Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass


Class Summary
AbstractDynamicControllerMethod An abstract class for dynamic controller methods to implement.
AbstractDynamicControllerProperty An abstract class for dynamic controller properties to implement.
BindDynamicMethod A dynamic method present in controllers allowing data binding from a map to a target instance.
ChainMethod Implementation of the chain() method for controllers.
ControllerDynamicMethods Holds constants that refer to the names of dynamic methods and properties within controllers
ForwardMethod Implements performing a forward.
GetParamsDynamicProperty A dynamic property that adds a "params" map to a controller for accessing request and controller parameters.
GetSessionDynamicProperty A dynamic property that adds a "session" map to a controller for accessing the Http Session.
RedirectDynamicMethod Implements the "redirect" Controller method for action redirection.
RenderDynamicMethod Allows rendering of text, views, and templates to the response
TagLibDynamicMethods Holds static references to the names of some tag library specific methods and properties.
WithFormMethod Implementation of the "Synchronizer Token Pattern" for Grails that handles duplicate form submissions by inspecting a token stored in the user session.

Groovy Documentation