Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.metaclass


Interface Summary
ConstructorInterceptor Extends interceptor interface to allow interception of constructors
DynamicConstructor Defines a dynamic constructor.
DynamicMethodInvocation Dynamic method invocation callback interface.
DynamicMethods Defines methods for a handling dynamic method, static method and property invocations.
DynamicProperty A Dynamic class property getter interface.

Interface for code that returns a value based on an input object.

Interceptor Implementers of this interface can be registered in the ProxyMetaClass for notifications about method calls for objects managed by the ProxyMetaClass.
PropertyAccessInterceptor Adds the ability to intercept property getters/setters.
StaticMethodInvocation Static method invocation callback interface.

Class Summary
AbstractDynamicConstructor Abstract class that provides default implementation for isArgumentsMatch.
AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation @author Steven Devijver
AbstractDynamicMethods Provides the base implementation responsible for performing dynamic method invocation such as the dynamic finders in GORM.
AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor Implements an the Interceptor interface to add support for using ProxyMetaClass to define dynamic methods.
AbstractDynamicProperty An abstract class for implementors of dynamic getters to implement.
AbstractStaticMethodInvocation @author Steven Devijver
BeanBinding Extends Groovy's Binding Object to allow a binding to a particular bean where the properties of the Object become binding variables.
ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod An implementation of DynamicMethodInvocation that invokes a closure.
CreateDynamicMethod A dynamic static method that is a factory method for creating new instances.
DefaultDynamicMethods Simple concrete class implementation of AbstractDynamicMethods class.
DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass Extends ExpandoMetaClass and adds the ability to use regex to specified method matches that then get passed to the invocable closure.
GenericDynamicProperty A generic dyanmic property for any type.
GroovyDynamicMethodsInterceptor For dynamic methods applied to a Groovy object that registers itself with the GroovyObject instances meta class instance.
InvocationCallback @author Steven Devijver
LazyMetaPropertyMap A map implementation that reads an objects properties lazily using Groovy's MetaClass.
PropertyExpression Designed for use with Groovy property access expressions like
ProxyMetaClass As subclass of MetaClass, ProxyMetaClass manages calls from Groovy Objects to POJOs.
WeakGenericDynamicProperty A generic dyanmic property for any type used a soft hashmap implementation for generic properties registered as global in the MetaClass.

Groovy Documentation