP_TEMPLATE_ENGINE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
GSP_TMP_WRITER - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
GSP_TO_RENDER - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
GSPResponseWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
NOTE: Based on work done by on the GSP standalone project (
GSPSitemeshPage - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh
Grails/GSP specific implementation of Sitemesh's AbstractHTMLPage
GSPWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
A PrintWriter used in the generation of GSP pages that allows printing to the target output stream and maintains a record of the current line number during usage.
GSPWriter(Writer, GroovyPageParser) - Constructor in GSPWriter
GSTART_TAG - Field in Tokens
gt(String, Object) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "greater than" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
GTAG_EXPR - Field in Tokens
gtProperty(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is greater than the second property


handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in GrailsFlowHandlerAdapter
handleAction(GroovyObject, Closure, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Map) - Method in GrailsControllerHelper
Handles a Controller action.
handleAction(GroovyObject, Closure, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Map) - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
handleActionResponse(GroovyObject, Object, String, String) - Method in GrailsControllerHelper
Processes an action response for the specified arguments.
handleActionResponse(GroovyObject, Object, String, String) - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
handleBinding(SimpleNamingContextBuilder, String, Map) - Method in JndiBindingHandler
Handles the action binding
handleBinding(SimpleNamingContextBuilder, String, Map) - Method in JndiBindingSupport.DataSourceBinder
handleCircularRelationship(Object) - Method in JSON
handleCircularRelationship(Object) - Method in XML
handleDataAccessException(HibernateTemplate, DataAccessException) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
Session should no longer be flushed after a data access exception occurs (such a constriant violation)
handleException(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Exception, Writer, GroovyPagesTemplateEngine) - Method in GroovyPagesServlet
Performs exception handling by attempting to render the Errors view
handleException(Exception, Writer, GroovyPagesTemplateEngine, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in GroovyPageView
Performs exception handling by attempting to render the Errors view.
handleIOException(IOException) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
handleLazyProxy(GrailsDomainClass, GrailsDomainClassProperty) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
This method overrides a getter on a property that is a Hibernate proxy in order to make sure the initialized object is returned hence avoiding Hibernate proxy hell
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in BlockQuoteFilter
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in BoldFilter
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in CodeFilter
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in HeaderFilter
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in ImageFilter
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in ItalicFilter
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in LinkTestFilter
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in ListFilter
handleMatch(StringBuffer, MatchResult, FilterContext) - Method in TextileLinkFilter
handlePageException(Throwable) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
handlerData - Field in DefaultArtefactInfo
handleRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in SimpleGrailsController

Wraps regular request and response objects into Grails request and response objects.

handleSimpleTag(SimpleTag, Map, GroovyPagesPageContext, Writer, Closure) - Method in JspTagImpl
handleURI(String, GrailsWebRequest, Map) - Method in GrailsControllerHelper
Handles a Grails URI
handleURI(String, GrailsWebRequest, Map) - Method in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
handleValidationError(Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractSavePersistentMethod
Sets the flush mode to manual. which ensures that the database changes are not persisted to the database if a validation error occurs.
HAS_ERRORS_METHOD - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
has(String) - Method in JSONObject
Determine if the JSONObject contains a specific key.
HAS_MANY - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
HAS_ONE - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
hasApplicationDependencies() - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Returns true if the application has any dependencies that are not inherited from the framework or other plugins
hasAppliedConstraint(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param constraintName The name of the constraint to check
hasArtefactHandler(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
hasArtefactHandler(String) - Method in GrailsApplication

Test whether an artefact handler exists for a given type

hasChunk() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
hasCompilationErrors() - Method in GrailsClassLoader
hasDependency(String, String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Tests whether the given group and name are defined in the list of dependencies
hasGrailsPlugin(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
hasGrailsPlugin(String) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
@param name The name of the plugin
hashCode() - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
hashCode() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
hashCode() - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService.ControllerObjectKey
hashCode() - Method in DefaultGroovyPagesUriService.TupleStringKey
hashCode() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingKey
hashCode() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingsListKey
hashCode() - Method in GroovyPageAttributes
hashCode(Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
hashCode() - Method in JSONObject
hashCode() - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
hashCode() - Method in MimeType
hashCode() - Method in PagedResultList
hashCode() - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver.ViewKey
hashCode() - Method in SoftKey
hashCode() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
hashCode() uses String's hashCode to support compatibility with String instances in maps, sets, etc.
hashCode() - Method in TypeConvertingMap
hashCode() - Method in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
hashCode() - Method in UrlCreatorCache.UrlCreatorKey
hasMetadata() - Method in DocumentationContext
hasMetaMethod(String, Object[]) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
hasMetaProperty(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
hasModifiedMetaClass(ExpandoMetaClass) - Method in MetadataGeneratingMetaClassCreationHandle
hasNamespace(String) - Method in TagLibraryLookup
Returns whether the given namespace is in use
hasOrInheritsProperty(ClassNode, String) - Method in GrailsASTUtils
hasPersistentProperty(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
hasPersistentProperty(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
hasPersistentProperty(String) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns true if this domain class has a persistent property for the given name
hasPersistentProperty(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
hasProperty(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
hasProperty(String) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Returns true if the bean config has the name property set.
hasProperty(String) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
hasProperty(ClassNode, String) - Method in GrailsASTUtils
Returns whether a classNode has the specified property or not
hasProperty(String) - Method in GrailsClass
Returns true if the class has the specified property.
hasRegisteredConstraint(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
hasReloadLocation() - Method in Environment
@return Whether a reload location is specified
hasRuntimeVariable(String) - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
hasRuntimeVariable(String) - Method in UrlMapping
Whether the mapping has a runtime variable with the given name such as "/$foo"
hasSubClasses() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
hasSubClasses() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
hasSubClasses() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns true if the domain classes has sub classes
hasSubClasses() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
hasTag(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsTagLibClass
hasTag(String) - Method in GrailsTagLibClass
@param tagName The name of the tag
HEADER_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE - Field in HiddenHttpMethodFilter
HeaderFilter - Class in grails.doc.filters
@author Graeme Rocher
HeaderFilter() - Constructor in HeaderFilter
HEX_CHAR - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
HEX_ESC - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
HEX - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
HEX_STATE - Field in JsonParserConstants
Lexical state.
HexCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
HIBERNATE_PROPERTIES_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
HibernateBeanWrapper - Class in
BeanWrapper implementaion that will not lazy initialize entity properties.
HibernateBeanWrapper(Object, String, Object) - Constructor in HibernateBeanWrapper
HibernateCriteriaBuilder - Class in grails.orm

Wraps the Hibernate Criteria API in a builder.

HibernateCriteriaBuilder(Class, SessionFactory, boolean) - Constructor in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
hibernateCustomUserType(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean - Class in
@author Steven Devijver
HibernateDomainClassValidator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.validation
First checks if the Hibernate PersistentCollection instance has been initialised before bothering to cascade.
HibernateEventListeners - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate
HibernateMappingBuilder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
A builder that implements the ORM mapping DSL constructing a model that can be evaluated by the GrailsDomainBinder class which maps GORM classes onto the database
HibernateMappingBuilder(String) - Constructor in HibernateMappingBuilder
Constructor for builder
HibernateNamedQueriesBuilder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
A builder that implements the ORM named queries DSL.
HibernateNamedQueriesBuilder(def, def, def) - Constructor in HibernateNamedQueriesBuilder
@param domainClass the GrailsDomainClass defining the named queries
HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor - Class in
@author Graeme Rocher
HibernatePluginSupport - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.orm.hibernate
Used by HibernateGrailsPlugin to implement the core parts of GORM.
HibernateProxyHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.proxy
Implementation of the ProxyHandler interface for Hibernate.
hiddenFieldImpl(def, def) - Method in FormTagLib
HiddenHttpMethodFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.filters
Based off the Spring implementation, but this one works with Grails params object and also deals with the X-HTTP-Method-Override HTTP header.
HiddenHttpMethodFilter.HttpMethodRequestWrapper(String, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor in HiddenHttpMethodFilter.HttpMethodRequestWrapper
HOST - Field in HttpHeaders
HTML_DATA_POSTFIX - Field in GroovyPageMetaInfo
HTML - Field in Tokens
HTMLCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
A codec that encodes and decodes strings to and from HTML.
HttpHeaders - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Constants for HTTP headers.


I18nGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.i18n
A plugin that configures Grails' internationalisation support.
ID_EQUALS - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
id(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Configures the identity strategy for the mapping.

ID_PARAM - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
ID_PARAMETER - Field in GrailsWebRequest
Identity - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Defines the identity generation strategy.
IDENTITY - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
IDENTITY - Field in HttpHeaders
IdentityEnumType - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Hibernate Usertype that enum values by their ID.
IdentityPluginFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
No-op implementation of PluginFilter.
IF_MATCH - Field in HttpHeaders
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Field in HttpHeaders
IF_NONE_MATCH - Field in HttpHeaders
IF_RANGE - Field in HttpHeaders
IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE - Field in HttpHeaders
IGNORED - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
ILIKE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
image - Field in Token
The string image of the token.
ImageFilter - Class in grails.doc
ImageFilter() - Constructor in ImageFilter
ImmutableConverterConfiguration - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
Immutable Converter Configuration.
ImmutableConverterConfiguration(ConverterConfiguration, ProxyHandler) - Constructor in ImmutableConverterConfiguration
implementsOrInheritsZeroArgMethod(ClassNode, String, List) - Method in GrailsASTUtils
implementsZeroArgMethod(ClassNode, String) - Method in GrailsASTUtils
Tests whether the ClasNode implements the specified method name.
importBeans(String) - Method in BeanBuilder
Imports Spring bean definitions from either XML or Groovy sources into the current bean builder instance
IN - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
IN_LIST_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
inBuf - Field in SimpleCharStream
include(String, boolean) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
IncludedContent - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
Represents some content that has been used in an include request.
IncludedContent(String) - Constructor in IncludedContent
includeForUrl(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Map) - Method in WebUtils
Includes the given URL returning the resulting content as a String
includeForUrlMappingInfo(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, UrlMappingInfo, Map) - Method in WebUtils
Include whatever the given UrlMappingInfo maps to within the current response
IncludeResponseWrapper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
Response wrapper used to capture the content of a response (such as within in an include).
IncludeResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor in IncludeResponseWrapper
includes(Closure) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
Include another config in this one
IncludingPluginFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Implementation of PluginFilter which ensures that only the supplied plugins (identified by name) as well as their dependencies are included in the filtered plugin list.
IncludingPluginFilter(String[]) - Constructor in IncludingPluginFilter
IncompatibleParameterCountException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions
Thrown when a closure has an incompatible parameter count for a controller implementation.
IncompatibleParameterCountException(Throwable) - Constructor in IncompatibleParameterCountException
incrementVersion(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Increments the entities version number in order to force an update
INDEX_ACTION - Field in GrailsControllerClass
The name of the index action.
indexOf(Object) - Method in JSONArray
indexOf(Object) - Method in ListOrderedSet
indexOf(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
InetAddressValidator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.routines

InetAddress validation and conversion routines (

INFLUENCES - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that defines a list of plugin names that this plugin influences.
info(Object[]) - Method in Log4jConfig
info(Object[]) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
informObservers(String, Map) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
informObservers(String, Map) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
inform the specified plugins observers of the event specified by the passed Map instance
informOfClassChange(Class) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
informOfClassChange(Class) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Method for handling changes to a class and triggering on change events etc.
informParameterCreationListeners() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Informs any parameter creation listeners.
informPluginsOfConfigChange() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
inherit(boolean) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
inherits(String) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
init() - Method in DocEngine
init() - Method in GORMNamespaceHandler
init() - Method in GrailsContextNamespaceHandler
init(Config, Properties, DecoratorMapper) - Method in GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper
init(FilterConfig) - Method in GrailsPageFilter
init(Map) - Method in GrailsTag
init() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
init(String) - Method in GrailsTestRequestEnvironmentInterceptor
Establishes a mock request environment
init() - Method in GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor
Establishes a transaction.
init() - Method in GroovyPage
init(Map) - Method in GroovySyntaxTag
init() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
init() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
init() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Called to intialisation the persistent context.
init(Map) - Method in RequestContextTag
initCodec() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
initConfig(ConfigObject, ResourceLoader, ClassLoader) - Method in ConfigurationHelper
Loads external configuration and merges with ConfigObject
initConfig() - Method in JSON
initConfig() - Method in XML
initDecoratorSelector(SiteMeshWebAppContext) - Method in GrailsPageFilter
initFilterBean() - Method in GrailsReloadServletFilter
initFilterBean() - Method in GrailsWebRequestFilter
initFilterBean() - Method in UrlMappingsFilter
initFrameworkServlet() - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
initFrameworkServlet() - Method in GroovyPagesServlet
initialise() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
initialise() - Method in GrailsApplication
Initialise this GrailsApplication.
initialiseApplicationContext() - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
Initialises the ApplicationContext instance.
initialised - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
initialize(ArtefactInfo) - Method in ArtefactHandler

Called whenever the list of artefacts has changed or been reloaded.

initialize(ArtefactInfo) - Method in ArtefactHandlerAdapter
Sets up the relationships between the domain classes, this has to be done after the intial creation to avoid looping.
initialize(ArtefactInfo) - Method in ControllerArtefactHandler
initialize() - Method in ConvertersConfigurationInitializer
initialize(Object) - Method in DefaultProxyHandler
initialize() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
initialize() - Method in DocPublisher
initialize(ArtefactInfo) - Method in DomainClassArtefactHandler
Sets up the relationships between the domain classes, this has to be done after the intial creation to avoid looping
initialize() - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
initialize() - Method in GrailsWebRequestFilter
initialize(Servlet, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, String, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
initialize(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
initialize(Object) - Method in ProxyHandler
Initializes an existing uninitialized proxy instance.
initialize(ArtefactInfo) - Method in TagLibArtefactHandler
Creates a map of tags (keyed on "${namespace}:${tagName}") to tag libraries.
initializeBeanBuilderForClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in BeanBuilder
initializeDomain(Class) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
initializeSpringConfig() - Method in BeanBuilder
initialValue() - Method in DocumentationContextThreadLocal
initialValue() - Method in SoftThreadLocalMap
Creates an initial value of a Map
initialValue() - Method in ThreadLocalMap
initRequestEnvironmentIfNecessary(Closure) - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
initRun(Writer, GrailsWebRequest, Class) - Method in GroovyPage
initStrategies(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
initTransactionIfNecessary() - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
InjectableGrailsClass - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Represents a Grails class that is to be configured in Spring and as such is injectable.
inList(String, Object[]) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Delegates to in as in is a Groovy keyword
InListConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
A constraint that validates the property is contained within the supplied list.
input_stream - Field in JsonParserTokenManager
inputStream - Field in SimpleCharStream
installPlugin(URL, boolean) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
Installs a plugin from the given URL
installPlugins(List) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
Installs a list of plugins
installPluginZipInternal(String, String, File, boolean, boolean) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
InstanceMethodBasedMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.xml
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
Interceptor - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Implementers of this interface can be registered in the ProxyMetaClass for notifications about method calls for objects managed by the ProxyMetaClass.
interceptor - Field in ProxyMetaClass
interceptors - Field in GrailsDispatcherServlet
INVALID_SUFFIX - Field in ConstrainedProperty
invalidate() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
InvalidPropertyException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Thrown when a property of a Grails class is invalidated.
InvalidPropertyException(Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidPropertyException
InvalidResponseHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
InvalidResponseHandler() - Constructor in InvalidResponseHandler
invalidToken(Closure) - Method in AbstractTokenResponseHandler
invalidToken(Closure) - Method in TokenResponseHandler
Specify behavior in the event of an invalid token.
invalidTokenInternal(Closure) - Method in AbstractTokenResponseHandler
invalidTokenInternal(Closure) - Method in InvalidResponseHandler
invalidTokenInternal(Closure) - Method in ValidResponseHandler
InvalidUriException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions
Thrown when a controller cannot make sense of the URI it has to handle.
InvalidUriException(Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidUriException
InvalidVersionException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Throw when a specified version number is invalid.
InvalidVersionException(Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidVersionException
InvocationCallback - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
@author Steven Devijver
invoke(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation
invoke(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod
invoke(Class, String, Object[]) - Method in AbstractStaticMethodInvocation
invoke(Class, String, Closure, Object[]) - Method in AbstractStaticPersistentMethod
invoke(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in BindDynamicMethod
invoke(def, Map) - Method in ChainMethod
invoke(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod
invoke(Class, String, Object[]) - Method in CreateDynamicMethod
invoke(Class, Object[]) - Method in DynamicConstructor
Invokes the dynamic constructor.
invoke(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in DynamicMethodInvocation
Invokes the actual method.
invoke(Object, Method, Method, Object[]) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
invoke(Writer) - Method in JspFragmentImpl
invoke(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in RedirectDynamicMethod
invoke(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in RenderDynamicMethod
invoke(Class, String, Object[]) - Method in StaticMethodInvocation
Invokes the actual method.
invokeBeanDefiningClosure(Closure) - Method in BeanBuilder
When an methods argument is only a closure it is a set of bean definitions
invokeBeanDefiningMethod(String, Object[]) - Method in BeanBuilder
This method is called when a bean definition node is called
invokeBeforeValidate(Object, List) - Method in BeforeValidateHelper
invokeConstructor(Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
invokeConstructor(Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in DynamicMethods
Attempts to invoke a dynamic constructor.
invokeConstructor(Object[]) - Method in DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass
invokeConstructor(Object[]) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
Call invokeConstructor on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
invokeMethod(Object, String, Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in BeanBuilder
This method overrides method invocation to create beans for each method name that takes a class argument
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference.WrappedPropertyValue
invokeMethod(String, def) - Method in ClosureInvokingAction
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in ClosureToMapPopulator
invokeMethod(String, def) - Method in ControllerDelegate
invokes a method as an action if possible
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication

Overrides method invocation to return dynamic artefact methods.

invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in DemandProxy
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in DynamicElementReader
invokeMethod(Object, String, Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in DynamicMethods
Attempts to invoke a dynamic method with the specified name and arguments.
invokeMethod(Class, Object, String, Object[], boolean, boolean) - Method in DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass
invokeMethod(String, def) - Method in FlowBuilder
invokeMethod(String, def) - Method in FormatInterceptor
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in GroovyPage
Allows invoking of taglibs as method calls with simple bodies.
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
invokeMethod(String, def) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in JSONBuilder
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in JspTagLibImpl
Overrides invoke method so tags can be invoked as methods
invokeMethod(String, def) - Method in NamespacedTagDispatcher
invokeMethod(Class, Object, String, Object[], boolean, boolean) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
Call invokeMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
invokeMethodAsEvent(String, def) - Method in ActionDelegate
invokeOriginalAsTypeMethod(Object, Class) - Method in ConverterUtil
invokeStaticMethod(Object, String, Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
invokeStaticMethod(Object, String, Object[], InvocationCallback) - Method in DynamicMethods
Attempts to invoke a dynamic static method with the specified name and arguments.
invokeStaticMethod(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass
Either invokes a intercepted dyanmic static method or the adapted original MetaClass.
invokeStaticMethod(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
Call invokeStaticMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
invokeTag(String, String, int, Map, Closure) - Method in GroovyPage
IS_EMPTY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
IS_NOT_EMPTY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
IS_NOT_NULL - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
IS_NULL - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
isActive() - Method in DocumentationContext
isActive() - Method in GrailsContentBufferingResponse
isActive() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Whether the web request is still active
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyCollectTag
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyConditionalTag
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyDefTag
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyEachTag
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyElseIfTag
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyElseTag
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyFindAllTag
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyGrepTag
isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovySyntaxTag

Tags must return the correct value to indicate whether or not non-whitespace content is permitted before this tag.

isAllowPrecedingContent() - Method in GroovyWhileTag
isAllowUnwrappingOut() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
isAllowUnwrappingOut() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
tell others if getOut() can be called to "unwrap" the actual target writer
isApplicationClass(String) - Method in GrailsUtil
isArgumentsMatch(Object[]) - Method in AbstractDynamicConstructor
@return True if the arguments types match those specified in the constructor
isArgumentsMatch(Object[]) - Method in DynamicConstructor
Test whether the specified arguments match this constructor.
isArtefact(Class) - Method in ArtefactHandler

Called by the GrailsApplication whenever it needs to know if a given class is considered to be the kind of artefact represented by this handler.

isArtefact(Class) - Method in ArtefactHandlerAdapter
isArtefact(Class) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Returns true if the given class is an artefact identified by one of the registered ArtefactHandler instances.
isArtefact(Class) - Method in GrailsApplication

Call this to find out if the class you have is an artefact loaded by grails.

isArtefactClass(Class) - Method in AnnotationDomainClassArtefactHandler
isArtefactClass(Class) - Method in ArtefactHandlerAdapter

Checks that class's name ends in the suffix specified for this handler.

isArtefactClass(Class) - Method in CodecArtefactHandler
isArtefactClass(Class) - Method in DomainClassArtefactHandler
isArtefactClass(Class) - Method in ServiceArtefactHandler
isArtefactGrailsClass(GrailsClass) - Method in ArtefactHandler

Called to check if the specified GrailsClass is one managed by this artefact handler

isArtefactGrailsClass(GrailsClass) - Method in ArtefactHandlerAdapter
isArtefactOfType(String, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Returns true if the specified class name is of the given artefact type as defined by the ArtefactHandler.
isArtefactOfType(String, String) - Method in GrailsApplication

Check if the artefact Class with the name specified is of the type expected

isAssignableOrConvertibleFrom(Class, Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns true if the specified clazz parameter is either the same as, or is a superclass or superinterface of, the specified type parameter.
isAssociation() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isAssociation() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if this property is a relationship property.
isAssociation() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isAutoFlush() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.ConnectedWriter
isAutoValidationDisabled(Object) - Method in AbstractSavePersistentMethod
isBase - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
isBasePlugin() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
isBasePlugin() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Returns whether this plugin is loaded from the current plugin.
isBasicCollectionType() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isBasicCollectionType() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Return whether this is a collection of basic types like String, Integer etc.
isBasicCollectionType() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isBasicType(Class) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
isBidirectional(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
isBidirectional() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isBidirectional(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
isBidirectional(String) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns true if the given property is a bi-directional relationship
isBidirectional() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if the property is a bi-directional relationship.
isBidirectional(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
isBidirectional() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isBlank() - Method in BlankConstraint
isBlank() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the blank.
isBlank(String) - Method in GrailsNameUtils

Determines whether a given string is null, empty, or only contains whitespace.

