Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg


Interface Summary
GrailsDomainConfiguration @author Graeme Rocher

Class Summary
CacheConfig Defines the cache configuration.
ColumnConfig Defines a column within the mapping.
CompositeIdentity Represents a composite identity, equivalent to Hibernate mapping.
DefaultGrailsDomainConfiguration Creates runtime configuration mapping for the Grails domain classes based on the work done in the Hibernate Annotations project
GORMEnhancingBeanPostProcessor A BeanPostProcessor that enhances an existing SessionFactory with GORM behavior.
GORMNamespaceHandler A Spring namespace handler for the namespace tags
GORMSessionFactoryDefinitionParser A BeanDefinitionParser that will scan for GORM entities to configure and automatically setup an appropriate Hibernate SessionFactory for usage with GORM.
GrailsAnnotationConfiguration Allows configuring Grails' hibernate support to work in conjuntion with Hibernate's annotation support.
GrailsDomainBinder Handles the binding Grails domain classes and properties to the Hibernate runtime meta model.
GrailsHibernateUtil Utility methods for configuring Hibernate inside Grails.
HibernateMappingBuilder A builder that implements the ORM mapping DSL constructing a model that can be evaluated by the GrailsDomainBinder class which maps GORM classes onto the database
HibernateNamedQueriesBuilder A builder that implements the ORM named queries DSL.
Identity Defines the identity generation strategy.
IdentityEnumType Hibernate Usertype that enum values by their ID.
JoinTable Represents a Join table in Grails mapping.
Mapping Models the mapping from GORM classes to the db.
NaturalId @author Graeme Rocher
PropertyConfig Custom mapping for a single domain property.
PropertyDefinitionDelegate Builder delegate that handles multiple-column definitions for a single domain property, e.g.
Table Represents a table definition in GORM.

Groovy Documentation