Groovy Documentation | |||||||
Interface Summary | |
ApplicationAttributes | @author Graeme Rocher |
ArtefactHandler | The ArtefactHandler interface's purpose is to allow the analysis of conventions within a Grails application. |
ArtefactInfo | Holder for all the class-related info and structures relating to an Artefact. |
ClassPropertyFetcher.ReferenceInstanceCallback | |
ExternalGrailsDomainClass | Represents a persistable Grails domain class that is externally mapped. |
GrailsApplication | The main interface representing a running Grails application. |
GrailsBootstrapClass | Loaded and executed on application load. |
GrailsClass | Represents any class in a Grails application. |
GrailsCodecClass | Provides access to Codec classes. |
GrailsControllerClass | Represents a controller class in Grails. |
GrailsDataSource | Represents a data source in Grails. |
GrailsDomainClass | Represents a persistable Grails domain class. |
GrailsDomainClassProperty | A property of a GrailsDomainClass instance. |
GrailsServiceClass | @author Steven Devijver |
GrailsTagLibClass | Represents a Grails tab library class. |
GrailsUrlMappingsClass | Loads the UrlMappings. |
InjectableGrailsClass | Represents a Grails class that is to be configured in Spring and as such is injectable. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractGrailsClass | Abstract base class for Grails types that provides common functionality for evaluating conventions within classes. |
AbstractInjectableGrailsClass | Configures Grails classe to be autowirable by name, always. |
AnnotationDomainClassArtefactHandler | Detects annotated domain classes for EJB3 style mappings. |
ApplicationHolder | Static singleton holder for the GrailsApplication instance. |
ArtefactHandlerAdapter | @author Marc Palmer (marc@anyware.co.uk) |
BootstrapArtefactHandler | @author Marc Palmer (marc@anyware.co.uk) |
ClassPropertyFetcher | Accesses class "properties": static fields, static getters, instance fields or instance getters. |
CodecArtefactHandler | @author Marc Palmer (marc@anyware.co.uk) |
ConfigurationHolder | Holds a reference to the ConfigObject instance. |
ControllerArtefactHandler | @author Marc Palmer (marc@anyware.co.uk) |
DefaultArtefactInfo | Mutable holder of artefact info. |
DefaultGrailsApplication | Default implementation of the GrailsApplication interface that manages application loading, state, and artefact instances. |
DefaultGrailsBootstrapClass | |
DefaultGrailsClass | A default implementation for Grails classes that need to be registered and managed by a GrailsApplication, but don't need any special handling. |
DefaultGrailsCodecClass | @author Jeff Brown |
DefaultGrailsControllerClass | Evaluates the conventions contained within controllers to perform auto-configuration. |
DefaultGrailsDomainClass | @author Graeme Rocher |
DefaultGrailsDomainClassProperty | Represents a property of a domain class and contains meta information about the properties relationships, naming conventions and type. |
DefaultGrailsServiceClass | @author Steven Devijver |
DefaultGrailsTagLibClass | Default implementation of a tag lib class. |
DefaultGrailsUrlMappingsClass | |
DomainClassArtefactHandler | Evaluates the conventions that define a domain class in Grails. |
GrailsApplicationFactoryBean | Creates a Grails application object based on Groovy files. |
GrailsClassUtils | Utility methods for dealing with Grails class artifacts. |
GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil | Utility methods used in configuring the Grails Hibernate integration. |
GrailsMetaClassUtils | Provides utility methods for working with the Groovy MetaClass API. |
GrailsResourceLoaderFactoryBean | A factory bean that constructs the Grails ResourceLoader used to load Grails classes. |
GrailsResourceUtils | Utility methods for working with Grails resources and URLs that represent artifacts within a Grails application. |
ServiceArtefactHandler | @author Marc Palmer (marc@anyware.co.uk) |
TagLibArtefactHandler | Configures tag libraries within namespaces in Grails. |
UrlMappingsArtefactHandler | A handler for UrlMappings. |
Groovy Documentation