isBlockClose() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
isBlockFlush() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
isBodyTag() - Method in JspTag
@return Return true if the tag class implements the BodyTag interface
isBodyTag() - Method in JspTagImpl
isCacheQueriesByDefault() - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
isCacheResources() - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
isCase(Object) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
isChunkSizeResizeable() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
isCircular() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isCircular() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Whether the relationship is cirucular.
isCircular() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isClassBelowPackage(Class, List) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns whether the specified class is either within one of the specified packages or within a subpackage of one of the packages
isClosed() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferOutputStream
isClosed() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
isCommandObjectAction(Closure) - Method in WebMetaUtils
Checks whether the given action is a command object action
isCommitted() - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
isConfigTrue(Object, String) - Method in GrailsConfigUtils
isConnectedMode() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
isConverterClass(Class) - Method in ConverterUtil
isCreditCard() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the creditCard.
isDependentOn(GrailsPlugin, String) - Method in BasePluginFilter
Checks whether a plugin is dependent on another plugin with the specified name
isDevelopmentEnv() - Method in GrailsUtil
Retrieves whether the current execution environment is the development one.
isDevelopmentMode() - Method in Environment
Returns true if the application is running in development mode (within grails run-app)
isDisplay() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the display.
isDomainClass(Class) - Method in ConverterUtil
isDomainClass(ClassNode, SourceUnit) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassInjector
isDomainClass(Class) - Method in DomainClassArtefactHandler
isDomainClass(URL) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
Checks whether the file referenced by the given url is a domain class
isDynamicAttribute(String) - Method in RenderInputTag
isEditable() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the editable.
isEmail() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the email.
isEmbedded() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isEmbedded() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if this propert is an embedded component.
isEmbedded() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isEmpty() - Method in GrailsFlashScope
isEmpty() - Method in GrailsMockErrors
isEmpty() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
isEmpty() - Method in JSONArray
isEmpty() - Method in JSONObject
isEmpty() - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
isEmpty() - Method in PagedResultList
isEmpty() - Method in TypeConvertingMap
isEnabled() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
isEnabled() - Method in GrailsPlugin
@return Whether the plugin is enabled or not
isEnabled() - Method in IdentityEnumType
isEnabled() - Method in StringCharArrayAccessor
isEnum() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isEnum() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if this properties type is an enum.
isEnum() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isExcluded(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
isExcludedClass(Class) - Method in MetadataGeneratingMetaClassCreationHandle
isExcludedFromDependencyCheck(PropertyDescriptor) - Method in ReloadAwareAutowireCapableBeanFactory
isExcludedFromPlugin(DependencyDescriptor, ArtifactId) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
isExpired() - Method in GroovyPageView
isExportedToApplication() - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
Whether the dependency should be exposed to the application
isFinalTargetHere() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
isFlowAction(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
isFlowAction(String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Returns true if the given action name is a flow action.
isFlowRequest() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Returns true if the current executing request is a flow request
isGet() - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
isGetter(String, Class[]) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns true if the name of the method specified and the number of arguments make it a javabean property
isGlobalPluginLocation(Resource) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
isGlobalPluginLocation(Resource) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns true if the specified plugin directory is a global plugin.
isGrailsPath(String) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
Checks whether the specified path is a Grails path.
isGrailsResource(Resource) - Method in GrailsResourceUtils
isGroovyAssignableFrom(Class, Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils

Tests whether or not the left hand type is compatible with the right hand type in Groovy terms, i.e. can the left type be assigned a value of the right hand type in Groovy.

isGspSitemeshActive() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
isHasOne() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
@return True if the foreign key in a one-to-one is stored in the parent
isHasOne() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
isHasOne() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isHttpMethodAllowedForAction(GroovyObject, String, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
isHttpMethodAllowedForAction(GroovyObject, String, String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Checks to see if an action is accessible via a particular http method.
isIdentity() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isIdentity() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true of the property is an identifier.
isIdentity() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isInClosure() - Method in GroovyPageParser
isIncludeRuntimeClasspath() - Method in GrailsTask
isIncludeVersion() - Method in DomainClassMarshaller
isInherited() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isInherited() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Whether the property is inherited from a super class.
isInherited() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isInitialised() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
@return the initialised
isInitialised() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
isInitialised() - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns whether this GrailsApplication has been initialised or not.
isInitialised() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
@return the initialised
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in DefaultProxyHandler
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Checks whether an associated property is initialized and returns true if it is
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
isInitialized(Object, String) - Method in ProxyHandler
Tests whether an association of the given object has been initialized.
isInlinePluginLocation(File) - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
Returns true if the specified plugin location is an inline location.
isInlinePluginLocation(Resource) - Method in PluginBuildSettings
Returns true if the specified plugin location is an inline location.
isInterceptedAfter(GroovyObject, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
isInterceptedAfter(GroovyObject, String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Checks whether the specified action is intercepted after for the specified controller instance.
isInterceptedBefore(GroovyObject, String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
isInterceptedBefore(GroovyObject, String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Checks whether the specified action is intercepted for the specified controller instance.
isInvoked() - Method in InvocationCallback
isIterationTag() - Method in JspTag
@return Return true if the tag class implements the IterationTag interface
isIterationTag() - Method in JspTagImpl
isJdk5Enum(Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Checks whether the given class is a JDK 1.5 enum or not
isJPADomainClass(Class) - Method in AnnotationDomainClassArtefactHandler
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyCollectTag
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyConditionalTag
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyDefTag
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyEachTag
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyElseIfTag
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyElseTag
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyFindAllTag
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyGrepTag
isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovySyntaxTag

Tags must return the correct value to indicate whether or not whitespace before this tag should be kept in the output.

isKeepPrecedingWhiteSpace() - Method in GroovyWhileTag
isLoggingSql() - Method in GrailsDataSource
Whether SQL logging is enabled
isManyToMany() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isManyToMany() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if the property is a many-to-many relationship.
isManyToMany() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isManyToOne(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
isManyToOne() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isManyToOne(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
isManyToOne(String) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns true if the given property is a many to one relationship
isManyToOne() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if the property is a many-to-one relationship.
isManyToOne(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
isManyToOne() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isMatch(String, String) - Method in GroovyAwareNamedTransactionAttributeSource
isMatchBetweenPrimativeAndWrapperTypes(Class, Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Detect if left and right types are matching types.
isMethodMatch(String) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation
isMethodMatch(String) - Method in AbstractStaticMethodInvocation
isMethodMatch(String) - Method in ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod
isMethodMatch(String) - Method in DynamicMethodInvocation
Checks if a method name matches the criteria of the implementation class.
isMethodMatch(String) - Method in StaticMethodInvocation
Checks if a method name matches the criteria of the implementation class.
isMethodTargeting() - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
isMutable() - Method in IdentityEnumType
isNew() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
isNotConfigurational(PropertyDescriptor) - Method in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
Checks whether is property is configurational.
isNotInlinePluginLocation(File) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
Check to see if the plugin directory is in plugins home.
isNull(int) - Method in JSONArray
Determine if the value is null.
isNull(String) - Method in JSONObject
Determine if the value associated with the key is null or if there is no value.
isNullable() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the nullable.
isNullable() - Method in NullableConstraint
isOneToMany(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
isOneToMany() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isOneToMany(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
isOneToMany(String) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Returns true if the given property is a one to many relationship
isOneToMany() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if the property is a one-to-many relationship.
isOneToMany(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
isOneToMany() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isOneToOne() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isOneToOne() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if the property is a one-to-one relationship.
isOneToOne() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isOpen() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
isOpen() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
isOpen() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Checks whether the persistence context is open.
isOptional() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isOptional(int) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingData
isOptional() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if the property is required.
isOptional() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isOptional(int) - Method in ResponseCodeMappingData
isOptional(int) - Method in UrlMappingData
Returns whether the given token in the URL is optional.
isOwningClass(Class) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
isOwningClass(Class) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
isOwningClass(Class) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
@param domainClass
isOwningClass(Class) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
isOwningSide() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isOwningSide() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Whether this side of the association is the "owning" side.
isOwningSide() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isParsingRequest() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
isParsingRequest() - Method in ForwardUrlMappingInfo
isParsingRequest() - Method in UrlMappingInfo
Returns true of the request body should be parsed.
isPassword() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
isPersistent() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
isPersistent() - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Returns true if the domain class property is a persistent property.
isPersistent() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
isPluginConfiguredByApplication(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
isPluginTransitive(String) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
Returns whether a plugin is transitive
isPooled() - Method in GrailsDataSource
True is connection pooling is enabled.
isPost() - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
isPrecompiledMode() - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
isPreferSubChunkWhenWritingToOtherBuffer() - Method in GroovyPageTagBody
isPreferSubChunkWhenWritingToOtherBuffer() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
isPrettyPrint() - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration
isPrettyPrint() - Method in ConverterConfiguration
Lookup method whether the converter should default to pretty printed output
isPrettyPrint() - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
isPrettyPrint() - Method in ImmutableConverterConfiguration
@see ConverterConfiguration#isPrettyPrint()
isPropertyInherited(Class, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Checks whether the specified property is inherited from a super class
isPropertyMatch(String) - Method in AbstractDynamicProperty
isPropertyMatch(String) - Method in DynamicProperty
Whether the target class contains the specified property
isPropertyOfType(Class, String, Class) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Returns true if the specified property in the specified class is of the specified type
isPrototype(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
isProxy(Object) - Method in DefaultProxyHandler
isProxy(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
isProxy(Object) - Method in ProxyHandler
Returns true if the specified object is a proxy.
isPublicField(Object, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Work out if the specified object has a public field with the name supplied.
isPublicStatic(Field) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
Determine whether the field is declared public static
isReadableProperty(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
isReadableProperty(String) - Method in ClassPropertyFetcher
isReloadEnabled() - Method in Environment
@return Returns whether reload is enabled for the environment
isReloadEnabled() - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Return whether reload is enabled for the GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
isRenderDomainClassRelations() - Method in DeepDomainClassMarshaller
isRenderDomainClassRelations() - Method in DomainClassMarshaller
isRenderView() - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@return True if the view for this GrailsWebRequest should be rendered
isRequestContextTag(String) - Method in GrailsTagRegistry
isReservedName(String) - Method in GroovyPage
Return whether the given name cannot be used within the binding of a GSP
isRestfulMapping() - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
isRestfulMapping() - Method in UrlMapping
@return Whether this is a RESTful mapping
isRoot() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
isRoot() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
isRoot() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Whether the class is the root of a heirarchy
isRoot() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
isSetter(String, Class[]) - Method in GrailsClassUtils
isSingleBuffer() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunk
isSingleBuffer() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StringChunk
isSingleton() - Method in BeanConfiguration
@return True if the bean is singleton
isSingleton() - Method in ControllerFlowRegistry
isSingleton() - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
isSingleton() - Method in GrailsApplicationFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in GrailsResourceLoaderFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
isSingleton(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
isSingleton() - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in UrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean
isSitemeshActive() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
isSnapshot(String) - Method in VersionComparator
isStaticProperty(Class, String) - Method in GrailsClassUtils

Work out if the specified property is readable and static.

isSupportedInConfiguration(String) - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
isSyntaxTag(String) - Method in GrailsTagRegistry
isSystemSet() - Method in Environment
@return Return true if the environment has been set as a Systme property
isTokenValid(HttpServletRequest) - Method in WithFormMethod
Checks whether the token in th request is valid.
isTransactional() - Method in DefaultGrailsServiceClass
isTransactional() - Method in GrailsServiceClass
Service should be configured with transaction demarcation.
isTransactional(def) - Method in GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor
A test is non transactional if it defines an instance or static property name 'transactional' with a value of false.
isTryCatchFinallyTag() - Method in JspTag
@return Return true if the tag class implements the TryCatchFinally interface
isTryCatchFinallyTag() - Method in JspTagImpl
isTypeMatch(String, Class) - Method in MockApplicationContext
isUnique() - Method in PropertyConfig
Shortcut to determine whether the property's column is configured to be unique.
isUnique() - Method in UniqueConstraint
@return Returns the unique.
isUniqueWithinGroup() - Method in UniqueConstraint
@return Whether the property is unique within a group
isUrl() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@return Returns the url.
isUsed() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
isUsed() - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
isUsed() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
isUsingStream() - Method in GrailsContentBufferingResponse
isUsingStream() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
isUsingStream() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper.GrailsBuffer
isValid(String) - Method in BuildScope
Returns whether the specified scope name(s) are valid given the current scope.
isValid(String) - Method in DomainValidator
Returns true if the specified String parses as a valid domain name with a recognized top-level domain.
isValid(String) - Method in InetAddressValidator
Checks if the specified string is a valid IP address.
isValid(String) - Method in RegexValidator
Validate a value against the set of regular expressions.
isValid() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunkReader
isValid() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBufferReader
isValid() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.ChunkReader
isValid(String) - Method in SynchronizerToken
isValid(String) - Method in UrlValidator

Checks if a field has a valid url address.

isValidAuthority(String) - Method in UrlValidator
Returns true if the authority is properly formatted.
isValidCountryCodeTld(String) - Method in DomainValidator
Returns true if the specified String matches any IANA-defined country code top-level domain.
isValidFragment(String) - Method in UrlValidator
Returns true if the given fragment is null or fragments are allowed.
isValidGenericTld(String) - Method in DomainValidator
Returns true if the specified String matches any IANA-defined generic top-level domain.
isValidInet4Address(String) - Method in InetAddressValidator
Validates an IPv4 address.
isValidInfrastructureTld(String) - Method in DomainValidator
Returns true if the specified String matches any IANA-defined infrastructure top-level domain.
isValidPath(String) - Method in UrlValidator
Returns true if the path is valid.
isValidQuery(String) - Method in UrlValidator
Returns true if the query is null or it's a properly formatted query string.
isValidScheme(String) - Method in UrlValidator
Validate scheme.
isValidTld(String) - Method in DomainValidator
Returns true if the specified String matches any IANA-defined top-level domain.
isValidVersion(String, String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Check if the required version is a valid for the given plugin version.
isVersionGreaterThan(String, String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns true if rightVersion is greater than leftVersion
isWarDeployed() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
isWarDeployed() - Method in GrailsApplication
Returns true if this application has been deployed as a WAR file
isWarDeployed() - Method in Metadata
@return true if this application is deployed as a WAR
isXhr() - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Indicates whether this is an AJAX request or not (as far as Grails is concerned).
ItalicFilter - Class in grails.doc
ItalicFilter() - Constructor in ItalicFilter
iterator() - Method in JSONArray
iterator() - Method in ListOrderedSet
iterator() - Method in PagedResultList
IvyDependencyManager - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
Implementation that uses Apache Ivy under the hood.
IvyDependencyManager(String, String, BuildSettings, Metadata) - Constructor in IvyDependencyManager
Creates a new IvyDependencyManager instance
IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator(IvyDependencyManager) - Constructor in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator


JavaScriptCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
A codec that encodes strings to Javascript
JavascriptDateMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
JavascriptLibraryFilters - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.filters
Sets up the Javascript library to use based on configuration
JavascriptProvider - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Defines methods that a JavaScript provider should implement.
JavascriptTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Tags for developing javascript and ajax applications.
JavascriptValue - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
JavascriptValue(def) - Constructor in JavascriptValue
JDECLAR - Field in Tokens
JDIRECT - Field in Tokens
JEXPR - Field in Tokens
jj_nt - Field in JSONParser
Next token.
jjFillToken() - Method in JsonParserTokenManager
jjnewLexState - Field in JsonParserTokenManager
Lex State array.
jjstrLiteralImages - Field in JsonParserTokenManager
Token literal values.
JndiBindingHandler - Interface in
Used for plugins to register additional handler for JNDI binding For example the Mail plugin can add a binder for javax.mail.Session etc.
JndiBindingSupport - Class in
Aids in binding a mock JNDI context from Grails' JNDI configuration format
JndiBindingSupport(Map) - Constructor in JndiBindingSupport
join(String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Use a join query
join(String) - Method in JSONArray
Make a string from the contents of this JSONArray.
JoinTable - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Represents a Join table in Grails mapping.
JSCRIPT - Field in Tokens
JSON - Class in grails.converters.deep
A converter that converts domain classes, Maps, Lists, Arrays, POJOs and POGOs to JSON (Including nested Domain Classes)
JSON.Builder - Class in grails.converters
JSON.Builder(JSON) - Constructor in JSON.Builder
JSON(Object) - Constructor in JSON
Creates a new JSON Converter for the given Object
JSONArray - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values.
JSONArray(Collection) - Constructor in JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a Collection.
JSonBuilder - Class in grails.util

JSonBuilder provides support for creating JSON responses

JSonBuilder(Writer) - Constructor in JSonBuilder
JSONCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.converters.codecs
A Grails codec capable of converting an object to JSON.
JSONElement - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
Base interface for all valid JSON Elements
JSONException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
The JSONException is thrown by the classes then things are amiss.
JSONException(Throwable) - Constructor in JSONException
JSONObject - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs.
JSONObject(String) - Method in JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a string.
JSONParser - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.parser
JSONParser(JsonParserTokenManager) - Constructor in JSONParser
Constructor with generated Token Manager.
JsonParserConstants - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.parser
Token literal values and constants.
JsonParserTokenManager - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.parser
Token Manager.
JsonParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream, int) - Constructor in JsonParserTokenManager
JSONParsingParameterCreationListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters
Automatically parses JSON into the params object.
JSONTokener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from it.
JSONTokener(String) - Constructor in JSONTokener
Construct a JSONTokener from a string.
JSONWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
JSONWriter provides a quick and convenient way of producing JSON text.
JSONWriter.Mode - Enum in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
Enumeration of the possible modes of the JSONWriter
JSONWriter(Writer) - Constructor in JSONWriter
Make a fresh JSONWriter.
JSP_SUFFIX - Field in GrailsViewResolver
JspActionSubmitTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
JSP facade onto the GSP actionSubmit tag
JspActionSubmitTag() - Constructor in JspActionSubmitTag
JspCheckboxTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspCheckboxTag() - Constructor in JspCheckboxTag
JspCurrencySelectTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspCurrencySelectTag() - Constructor in JspCurrencySelectTag
JspDatePickerTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspDatePickerTag() - Constructor in JspDatePickerTag
JspEachErrorTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
JSP facade onto the GSP eachError tag
JspEachErrorTag() - Constructor in JspEachErrorTag
JspFormRemoteTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspFormRemoteTag() - Constructor in JspFormRemoteTag
JspFormTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
JSP facade onto the GSP form tag
JspFormTag() - Constructor in JspFormTag
JspFragmentImpl - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
JspFragmentImpl(GroovyPagesPageContext, FastStringWriter) - Constructor in JspFragmentImpl
JspHasErrorsTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
JSP facade onto the GSP hasErrors tag
JspHasErrorsTag() - Constructor in JspHasErrorsTag
JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
A tag that invokes a tag defined in a the Grails dynamic tag library.
JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag() - Constructor in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
JspLinkTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
A JSP facade that delegates to the Grails taglib link tag.
JspLinkTag() - Constructor in JspLinkTag
JspLocaleSelectTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspLocaleSelectTag() - Constructor in JspLocaleSelectTag
JspMessageTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
JSP facade onto the GSP message tag
JspMessageTag() - Constructor in JspMessageTag
JspRemoteFunctionTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspRemoteFunctionTag() - Constructor in JspRemoteFunctionTag
JspRemoteLinkTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspRemoteLinkTag() - Constructor in JspRemoteLinkTag
JspRenderErrorsTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
JSP facade onto the GSP renderErrors tag
JspRenderErrorsTag() - Constructor in JspRenderErrorsTag
JspRenderInputTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
A JSP facade that delegates to the Grails RenderInputTag (@see org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.RenderInputTag).
JspRenderTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
JSP facade onto the GSP render tag.
JspRenderTag() - Constructor in JspRenderTag
JspSelectTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspSelectTag() - Constructor in JspSelectTag
JspSubmitToRemoteTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspSubmitToRemoteTag() - Constructor in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
JspTag - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
An interface that represents a JSP tag that can be invoked by Grails
JspTagImpl - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspTagImpl(Class) - Constructor in JspTagImpl
JspTagLib - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
An interface that represents a Jsp taglib
JspTagLibImpl - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspTagLibImpl(String, Map) - Constructor in JspTagLibImpl
JspTimeZoneSelectTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.jsp
@author Graeme Rocher
JspTimeZoneSelectTag() - Constructor in JspTimeZoneSelectTag
JspWriterDelegate - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
Delegates to another
JUnit4GrailsTestType - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.junit4
An GrailsTestType for JUnit4 tests.
JUnit4GrailsTestType(String, String, GrailsTestMode) - Constructor in JUnit4GrailsTestType
JUnit4ResultGrailsTestTypeResultAdapter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.junit4.result
JUnit4ResultGrailsTestTypeResultAdapter(Result) - Constructor in JUnit4ResultGrailsTestTypeResultAdapter
JUnitReportProcessor - Class in
JUnitReports - Class in
Simply propagates to the underlying reports.
JUnitReports(JUnitResultFormatter[]) - Constructor in JUnitReports
JUnitReportsFactory - Class in
JUnitReportsFactory(String, String, File, List) - Constructor in JUnitReportsFactory


KEEP_ALIVE - Field in HttpHeaders
KEY - Field in BuildScope
Represents the different scopes that plugins apply to.
KEY - Field in Environment
An enum that represents the current environment
key(String) - Method in JSONWriter
Append a key.
key(String) - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
key(String) - Method in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
KEY - Field in SynchronizerToken
KEY - Field in TokenResponseHandler
keys() - Method in JSONObject
Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.
keys() - Method in Metadata
Overrides, called by the store method.
keySet() - Method in GrailsFlashScope
keySet() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
keySet() - Method in JSONObject
keySet() - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
keySet() - Method in TypeConvertingMap
kind - Field in Token
An integer that describes the kind of this token.


