Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins


Interface Summary

Plugin interface that adds Spring org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinitions to a registry based on a GrailsApplication object.

GrailsPluginInfo Base interface that just contains information about a particular plugin.

Handles the loading and management of plug-ins in the Grails system.

PluginDescriptorReader Reads information about a plugin
PluginFilter Defines interface for obtaining a sublist of GrailsPlugin instances based on an original supplied list of GrailsPlugin instances.
PluginManagerAware For implementors interested in obtaining a reference to the Grails PluginManager instance.
PluginMetaManager Enables the evaluation of Plug-in Metadata supplied by the plug-ins plugin.xml file.

Class Summary
AbstractGrailsPlugin Abstract implementation that provides some default behaviours
AbstractGrailsPluginManager Abstract implementation of the GrailsPluginManager interface
AstPluginDescriptorReader Used to read plugin information from the AST.
BasePluginFilter Base functionality shared by IncludingPluginFilter and ExcludingPluginFilter.
BasicGrailsPluginInfo Simple Javabean implementation of the GrailsPluginInfo interface.
CodecsGrailsPlugin A plugin that configures pluggable codecs.
CompositePluginDescriptorReader Combines different implementation into one.
CoreGrailsPlugin A plugin that configures the core shared beans within the Grails application context.
CorePluginFinder Loads core plugin classes.
DefaultGrailsPlugin Implementation of the GrailsPlugin interface that wraps a Groovy plugin class and provides the magic to invoke its various methods from Java.

Handles the loading and management of plug-ins in the Grails system.

DefaultPluginMetaManager Implements the PluginMetaManager interface by parsing a set of plugin.xml files from the given set of resources.
DomainClassGrailsPlugin A plugin that configures the domain classes in the spring context.
DomainClassPluginSupport @author Graeme Rocher
ExcludingPluginFilter Implementation of PluginFilter which removes that all of the supplied plugins (identified by name) as well as their dependencies are omitted from the filtered plugin list.
GrailsPluginManagerFactoryBean A factory bean for loading the GrailsPluginManager instance.
GrailsPluginUtils Utility class containing methods that aid in loading and evaluating plug-ins.
IdentityPluginFilter No-op implementation of PluginFilter.
IncludingPluginFilter Implementation of PluginFilter which ensures that only the supplied plugins (identified by name) as well as their dependencies are included in the filtered plugin list.
LoggingGrailsPlugin Provides a lazy initialized commons logging log property for all classes.
PluginFilterRetriever Implements mechanism for figuring out what PluginFilter implementation to use based on a set of provided configuration properties.
PluginInfo Used mainly by the build system that encapsulates access to information about the underlying plugin by delegating to the methods in GrailsPluginUtils.
PluginManagerHolder Manages a thread bound plugin manager instance.
XmlPluginDescriptorReader Reads plugin information from the plugin.xml descriptor.

Exception Summary
InvalidVersionException Throw when a specified version number is invalid.

Groovy Documentation