Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions


Exception Summary
CannotRedirectException Thrown when the request cannot be redirected.
ControllerExecutionException Throw when an exception occurs during controller execution
GrailsMVCException Thrown when an unrecoverable error occured in the Grails MVC framework.
IncompatibleParameterCountException Thrown when a closure has an incompatible parameter count for a controller implementation.
InvalidUriException Thrown when a controller cannot make sense of the URI it has to handle.
NoClosurePropertyForURIException Thrown when no closure property has been mapped to a given URI.
NoViewNameDefinedException Thrown when no view name is returned from a closure in a controller and no view name has been configured.

Thrown when a URI cannot be matched to a controller.


Thrown when the return value of a closure is unsupported.


Groovy Documentation