last - Field in ListOrderedSet.OrderedSetIterator
Last object retrieved
LAST_MODIFIED - Field in HttpHeaders
LAST_UPDATED - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in JSONArray
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in ListOrderedSet
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in PagedResultList
LazyMetaPropertyMap - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
A map implementation that reads an objects properties lazily using Groovy's MetaClass.
LazyMetaPropertyMap(Object) - Constructor in LazyMetaPropertyMap
Constructs the map
le(String, Object) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "less than or equal to" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
leftShift(Object) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference.WrappedPropertyValue
leftShift(Writable) - Method in CodecPrintWriter
leftShift(Object) - Method in DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass.DynamicExpandoMetaProperty
leftShift(String) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletResponse
Appends the given content string to the response's output stream.
leftShift(Writable) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
length() - Method in JSONArray
Get the number of elements in the JSONArray, included nulls.
length() - Method in JSONObject
Get the number of keys stored in the JSONObject.
length() - Method in Reverse
length() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
leProperty(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is less than or equal to the second property
LESS_THAN - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_PROPERTY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
LESS_THAN_PROPERTY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
LexicalError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char) - Method in TokenMgrError
Returns a detailed message for the Error when it is thrown by the token manager to indicate a lexical error.
lexStateNames - Field in JsonParserTokenManager
Lexer state names.
LIKE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
line - Field in SimpleCharStream
LineNumber - Annotation Type in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.transform
@created Jul 22, 2010
Andrew Eisenberg
LINENUMBERS_DATA_POSTFIX - Field in GroovyPageMetaInfo
LineNumberTransform - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.transform
Convert line number information to that based on the line number array passed into the line number array in the LineNumber annotation.
LINK_NAMESPACE - Field in GroovyPage
LinkTestFilter - Class in grails.doc.filters
@author Graeme Rocher
LinkTestFilter() - Constructor in LinkTestFilter
list(String) - Method in GrailsParameterMap
Obtains a list of values from parameter.
list(String) - Method in GroovyPageAttributes
Helper method for obtaining a list of values from parameter
list(Object[], Closure) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
list - Field in PagedResultList
listDependencies(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Lists all known dependencies for the given configuration name (defaults to all dependencies)
listDistinct(Object[], Closure) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
ListFilter - Class in grails.doc.filters
@author Graeme Rocher
listIterator(int) - Method in JSONArray
listIterator(int) - Method in ListOrderedSet
listIterator(int) - Method in PagedResultList
ListOrderByPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
The "listOrderBy*" static persistent method.
ListOrderByPersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in ListOrderByPersistentMethod
ListOrderedSet - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
Forked from Apache Commons Collections' implementation of ListOrderedSet.
ListOrderedSet(Set, List) - Constructor in ListOrderedSet
Constructor that wraps (not copies) the Set and specifies the list to use.
ListPersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
The "list" persistent static method.
ListPersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor in ListPersistentMethod
loadBeans(Resource[]) - Method in BeanBuilder
Loads a set of given beans
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in GrailsClassLoader
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in GrailsRootLoader
loadClass(String) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Loods the class named by className using a class loader that can load the test classes, throwing a RuntimeException if the class can't be loaded.
loadCodec(Class) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Loads the given codec, adding the "encodeAs...()" and "decode...()" methods to objects.
loadConfig(ConfigObject) - Method in BuildSettings
loadConfigFromClasspath(GrailsApplication) - Method in ConfigurationHelper
loadCorePlugins - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
loadDependencies(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Similar to resolveDependencies, but will load the resolved dependencies into the application RootLoader if it exists
Loader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.filters
Loader(def) - Constructor in Loader
loadEventHooks(BuildSettings) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
loadEventsScript(File) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
loadExternalSpringConfig(RuntimeSpringConfiguration, GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
Loads any external Spring configuration into the given RuntimeSpringConfiguration object.
loadGrailsBuildListeners() - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
loadGroovySource(String) - Method in GrailsClassLoader
loadGroovySource(String) - Method in GrailsResourceLoader
loadPlugins() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
loadPlugins() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Performs the initial load of plug-ins throwing an exception if any dependencies don't resolve
loadProperties(Properties) - Method in GrailsPlaceholderConfigurer
loadSettingsFile() - Method in BuildSettings
loadSpringGroovyResources(RuntimeSpringConfiguration, GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
loadSpringGroovyResourcesIntoContext(RuntimeSpringConfiguration, GrailsApplication, GenericApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
loadView(String, Locale) - Method in GrailsViewResolver
loadView(String, Locale) - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver
LocalEntityResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
Resolves commons JSP DTDs and Schema definitions locally.
LOCATION - Field in HttpHeaders
lock(boolean) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Whether a pessimistic lock should be obtained.
Log4jConfig - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.logging
Encapsulates the configuration of Log4j.
Log4jConfigListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
Configures Log4j in WAR deployment using Grails Log4j DSL.
log - Field in ArtefactHandlerAdapter
LOG - Field in ConstrainedProperty
LOG - Field in ConvertersConfigurationInitializer
LOG - Field in GrailsContextLoader
LOG - Field in GrailsPrintWriter
LOG - Field in GrailsReloadServletFilter
log - Field in GroovyPageOutputStack
LOG - Field in GroovyPageParser
log(String) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
log - Field in XML
LoggingGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Provides a lazy initialized commons logging log property for all classes.
lookup(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Looks up the GrailsWebRequest from the current request.
lookup(UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey) - Method in UrlCreatorCache
lookupApplication(ServletContext) - Method in WebUtils
Looks up the GrailsApplication instance
lookupHandlerInterceptors(ServletContext) - Method in WebUtils
Looks up all of the HandlerInterceptor instances registered for the application
lookupInterceptors(WebApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsControllerHandlerMapping
lookupMapping(String, String, Map) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
Performs a match uses reverse mappings to looks up a mapping from the controller, action and params.
lookupNamespaceDispatcher(String) - Method in TagLibraryLookup
Looks up a namespace dispatcher for the given namespace
lookupObjectMarshaller(Object) - Method in Converter
lookupObjectMarshaller(Object) - Method in JSON
lookupObjectMarshaller(Object) - Method in XML
lookupResourceForPluginPath(String) - Method in GroovyPageResourceLoader
lookupSessionFactory() - Method in GrailsOpenSessionInViewFilter
lookupTagLibrary(String, String) - Method in TagLibraryLookup
Looks up a tag library for the given namespace and tag name.
lookupUrlMappings(ServletContext) - Method in WebUtils
Looks up the UrlMappingsHolder instance
lookupViewResolver(ServletContext) - Method in WebUtils
lookupWebRequestInterceptors(ServletContext) - Method in WebUtils
Looks up all of the WebRequestInterceptor instances registered with the application
lt(String, Object) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "less than" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
ltProperty(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is less than the second property


main(String) - Method in Console
MAIN_CONTROLLER_BEAN - Field in GrailsControllerHandlerMapping
main(String[]) - Method in GenerateUtils
main(String[]) - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
main(String[]) - Method in GrailsScriptRunner
Evaluate the arguments to get the name of the script to execute, which environment to run it in, and the arguments to pass to the script.
main(String[]) - Method in GrailsStarter
make(Map) - Method in GroovyPageTemplate
makeAjaxRequest() - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Makes this request an AJAX request as Grails understands it.
makeServerURL() - Method in ApplicationTagLib
Get the declared URL of the server from config, or guess at localhost for non-production.
manageListIfNecessary(Object) - Method in BeanBuilder
Checks whether there are any runtime refs inside the list and converts it to a ManagedList if necessary
manageMapIfNecessary(Object) - Method in BeanBuilder
Checks whether there are any runtime refs inside a Map and converts it to a ManagedMap if necessary
manager - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.cfg
Applies property configuration from a Map with bean names as keys and bean properties as name/value Maps (i.e.
MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer(GrailsApplication) - Constructor in MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer
MapMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
MAPPED_BY - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Mapping - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Models the mapping from GORM classes to the db.
MAPPING - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
MAPPING_STRATEGY - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
MappingBuilder - Class in grails.test
mappingName - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
mappings - Field in GrailsDomainBinder.GrailsCollectionSecondPass
mapsToURI(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
mapsToURI(String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Tests if a controller maps to a given URI.
markInvoked() - Method in InvocationCallback
markUsed() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
marshaller - Field in DefaultConverterConfiguration.Entry
marshallers - Field in ImmutableConverterConfiguration
marshalObject(Object, XML) - Method in ArrayMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, XML) - Method in Base64ByteArrayMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in ByteArrayMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, C) - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration.ChainedObjectMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, T) - Method in ClosureOjectMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in CollectionMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in DateMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in DomainClassMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, XML) - Method in EnumMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in GenericJavaBeanMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, XML) - Method in GroovyBeanMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, XML) - Method in InstanceMethodBasedMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in JavascriptDateMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in MapMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, T) - Method in ObjectMarshaller
Performs the conversion
marshalObject(Object, C) - Method in ProxyUnwrappingMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in ToStringBeanMarshaller
marshalObject(Object, JSON) - Method in ValidationErrorsMarshaller
match(String) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
@see org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.UrlMappingsHolder#match(String)
match(String) - Method in RegexUrlMapping
Matches the given URI and returns a DefaultUrlMappingInfo instance or null
match(String) - Method in RegexValidator
Validate a value against the set of regular expressions returning the array of matched groups.
match(int) - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
match(String) - Method in UrlMapping
Matches the given URI and returns an instance of the UrlMappingInfo interface or null if a match couldn't be established
match(String) - Method in UrlMappingsHolder
Match and return the first UrlMappingInfo instance possible
matchAll(String, String) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
matchAll(String, String) - Method in UrlMappingsHolder
Match all possible UrlMappingInfo instances to the given URI and HTTP method
MATCHES_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
matches(String, String, String[]) - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
matchesClass(String, String[]) - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
matchesClassWithExtension(String) - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
matchesClassWithoutExtension(String, String[]) - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
MatchesConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
A constraint that validates the property against a supplied regular expression.
matchesMethod(String) - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
matchStatusCode(int, Throwable) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
matchStatusCode(int, Throwable) - Method in UrlMappingsHolder
Match and return for first UrlMappingInfo for the give response code and exception
mavenCentral() - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
mavenLocal(String) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
mavenRepo(Map) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
MAX_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
MAX_FORWARDS - Field in HttpHeaders
max(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve a maximum property value
MAX_SIZE_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
MaxConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Implements a maximum value constraint.
maxNextCharInd - Field in SimpleCharStream
MaxSizeConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates maximum size of the property, for strings and arrays this is the length, collections the size and numbers the value.
MD5BytesCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
MD5Codec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
MergePersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
The merge() method follows the semantics of merge which attempts to "merge" an object with a long lived session.
MergePersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader, GrailsApplication, GrailsDomainClass) - Constructor in MergePersistentMethod
MESSAGE_SOURCE_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
messageHelper(def, def, def, def) - Method in FormatTagLib
messageImpl(def) - Method in ValidationTagLib
messageLogged(BuildEvent) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
messageSource - Field in AbstractConstraint
messageSource - Field in ConstrainedProperty
messageSource - Field in GrailsDomainClassValidator
META_CLASS - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
metaClass - Field in GrailsApplicationContext
Metadata - Class in grails.util
Represents the application Metadata and loading mechanics.
Metadata.FinalReference(T) - Constructor in Metadata.FinalReference
metadata - Field in PluginInstallEngine
MetadataGeneratingExpandoMetaClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.documentation
A specialized version of ExpandoMetaClass that is capable of generating metadata about the dynamic methods and properties that are added to artefact types at runtime by plugins.
MetadataGeneratingExpandoMetaClass(Class) - Constructor in MetadataGeneratingExpandoMetaClass
MetadataGeneratingMetaClassCreationHandle - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.documentation
Used to enable the Metadata generating EMC creation handle.
metadataRegisteredPluginNames - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
METHOD_NAME - Field in CreateDynamicMethod
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in BindDynamicMethod
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in MergePersistentMethod
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in SavePersistentMethod
METHOD_PATTERN - Field in ValidatePersistentMethod
METHOD_SIGNATURE - Field in BindDynamicMethod
METHOD_SIGNATURE - Field in MergePersistentMethod
METHOD_SIGNATURE - Field in RedirectDynamicMethod
METHOD_SIGNATURE - Field in RenderDynamicMethod
METHOD_SIGNATURE - Field in SavePersistentMethod
METHOD_SIGNATURE - Field in ValidatePersistentMethod
methodBlock(FrameworkMethod) - Method in GrailsTestCaseRunner
This is the only suitable hook that allows us to wrap the before/after methods in transactions etc.
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in ActionDelegate
invokes a method as an action if possible
methodMissing(String, Object) - Method in Environment.EnvironmentBlockEvaluator
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in FilterConfig
When the filter does not have a particular method, it passes the call on to the filter definition class.
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in HibernateNamedQueriesBuilder
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in Loader
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in Log4jConfig
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in MappingBuilder
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
MIME_VERSION - Field in HttpHeaders
MimeType - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mime
@author Graeme Rocher
MimeType(String, Map) - Constructor in MimeType
MimeTypesGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.mimes
Provides content negotiation capabilities to Grails via a new withFormat method on controllers as well as a format property on the HttpServletRequest instance.
MIN_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
min(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve a minimum property value
MIN_SIZE_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
MinConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Implements a minimum value constraint.
MinSizeConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates minimum size or length of the property, for strings and arrays this is the length, collections the size and numbers the value.
MockApplicationContext - Class in
MockApplicationContext.MockResource - Class in
MockApplicationContext.MockResource(String, String) - Constructor in MockApplicationContext.MockResource
mockAttributeAccess(Class) - Method in MockUtils
Enhances a class that has the method signatures setAttribute/getAttribute (such as the Request object) to allow property style access
MockClosureProxy - Class in grails.test
This closure proxy stores an expectation and checks it before each call to the target closure.
MockClosureProxy(Closure, String, Object) - Constructor in MockClosureProxy
mockCommandObject(Class) - Method in ControllerUnitTestCase
Mocks a command object class, providing a "validate()" method and access to the "errors" property.
mockCommandObject(Class, Map) - Method in MockUtils
Mocks a command object class by adding a "validate()" method and errors-related methods, like "getErrors()" and "hasErrors()".
mockConfig(String) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
mockController(Class) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Mocks a controller class, providing implementations of standard methods like render and redirect
mockController(Class) - Method in MockUtils
Call this to mock the given controller class.
mockDomain(Class, List) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Mocks a domain class, providing working implementations of the standard dynamic methods.
mockDomain(Class, Map, List) - Method in MockUtils

Call this to mock the given domain class.

MockFileResource - Class in
Mocks the behavior of a FileResource.
MockFileResource(String, String, String) - Constructor in MockFileResource
mockFlash - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
mockFor(Class, boolean) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Creates a new Grails mock for the given class.
mockForConstraintsTests(Class, List) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Mocks the given class (either a domain class or a command object) so that a "validate()" method is added.
mockLogging(Class, boolean) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Provides a mock implementation of the "log" property for the given class.
mockLogging(Class, boolean) - Method in MockUtils
Provides a mock implementation of the "log" property for the given class.
mockParams - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
mockRequest - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
mockRequest - Field in WebFlowTestCase
MockResourceLoader - Class in
Loads from the file system if its not found on the classpath.
mockResponse - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
mockResponse - Field in WebFlowTestCase
mockServletContext - Field in WebFlowTestCase
mockSession - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
MockStringResourceLoader - Class in
Loads Resources from Strings that are registered as Mock resources.
mockTagLib(Class) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Mocks a tag library, providing the common web properties as well as "out", "throwTagError()", and an implementation of the "render" tag.
mockTagLib(Class) - Method in MockUtils
Call this to mock the given taglib class.
MockUtils - Class in grails.test
A utility/helper class for mocking various types of Grails artifacts and is one of the foundations of the Grails unit testing framework.
mode - Field in JSONWriter
The current mode.
mode - Field in JUnit4GrailsTestType
mode - Field in XMLStreamWriter
MODEL_AND_VIEW - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
MODEL_AND_VIEW_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
modules - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
more() - Method in JSONTokener
Determine if the source string still contains characters that next() can consume.
MoreThanOneActiveDataSourceException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Thrown when more than one active data source is configured.
MoreThanOneActiveDataSourceException(Throwable) - Constructor in MoreThanOneActiveDataSourceException
mostSimilar(String, def, double) - Method in CosineSimilarity
Sort the candidates by their similarity to the specified input.
MULTIPART_RESOLVER_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
multipartResolver - Field in GrailsDispatcherServlet
MultiplexingOutputStream - Class in
MultiplexingOutputStream(OutputStream[]) - Constructor in MultiplexingOutputStream
MvcUnitTestCase - Class in grails.test
Common test case support class for controllers, tag libraries, and anything else that has access to the standard web properties such as "request", "response", and "session".
MvcUnitTestCase(Class) - Constructor in MvcUnitTestCase
Creates a new test case for the given class.


name(Map) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
NAME - Field in GrailsPluginInfo
The name of the plugin
name - Field in GrailsScriptRunner.ScriptAndArgs
name - Field in PlainFormatter
NameAwareMarshaller - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller
Specialized ObjectMarshaller which defines the Tag Name for XML Conversion.
NAMED_QUERIES - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
NamedCriteriaProxy - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
nameMap - Field in BasePluginFilter
Holds a name to GrailsPlugin map (String, Plugin).
names() - Method in JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the names of the elements of this JSONObject.
NAMESPACE_FIELD_NAME - Field in GrailsTagLibClass
NamespacedTagDispatcher - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
Allows dispatching to namespaced tag libraries and is used within controllers and tag libraries to allow namespaced tags to be invoked as methods (eg.'foo')).
NamespacedTagDispatcher(String, Class, GrailsApplication, TagLibraryLookup) - Constructor in NamespacedTagDispatcher
namingStrategy - Field in GrailsDomainBinder
Overrideable naming strategy.
NaturalId - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
@author Graeme Rocher
ne(String, Object) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a "not equal" Criterion based on the specified property name and value
negation - Field in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
neProperty(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that compares to class properties for !
newArtefactClass(Class) - Method in AnnotationDomainClassArtefactHandler
newArtefactClass(Class) - Method in ArtefactHandler

Called by GrailsApplication when a new class is found and a GrailsClass wrapping it is required

newArtefactClass(Class) - Method in ArtefactHandlerAdapter

Creates new GrailsClass derived object using the type supplied in constructor.

newArtefactClass(Class) - Method in DomainClassArtefactHandler
newConfiguration() - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
Overrides default behaviour to allow for a configurable configuration class.
newInstance() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
newInstance() - Method in ConstraintFactory
newInstance() - Method in ControllerUnitTestCase
newInstance() - Method in GrailsClass
Creates a new instance of this class.
newInstance() - Method in MvcUnitTestCase
newInstance() - Method in PersistentConstraintFactory
newInstance() - Method in TagLibUnitTestCase
NewInstanceCreationException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Occurs when the creation of a new instance fails.
NewInstanceCreationException(Throwable) - Constructor in NewInstanceCreationException
newLine() - Method in BodyContentImpl
newLine() - Method in JspWriterDelegate
NEWLINE - Field in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
NEWLINE - Field in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
newPluginBuildSettings() - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
Returns a new PluginBuildSettings instance
newSessionFactory(Configuration) - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
newTag(String) - Method in GrailsTagRegistry
newToken(int) - Method in Token
next() - Method in FlashScope
Sets the flash scope to the next state upon a new request
next() - Method in GrailsFlashScope
next(int) - Method in JSONTokener
Get the next n characters.
next() - Method in ListOrderedSet.OrderedSetIterator
next() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunkReader
next() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBufferReader
next() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.ChunkReader
next - Field in Token
A reference to the next regular (non-special) token from the input stream.
nextClean() - Method in JSONTokener
Get the next char in the string, skipping whitespace and comments (slashslash, slashstar, and hash).
nextString(char) - Method in JSONTokener
Return the characters up to the next close quote character.
nextTo(String) - Method in JSONTokener
Get the text up but not including one of the specified delimeter characters or the end of line, whichever comes first.
nextValue() - Method in JSONTokener
Get the next value.
NO_CLASSES - Field in GroovyAwareJavassistProxyFactory
NO_FRAGMENTS - Field in UrlValidator
Enabling this options disallows any URL fragments.
NoClosurePropertyForURIException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions
Thrown when no closure property has been mapped to a given URI.
NoClosurePropertyForURIException(Throwable) - Constructor in NoClosurePropertyForURIException
nodeCompleted(Object, Object) - Method in JSON.Builder
nodeCompleted(Object, Object) - Method in JSonBuilder
nodeCompleted(Object, Object) - Method in OpenRicoBuilder
nodeCompleted(Object, Object) - Method in XML.Builder
NOT_EQUAL_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
NOT_EQUAL - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
NOT_EQUAL_PROPERTY - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
NOT - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
NOT_PREFIX - Field in ConstrainedProperty
NoteMacro - Class in grails.doc
notEqual(String, Object) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
NotEqualConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates not equal to something.
notifyOfEvent(int, Object) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
notifyOfEvent(int, Object) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Notifies the plugin of a specific event for the given event id, which is one of ON_CHANGE, ON_CONFIG_CHANGE
NOTMET_SUFFIX - Field in ConstrainedProperty
NoViewNameDefinedException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions
Thrown when no view name is returned from a closure in a controller and no view name has been configured.
NoViewNameDefinedException(Throwable) - Constructor in NoViewNameDefinedException
NULL_ASSOCIATION - Field in GrailsDataBinder
NULL - Field in JSONObject
It is sometimes more convenient and less ambiguous to have a NULL object than to use Java's null value.
NULLABLE_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
NullableConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates not null.
NullPersistentContextInterceptor - Class in
A dummy persistence context interceptor that does nothing.
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, String[], Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Object, int) - Method in IdentityEnumType
NullView - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.view
A view that does nothing.
NullView(String) - Constructor in NullView
numberToString(Number) - Method in JSONObject
Produce a string from a number.


object() - Method in JSONWriter
Begin appending a new object.
object() - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
object() - Method in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
ObjectMarshaller - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller
An ObjectMarshaller is responsible for converting a Java/Groovy Object graph to a serialized form (JSON,XML).
ObjectMarshallerRegisterer - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.configuration
A Spring Bean that can be used to register an ObjectMarshaller.
obtainGroovyClassLoader() - Method in BuildSettings
off(Object[]) - Method in Log4jConfig
off(Object[]) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
ON_CHANGE - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that defines the closure that will be invoked when a watched resource changes
ON_CONFIG_CHANGE - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that defines the closure that will be invoked when a the Grails configuration object changes
on(Class) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
ON_SHUTDOWN - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that holds a closure to be invoked when shutdown is called
onEntry(Closure) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
onExit(Closure) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
ONLOAD_EVENT - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
ONLOAD_SAVE - Field in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPostDelete(PostDeleteEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPostDelete(PostDeleteEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPostInsert(PostInsertEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPostInsert(PostInsertEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPostLoad(PostLoadEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPostLoad(PostLoadEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPreDelete(PreDeleteEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPreDelete(PreDeleteEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPreLoad(PreLoadEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPreLoad(PreLoadEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
onRefresh() - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
Initialize the theme capability.
onRender(Closure) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
onSaveOrUpdate(SaveOrUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventListener
onSaveOrUpdate(SaveOrUpdateEvent) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
OPEN_SESSION_IN_VIEW_INTERCEPTOR_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
OpenRicoBuilder - Class in grails.util

Provides support for creating OpenRico AJAX responses.

OpenRicoBuilder(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor in OpenRicoBuilder
opt(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the optional object value associated with an index.
opt(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get an optional value associated with a key.
optBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in JSONArray
Get the optional boolean value associated with an index.
optBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in JSONObject
Get an optional boolean associated with a key.
optDouble(int, double) - Method in JSONArray
Get the optional double value associated with an index.
optDouble(String, double) - Method in JSONObject
Get an optional double associated with a key, or the defaultValue if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
optInt(int, int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the optional int value associated with an index.
optInt(String, int) - Method in JSONObject
Get an optional int value associated with a key, or the default if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optJSONArray(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the optional JSONArray associated with an index.
optJSONArray(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get an optional JSONArray associated with a key.
optJSONObject(int) - Method in JSONArray
Get the optional JSONObject associated with an index.
optJSONObject(String) - Method in JSONObject
Get an optional JSONObject associated with a key.
optLong(int, long) - Method in JSONArray
Get the optional long value associated with an index.
optLong(String, long) - Method in JSONObject
Get an optional long value associated with a key, or the default if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optString(int, String) - Method in JSONArray
Get the optional string associated with an index.
optString(String, String) - Method in JSONObject
Get an optional string associated with a key.
OR - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
ORDER_ASC - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ORDER_ASCENDING - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
ORDER_DESC - Field in GrailsHibernateUtil
ORDER_DESCENDING - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
order(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Orders by the specified property name and direction
order(String) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Configures the default sort direction.

OrderedAdapter - Class in
Convenience adapter implementation of the Spring Ordered interface.
orgToDepMap - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
originalLength() - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
ORM_MAPPING - Field in GrailsDomainClass
OUT - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
out - Field in GrailsPrintWriter
out - Field in GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter
OUT - Field in GroovyPage
out - Field in GroovySyntaxTag
OUT_PROPERTY - Field in TagLibDynamicMethods
out - Field in RequestContextTag
outputAttributes(def) - Method in FormTagLib
Dump out attributes in HTML compliant fashion.
outputStartTag(String, String) - Method in GroovyConditionalTag
outputStartTag(String, String) - Method in GroovyElseIfTag
outputStartTag(String, String) - Method in GroovyIfTag
outputStartTag(String, String) - Method in GroovyUnlessTag
owningClass - Field in ConstrainedProperty


PAGE_SCOPE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
PAGE_SCOPE - Field in GroovyPage
PageContextFactory - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
Obtains a reference to the GroovyPagesPageContext class.
PagedResultList - Class in grails.orm
A result list for Criteria list calls, which is aware of the totalCount for the paged result.
PagedResultList(List, int) - Constructor in PagedResultList
PARAM_ENUM_CLASS - Field in IdentityEnumType
ParameterCreationListener - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
A callback interface that is fired when the params object is created
ParameterInitializationCallback - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
@author Graeme Rocher
parameterValues - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
paramKeys - Field in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
params - Field in AbstractUrlMappingInfo
PARAMS - Field in GroovyPage
PARAMS_OBJECT - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
ParamsAwareLocaleChangeInterceptor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.i18n
A LocaleChangeInterceptor instance that is aware of the Grails params object.
paramsCreated(GrailsParameterMap) - Method in JSONParsingParameterCreationListener
paramsCreated(GrailsParameterMap) - Method in ParameterCreationListener
Fired when the params object is created
paramsCreated(GrailsParameterMap) - Method in XMLParsingParameterCreationListener
paramValues - Field in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
PARENT_APPLICATION_CONTEXT - Field in ApplicationAttributes
parent - Field in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
ParentApplicationContextAware - Interface in
Allows objects to be aware of the Grails parent application context.
parse(String) - Method in AcceptHeaderParser
Parses an Accept header into an ordered array of MimeType definitions
parse(String) - Method in DefaultAcceptHeaderParser
parse(String) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingParser
parse(Element, ParserContext) - Method in GORMSessionFactoryDefinitionParser
parse(char[]) - Method in GrailsHTMLPageParser
parse() - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper.GrailsBuffer
parse() - Method in GroovyPageParser
parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in JSON
Parses the given request's InputStream and returns ether a JSONObject or a JSONArry
parse() - Method in JSONParser
parse(String) - Method in UrlMappingParser
Parses the given URI pattern into a UrlMappingData instance
parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in XML
Parses the give XML (read from the POST Body of the Request)
parseDependencies(Closure) - Method in DependencyDefinitionParser
Parses DSL code into a dependency definition.
parseDependencies(String, Closure) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Parses dependencies of a plugin
ParseException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.parser
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException(String) - Constructor in ParseException
Constructor with message.
parseGrailsBuildListeners() - Method in BuildSettings
parseJSON() - Method in JSONParser
parseMetadata(Resource) - Method in PluginInfo
parsePluginList(Resource) - Method in DefaultPluginPublisher
parser - Field in GroovySyntaxTag
parseRequest - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
parseRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in ContentLengthAwareCommonsMultipartResolver
parseStyle(def) - Method in FormatTagLib
PatchedDefaultFlushEventListener - Class in
Patches Hibernate to prevent this issue
PATH_PREFIX - Field in RenderInputTag
PATH_SUFFIX - Field in RenderInputTag
PATH_TO_VIEWS - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
PATH_TO_VIEWS - Field in GroovyPagesUriSupport
PATH_TO_VIEWS - Field in GroovyPageUtils
PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
TODO Proof of concept Should capture the JSON Path to the current element
PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper(JSONWriter) - Constructor in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
patterns - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
paused(RequestContext) - Method in SessionAwareHibernateFlowExecutionListener
PdfBuilder - Class in grails.doc
performExecutions(EventSource) - Method in PatchedDefaultFlushEventListener
performInjection(SourceUnit, ClassNode) - Method in ClassInjector
Handles injection of properties, methods etc. into a class.
performInjection(SourceUnit, ClassNode) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassInjector
performInjectionOnAnnotatedEntity(ClassNode) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassInjector
performInjectionOnAnnotatedEntity(ClassNode) - Method in GrailsDomainClassInjector
Doesn't check with the specified ClassNode is a valid entity and assumes it is and proceeds with the injection regardless.
performInsert(Object, boolean) - Method in AbstractSavePersistentMethod
Subclasses should override and perform an insert operation, flushing the session if the second argument is true
performInsert(Object, boolean) - Method in MergePersistentMethod
performInsert(Object, boolean) - Method in SavePersistentMethod
performSave(Object, boolean) - Method in AbstractSavePersistentMethod
Subclasses should override and perform a save operation, flushing the session if the second argument is true
performSave(Object, boolean) - Method in MergePersistentMethod
performSave(Object, boolean) - Method in SavePersistentMethod
persist() - Method in Metadata
Saves the current state of the Metadata object.
PersistenceContextInterceptor - Interface in
A interface for a class to implement that will setup the persistent context before and after a Grails operation is invoked.
PersistentConstraint - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.validation
Interface that defines a persistent constraint that evaluates the database.
PersistentConstraintFactory - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.validation
A factory that creates PersistentConstraint instances ensuring that dependencies are provided.
PersistentConstraintFactory(ApplicationContext, Class) - Constructor in PersistentConstraintFactory
PerTestRunListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.junit4.listener
PerTestRunListener(def, def, def, def) - Constructor in PerTestRunListener
phaseName - Field in JUnitReportsFactory
PLAIN - Field in JUnitReportsFactory
PlainFormatter - Class in
Sanitises the stack traces generated by tests.
PlainFormatter(String, File) - Constructor in PlainFormatter
PLUGIN_CONTEXT_PATH - Field in GroovyPage
PLUGIN_EXCLUDES - Field in GrailsPlugin
The field that reperesents the list of resources to exclude from plugin packaging
plugin(String, Closure) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
PLUGIN_LOAD_AFTER_NAMES - Field in GrailsPlugin
The name of the property that provides a list of plugins this plugin should after before
PLUGIN_LOAD_BEFORE_NAMES - Field in GrailsPlugin
The name of the property that provides a list of plugins this plugin should load before
PLUGIN_MANAGER - Field in ApplicationAttributes
PLUGIN_NAME - Field in ControllerArtefactHandler
PLUGIN_NAME - Field in ServiceArtefactHandler
PLUGIN_NAME - Field in TagLibArtefactHandler
PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource - Class in
A ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource that is capable of loading message sources from plugins.
pluginBaseNames - Field in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
pluginBean - Field in DefaultGrailsPlugin
PluginBuildSettings - Class in grails.util
Uses the project BuildSettings object to discover information about the installed plugin such as the jar files they provide, the plugin descriptors and so on.
PluginBuildSettings(BuildSettings, GrailsPluginManager) - Constructor in PluginBuildSettings
pluginClass - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
pluginClasses - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
pluginDependencyDescriptors - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
pluginDependencyHandler(IvyDependencyManager) - Method in BuildSettings
pluginDependencyNames - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
PluginDescriptorReader - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Reads information about a plugin
PluginException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.exceptions
PluginException(Throwable) - Constructor in PluginException
PluginFilter - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Defines interface for obtaining a sublist of GrailsPlugin instances based on an original supplied list of GrailsPlugin instances.
PluginFilterRetriever - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Implements mechanism for figuring out what PluginFilter implementation to use based on a set of provided configuration properties.
PluginInfo - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Used mainly by the build system that encapsulates access to information about the underlying plugin by delegating to the methods in GrailsPluginUtils.
PluginInfo(Resource, def) - Constructor in PluginInfo
PluginInstallEngine - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
Manages the installation and uninstallation of plugins from a Grails project.
PluginInstallEngine(def, def, Metadata, AntBuilder) - Constructor in PluginInstallEngine
pluginList - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
pluginManager - Field in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
PluginManagerAware - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
For implementors interested in obtaining a reference to the Grails PluginManager instance.
PluginManagerAwareBeanPostProcessor - Class in
Auto-injects beans that implement PluginManagerAware.
PluginManagerAwareBeanPostProcessor(GrailsPluginManager) - Constructor in PluginManagerAwareBeanPostProcessor
PluginManagerHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Manages a thread bound plugin manager instance.
PluginMetaManager - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Enables the evaluation of Plug-in Metadata supplied by the plug-ins plugin.xml file.
pluginNameToDescriptorMap - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
PluginResolveEngine - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve
Utility methods for resolving plugin zips and information used in conjunction with an IvyDependencyManager instance.
PluginResolveEngine(IvyDependencyManager, BuildSettings) - Constructor in PluginResolveEngine
pluginResources - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
plugins - Field in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
PLUGINS_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for projectPluginsDir.
PLUGINS_DIR - Field in GrailsApplication
The path to the plug-ins directory for the application
plugins(Closure) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
PLUGINS_PATH - Field in GrailsPlugin
The prefix used in plug-ins paths
pluginSettings - Field in PluginInstallEngine
PluginTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Tags to inspect available plugins.
plus(Object) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
plus(Object) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
pom(boolean) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
pop(boolean) - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
pop(JSONWriter.Mode) - Method in JSONWriter
Pop an array or object scope.
pop(Mode) - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
popBody() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
populate(Closure) - Method in ClosureToMapPopulator
populateArgumentsForCriteria(Criteria, Map) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
populateCriteriaWithExpressions(Criteria, String, List) - Method in CountByPersistentMethod
populateParamsForMapping(GrailsWebRequest) - Method in AbstractUrlMappingInfo
Populates request parameters for the given UrlMappingInfo instance using the GrailsWebRequest
populateViewModel(HttpServletRequest, Binding) - Method in GroovyPageWritable
postHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, ModelAndView) - Method in CompositeInterceptor
postHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, def, ModelAndView) - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
postHandle(WebRequest, ModelMap) - Method in GrailsOpenSessionInViewInterceptor
postInstall(String) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
postInstantiate(String, Class, Set, Method, Method, AbstractComponentType) - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistProxyFactory
postLoadConfig() - Method in BuildSettings
postProcessAfterInitialization(Object, String) - Method in BeanPostProcessorAdapter
@param bean
postProcessAfterInitialization(Object, String) - Method in GORMEnhancingBeanPostProcessor
postProcessAfterInstantiation(Object, String) - Method in TransactionManagerPostProcessor
Injects the platform transaction manager into the given bean if that bean implements the TransactionManagerAware interface.
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
Register ServletContextAwareProcessor.
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in MapBasedSmartPropertyOverrideConfigurer
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in ScopeRegistrar
postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object, String) - Method in BeanPostProcessorAdapter
@param bean
postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object, String) - Method in ClassLoaderAwareBeanPostProcessor
postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object, String) - Method in CommandObjectEnablingPostProcessor
postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object, String) - Method in GORMEnhancingBeanPostProcessor
postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object, String) - Method in GrailsApplicationAwareBeanPostProcessor
postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object, String) - Method in PluginManagerAwareBeanPostProcessor
postProcessConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
Merge HibernateEventListeners with the default ones
postUninstall() - Method in PluginInstallEngine
postValidate(Object, Errors) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
Subclasses can overrite to provide custom handling of the errors object post validation.
postValidate(Object, Errors) - Method in HibernateDomainClassValidator
PRAGMA - Field in HttpHeaders
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in CompositeInterceptor
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
preHandle(WebRequest) - Method in GrailsOpenSessionInViewInterceptor
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in ParamsAwareLocaleChangeInterceptor
prepare(GrailsTestTargetPattern[], File, Binding) - Method in GrailsTestType
Perform any kind of initialisation, and return how many tests will be run.
prepare(GrailsTestTargetPattern[], File, Binding) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Sets the appropriate instance variables from the parameters, and calls doPrepare()
prepareAjaxForm(def) - Method in JavascriptProvider
prepareAjaxForm(def) - Method in PrototypeProvider
prepareBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
prepareCommandObjectBindingAction(Closure, Closure, String, Object, ApplicationContext) - Method in WebMetaUtils
Prepares a command object binding action for usage
prepareForConstraintsTests(Class, Map, List) - Method in MockUtils

Adds a validate() method to the given domain class that performs validation against the constraints and returns a map of errors.

prepareRead() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
PrettyPrintJSONWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json
A JSONWriter dedicated to create indented/pretty printed output.
PrettyPrintJSONWriter(Writer, String) - Constructor in PrettyPrintJSONWriter
PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.xml
A XMLStreamWriter dedicated to create indented/pretty printed output.
PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter(StreamingMarkupWriter, String) - Constructor in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
prevCharIsCR - Field in SimpleCharStream
prevCharIsLF - Field in SimpleCharStream
print(String) - Method in BodyContentImpl
print(Writable) - Method in CodecPrintWriter
print(Writable) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
print(boolean) - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
print(String) - Method in JspWriterDelegate
printHtmlPart(int) - Method in GroovyPage
println(String) - Method in BodyContentImpl
println(StreamCharBuffer) - Method in CodecPrintWriter
println(StreamCharBuffer) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
println() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
println() - Method in GSPWriter
println(String) - Method in JspWriterDelegate
printlnToBuffer(String, int) - Method in GSPWriter
printlnToResponse(String, String) - Method in GSPWriter
printSanitizedStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in GrailsUtil
processAwareInterfaces(GrailsApplication, Object) - Method in GrailsApplicationAwareBeanPostProcessor
processPluginDependencies(String, GPathResult) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractVetoingConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in CreditCardConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in EmailConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in InListConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in MatchesConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in MaxConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in MaxSizeConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in MinConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in MinSizeConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in NotEqualConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in RangeConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in ScaleConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in SizeConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in UniqueConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in UrlConstraint
processValidate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in ValidatorConstraint
processValidateWithVetoing(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractVetoingConstraint
processValidateWithVetoing(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in BlankConstraint
processValidateWithVetoing(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in NullableConstraint
production(Closure) - Method in Environment.EnvironmentBlockEvaluator
production(Closure) - Method in Log4jConfig
PROJECT_CLASSES_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for classesDir.
PROJECT_CLASSES_DIR - Field in GrailsApplication
The name of the system property whose value contains the location, during development, of the current Grails projects resources directory
PROJECT_DOCS_OUTPUT_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for testReportsDir.
PROJECT_META_FILE - Field in GrailsApplication
The name of the system property for pluginClassesDir.
PROJECT_RESOURCES_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for .
PROJECT_RESOURCES_DIR - Field in GrailsApplication
The name of the system property whose value contains the location, during development, of the current Grails projects resources directory
PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for sourceDir.
PROJECT_TARGET_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for projectTargetDir.
PROJECT_TEST_CLASSES_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for testClassesDir.
PROJECT_TEST_CLASSES_DIR - Field in GrailsApplication
The name of the system property whose value contains the location, during development, of the current Grails projects resources directory
PROJECT_TEST_REPORTS_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for testReportsDir.
PROJECT_TEST_SOURCE_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for testSourceDir.
PROJECT_WAR_EXPLODED_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for projectWarExplodedDir.
PROJECT_WAR_FILE - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the WAR file of the project
PROJECT_WAR_OSGI_HEADERS - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for enabling osgi headers in the WAR Manifest
PROJECT_WEB_XML_FILE - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for webXmlFile.
PROJECT_WORK_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for projectWorkDir.
PROJECT_WORK_DIR - Field in GrailsApplication
The directory where temporary project resources and plug-ins are kept
projectPluginsDir - Field in AbstractBuildSettings
The location where project-specific plugins are installed to.
projectPluginsDirSet - Field in AbstractBuildSettings
propertiesHaveNotChanged() - Method in Metadata
@return Returns true if these properties have not changed since they were loaded
property - Field in GrailsDomainBinder.GrailsCollectionSecondPass
property(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
A projection that selects a property name
property(String, Object) - Method in JSON
PROPERTY_NAME - Field in ConstraintsDynamicProperty
PROPERTY_NAME - Field in ConstraintsEvaluatingDynamicProperty
PROPERTY_NAME - Field in GetParamsDynamicProperty
PROPERTY_NAME - Field in GetSessionDynamicProperty
PROPERTY_NAME - Field in GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil
PROPERTY_REGISTRY - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
PropertyAccessInterceptor - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Adds the ability to intercept property getters/setters.
PropertyConfig - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Custom mapping for a single domain property.
PropertyDefinitionDelegate - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Builder delegate that handles multiple-column definitions for a single domain property, e.g.
PropertyDefinitionDelegate(PropertyConfig) - Constructor in PropertyDefinitionDelegate
PropertyExpression - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Designed for use with Groovy property access expressions like
PropertyExpression(String) - Constructor in PropertyExpression
propertyMissing(String) - Method in FilterConfig
When the filter does not have a particular property, it passes the request on to the filter definition class.
propertyMissing(String) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
propertyMissing(String) - Method in GrailsMockErrors
propertyMissing(String) - Method in NamedCriteriaProxy
propertyName - Field in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
propertyName - Field in ConstrainedProperty
propertyType - Field in ConstrainedProperty
PrototypeProvider - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Prototype implementation of JavaScript provider
PROVIDED_ARTEFACTS - Field in GrailsPlugin
The name of the property that provides a list of shipped, but overridable artefactssw
PROVIDED_CONFIGURATION - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
PROXY_AUTHENTICATE - Field in HttpHeaders
PROXY_AUTHORIZATION - Field in HttpHeaders
PROXY_CONNECTION - Field in HttpHeaders
ProxyHandler - Interface in
Interface that defines logic for handling proxied instances
ProxyMetaClass - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
As subclass of MetaClass, ProxyMetaClass manages calls from Groovy Objects to POJOs.
ProxyMetaClass(MetaClassRegistry, Class, MetaClass) - Constructor in ProxyMetaClass
@param adaptee the MetaClass to decorate with interceptability
ProxyUnwrappingMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller
Unwraps Hibernate proxies with no direct references to the Hibernate APIs
publish() - Method in DocPublisher
publishEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in MockApplicationContext
publishRelease(String, Resource) - Method in DefaultPluginPublisher
push(Writer, boolean) - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
push(JSONWriter.Mode) - Method in JSONWriter
Push an array or object scope.
push(Mode) - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
pushBody() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
put(Object, Object) - Method in DataBindingLazyMetaPropertyMap
put(UrlMappingsListKey, UrlMappingKey) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingsList
put(Object, Object) - Method in GrailsFlashScope
put(Object, Object) - Method in GrailsParameterMap
put(int, Object) - Method in JSONArray
Put or replace an object value in the JSONArray.
put(Object, Object) - Method in JSONObject
put(Object, Object) - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
put(Object, Object) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
putAll(Map) - Method in GrailsFlashScope
putAll(Map) - Method in GrailsParameterMap
putAll(Map) - Method in JSONObject
putAll(Map) - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
putAll(Map) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
putAndDecorate(UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey, UrlCreator) - Method in UrlCreatorCache
putAt(String, Object) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Map-like setting of request attributes, e.g. request["count"] = 10.
putAt(String, Object) - Method in GrailsMockHttpSession
putOpt(String, Object) - Method in JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the value are both non-null.
putValue(String, Object) - Method in GrailsHttpSession
See Also:
javax.servlet.http.HttpSession#putValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


QualityComparator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mime
quote(String) - Method in JSONObject
Produce a string in double quotes with backslash sequences in all the right places.
QUOTE - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.


RANGE_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
RANGE - Field in HttpHeaders
RangeConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates a range.
read() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferInputStream
read(char[], int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBufferReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunkReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.ChunkReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunkReader
read(char[], int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StringChunkReader
readAsByteArray() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
readAsCharArray() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Reads the buffer to a char[].
readAsString(Charset) - Method in StreamByteBuffer
readAsString() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Reads the buffer to a String.
readChar() - Method in SimpleCharStream
Read a character.
readDependenciesFromPOM() - Method in IvyDependencyManager
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
readMetadataFromZip(String) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
Reads plugin metadata from a plugin zip file and returns a list containing the plugin name, version and XML metadata.
readPluginInfo(Resource) - Method in AstPluginDescriptorReader
readPluginInfo(Resource) - Method in CompositePluginDescriptorReader
readPluginInfo(Resource) - Method in PluginDescriptorReader
readPluginInfo(Resource) - Method in XmlPluginDescriptorReader
readPluginXmlMetadata(String) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
readToNioBuffer() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
ready() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferReader
rebuild() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
rebuild() - Method in GrailsApplication
Rebuilds this Application throwing away the class loader and re-constructing it from the loaded resources again.
receiveGrailsBuildEvent(String, Object) - Method in GrailsBuildListener
Responds to the event.
receiveGrailsBuildEvent(String, Object[]) - Method in GrailsTestEventConsoleReporter
receiveGrailsBuildEvent(String, Object[]) - Method in JUnitReportProcessor
reconfigure(GrailsApplicationContext, ServletContext, boolean) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
reconnect() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
reconnect() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
reconnect() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Reconnects the persistence context.
redirect(Map) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
redirectArgs - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
RedirectDynamicMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
Implements the "redirect" Controller method for action redirection.
RedirectDynamicMethod(ApplicationContext) - Constructor in RedirectDynamicMethod
RedirectEventListener - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
Listener interface that gets fired when the redirect(..) method is called
referenceStack - Field in JSON
REFERER - Field in HttpHeaders
refresh() - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
refresh() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Refreshes this GrailsApplication, rebuilding all of the artefact definitions as defined by the registered ArtefactHandler instances.
refresh(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
refresh() - Method in Grails5535Factory
Check if configuration file has been modified, and if so reload it.
refresh() - Method in GrailsApplication
This method will refresh the entire application
refresh() - Method in GrailsPlugin
Refreshes this Grails plugin reloading any watched resources as necessary
refreshConstraints() - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Refreshes constraints defined by the DomainClassArtefactHandler.
refreshConstraints() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
refreshConstraints() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
refreshConstraints() - Method in GrailsApplication
Rebuilds the constraint definitions.
refreshConstraints() - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Refreshes the constraint defined on a domain class
refreshConstraints() - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
refreshPlugin(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
refreshPlugin(String) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Refreshes the specified plugin.
RegexUrlMapping - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping

A UrlMapping implementation that takes a Grails URL pattern and turns it into a regex matcher so that URLs can be matched and information captured from the match.

RegexUrlMapping(UrlMappingData, URI, ConstrainedProperty[], ServletContext) - Constructor in RegexUrlMapping
Constructs a new RegexUrlMapipng for the given pattern that maps to the specified URI
RegexValidator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.routines
Regular Expression validation (using JDK 1.4+ regex support).
RegexValidator(String[], boolean) - Constructor in RegexValidator
Construct a validator that matches any one of the set of regular expressions with the specified case sensitivity.
registerArtefactHandler(ArtefactHandler) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Registers a new ArtefactHandler that is responsible for identifying and managing a particular artefact type that is defined by some convention.
registerArtefactHandler(ArtefactHandler) - Method in GrailsApplication

Register a new artefact handler

registerBeans(RuntimeSpringConfiguration) - Method in BeanBuilder
Registers bean definitions with another instance of RuntimeSpringConfiguration, overriding any beans in the target.
registerBeansWithConfig(RuntimeSpringConfiguration) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
registerBeansWithConfig(RuntimeSpringConfiguration) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Registers the beans held within this RuntimeSpringConfiguration instance with the given RuntimeSpringConfiguration.
registerBeansWithContext(GenericApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
registerBeansWithContext(GenericApplicationContext) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Registers the beans held within this RuntimeSpringConfiguration instance with the given ApplicationContext.
registerBeansWithRegistry(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
registerBeansWithRegistry(BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Registers the beans held within this RuntimeSpringConfiguration instance with the given BeanDefinitionRegistry.
registerCommonWebProperties(MetaClass, GrailsApplication) - Method in WebMetaUtils
This creates the difference dynamic methods and properties on the controllers.
registerConstraintsProperty(MetaClass, GrailsDomainClass) - Method in DomainClassGrailsPlugin
Registers the constraints property for the given MetaClass and domainClass instance
registerContextClassLoader - Field in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
registerControllerMethodMissing(MetaClass, TagLibraryLookup, ApplicationContext) - Method in GroovyPagesGrailsPlugin
registerControllerMethods(MetaClass, ApplicationContext) - Method in ControllersGrailsPlugin
registerCustomEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry, Locale) - Method in GrailsDataBinder
Registers all known
registerDependency(List, GrailsPlugin) - Method in BasePluginFilter
Adds a plugin to the additional if this hasn't happened already
registerFlow(String, Closure) - Method in WebFlowTestCase
registerIgnoredClassPathLocation(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
Registers a resource that should not be found on the classpath.
registerInstanceMethod(MetaMethod) - Method in MetadataGeneratingExpandoMetaClass
registerJndiBindingHandler(JndiBindingHandler) - Method in JndiBindingSupport
Used to register a new JNDI binding handler
registerMapping(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
registerMapping(String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Registers a new mapping onto this controller for the given actionName.
registerMetaClass(Class) - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
Use this method when you plan to perform some meta-programming on a class.
registerMethodMissingForTags(MetaClass, ApplicationContext, GrailsTagLibClass, String) - Method in WebMetaUtils
registerMockBean(String, Object) - Method in MockApplicationContext
registerMockResource(String, String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
Registers a mock resource.
registerMockResource(String, byte[]) - Method in MockStringResourceLoader
Registers a mock resource with the first argument as the location and the second as the contents of the resource.
registerModifiedMetaClass(ExpandoMetaClass) - Method in MetadataGeneratingMetaClassCreationHandle
Registers a modified ExpandoMetaClass with the creation handle
registerNewConstraint(String, ConstraintFactory) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
registerObjectMarshaller(Class, Closure) - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
registerObjectMarshaller(ObjectMarshaller, int) - Method in JSON
registerObjectMarshaller(ObjectMarshaller, int) - Method in XML
registerPluginWithMetadata(String, def) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
Registers a plugin name and version as installed according to the plugin metadata
registerPostProcessor(BeanFactoryPostProcessor) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
registerPostProcessor(BeanFactoryPostProcessor) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Registers a bean factory post processor with the context.
registerPrototype(String, Class, MutablePropertyValues) - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
Register a prototype bean with the underlying bean factory.
registerProvidedArtefacts(GrailsApplication) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
registerProvidedArtefacts(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Registers pre-compiled artefacts with the GrailsApplication instance, only overriding if the application doesn't already provide an artefact of the same name.
registerSingleton(String, Class, MutablePropertyValues) - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
Register a singleton bean with the underlying bean factory.
registerSitemeshPreprocessMode(HttpServletRequest) - Method in GroovyPage
registerStaticMethod(String, Closure) - Method in MetadataGeneratingExpandoMetaClass
registerStreamCharBufferMetaClass() - Method in WebMetaUtils
registerTag(String, Class) - Method in GrailsTagRegistry
registerTagLib(GrailsTagLibClass) - Method in TagLibraryLookup
Registers a tag library for lookup.
registry - Field in RequestContextTag
ReInit(JsonParserTokenManager) - Method in JSONParser
ReInit(SimpleCharStream, int) - Method in JsonParserTokenManager
Reinitialise parser.
ReInit(def, int, int) - Method in SimpleCharStream
rejectValue(Object, Errors, String, Object[], String) - Method in AbstractConstraint
rejectValueWithDefaultMessage(Object, Errors, String, String[], Object[]) - Method in AbstractConstraint
RELATES_TO_MANY - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
relativePath(File, File) - Method in GroovyPageCompiler
release() - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
releasePageContext(PageContext) - Method in GroovyPagesJspFactory
RELOAD_ENABLED - Field in Environment
Specify whether reloading is enabled for this environment
RELOAD_LOCATION - Field in Environment
The location where to reload resources from
reload() - Method in Metadata
Reloads the application metadata.
ReloadAwareAutowireCapableBeanFactory - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
A BeanFactory that can deal with class cast exceptions that may occur due to class reload events and then attempt to reload the bean being instantiated to avoid them.
ReloadAwareAutowireCapableBeanFactory() - Constructor in ReloadAwareAutowireCapableBeanFactory
Default constructor.
reloadClass(String) - Method in GrailsClassLoader
remove(Object) - Method in GrailsFlashScope
remove(Object) - Method in GrailsParameterMap
remove(Object) - Method in JSONArray
remove(Object) - Method in JSONObject
remove(Object) - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
@throws UnsupportedOperationException
remove(int) - Method in ListOrderedSet
remove() - Method in ListOrderedSet.OrderedSetIterator
remove(int) - Method in PagedResultList
remove(Object) - Method in TypeConvertingMap
removeAll(Collection) - Method in JSONArray
removeAll(Collection) - Method in ListOrderedSet
removeAll(Collection) - Method in PagedResultList
removeAppender(String) - Method in Log4jConfig
removeAttribute(String) - Method in GrailsHttpSession
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
removeConnections() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
removeCurrentInstance() - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
removeValue(String) - Method in GrailsHttpSession
See Also:
render(HttpServletResponse) - Method in Converter
Marshalls the target and writes it a HttpServletResponse The response will be comitted after this operation
render(Map) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
render(Content, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext, SiteMeshWebAppContext) - Method in GrailsNoDecorator
render(HttpServletResponse) - Method in JSON
Directs the JSON Writer to the Outputstream of the HttpServletResponse and sets the Content-Type to application/json
render(Map, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in NullView
RENDER_VIEW_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
render(HttpServletResponse) - Method in XML
renderArgs - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
RenderDynamicMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
Allows rendering of text, views, and templates to the response
RenderDynamicMethod() - Constructor in RenderDynamicMethod
RENDERING_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
RenderInputTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
A tag that attempts to render an input for a bean property into an appropriate component based on the type.
RenderInputTag() - Constructor in RenderInputTag
renderMergedOutputModel(Map, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in GroovyPageView
Delegates to renderMergedOutputModel(..)
renderNoSelectionOptionImpl(def, def, def, def) - Method in FormTagLib
renderPageWithEngine(GroovyPagesTemplateEngine, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Template) - Method in GroovyPagesServlet
Attempts to render the page with the given arguments
RenderTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Tags to help rendering of views and layouts.
renderWithTemplateEngine(GroovyPagesTemplateEngine, Map, HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest) - Method in GroovyPageView
Replaces the requirement for "super.exposeModelAsRequestAttributes(model, request);" in renderMergedOutputModel.
renderWithTemplateEngine(GroovyPagesTemplateEngine, Map, HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest) - Method in ScaffoldedGroovyPageView
Overrides the default implementation to render a GSP view using an in-memory representation held in the #contents property.
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in IdentityEnumType
reports - Field in JUnitReports
reportsDir - Field in JUnitReportsFactory
repositories(Closure) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
Same as #resolvers(Closure)
repositoryRoot - Field in GrailsRepoResolver
request - Field in AbstractDynamicControllerMethod
request - Field in AbstractDynamicControllerProperty
REQUEST_FORMATS - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
REQUEST - Field in GroovyPage
REQUEST_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
REQUEST_RANGE - Field in HttpHeaders
REQUEST_REDIRECTED_ATTRIBUTE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
request - Field in RequestContextTag
REQUEST_SCOPE_ID - Field in ApplicationAttributes
RequestContextTag - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib
@author Graeme Rocher
RequestContextTag(String) - Constructor in RequestContextTag
RequiredPropertyMissingException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
Thrown when a named property of a specific type is not present in a class.
RequiredPropertyMissingException(Throwable) - Constructor in RequiredPropertyMissingException
RESERVED_NAMES - Field in GroovyPage
reset() - Method in DocumentationContext
reset() - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
Resets the GrailsRumtimeConfigurator.
reset() - Method in Metadata
Resets the current state of the Metadata so it is re-read.
reset() - Method in MimeType
reset() - Method in MvcUnitTestCase
reset() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
reset() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
reset() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferInputStream
reset(boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
resets the state of this buffer (empties it)
resetGrailsPluginsResolver() - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Resets the Grails plugin resolver if it is used
resetIds() - Method in MockUtils
resetSize() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunk
resetToken(HttpServletRequest) - Method in WithFormMethod
Resets the token in the request
resetUsed() - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
resetUsed() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
resizeChunkSizeAsProcentageOfTotalSize() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
resolveApplicationDependencies(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Resolves only application dependencies and returns a list of the resolves JAR files
resolveAttributes(def) - Method in FormTagLib
Check required attributes, set the id to name if no id supplied, extract bean values etc.
resolveCircularReferenceBehaviour(String) - Method in ConverterUtil
resolveCode(String, Locale) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
resolveCodeFromPlugins(String, Locale) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
Attempts to resolve a MessageFormat for the code from the list of plugin base names
resolveCodeWithoutArguments(String, Locale) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
resolveCodeWithoutArgumentsFromPlugins(String, Locale) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
Attempts to resolve a String for the code from the list of plugin base names
resolveConstructorArguments(Object[], int, int) - Method in BeanBuilder
resolveConverterException(Throwable) - Method in ConverterUtil
resolveDependencies() - Method in DependencyResolver
resolveDependencies() - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Performs a resolve of all dependencies, potentially going out to the internet to download jars if they are not found locally
resolveEngine - Field in PluginInstallEngine
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in LocalEntityResolver
resolveException(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in GrailsExceptionResolver
resolveExportedDependencies(String) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Resolves only plugin dependencies that should be exported to the application
resolveExpression(ExpressionDelegate, def) - Method in RuntimeRedirectAction
resolveExpressionsInParams(ExpressionDelegate, Map) - Method in RuntimeRedirectAction
resolveLocale(def) - Method in FormatTagLib
resolvePluginDependencies(String, Map) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Performs a resolve of declared plugin dependencies (zip files containing plugin distributions)
resolvePluginDependencies() - Method in PluginInstallEngine
This method will resolve the current dependencies and install any missing plugins or upgrades and remove any plugins that aren't present in the metadata but are installed
resolvePluginJarDependencies(def, def) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
resolvePluginMetadata(String, String) - Method in PluginResolveEngine
This method will resolve the plugin.xml file for a given plugin without downloading the plugin zip itself
resolvePlugins(List, String) - Method in PluginResolveEngine
Resolves a list of plugins and produces a ResolveReport
resolvePluginZip(String, String, String, Map) - Method in PluginResolveEngine
Resolve a Plugin zip for for the given name and plugin version
resolver(def) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
resolveRootLoader() - Method in TagLibraryResolver
Obtains a reference to the RootLoader instance
resolvers(Closure) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
Defines dependency resolvers
resolvesTo(String, String) - Method in ScriptNameResolver
Matches a camelCase scriptName to a potential scriptFileName in canonical form.
resolveTagLibrary(String) - Method in TagLibraryResolver
Resolves a JspTagLib instance for the given URI
resolveView(HttpServletRequest, String, String, ViewResolver) - Method in WebUtils
Resolves a view for the given view name and controller name
resolveViewForController(GroovyObject, GrailsApplication, String, ResourceLoader) - Method in GrailsViewResolver
Attempts to resolve a view relative to a controller.
RESOURCE_LOADER_BEAN_ID - Field in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
RESOURCE_PATH_PATTERN - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
ResourceAwareTemplateEngine - Class in
An abstract TemplateEngine that extends the default Groovy TemplateEngine (@see groovy.text.TemplateEngine) and provides the ability to create templates from the Spring Resource API
ResourceCopier - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.filter
@author Graeme Rocher
response - Field in AbstractDynamicControllerMethod
response - Field in AbstractDynamicControllerProperty
RESPONSE - Field in GroovyPage
RESPONSE_PROPERTY - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
response - Field in RequestContextTag
ResponseCodeMappingData - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
A mapping data for response codes (numbers)
ResponseCodeMappingData(String) - Constructor in ResponseCodeMappingData
ResponseCodeUrlMapping - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
A Url mapping for http response codes.
ResponseCodeUrlMapping(UrlMappingData, Object, Object, Object, ConstrainedProperty[], ServletContext) - Constructor in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
responseRedirected(String) - Method in FlushOnRedirectEventListener
responseRedirected(String) - Method in RedirectEventListener
Called when the response is redirected
restart() - Method in EmbeddableServer
Typically combines the stop() and start() methods in order to restart the container
restartContainer() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
restful - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
restoreThreadLocalsToOriginals() - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack
resultTransformer(ResultTransformer) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Sets the resultTransformer.
resumeExecution(String, ExternalContext) - Method in GrailsFlowExecutorImpl
resuming(RequestContext) - Method in SessionAwareHibernateFlowExecutionListener
retainAfterReadingMode() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
retainAll(Collection) - Method in JSONArray
retainAll(Collection) - Method in ListOrderedSet
retainAll(Collection) - Method in PagedResultList
retrieveGrailsWebRequest() - Method in WebUtils
Returns the GrailsWebRequest associated with the current request.
RETRY_AFTER - Field in HttpHeaders
returnedClass() - Method in IdentityEnumType
reuseBuffer() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
RLIKE - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
RlikeExpression - Class in grails.orm
Adds support for rlike to Hibernate in supported dialects.
RlikeExpression(String, String, MatchMode) - Constructor in RlikeExpression
root(Closure) - Method in Log4jConfig
rootLoader(String[]) - Method in GrailsStarter
RootLog4jConfig - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.logging
RootLog4jConfig(def, def) - Constructor in RootLog4jConfig
rowCount(String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the row count
run() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager.GrailsPluginChangeChecker
run(GrailsTestEventPublisher) - Method in GrailsTestType
Runs the tests, appropriately calls GrailsTestEventPublisher and returns the GrailsTestTypeResult.
run(GrailsTestEventPublisher) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Sets the current thread's contextClassLoader to the test class loader, calls doRun(GrailsTestEventPublisher) and then restores the original contextClassLoader.
runGrails(String, String) - Method in GrailsTask
runnerForClass(Class) - Method in GrailsTestCaseRunnerBuilder
RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
RuntimeRedirectAction - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
Takes the parameters formulated in the builder and produces an ExternalRedirect at runtime.
RuntimeSpringConfiguration - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
A programmable runtime Spring configuration that allows a spring ApplicationContext to be constructed at runtime.


sanitize(Throwable) - Method in GrailsUtil

Remove all apparently Grails-internal trace entries from the exception instance

This modifies the original instance and returns it, it does not clone

sanitize(Throwable) - Method in TestStacktraceSanitizer
sanitizeRootCause(Throwable) - Method in GrailsUtil

Get the root cause of an exception and sanitize it for display to the user

This will MODIFY the stacktrace of the root cause exception object and return it

SaveOrUpdateEventListener - Class in
Intermediary class, because def in package name is blocking IntelliJ from compiling.
SavePersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
Follows the semantics of saveOrUpdate of scheduling the object for persistence when a flush occurs.
SavePersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader, GrailsApplication, GrailsDomainClass) - Constructor in SavePersistentMethod
ScaffoldedGroovyPageView - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.view
A special Spring View for scaffolding that renders an in-memory scaffolded view to the response.
ScaffoldedGroovyPageView(String, String) - Constructor in ScaffoldedGroovyPageView
ScaffoldingException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.exceptions
Thrown generally when initialisation of scaffolding fails.
ScaffoldingException(Throwable) - Constructor in ScaffoldingException
ScaffoldingGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.scaffolding
Handles the configuration of dynamic scaffolding in Grails.
ScaffoldingViewResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.view
Overrides the default Grails view resolver and resolves scaffolded views at runtime.
SCALE_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
ScaleConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Manages the scale for floating point numbers (i.e., the number of digits to the right of the decimal point).
scanDir(File, File, String[]) - Method in GrailsCompiler
ScopeRegistrar - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.scope
Replaces Webflow ScopeRegistrar since we don't need to the RequestScope implementation of WebFlow.
SCOPES - Field in GrailsPlugin
The scopes to which this plugin applies
ScriptExitException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli
Exception thrown when a script exits, but Grails has disabled the system exit.
ScriptExitException(int, Throwable) - Constructor in ScriptExitException
ScriptNameResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli
@author Andres Almiray
ScriptNotFoundException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli
Exception thrown when Grails is asked to execute a script that it can't find.
ScriptNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in ScriptNotFoundException
searchPluginViews(String, ResourceLoader) - Method in GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper
secondPassCompile() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainConfiguration
Overrides the default behaviour to including binding of Grails domain classes.
secondPassCompile() - Method in GrailsAnnotationConfiguration
Overrides the default behaviour to including binding of Grails domain classes.
select(String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Use a select query
sendError(int, String) - Method in GrailsContentBufferingResponse
sendError(int, String) - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
sendError(int) - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
sendRedirect(String) - Method in GrailsContentBufferingResponse
sendRedirect(String) - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
sendRedirect(String) - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
serializableProxy() - Method in GroovyAwareJavassistLazyInitializer
serialize(def, boolean) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Serializes the parsed dependencies using the given builder.
serialVersionUID - Field in GrailsDomainBinder.GrailsCollectionSecondPass
SERVER - Field in HttpHeaders
SERVICE - Field in DefaultGrailsServiceClass
ServiceArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
@author Marc Palmer (
ServiceArtefactHandler() - Constructor in ServiceArtefactHandler
ServicesGrailsPlugin - Class in
Configures services in the spring context.
SERVLET_CONTEXT - Field in ControllerDynamicMethods
SERVLET_CONTEXT - Field in GroovyPage
SERVLET_ENGINE - Field in HttpHeaders
SERVLET_INSTANCE - Field in GroovyPagesServlet
SERVLET_VERSION - Field in Metadata
servletContext - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
servletContext - Field in RequestContextTag
ServletContextHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context
Holds a reference to the ServletContext.
ServletsGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web
Adds methods to the Servlet API interfaces to make them more Grailsy.
SESSION_FACTORY_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
SESSION - Field in GroovyPage
SessionAwareHibernateFlowExecutionListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.persistence
Extends the HibernateFlowExecutionListener and doesn't bind a session if one is already present.
SessionAwareHibernateFlowExecutionListener(SessionFactory, PlatformTransactionManager) - Constructor in SessionAwareHibernateFlowExecutionListener
Create a new Hibernate Flow Execution Listener using giving Hibernate session factory and transaction manager.
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in DebugHttpSessionListener
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in DebugHttpSessionListener
sessionEnded(RequestContext, FlowSession, String, AttributeMap) - Method in SessionAwareHibernateFlowExecutionListener
sessionEnding(RequestContext, FlowSession, String, MutableAttributeMap) - Method in SessionAwareHibernateFlowExecutionListener
sessionStarting(RequestContext, FlowSession, MutableAttributeMap) - Method in SessionAwareHibernateFlowExecutionListener
set(Object, Object) - Method in AbstractDynamicProperty
set(Object, Object) - Method in ConstraintsDynamicProperty
set(Object, Object) - Method in ConstraintsEvaluatingDynamicProperty
SET_COOKIE2 - Field in HttpHeaders
SET_COOKIE - Field in HttpHeaders
set(Object, Object) - Method in DynamicProperty
Call the setter on the given object
set(Object, Object) - Method in GenericDynamicProperty
set(Object, Object) - Method in GetParamsDynamicProperty
set(int, Object) - Method in JSONArray
set(int, Object) - Method in ListOrderedSet
set - Field in ListOrderedSet.OrderedSetIterator
Object we iterate on
set(int, Object) - Method in PagedResultList
set(Object, Object) - Method in WeakGenericDynamicProperty
setAbstract(boolean) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Sets the BeanConfiguration as an Abstract bean definition
setAbstract(boolean) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setAction(Object) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
setAction(String) - Method in ForwardUrlMappingInfo
setAction(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setAction(String) - Method in JspFormTag
setAction(String) - Method in JspLinkTag
setAction(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setAction(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setAction(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setActionName(String) - Method in GrailsWebRequest
setActive(boolean) - Method in DocumentationContext
setAdaptee(MetaClass) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
@param adaptee the adaptee to set
setAfter(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setAfter(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setAfter(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setAfter(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
setApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
setApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in ApplicationHolder
setApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
setApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
Dependency injection for the application.
setApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsPlugin
setApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Sets the GrailsApplication used be this plugin manager
setApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean
@param application the application to set
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in AbstractPersistentConstraint
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in CommandObjectEnablingPostProcessor
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in ConvertersConfigurationInitializer
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
Sets the parent ApplicationContext for the GrailsApplication.
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in DevelopmentShutdownHook
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsInjectionOperation
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Sets the ResourceLoader from the ApplicationContext
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in HibernateDomainClassValidator
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in TagLibraryLookup
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in UrlMappingFactoryBean
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in ValidationErrorsMarshaller
setApplicationName(String) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
setApplicationVersion(String) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
setArgs(String) - Method in GrailsTask
setAs(String) - Method in JspRenderErrorsTag
setAssociation(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setAsText(String) - Method in ClassEditor
setAsText(String) - Method in CurrencyEditor
setAsText(String) - Method in TimeZoneEditor
setAsText(String) - Method in UriEditor
setAsynchronous(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setAsynchronous(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setAsynchronous(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setAsynchronous(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in GrailsHttpSession
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in GrailsTag
Sets an attribute of the tag
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in GroovyPagesPageContext
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in GroovySyntaxTag
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in RequestContextTag
setAttributes(Map) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
setAttributes(Map) - Method in GrailsTag
Sets the attributes of the tag
setAttributes(Map) - Method in GroovySyntaxTag
setAttributes(Map) - Method in RequestContextTag
setAutowire(String) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Sets the autowire type, either "byType" or "byName"
setAutowire(String) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setBaseDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings

Changes the base directory, making sure that everything that depends on it gets refreshed too.

setBasedir(String) - Method in ResourceCopier
The basedir to copy from (defaults to ".")
setBasePlugin(boolean) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
setBasePlugin(boolean) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Sets whether this plugin is the base plugin
setBaseResource(Resource) - Method in GroovyPageResourceLoader
setBaseResource(Resource) - Method in StaticResourceLoader
setBasicCollectionType(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
setBean(String) - Method in JspEachErrorTag
setBean(String) - Method in JspHasErrorsTag
setBean(String) - Method in JspRenderErrorsTag
setBean(String) - Method in JspRenderInputTag
setBean(String) - Method in JspRenderTag
setBean(Object) - Method in RenderInputTag
setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
setBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition) - Method in BeanConfiguration
setBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setBeanFactory(ListableBeanFactory) - Method in DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration
setBeanFactory(ListableBeanFactory) - Method in RuntimeSpringConfiguration
Sets the BeanFactory implementation to use.
setBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Method in TransactionManagerPostProcessor
Gets the platform transaction manager from the bean factory if there is one.
setBefore(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setBefore(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setBefore(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setBefore(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setBidirectional(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
Sets whether the relationship is bidirectional or not
setBidirectional(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setBinding(Binding) - Method in BeanBuilder
Sets the binding (the variables available in the scope of the BeanBuilder)
setBinding(Map) - Method in GroovyPageWritable
This sets any additional variables that need to be placed in the Binding of the GSP page.
setBlank(boolean) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param blank The blank to set.
setBlockClose(boolean) - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
setBlockFlush(boolean) - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
setBodyBuffer(StreamCharBuffer) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
setBuildListeners(def) - Method in BuildSettings
setCacheResources(boolean) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
setCacheSeconds(int) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
setChainResolver(ChainResolver) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Allows settings an alternative chain resolver to be used
setChanging(boolean) - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
setChild(Object, Object, String, String) - Method in DomainBuilder.DefaultGrailsChildPropertySetter
setChunkMinSize(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
setCircularReferenceBehaviour(def) - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
setClassesDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setClassesDir(File) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setClassInjectors(ClassInjector[]) - Method in GrailsAwareClassLoader
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in BeanBuilder
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in ClassEditor
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in ClassLoaderAware
This method is called by the org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext that loads the Grails application.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in DynamicElementReader
setClassLoader(GroovyClassLoader) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Sets the ClassLoader that the TemplateEngine should use to
setClassName(String) - Method in GroovyPageParser
setClasspathRef(Reference) - Method in GrailsTask
setClasspathRef(Reference) - Method in GroovyPageCompilerTask
Adds a reference to a classpath defined elsewhere.
setCode(String) - Method in JspMessageTag
setCodecName(String) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setCollection(String) - Method in JspRenderTag
setColumnName(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setCommand(String) - Method in GrailsTask
setCompilationException(GroovyPagesException) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setCompileDependencies(List) - Method in BuildSettings
Sets the compile time dependencies for the project
setCompileDependencies(List) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setCompilerConfig(CompilerConfiguration) - Method in GroovyPageCompiler
setConfig(ConfigObject) - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
setConfig(ConfigObject) - Method in ConfigurationHolder
Sets the ConfigObject.
setConfigClass(Class) - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
Sets the class to be used for Hibernate Configuration
setConfigLocation(String) - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
setConfigLocations(String[]) - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
setConfiguration(ConfigObject) - Method in ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor
setConfiguration(ConfigObject) - Method in DomainClassArtefactHandler
setConfiguration(ConfigObject) - Method in GrailsConfigurationAware
setContentBuffer(String, StreamCharBuffer) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
@param tagName "tagName" name of buffer (without "page." prefix)
setContentLength(int) - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
Prevent content-length being set if page is parseable.
setContentType(String) - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
Set the content-type of the request and store it so it can be passed to the com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.PageParser.
setContentType(String) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setContentType(String) - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
setController(Object) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
setController(String) - Method in ForwardUrlMappingInfo
setController(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setController(String) - Method in JspFormTag
setController(String) - Method in JspLinkTag
setController(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setController(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setController(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setControllerName(String) - Method in GrailsWebRequest
setControllerName(String) - Method in GroovyPagesTestCase
Sets the controller name to use.
setConverterClass(Class) - Method in ObjectMarshallerRegisterer
setCreditCard(boolean) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param creditCard The creditCard to set.
setCssDir(File) - Method in DocPublisherTask
The directory of the css templates (optional)
setCurrentSessionContextClass(Class) - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
Sets class to be used for the Hibernate CurrentSessionContext
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
setDebugStream(def) - Method in JsonParserTokenManager
Set debug output.
setDefaultActionName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsControllerClass
setDefaultActionName(String) - Method in GrailsControllerClass
Sets the name of the default action.
setDefaultConfiguration(Class, List) - Method in ConvertersConfigurationHolder
setDelegate(Object) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
setDependenciesExternallyConfigured(boolean) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setDependsOn(String[]) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Sets the names of the beans this bean configuration depends on
setDependsOn(String[]) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setDest(File) - Method in DocPublisherTask
The documentation publishing destination
setDestdir(String) - Method in ResourceCopier
The destdir to copy destdir (defaults to "./tmp/war")
setDestroyMethod(String) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Sets the name of the method to call when destroying the bean.
setDestroyMethod(String) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setDirective(int) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
setDisplay(boolean) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param display The display to set.
setDomainClass(GrailsDomainClass) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
@param domainClass The domainClass to set.
setDynamicAttribute(String, String, Object) - Method in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
setEditable(boolean) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param editable The editable to set.
setEmail(boolean) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param email The email to set.
setEmbedded(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
setEncoding(String) - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
setEncoding(String) - Method in DocPublisherTask
The encoding to use (default is UTF-8)
setEngineProperties(Properties) - Method in DocPublisher
Sets the engine properties.
setEnvironment(String) - Method in GrailsTask
setError(String) - Method in JspMessageTag
setErrorsOnInstance(Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractSavePersistentMethod
Associates the Errors object on the instance
setException(Object) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
setExceptionType(Class) - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
setExport(boolean) - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
setFactory(Factory) - Method in FactoryHolder
setFactoryBean(String) - Method in BeanConfiguration
@param beanName
setFactoryBean(String) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setFactoryMethod(String) - Method in BeanConfiguration
@param methodName
setFactoryMethod(String) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setField(String) - Method in JspEachErrorTag
setField(String) - Method in JspHasErrorsTag
setField(String) - Method in JspRenderErrorsTag
setFinalTargetHere(boolean) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
setFormat(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
setForwardURI(String) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Sets the "forwardURI" property for the request.
setFrom(String) - Method in JspSelectTag
setGlobalEventHooks(Map) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
setGlobalPluginsDir(File) - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
setGlobalPluginsDir(File) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
@param grailsApplication The grailsApplication to set.
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in ConverterUtil
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainConfiguration
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in DefaultPluginMetaManager
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsAnnotationConfiguration
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsApplicationAware

This method is called by the org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext that loads the Grails application.

setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsControllerHandlerMapping
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsDomainConfiguration
Sets the grails application instance.
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in GrailsFlowHandlerAdapter
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in SimpleGrailsController
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in TagLibraryLookup
setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication) - Method in UrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean
setGrailsDescriptor(Resource) - Method in GrailsApplicationFactoryBean
setGrailsDescriptor(Resource) - Method in GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean
setGrailsResourceHolder(GrailsResourceHolder) - Method in GrailsResourceLoaderFactoryBean
setGrailsResourceLoader(GrailsResourceLoader) - Method in GrailsApplicationFactoryBean
setGrailsResourceLoader(GrailsResourceLoader) - Method in GrailsClassLoader
setGrailsWorkDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setGrailsWorkDir(File) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setGroovySource(InputStream) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setGspTagLibraryLookup(TagLibraryLookup) - Method in GroovyPage
Sets the GSP tag library lookup class
setHasOne(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
Set whether the foreign key is stored in the parent or child in a one-to-one
setHeadBuffer(StreamCharBuffer) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
setHeader(String, String) - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
Prevent content-length being set if page is parseable.
setHibernateEventListeners(HibernateEventListeners) - Method in ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
setHome(File) - Method in GrailsTask
setHtmlParts(String[]) - Method in GroovyPage
setHtmlParts(String[]) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setId(Object) - Method in GrailsWebRequest
Sets the id of the request.
setId(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setId(String) - Method in JspFormTag
setId(String) - Method in JspLinkTag
setId(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setId(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setId(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setIdentity(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setImagesDir(File) - Method in DocPublisherTask
The directory of the images (optional)
setInBeanConfig() - Method in BeanBuilder.DeferredProperty
setIncludeRuntimeClasspath(boolean) - Method in GrailsTask
setIncludeVersion(boolean) - Method in DomainClassMarshaller
setInjectionOperation(GrailsInjectionOperation) - Method in GrailsApplicationFactoryBean
setInList(List) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param inList The inList to set.
setInterceptor(Interceptor) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
@param interceptor may be null to reset any interception
setInvoker(Object) - Method in InvocationCallback
setJspTagLibraryResolver(TagLibraryResolver) - Method in GroovyPage
Sets the JSP tag library resolver to use to resolve JSP tags
setJspTagLibraryResolver(TagLibraryResolver) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setJspTagLibraryResolver(TagLibraryResolver) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
setJspTags(Map) - Method in GroovyPage
Sets the JSP tags used by this GroovyPage instance
setJspTags(Map) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setLastModified(long) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setLastModified(long) - Method in GroovyPageParser
setLineNumbers(int[]) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setListenerMap(Map) - Method in HibernateEventListeners
setLoadCorePlugins(boolean) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
setLoadCorePlugins(boolean) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Set whether the core plugins should be loaded
setLoadExternalPersistenceConfig(boolean) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
setLocale(Locale) - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
setLogger(MessageLogger) - Method in IvyDependencyManager
Sets the default message logger used by Ivy
setMainContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplication
setMainContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in GrailsApplication
Sets the main Spring context for this application.
setManager(GrailsPluginManager) - Method in AbstractGrailsPlugin
setManager(GrailsPluginManager) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Sets the plugin manager for this plugin
setManyToMany(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
@param manyToMany The manyToMany to set.
setManyToMany(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setManyToOne(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
@param manyToOne The manyToOne to set.
setManyToOne(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setMappingName(String) - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
setMappingName(String) - Method in UrlMapping
setMappings(Map) - Method in UrlMappingFactoryBean
setMappingStrategy(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
setMappingStrategy(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
setMappingStrategy(String) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Sets the strategy to use for ORM mapping.
setMappingStrategy(String) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
setMarshaller(ObjectMarshaller) - Method in ObjectMarshallerRegisterer
setMatches(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param regex The matches to set.
setMax(Comparable) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param max The max to set.
setMaxInactiveInterval(int) - Method in GrailsHttpSession
setMaxSize(Integer) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param maxSize The maxSize to set.
setMaxWeightedCacheCapacity(int) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
setMessageSource(MessageSource) - Method in AbstractConstraint
setMessageSource(MessageSource) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
The message source used to evaluate error messages
setMessageSource(MessageSource) - Method in Constraint
The message source to evaluate the default messages from
setMessageSource(MessageSource) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
@param messageSource The messageSource to set.
setMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference
setMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in ExtendedProxy
setMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in FlowBuilder
setMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
setMetadataRegisteredPluginNames(Set) - Method in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
setMethod(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setMethod(String) - Method in JspFormTag
setMethod(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setMethod(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setMethod(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setMethodParam(String) - Method in HiddenHttpMethodFilter
Set the parameter name to look for HTTP methods.
setMin(Comparable) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param min The min to set.
setMinSize(Integer) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param minSize The minLength to set.
setModel(String) - Method in JspEachErrorTag
setModel(String) - Method in JspHasErrorsTag
setModel(String) - Method in JspRenderErrorsTag
setModel(String) - Method in JspRenderTag
setName(String) - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
setName(String) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Sets the name of the bean in the app ctx.
setName(String) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setName(String) - Method in Environment
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in JspCheckboxTag
setName(String) - Method in JspCurrencySelectTag
setName(String) - Method in JspDatePickerTag
setName(String) - Method in JspLocaleSelectTag
setName(String) - Method in JspSelectTag
setName(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setName(String) - Method in JspTimeZoneSelectTag
setNamedConverterConfiguration(Class, String, List) - Method in ConvertersConfigurationHolder
setNamespace(String) - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
setNamespaceHandlerResolver(NamespaceHandlerResolver) - Method in BeanBuilder
setNativeJdbcExtractor(NativeJdbcExtractor) - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
setNotEqual(Object) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param notEqual The notEqual to set.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param nullable The nullable to set.
setObjectToReadOnly(Object) - Method in AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod
This method will set the target object to read-only if it is contained with the Hibernate session, Preventing Hibernate dirty-checking from persisting the instance
setObjectToReadWrite(Object) - Method in AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod
setObjectToReadWrite(Object, SessionFactory) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Sets the target object to read-write, allowing Hibernate to dirty check it and auto-flush changes.
setObjectToReadyOnly(Object, SessionFactory) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Sets the target object to read-only using the given SessionFactory instance.
setOnComplete(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setOnComplete(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setOnComplete(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setOnComplete(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setOneToMany(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
@param oneToMany The oneToMany to set.
setOneToMany(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setOneToOne(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
@param oneToOne The oneToOne to set.
setOneToOne(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setOnFailure(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setOnFailure(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setOnFailure(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setOnFailure(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setOnInteractive(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setOnInteractive(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setOnInteractive(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setOnInteractive(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setOnLoaded(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setOnLoaded(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setOnLoaded(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setOnLoaded(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setOnLoading(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setOnLoading(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setOnLoading(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setOnLoading(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setOnSuccess(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setOnSuccess(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setOnSuccess(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setOnSuccess(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setOptional(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setOptionKey(String) - Method in JspSelectTag
setOptionValue(String) - Method in JspSelectTag
setOrder(int) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param order The order to set.
setOrder - Field in ListOrderedSet
Internal list to hold the sequence of objects
setOrder(int) - Method in OrderedAdapter
setOtherSide(GrailsDomainClassProperty) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
setOtherSide(GrailsDomainClassProperty) - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Sets the other side of an associative property.
setOtherSide(GrailsDomainClassProperty) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setOut(HttpServletRequest, Writer) - Method in DefaultGrailsApplicationAttributes
setOut(HttpServletRequest, Writer) - Method in GrailsApplicationAttributes
Sets the current write for the request
setOut(PrintStream) - Method in GrailsScriptRunner
setOut(Writer) - Method in GrailsWebRequest
@param out the out to set
setOut(Writer) - Method in GroovyPage
setOut(Writer) - Method in GroovyPageOutputStack.GroovyPageProxyWriter
setOutput(String) - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in JUnitReports
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in PlainFormatter
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in XMLFormatter
setOverwrite(boolean) - Method in GrailsTemplateGenerator
Whether the generator should overwrite existing files (defaults to false).
setOwningClass(Class) - Method in AbstractConstraint
setOwningClass(Class) - Method in Constraint
The class the constraint applies to
setOwningSide(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
setOwningSide(boolean) - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
setOwningSide(boolean) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setPackageName(String) - Method in GroovyPageParser
setPageBuffer(StreamCharBuffer) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
setPageClass(Class) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setParameter(Object) - Method in AbstractConstraint
@param constraintParameter The constraintParameter to set.
setParameter(Object) - Method in BlankConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in Constraint
The parameter which the constraint is validated against.
setParameter(Object) - Method in CreditCardConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in EmailConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in InListConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in MatchesConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in MaxConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in MaxSizeConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in MinConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in MinSizeConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in NotEqualConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in NullableConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in RangeConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in ScaleConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in SizeConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in UniqueConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in UrlConstraint
setParameter(Object) - Method in ValidatorConstraint
setParameterValues(Map) - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
setParameterValues(Properties) - Method in IdentityEnumType
setParameterValues(Map) - Method in ResponseCodeUrlMapping
setParameterValues(Map) - Method in UrlMapping
Sets any parameter values that should be populated into the request
setParamName(String) - Method in ParamsAwareLocaleChangeInterceptor
setParams(Map) - Method in ForwardUrlMappingInfo
setParams(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setParams(String) - Method in JspFormTag
setParams(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setParams(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setParams(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setParent(Object) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Sets the name of the parent bean.
setParent(Object, Object) - Method in ConstrainedPropertyBuilder
setParent(Object) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setParent(Object, Object) - Method in JSON.Builder
setParent(Object, Object) - Method in JSonBuilder
setParent(Object, Object) - Method in XML.Builder
setParentApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
setParentApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
setParentApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in ParentApplicationContextAware
setParseRequest(boolean) - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
setParseRequest(boolean) - Method in UrlMapping
Sets whether this UrlMapping should parse the request
setParsingRequest(boolean) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
setPassword(boolean) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
setPattern(Pattern) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation
setPattern(Pattern) - Method in AbstractStaticMethodInvocation
setPersistant(boolean) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
@param persistant The persistant to set.
setPluginBaseNames(List) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
setPluginBuildSettings(PluginBuildSettings) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
setPluginClassesDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setPluginContextPath(String) - Method in GroovyPageBinding
setPluginManager(GrailsPluginManager) - Method in DefaultPluginMetaManager
setPluginManager(GrailsPluginManager) - Method in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
setPluginManager(GrailsPluginManager) - Method in GrailsViewResolver
setPluginManager(GrailsPluginManager) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
setPluginManager(GrailsPluginManager) - Method in PluginManagerAware
Sets the plug-in manager on this instance
setPluginManager(GrailsPluginManager) - Method in PluginManagerHolder
Bind the given GrailsPluginManager instance to the current Thread
setPluginSettings(PluginBuildSettings) - Method in GroovyPageResourceLoader
setPooledConnection(boolean) - Method in SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean
setPrecision(String) - Method in JspDatePickerTag
setPrecompiledGspMap(Map) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
setPreferSubChunkWhenWritingToOtherBuffer(boolean) - Method in GroovyPageTagBody
setPreferSubChunkWhenWritingToOtherBuffer(boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
setPrefix(String) - Method in GrailsViewResolver
setPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in DefaultConverterConfiguration
setPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in JSON
setPriority(int) - Method in ObjectMarshallerRegisterer
setProjectPluginsDir(File) - Method in AbstractBuildSettings
setProjectPluginsDir(File) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setProjectTargetDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setProjectWarExplodedDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setProjectWarFile(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setProjectWarOsgiHeaders(boolean) - Method in BuildSettings
setProjectWorkDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setProjectWorkDir(File) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setProperties(Properties) - Method in DocPublisherTask
A properties containing the title, author etc.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
setProperty(Object, String, Object, InvocationCallback) - Method in AbstractDynamicMethods
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in BeanBuilder
This method overrides property setting in the scope of the BeanBuilder to set properties on the current BeanConfiguration
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in BeanBuilder.ConfigurableRuntimeBeanReference.WrappedPropertyValue
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in ClosureToMapPopulator
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setProperty(Object, String, Object, InvocationCallback) - Method in DynamicMethods
Attempts to set a dynamic property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass.DynamicExpandoMetaProperty
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in ExtendedProxy
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in FlowBuilder
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in GrailsApplicationContext
setProperty(String, def) - Method in GrailsMockHttpServletRequest
Property setting of request attributes.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in GrailsMockHttpSession
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in GroovyPageBinding
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in JSONBuilder
setProperty(String) - Method in JspRenderInputTag
setProperty(Class, Object, String, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
Interceptors the call to a property setter if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available.
setProperty(String) - Method in RenderInputTag
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
setPropertyName(String) - Method in AbstractConstraint
@param constraintPropertyName The constraintPropertyName to set.
setPropertyName(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param propertyName The propertyName to set.
setPropertyName(String) - Method in Constraint
The name of the property the constraint applies to
setPropertyName(String) - Method in ValidatorConstraint.ValidatorDelegate
setPropertyOnBeanConfig(String, Object) - Method in BeanBuilder
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in BeanConfiguration
Sets a property value on the bean configuration
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in DefaultBeanConfiguration
setRange(Range) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param range The range to set.
setReadMode(StreamByteBuffer.ReadMode) - Method in StreamByteBuffer
setReadOnly() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
setReadOnly() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
setReadOnly() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Sets the persistence context to read-only mode.
setReadWrite() - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
setReadWrite() - Method in NullPersistentContextInterceptor
setReadWrite() - Method in PersistenceContextInterceptor
Sets the persistence context to read-write mode.
setReferencedDomainClass(GrailsDomainClass) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
setReferencedDomainClass(GrailsDomainClass) - Method in GrailsDomainClassProperty
Sets the references domain class on the property.
setReferencedDomainClass(GrailsDomainClass) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setReferencedPropertyType(Class) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
Sets the referenced property type of this property
setReferencePropertyName(String) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
setRelatedClassType(Class) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setReloadEnabled(boolean) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Sets whether reloading is enabled
setRenderView(boolean) - Method in GrailsWebRequest
setResolveStrategy(int) - Method in AbstractClosureProxy
setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader) - Method in DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator
setResourceLoader(GrailsResourceLoader) - Method in GrailsInjectionOperation
setResourceLoader(GrailsResourceLoader) - Method in GrailsResourceLoaderHolder
setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader) - Method in GrailsTemplateGenerator
The resource loader to use to load templates from.
setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader) - Method in GrailsViewResolver
setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
Sets a custom ResourceLoader that will be used to load GSPs for URIs
setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader) - Method in PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource
setResourcePattern(String) - Method in DefaultPluginMetaManager
setResourcePatternResolver(ResourcePatternResolver) - Method in BeanBuilder
setResources(Resource[]) - Method in GrailsResourceHolder
setResources(Resource[]) - Method in GrailsResourceLoader
setResourcesDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setResourcesDir(File) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setRestfulMapping(boolean) - Method in AbstractUrlMapping
setRestfulMapping(boolean) - Method in UrlMapping
@param isREST Set whether this is a RESTful mapping
setRuntimeDependencies(List) - Method in BuildSettings
Sets the runtime dependencies for the project
setRuntimeDependencies(List) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setScaffoldedActionMap(Map) - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver
setScaffoldedDomains(Map) - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver
setScript(String) - Method in GrailsTask
setServletConfig(ServletConfig) - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in GrailsExceptionResolver
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in GrailsWebApplicationContext
Set the ServletContext that this WebApplicationContext runs in.
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in MockApplicationContext
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in ServletContextHolder
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in SimpleGrailsController
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in TagLibFactory
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in UrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in WebRuntimeSpringConfiguration
setSessionFactory(SessionFactory) - Method in HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor
@param sessionFactory the sessionFactory to set
setSettings(BuildSettings) - Method in BuildSettingsHolder
setShowSource(boolean) - Method in GroovyPageWritable
Set to true if the generated source should be output instead
setSize(Range) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param size The size to set.
setSourceDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setSpringConfig(RuntimeSpringConfiguration) - Method in BeanBuilder
Sets the runtime Spring configuration instance to use.
setSrc(File) - Method in DocPublisherTask
The documentation source location
setStatus(int) - Method in GrailsPageResponseWrapper
If 'not modified' (304) HTTP status is being sent - then abort parsing, as there shouldn't be any body
setStatus(int) - Method in IncludeResponseWrapper
setStyleDir(File) - Method in DocPublisherTask
The directory of the style templates (optional)
setSubBufferChunkMinSize(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
setSubStringChunkMinSize(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Minimum size for a String to be added as a StringChunk instead of copying content to the char[] buffer of the current StreamCharBufferChunk
setSystemError(String) - Method in JUnitReports
setSystemError(String) - Method in PlainFormatter
setSystemOutput(String) - Method in JUnitReports
setSystemOutput(String) - Method in PlainFormatter
setTableName(String) - Method in Mapping
Set the table name
setTabSize(int) - Method in SimpleCharStream
setTagLibraryLookup(TagLibraryLookup) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
setTagLibraryLookup(TagLibraryLookup) - Method in GroovyPagesTemplateEngine
setTagName(String) - Method in JspInvokeGrailsTagLibTag
setTarget(Object) - Method in AbstractConverter
setTarget(Object) - Method in JSON
Sets the Object which is later converted to JSON
setTarget(Object) - Method in XML
setTemplate(String) - Method in JspRenderTag
setTemplateEngine(GroovyPagesTemplateEngine) - Method in GrailsViewResolver
setTemplateEngine(GroovyPagesTemplateEngine) - Method in GroovyPageView
setTemplateGenerator(GrailsTemplateGenerator) - Method in ScaffoldingViewResolver
setTestClassesDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setTestClassesDir(File) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setTestDependencies(List) - Method in BuildSettings
Sets the test time dependencies for the project
setTestDependencies(List) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setTestReportsDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setTestReportsDir(File) - Method in GrailsBuildHelper
setTestSourceDir(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setTheadLocalConverterConfiguration(Class, ConverterConfiguration) - Method in ConvertersConfigurationHolder
settings - Field in PluginInstallEngine
settingsFileLoaded - Field in BuildSettings
setTotalCount(int) - Method in PagedResultList
setTransactionalAttributes(Properties) - Method in GroovyAwareNamedTransactionAttributeSource
setTransactionManager(PlatformTransactionManager) - Method in TransactionManagerAware
Sets the transaction manager on implementors
setTransitive(boolean) - Method in EnhancedDefaultDependencyDescriptor
setType(Class) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClassProperty
setUniqueResult(boolean) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Set whether a unique result should be returned
setUp() - Method in ControllerUnitTestCase
setUp() - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
setUp() - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
setUp() - Method in TagLibUnitTestCase
setUp() - Method in WebFlowTestCase
setUpdate(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setUpdate(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setUpdate(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setUpdate(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setupErrorsProperty(Object) - Method in AbstractDynamicPersistentMethod
Initializes the Errors property on target.
setUri(Object) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
setUrl(boolean) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
@param url The url to set.
setUrl(String) - Method in JspFormRemoteTag
setUrl(String) - Method in JspFormTag
setUrl(String) - Method in JspLinkTag
setUrl(String) - Method in JspRemoteFunctionTag
setUrl(String) - Method in JspRemoteLinkTag
setUrl(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setUrlCreatorMaxWeightedCacheCapacity(int) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
setUsed(boolean) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
setUsed(boolean) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
setValidator(Validator) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClass
setValidator(Validator) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty.ComponentDomainClass
setValidator(Validator) - Method in GrailsDomainClass
Sets the validator for this domain class
setValidator(Validator) - Method in GrailsHibernateDomainClass
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in ClosureExpression
setValue(String) - Method in JspActionSubmitTag
setValue(String) - Method in JspCheckboxTag
setValue(String) - Method in JspCurrencySelectTag
setValue(String) - Method in JspDatePickerTag
setValue(String) - Method in JspLocaleSelectTag
setValue(String) - Method in JspSubmitToRemoteTag
setValue(String) - Method in JspTimeZoneSelectTag
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in BeanBinding
setVendorNameDialectMappings(Properties) - Method in HibernateDialectDetectorFactoryBean
setVerboseCompile(boolean) - Method in BuildSettings
setVersion(String) - Method in BasicGrailsPluginInfo
setView(String) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingEvaluator.UrlMappingBuilder
setView(String) - Method in ForwardUrlMappingInfo
setWatchedResources(Resource[]) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
setWebXmlLocation(File) - Method in BuildSettings
setWidget(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
setWorkDir(File) - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
setWorkDir(File) - Method in DocPublisherTask
The temporary directory to use (optional)
setWrappedResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in WrappedResponseHolder
Bind the given HttpServletResponse to the current thread.
setWriteDirectlyToConnectedMinSize(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Minimum size for a String or char[] to get written directly to connected writer (in "connectTo" mode).
setWriter(Writer) - Method in GrailsTag
Sets the writer that processes the tag
setWriter(Writer) - Method in GroovySyntaxTag
setWriter(Writer) - Method in RequestContextTag
setXmlRequestContent(String, Closure) - Method in ControllerUnitTestCase
Sets the body of the mock HTTP request to some XML.
SHA1BytesCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
SHA1Codec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
SHA256BytesCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
SHA256Codec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
shouldCreateTransactionalProxy(GrailsServiceClass) - Method in ServicesGrailsPlugin
shouldEncode() - Method in HTMLCodec
shouldFlush(Map) - Method in HibernatePluginSupport
shouldInject(URL) - Method in ClassInjector
Returns whether this injector should inject
shouldInject(URL) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassInjector
shouldInjectClass(ClassNode) - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassInjector
shouldProxyTargetClass(Class, String) - Method in GroovyAwareAspectJAwareAdvisorAutoProxyCreator
shouldProxyTargetClass(Class, String) - Method in GroovyAwareInfrastructureAdvisorAutoProxyCreator
shouldReload(PrivilegedAction) - Method in GroovyPageMetaInfo
Checks if this GSP has expired and should be reloaded (there is a newer source gsp available) PrivilegedAction is used so that locating the Resource is lazily evaluated.
showCreate() - Method in DocEngine
shutdown() - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
shutdown() - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Shuts down the PluginManager
signalDone() - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
Signals any threads waiting on condition to inform them that the process output stream has been read.
signalEvent(String) - Method in WebFlowTestCase
Triggers a web flow event for the given eventId and returns the ExternalContext used to trigger the event.
SimpleCharStream - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.parser
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream(def) - Constructor in SimpleCharStream
SimpleDomainClassPropertyComparator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding
Comparator used when Hibernate isn't installed.
SimpleDomainClassPropertyComparator(GrailsDomainClass) - Constructor in SimpleDomainClassPropertyComparator
SimpleGrailsController - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc

Base class for Grails controllers.

SimpleGrailsControllerHelper - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
Does the main job of dealing with Grails web requests.
SimpleGrailsControllerHelper(GrailsApplication, ApplicationContext, ServletContext) - Constructor in SimpleGrailsControllerHelper
SINGLE_QUOTE_LITERAL - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
SitemeshPreprocessor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Adds GSP Sitemesh integration directly to compiled GSP.
SitemeshTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Internal Sitemesh pre-processor tags.
size() - Method in BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter
SIZE_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
SIZE_EQUALS - Field in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
size() - Method in GrailsFlashScope
size() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
size() - Method in JSONArray
size() - Method in JSONObject
size() - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
size() - Method in PagedResultList
size() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
size() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunk
size() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunk
size() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunk
size() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StringChunk
size() - Method in TypeConvertingMap
SizeConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates size of the property, for strings and arrays this is the length, collections the size and numbers the value.
sizeEq(String, int) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property by size
sizeGe(String, int) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be greater than or equal to the given size
sizeGt(String, int) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be greater than the given size
sizeLe(String, int) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be less than or equal to the given size
sizeLt(String, int) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be less than to the given size
sizeNe(String, int) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be not equal to the given size
skipBlankValues() - Method in AbstractConstraint
skipBlankValues() - Method in BlankConstraint
skipBlankValues() - Method in ValidatorConstraint
skipNullValues() - Method in AbstractConstraint
skipNullValues() - Method in NullableConstraint
skipNullValues() - Method in ValidatorConstraint
skipPast(String) - Method in JSONTokener
Skip characters until past the requested string.
skipTo(char) - Method in JSONTokener
Skip characters until the next character is the requested character.
SLASH - Field in WebUtils
SoftKey(T) - Constructor in SoftKey
SoftThreadLocalMap - Class in
Creates a InheritableThreadLocal with an intial value of a Map.
SORT - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
sort(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Configures the default sort column.

SourceCodeAware - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions
An interface that represents an exception that is capable of providing more information about the source code
sourceFileToClass(File) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Convenience method for obtaining the class file for a test class
sourceFileToClassFile(File) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Convenience method for obtaining the class file for a test class
sourceFileToClassName(File) - Method in GrailsTestTypeSupport
Gets the corresponding class name for a source file of this test type.
spaceLeft() - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
spaceLeft() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
specialConstructor - Field in ParseException
This variable determines which constructor was used to create this object and thereby affects the semantics of the "getMessage" method (see below).
specialToken - Field in Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
SPRING_RESOURCES_CLASS - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
SPRING_RESOURCES_GROOVY - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
SPRING_RESOURCES_XML - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
SPRING_SCRIPTS_PATH_PATTERN - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean - Class in
Attempts to auto-detect the LobHandler to use from the db meta data.
sqlRestriction(String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Applies a sql restriction to the results to allow something like:
       def results = Person.withCriteria {
           sqlRestriction "char_length(first_name) <= 4"
sqlTypes() - Method in IdentityEnumType
start(String, int) - Method in EmbeddableServer
Starts the container on the given port
start() - Method in PerTestRunListener
startDocument(String, String) - Method in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
startDocument(String, String) - Method in XMLStreamWriter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in TldReader
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in WebXmlTagLibraryReader
startFlow() - Method in WebFlowTestCase
Initiates a web flow.
startNode(String) - Method in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
startNode(String) - Method in XML
startNode(String) - Method in XMLStreamWriter
startPluginChangeScanner() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
startSecure(String, int, int) - Method in EmbeddableServer
Starts a secure container running over HTTPS for the given port and host.
startTag() - Method in PrettyPrintXMLStreamWriter
startTag() - Method in XMLStreamWriter
startTest(Test) - Method in JUnitReports
startTestSuite(JUnitTest) - Method in JUnitReports
staticFlag - Field in SimpleCharStream
Whether parser is static.
StaticMethodInvocation - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
Static method invocation callback interface.
staticMethodInvocations - Field in AbstractDynamicMethods
StaticResourceLoader - Class in
A ResourceLoader that loads resources from a statically defined base resource.
STATUS_DISABLED - Field in GrailsPlugin
When a plugin is "disabled" it will not be loaded
STATUS_ENABLED - Field in GrailsPlugin
When a plugin is "enabled" it will be loaded as usual.
STATUS - Field in GrailsPlugin
The status of the plugin.
stop() - Method in EmbeddableServer
Stops the container
stopPluginChangeScanner() - Method in DefaultGrailsPluginManager
store(HttpSession) - Method in SynchronizerToken
storeGrailsWebRequest(GrailsWebRequest) - Method in WebUtils
Helper method to store the given GrailsWebRequest for the current request.
StreamByteBuffer - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
An in-memory buffer that provides OutputStream and InputStream interfaces.
StreamByteBuffer.ReadMode - Enum in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk(int) - Constructor in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
StreamByteBuffer(int, StreamByteBuffer.ReadMode) - Constructor in StreamByteBuffer
StreamCharBuffer - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util

StreamCharBuffer is a multipurpose in-memory buffer that can replace JDK in-memory buffers (StringBuffer, StringBuilder, StringWriter).

StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunk() - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunk
StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunkReader(AbstractChunk, boolean) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunkReader
StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer(int) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBufferReader(AllocatedBuffer, boolean) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBufferReader
StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunk(int, char[], int, int) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunk
StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunkReader(CharBufferChunk, boolean) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunkReader
StreamCharBuffer.FixedCharArrayWriter(int) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.FixedCharArrayWriter
StreamCharBuffer.LazyInitializingWriter - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
Interface for a Writer that gets initialized if it is used Can be used for passing in to "connectTo" method of StreamCharBuffer
StreamCharBuffer.MultiOutputWriter(List) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.MultiOutputWriter
StreamCharBuffer.SingleOutputWriter(ConnectedWriter) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.SingleOutputWriter
StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferReader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
This is the implementation for StreamCharBuffer
StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferReader(boolean) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferReader
StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunk(StreamCharBuffer) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunk
StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunkReader(StreamCharBufferSubChunk, boolean) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunkReader
StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
This is the implementation for StreamCharBuffer
StreamCharBuffer.StringChunk(String, int, int) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.StringChunk
StreamCharBuffer.StringChunkReader(StringChunk, boolean) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer.StringChunkReader
StreamCharBuffer(int, int, int) - Constructor in StreamCharBuffer
StreamingMarkupWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.xml
Specialized StreamingMarkupWriter that handles the escaping of double quotes in XML attributes
StreamingMarkupWriter(Writer) - Constructor in StreamingMarkupWriter
STRING_STATE - Field in JsonParserConstants
Lexical state.
StringCharArrayAccessor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
Provides optimized access to java.lang.String internals
StructuredDateEditor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
Structured editor for editing dates that takes 5 fields that represent the year, month, day, hour and minute and constructs a Date instance
StructuredDateEditor(DateFormat, boolean, int) - Constructor in StructuredDateEditor
StructuredPropertyEditor - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
A PropertyEditor that is able to edit structured properties (properties made up of multiple field values).
subarray(Object[], int, int) - Method in BeanBuilder
subflow(Map) - Method in FlowInfoCapturer
subList(int, int) - Method in JSONArray
subList(int, int) - Method in ListOrderedSet
subList(int, int) - Method in PagedResultList
subSequence(int, int) - Method in Reverse
subSequence(int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
subtractFromTotalCount() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunk
subtractFromTotalCount() - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunk
SUFFIX - Field in GroovyPage
suite() - Method in GrailsAwareGroovyTestSuite
suite - Field in JUnit4GrailsTestType
SuiteRunListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.test.junit4.listener
Listens in on the execution of an entire test suite (or test "type" in Grails) and creates new TestRunListeners for each actual test class.
SuiteRunListener(GrailsTestEventPublisher, JUnitReportsFactory, SystemOutAndErrSwapper) - Constructor in SuiteRunListener
sum(String, String) - Method in HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve the sum of the results of a property
supports(Object) - Method in ArrayMarshaller
supports(Object) - Method in Base64ByteArrayMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in BlankConstraint
supports(Object) - Method in ByteArrayMarshaller
supports(Object) - Method in ChainedConverterConfiguration.ChainedObjectMarshaller
supports(Object) - Method in ClosureOjectMarshaller
supports(Object) - Method in CollectionMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in Constraint
Returns whether the constraint supports being applied against the specified type;
SUPPORTS_CONTROLLER - Field in GrailsTagLibClass
The name of the application (ie global) tag library appropriate for all controller classes.
supports(Class) - Method in CreditCardConstraint
supports(Object) - Method in DateMarshaller
supports(Object) - Method in DomainClassMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in EmailConstraint
supports(Object) - Method in EnumMarshaller
supports(Object) - Method in GenericJavaBeanMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
supports(Object) - Method in GroovyBeanMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in IdentityEnumType
supports(Class) - Method in InListConstraint
supports(Object) - Method in InstanceMethodBasedMarshaller
supports(Object) - Method in JavascriptDateMarshaller
supports(Object) - Method in MapMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in MatchesConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in MaxConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in MaxSizeConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in MinConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in MinSizeConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in NotEqualConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in NullableConstraint
supports(Object) - Method in ObjectMarshaller
Checks wheter the ObjectMarshaller is able/intended to support the given Object
supports(Object) - Method in ProxyUnwrappingMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in RangeConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in ScaleConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in SizeConstraint
supports(Object) - Method in ToStringBeanMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in UniqueConstraint
supports(Class) - Method in UrlConstraint
supports(Object) - Method in ValidationErrorsMarshaller
supports(Class) - Method in ValidatorConstraint
supportsAtLeastVersion(String, String) - Method in GrailsPluginUtils
supportsContraint(String) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
Checks with this ConstraintedProperty instance supports applying the specified constraint.
supportsController(GrailsControllerClass) - Method in DefaultGrailsTagLibClass
supportsController(GrailsControllerClass) - Method in GrailsTagLibClass
Whether this tag library supports the specified controller.
supportsCurrentBuildScope(String) - Method in AbstractGrailsPluginManager
supportsCurrentBuildScope(String) - Method in GrailsPluginManager
Returns true if the given plugin supports the current BuildScope
supportsCurrentScopeAndEnvironment() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
supportsCurrentScopeAndEnvironment() - Method in GrailsPlugin
@return True if the current plugin supports the current BuildScope and Environment
supportsEnvironment(Environment) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
supportsEnvironment(Environment) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Returns whether this plugin supports the given environment name
supportsScope(BuildScope) - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
supportsScope(BuildScope) - Method in GrailsPlugin
Return whether this plugin supports the given PluginScope
swapIn(OutputStream, OutputStream) - Method in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
Replaces System.out and System.err with PrintStream's wrapping outStream and errStream
swapOut() - Method in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
Restores System.out and System.err to what they were before swappedIn() was called.
swapped - Field in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
swappedInErr - Field in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
swappedInErrStream - Field in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
swappedInOut - Field in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
swappedInOutStream - Field in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
swappedOutErr - Field in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
swappedOutOut - Field in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
SwitchTo(int) - Method in JsonParserTokenManager
Switch to specified lex state.
SynchronizerToken - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
A token used to handle double-submits.
SynchronizerToken() - Constructor in SynchronizerToken
syntaxError(String) - Method in JSONTokener
Make a JSONException to signal a syntax error.
systemError - Field in PlainFormatter
SystemOutAndErrSwapper - Class in
Convenience class to temporarily swap in an output stream for standard error and standard out.
SystemOutAndErrSwapper(boolean, boolean) - Constructor in SystemOutAndErrSwapper
systemOutput - Field in PlainFormatter


Table - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg
Represents a table definition in GORM.
table(Map) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Configures the table name.

tablePerHierarchy(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
If true the class and its sub classes will be mapped with table per hierarchy mapping
tablePerSubclass(boolean) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder
If true the class and its subclasses will be mapped with table per subclass mapping
tabSize - Field in SimpleCharStream
TAG_CACHE - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
TAG_LIB - Field in DefaultGrailsTagLibClass
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyCollectTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyDefTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyEachTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyElseIfTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyElseTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyFindAllTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyGrepTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyIfTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyUnlessTag
TAG_NAME - Field in GroovyWhileTag
TAG_NAME - Field in RenderInputTag
tagContext - Field in GroovySyntaxTag
tagLib - Field in TagLibUnitTestCase
TagLibArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
Configures tag libraries within namespaces in Grails.
TagLibArtefactHandler() - Constructor in TagLibArtefactHandler
TagLibDynamicMethods - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
Holds static references to the names of some tag library specific methods and properties.
TagLibFactory - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
TagLibraryLookup - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages
Looks up tag library instances.
TagLibraryResolver - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
Resolves all of the available tag libraries from web.xml and all available JAR files.
TagLibUnitTestCase - Class in grails.test
Support class for writing unit tests for tag libraries.
TagLibUnitTestCase(Class) - Constructor in TagLibUnitTestCase
Creates a new test case for the given tag lib class.
tagStack - Field in XMLStreamWriter
tagSupported(String) - Method in GrailsTagRegistry
targetClass - Field in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
targetClass - Field in GrailsDomainClassValidator
targetFinished(BuildEvent) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
targetStarted(BuildEvent) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
taskFinished(BuildEvent) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
taskStarted(BuildEvent) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
TE - Field in HttpHeaders
tearDown() - Method in GrailsUnitTestCase
tearDown() - Method in GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase
tearDown() - Method in MvcUnitTestCase
tearDown() - Method in WebFlowTestCase
TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE - Field in GroovyPage
templateEngine - Field in GrailsViewResolver
TEST_CONFIGURATION - Field in AbstractIvyDependencyManager
test(Closure) - Method in Environment.EnvironmentBlockEvaluator
test(Closure) - Method in Log4jConfig
testAssumptionFailure(Failure) - Method in SuiteRunListener
testCaseEnd(String, String, String) - Method in GrailsTestEventPublisher
Signifies the end of a "unit" of tests.
testCaseStart(String) - Method in GrailsTestEventPublisher
Signifies the start of a "unit" of tests.
testEnd(String) - Method in GrailsTestEventPublisher
Signifies that a test has ended.
testFailure(String, String, boolean) - Method in GrailsTestEventPublisher
Signifies that a test did not complete successfully.
testFailure(Failure) - Method in PerTestRunListener
testFailure(Failure) - Method in SuiteRunListener
testFinished(Description) - Method in PerTestRunListener
testFinished(Description) - Method in SuiteRunListener
testIgnored(Description) - Method in SuiteRunListener
testRunFinished(Result) - Method in SuiteRunListener
testRunStarted(Description) - Method in SuiteRunListener
TestStacktraceSanitizer - Class in
testStart(String) - Method in GrailsTestEventPublisher
Signifies the start of an individual test, inside a parent "unit".
testStarted(Description) - Method in PerTestRunListener
testStarted(Description) - Method in SuiteRunListener
TextileLinkFilter - Class in grails.doc
TextileLinkFilter() - Constructor in TextileLinkFilter
ThreadLocalMap - Class in grails.test
Custom ThreadLocal that stores a weak hash map.
THROW_TAG_ERROR_METHOD - Field in TagLibDynamicMethods
TimeZoneEditor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
A Property editor for converting instances of java.util.TimeZone.
TldReader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
A SAX parser implementation that reads the contents of a tag library definition (TLD) into two properties called tags and listeners (for the tag listeners)
to(String) - Method in TransitionTo
toArray(Object[]) - Method in JSONArray
toArray(Object[]) - Method in ListOrderedSet
toArray(Object[]) - Method in PagedResultList
toCharArray() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Reads the buffer to a char[].
toJSONArray(JSONArray) - Method in JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this JSONObject.
toJSONObject(JSONArray) - Method in JSONArray
Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values of this JSONArray.
Token - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.parser
Describes the input token stream.
token - Field in JSONParser
Current token.
token_source - Field in JSONParser
Generated Token Manager.
Token(int, String) - Constructor in Token
Constructs a new token for the specified Image and Kind.
tokenImage - Field in JsonParserConstants
Literal token values.
tokenImage - Field in ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
TokenMgrError - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.parser
Token Manager Error.
TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor in TokenMgrError
Full Constructor.
TokenResponseHandler - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc
Invokes user code that handles double or invalid submits.
TOOBIG_SUFFIX - Field in ConstrainedProperty
TOOLONG_SUFFIX - Field in ConstrainedProperty
TOOSHORT_SUFFIX - Field in ConstrainedProperty
TOOSMALL_SUFFIX - Field in ConstrainedProperty
toQueryString() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
Converts this parameter map into a query String.
toQueryString(Map) - Method in WebUtils
Converts the given parameters to a query string using the default UTF-8 encoding
toSqlString(Criteria, CriteriaQuery) - Method in RlikeExpression
toString() - Method in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
toString() - Method in AbstractConstraint
toString() - Method in AbstractConverter
toString() - Method in AbstractGrailsClass
toString() - Method in AbstractStaticMethodInvocation
toString() - Method in BuildScope
toString() - Method in ColumnConfig
toString() - Method in ConstrainedProperty
toString() - Method in DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty
toString() - Method in DefaultGrailsPlugin
toString() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingInfo
toString() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder
toString() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingKey
toString() - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.UrlMappingsListKey
toString() - Method in DocumentedMethod
toString() - Method in DocumentedProperty
toString() - Method in FastStringWriter
toString() - Method in FilterConfig
toString() - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
toString() - Method in GrailsDomainBinder.CollectionType
toString() - Method in GrailsHttpSession
toString() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
toString() - Method in GrailsTestTargetPattern
toString() - Method in GroovyPageParser.TagMeta
toString() - Method in Identity
toString() - Method in JavascriptValue
toString(boolean) - Method in JSON
Performs the conversion and returns the resulting JSON as String
toString(int) - Method in JSONArray
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray.
toString(int) - Method in JSONObject
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONObject.
toString() - Method in JSONObject.Null
Get the "null" string value.
toString() - Method in JSONTokener
Make a printable string of this JSONTokener.
toString() - Method in JspWriterDelegate
toString() - Method in ListOrderedSet
Uses the underlying List's toString so that order is achieved.
toString() - Method in MimeType
toString() - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper.IndexElement
toString() - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper.PropertyElement
toString() - Method in PropertyConfig
toString() - Method in RegexUrlMapping
toString() - Method in RegexValidator
Provide a String representation of this validator.
toString() - Method in Reverse
toString() - Method in RlikeExpression
toString() - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Reads (and empties) the buffer to a String, but caches the return value for subsequent calls.
toString() - Method in Strip
toString() - Method in Token
Returns the image.
toString() - Method in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
toString() - Method in UrlCreatorCache.UrlCreatorKey
toString() - Method in XML
ToStringBeanMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
ToStringBeanMarshaller() - Constructor in ToStringBeanMarshaller
totalBytesUnread() - Method in StreamByteBuffer
totalCount - Field in PagedResultList
trace(Object[]) - Method in Log4jConfig
trace(Object[]) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
TRAILER - Field in HttpHeaders
TRAILING_NAME - Field in GrailsPluginInfo
Defines the convention that appears within plugin class names
TRANSACTION_MANAGER_BEAN - Field in GrailsRuntimeConfigurator
transactionManager - Field in GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor
TransactionManagerAware - Interface in
@author Graeme Rocher
TransactionManagerPostProcessor - Class in
Injects the platform transaction manager into beans that implement TransactionManagerAware.
transactionStatus - Field in GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor
TRANSFER_ENCODING - Field in HttpHeaders
transformGrailsRepositoryPattern(ModuleRevisionId, String) - Method in GrailsRepoResolver
transformToValidLocation(String) - Method in GroovyPagesGrailsPlugin
TRANSIENT - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
TransitionTo - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow.engine.builder
TransitionTo(Class, def, def, def) - Constructor in TransitionTo
triggerAfterCompletion(HandlerExecutionChain, int, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Exception) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet
Trigger afterCompletion callbacks on the mapped HandlerInterceptors.
triggerEvent(String, Object) - Method in GrailsBuildEventListener
Triggers an event for the given name and arguments
trimParams(String) - Method in GrailsFlowUrlHandler
trimToSize() - Method in JSONArray
trouble - Field in GrailsPrintWriter
type - Field in AbstractClausedStaticPersistentMethod.GrailsMethodExpression
TYPE - Field in BootstrapArtefactHandler
TYPE - Field in CodecArtefactHandler
TYPE - Field in ControllerArtefactHandler
TYPE - Field in DomainClassArtefactHandler
TYPE_FILTERS - Field in GrailsPlugin
The field that reperesents the list of type filters a plugin provides
TYPE - Field in ServiceArtefactHandler
TYPE - Field in TagLibArtefactHandler
TYPE - Field in UrlMappingsArtefactHandler
TypeConvertingMap - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
An category for use with maps that want type conversion capabilities
TypeConvertingMap(Map) - Constructor in TypeConvertingMap
typeName - Field in JUnitReportsFactory
TypeSpecifyableTransactionProxyFactoryBean - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
Allows the type of the underlying object to be specified explicitly.
TypeSpecifyableTransactionProxyFactoryBean(Class) - Constructor in TypeSpecifyableTransactionProxyFactoryBean


unBlockFlushAndClose() - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
UncloseableInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor in UncloseableInputStream
UNICODE_CHAR - Field in JsonParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
uninstallPlugin(String, String) - Method in PluginInstallEngine
Uninstalls a plugin for the given name and optional version
UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT - Field in UniqueConstraint
UniqueConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.validation
A constraint that validates the uniqueness of a property (will query the database during validation process).
UnknownControllerException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions

Thrown when a URI cannot be matched to a controller.

UnknownControllerException(Throwable) - Constructor in UnknownControllerException
unregisterIgnoredClassPathLocation(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
Unregisters a resource that should not be found on the classpath.
unregisterMockResource(String) - Method in MockApplicationContext
Unregisters a mock resource.
UnsupportedReturnValueException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions

Thrown when the return value of a closure is unsupported.

UnsupportedReturnValueException(Throwable) - Constructor in UnsupportedReturnValueException
unwrapIfProxy(Object) - Method in DefaultProxyHandler
unwrapIfProxy(Object) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
unwrapIfProxy(Object) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
unwrapIfProxy(Object) - Method in ProxyHandler
Returns the unwrapped proxy instance or the original object if not proxied.
unwrapProxy(HibernateProxy) - Method in GrailsHibernateUtil
Unwraps and initializes a HibernateProxy.
unwrapProxy(HibernateProxy) - Method in HibernateProxyHandler
update(char[], int, int) - Method in BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter
updateComplete() - Method in DefaultArtefactInfo
Refresh the arrays generated from the maps.
updateDestination(GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.DestinationFactory) - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in SimpleCharStream
UPGRADE - Field in HttpHeaders
uri(HttpServletRequest) - Method in FilterToHandlerAdapter
URI - Field in SynchronizerToken
UriEditor - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding
Provides type conversion from Strings to instances.
URL_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
URL_MAPPINGS - Field in DefaultGrailsUrlMappingsClass
URL_PREFIX - Field in GrailsWrappedRuntimeException
URLCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.codecs
A codec that encodes and decodes Objects to and from URL encoded strings.
UrlConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Validates a url.
UrlCreator - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Creates URL patterns as Strings.
UrlCreatorCache - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Implements caching layer for UrlCreator
UrlCreatorCache.CachingUrlCreator(UrlCreator, int) - Constructor in UrlCreatorCache.CachingUrlCreator
UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey(String, String, Map) - Constructor in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
UrlCreatorCache.UrlCreatorKey(String, String, Map, String, String, int) - Constructor in UrlCreatorCache.UrlCreatorKey
UrlCreatorCache(int) - Constructor in UrlCreatorCache
UrlMapping - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping

Defines a URL mapping.

UrlMappingData - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping

Holds information about a parsed URL such as the tokens that make up the URL, The URLs (plural) that the UrLMapping logically maps to and so forth

UrlMappingEvaluator - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Evaluates URL mapping from the given Spring Resource or class.
UrlMappingException - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.exceptions
Thrown when an error occurs evaluating an URL mapping.
UrlMappingException(String, Exception) - Constructor in UrlMappingException
UrlMappingFactoryBean - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.beans.factory
A factory bean that creates the URL mappings, checking if there is a bean called urlMap in the ctx and merging that with the mappings set explicitly on this bean.
UrlMappingInfo - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Defines that data that was produced when matching a URI with a UrlMapping instance.
UrlMappingParser - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping

Parses a Grails URL mapping into a UrlMappingData object that holds various information about the mapping

UrlMappingsArtefactHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons
A handler for UrlMappings.
UrlMappingsArtefactHandler() - Constructor in UrlMappingsArtefactHandler
UrlMappingsFilter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.filter
Uses the Grails UrlMappings to match and forward requests to a relevant controller and action.
UrlMappingsGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.mapping
Handles the configuration of URL mappings for Grails.
UrlMappingsHolder - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
Main entry point of Grails URL mapping mechanism.
UrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping
A FactoryBean for constructing the UrlMappingsHolder from the registered UrlMappings class within a GrailsApplication.
urlPathHelper - Field in RequestContextTag
urlType - Field in UrlCreatorCache.UrlCreatorKey
UrlValidator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.routines

URL Validation routines.

UrlValidator(String[], RegexValidator, long) - Constructor in UrlValidator
Customizable constructor.
usageFlag - Field in GrailsPrintWriter
use(String) - Method in JSON
use(GroovyObject, Closure) - Method in ProxyMetaClass
Use the ProxyMetaClass for the given Closure.
use(String) - Method in XML
useOrigin(boolean) - Method in IvyDomainSpecificLanguageEvaluator
USER_AGENT - Field in HttpHeaders
userInput(String, String[]) - Method in CommandLineHelper
Replacement for AntBuilder.input() to eliminate dependency of GrailsScriptRunner on the Ant libraries.
useWrappedOrOriginalResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in GrailsDispatcherServlet


validate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractConstraint
validate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractPersistentConstraint
validate(Object, Errors, boolean) - Method in CascadingValidator
An extended version of the validate(errors,obj) method that takes an additional argument specifying whether the Validator should cascade into associations or not.
validate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in ConstrainedProperty
Validate this constrainted property against specified property value
validate(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in Constraint
Validate this constraint against a property value.
validate(Object, Errors) - Method in GrailsDomainClassValidator
@see org.springframework.validation.Validator#validate(Object, org.springframework.validation.Errors)
validate(Object, Errors, boolean) - Method in HibernateDomainClassValidator
validate(String) - Method in RegexValidator
Validate a value against the set of regular expressions returning a String value of the aggregated groups.
Validateable - Annotation Type in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
validateInstance(def, ApplicationContext) - Method in DomainClassPluginSupport
Validates a domain class (or command object) instance.
validateMode() - Method in GrailsTestCaseRunner
validateMode() - Method in GrailsTestCaseRunnerBuilder
ValidatePersistentMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass
Validates an instance of a domain class against its constraints.
ValidatePersistentMethod(SessionFactory, ClassLoader, GrailsApplication, Validator) - Constructor in ValidatePersistentMethod
validateWithVetoing(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in AbstractVetoingConstraint
validateWithVetoing(Object, Object, Errors) - Method in VetoingConstraint
ValidationErrorsMarshaller - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json
@author Siegfried Puchbauer
ValidationException - Class in grails.validation
Thrown when validation fails during a .save().
ValidationException(String, Errors) - Constructor in ValidationException
ValidationGrailsPlugin - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
ValidationTagLib - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib
Tags to handle validation and errors.
VALIDATOR_CONSTRAINT - Field in ConstrainedProperty
ValidatorConstraint - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation

A constraint class that validates using a user-supplied closure.

ValidResponseHandler - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
ValidResponseHandler(def) - Constructor in ValidResponseHandler
value(Object) - Method in JSON
@param o
value(Object) - Method in JSONWriter
Append an object value.
value(Object) - Method in PathCapturingJSONWriterWrapper
values() - Method in GrailsFlashScope
values() - Method in GrailsParameterMap
values() - Method in JSONObject
values() - Method in LazyMetaPropertyMap
values() - Method in TypeConvertingMap
VARY - Field in HttpHeaders
VERBOSE_COMPILE - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for enabling verbose compilation verboseCompile.
verify() - Method in GrailsMock
Checks that all the expected methods have been called.
verifyHeader() - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
Checks that the output of the current command starts with the expected header, which includes the Grails version and the location of GRAILS_HOME.
version - Field in AbstractGrailsPlugin
VERSION - Field in GrailsDomainClassProperty
VERSION - Field in GrailsPluginInfo
Defines the name of the property that specifies the plugin version
version(String) - Method in HibernateMappingBuilder

Configures the name of the version column { version 'foo' }

VersionComparator - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
VetoingConstraint - Interface in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation
Marker interface for vetoing constraint.
VIA - Field in HttpHeaders
VIEW - Field in GrailsControllerClass
The general name to use when referring to action view.
viewCreator - Field in WebFlowTestCase
viewName - Field in AbstractUrlMapping
VIEWS_DIR_PATH - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
The path to the views directory
visit(ASTNode[], SourceUnit) - Method in EntityASTTransformation
visit(ASTNode[], SourceUnit) - Method in GlobalEntityASTTransformation
visit(ASTNode[], SourceUnit) - Method in GlobalPluginAwareEntityASTTransformation
visit(ASTNode[], SourceUnit) - Method in LineNumberTransform
visitArgumentlistExpression(ArgumentListExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitArrayExpression(ArrayExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitAttributeExpression(AttributeExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitBitwiseNegationExpression(BitwiseNegationExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitBooleanExpression(BooleanExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitBytecodeExpression(BytecodeExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitCastExpression(CastExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitClassExpression(ClassExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitClosureExpression(ClosureExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitClosureListExpression(ClosureListExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitConstantExpression(ConstantExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitConstructorCallExpression(ConstructorCallExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitDeclarationExpression(DeclarationExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitFieldExpression(FieldExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitGStringExpression(GStringExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitListExpression(ListExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitMapEntryExpression(MapEntryExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitMapExpression(MapExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitMethodCallExpression(MethodCallExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitMethodPointerExpression(MethodPointerExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitNotExpression(NotExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitPropertyExpression(PropertyExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitRangeExpression(RangeExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitRegexExpression(RegexExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitShortTernaryExpression(ElvisOperatorExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitSpreadExpression(SpreadExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitSpreadMapExpression(SpreadMapExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitStatement(Statement) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitStaticMethodCallExpression(StaticMethodCallExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitTernaryExpression(TernaryExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitTupleExpression(TupleExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitUnaryMinusExpression(UnaryMinusExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor
visitUnaryPlusExpression(UnaryPlusExpression) - Method in LineNumberTransform.LineNumberVisitor


waitForProcess() - Method in AbstractCliTestCase
Waits for the current command to finish executing.
WAR_DEPLOYED - Field in Metadata
warn(String) - Method in GrailsUtil
Logs warning message to grails.util.GrailsUtil logger which is turned on in development mode.
warn(Object[]) - Method in Log4jConfig
warn(Object[]) - Method in RootLog4jConfig
WARNING - Field in HttpHeaders
WarningMacro - Class in grails.doc
wasInvalidToken() - Method in AbstractTokenResponseHandler
wasInvalidToken() - Method in TokenResponseHandler
Return whether the token was invalid
wasInvoked() - Method in AbstractTokenResponseHandler
wasInvoked() - Method in TokenResponseHandler
Return whether the response handle was invoked.
WATCHED_RESOURCES - Field in GrailsPlugin
Defines the name of the property that specifies resources which this plugin monitors for changes in the format a Ant-style path
WeakGenericDynamicProperty - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass
A generic dyanmic property for any type used a soft hashmap implementation for generic properties registered as global in the MetaClass.
WeakGenericDynamicProperty(String, Class, FunctionCallback, boolean) - Constructor in WeakGenericDynamicProperty

Variant that allows supply of a lazy-initialization function for the initial value.

WEB_APP_DIR - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
The name of the Web app dir within Grails
WEB_INF - Field in GrailsResourceUtils
The relative path to the WEB-INF directory
WEB_REQUEST - Field in GrailsApplicationAttributes
WEB_REQUEST - Field in GroovyPage
WebBeanBuilder - Class in grails.spring
Extended version of the BeanBuilder class that provides support for constructing WebApplicationContext instances
WebBeanBuilder(ApplicationContext, ClassLoader) - Constructor in WebBeanBuilder
WebFlowPluginSupport - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.webflow
Provides the core Webflow functionality within Grails
WebFlowTestCase - Class in grails.test
A test harness for testing Grails flows.
WebMetaUtils - Class in
Provides utility methods used to support meta-programming.
webRequest - Field in MvcUnitTestCase
WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
Delegates calls to a passed GrailsWebRequest instance.
WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext() - Constructor in WebRequestDelegatingRequestContext
WebRuntimeSpringConfiguration - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring
Subclasses DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration to provide construction of WebApplicationContext instances.
WebRuntimeSpringConfiguration(ApplicationContext, ClassLoader) - Constructor in WebRuntimeSpringConfiguration
WebUtils - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util
Utility methods to access commons objects and perform common web related functions for the internal framework.
WebXmlTagLibraryReader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.ext.jsp
A SAX handler that reads the tag library definitions from a web.xml file
weight() - Method in UrlCreatorCache.CachingUrlCreator
weight() - Method in UrlCreatorCache.ReverseMappingKey
weightOf(List) - Method in DefaultUrlMappingsHolder.CustomListWeigher
Default implementation of the UrlMappingsHolder interface that takes a list of mappings and then sorts them according to their precedence rules as defined in the implementation of Comparable.
weightOf(CachingUrlCreator) - Method in UrlCreatorCache.CachingUrlCreatorWeigher
Implements caching layer for UrlCreator
withAfters(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement) - Method in GrailsTestCaseRunner
withBefores(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement) - Method in GrailsTestCaseRunner
withDefaultConfiguration(Closure) - Method in JSON
withDefaultConfiguration(Closure) - Method in XML
withForm(HttpServletRequest, Closure) - Method in WithFormMethod

Main entry point, this method will check the request for the necessary TOKEN and if it is valid will call the passed closure.

WithFormMethod - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass
Implementation of the "Synchronizer Token Pattern" for Grails that handles duplicate form submissions by inspecting a token stored in the user session.
withGrailsTestEnvironment(Statement, Object) - Method in GrailsTestCaseRunner
withJspWriterDelegate(GroovyPagesPageContext, Writer, Closure) - Method in JspTagImpl
WORK_DIR - Field in BuildSettings
The name of the system property for grailsWorkDir.
WORK_DIR - Field in GrailsApplication
The name of the system property whose value contains the location, during development, of the Grails working directory where temporary files are generated to
wrap(Closure) - Method in GrailsTestInterceptor
wrapContentInBuffer(def) - Method in SitemeshTagLib
wrappedMap - Field in TypeConvertingMap
WrappedResponseHolder - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet
A holder for the original Wrapped response for use when using includes.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in BodyContentImpl
write(String) - Method in BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounter.BoundedCharsAsEncodedBytesCounterWriter
write(Writable) - Method in CodecPrintWriter
write(Writable) - Method in GrailsPrintWriter
write(int) - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in GrailsRoutablePrintWriter.NullWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in GSPWriter
write(Writer) - Method in JSONArray
Write the contents of the JSONArray as JSON text to a writer.
write(Writer) - Method in JSONObject
Write the contents of the JSONObject as JSON text to a writer.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in JspWriterDelegate
write(int) - Method in MultiplexingOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
write(int) - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferOutputStream
write(char[], int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
write(String) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.FixedCharArrayWriter
write(String, int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.MultiOutputWriter
write(String, int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.SingleOutputWriter
write(int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferWriter
write(int) - Method in StreamingMarkupWriter
writeBody(Writer) - Method in GrailsTokenizedHTMLPage
writeBody(Writer) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
writeChapter(Template, String, String, StringBuffer, Map) - Method in DocPublisher
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
writeGroovySourceToResponse(GroovyPageMetaInfo, Writer) - Method in GroovyPageWritable
Writes the Groovy source code attached to the given info object to the response, prefixing each line with its line number.
writeHead(Writer) - Method in GrailsTokenizedHTMLPage
writeHead(Writer) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
writeHtmlParts(File) - Method in GroovyPageParser
writeInputStreamToResponse(InputStream, Writer) - Method in GroovyPageWritable
Copy all of input to output.
writeLineNumbers(File) - Method in GroovyPageParser
writeOriginal(Writer) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
writeOut(Writer) - Method in BodyContentImpl
writePage(Writer) - Method in GSPSitemeshPage
writePluginList(GPathResult, Writer) - Method in DefaultPluginPublisher
Writes the given plugin list to the given writer
writer - Field in JSON
writer - Field in JSONWriter
The writer that will receive the output.
writer - Field in XMLStreamWriter
writeSlurperResult(GPathResult, Writer) - Method in GrailsUtil
Writes out a GPathResult (i.e. the result of parsing XML using XmlSlurper) to the given writer.
writeString(String, int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
writeStringAsCharArray(Writer, String, int, int) - Method in StringCharArrayAccessor
Writes a portion of a string to a target with direct access to the char[] of the java.lang.String
writeStringBuffer(StringBuffer, int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
writeStringBuilder(StringBuilder, int, int) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
writeTo(Writer) - Method in GroovyPageWritable
Writes the template to the specified Writer
writeTo(Writer) - Method in IncludedContent
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in StreamByteBuffer
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in StreamByteBuffer.StreamByteBufferChunk
writeTo(Writer, boolean, boolean) - Method in StreamCharBuffer
Writes the buffer content to a target
writeTo(Writer) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AbstractChunk
writeTo(Writer) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.AllocatedBuffer
writeTo(Writer) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.CharBufferChunk
writeTo(Writer) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StreamCharBufferSubChunk
writeTo(Writer) - Method in StreamCharBuffer.StringChunk
writeToFile(File, String) - Method in PlainFormatter
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Field in HttpHeaders


X_FORWARDED_FOR - Field in HttpHeaders
XML - Class in grails.converters
A converter that converts domain classes to XML.
XML.Builder - Class in grails.converters
XML.Builder(XML) - Constructor in XML.Builder
XML - Field in JUnitReportsFactory
XML(Object) - Constructor in XML
XMLCodec - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.converters.codecs
A Grails codec capable of converting an object to XML.
XMLFormatter - Class in
Sanitises the stack traces generated by tests.
XMLFormatter(File) - Constructor in XMLFormatter
xmlns(Map) - Method in BeanBuilder
Defines an Spring namespace definition to use
XMLParsingParameterCreationListener - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters
Automatically parses an incoming XML request and populates the params object with the XML data so that it can be used in data binding.
XmlPluginDescriptorReader - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins
Reads plugin information from the plugin.xml descriptor.
XmlPluginDescriptorReader(PluginBuildSettings) - Constructor in XmlPluginDescriptorReader
XMLStreamWriter - Class in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.xml
A simple XML Stream Writer that leverages the StreamingMarkupWriter of Groovy
XMLStreamWriter.Mode - Enum in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.xml
XMLStreamWriter(StreamingMarkupWriter) - Constructor in XMLStreamWriter




Groovy Documentation