Groovy Documentation | |||||||
Interface Summary | |
ConstructorInterceptor | Extends interceptor interface to allow interception of constructors |
DynamicConstructor | Defines a dynamic constructor. |
DynamicMethodInvocation | Dynamic method invocation callback interface. |
DynamicMethods | Defines methods for a handling dynamic method, static method and property invocations. |
DynamicProperty | A Dynamic class property getter interface. |
FunctionCallback | Interface for code that returns a value based on an input object. |
Interceptor | Implementers of this interface can be registered in the ProxyMetaClass for notifications about method calls for objects managed by the ProxyMetaClass. |
PropertyAccessInterceptor | Adds the ability to intercept property getters/setters. |
StaticMethodInvocation | Static method invocation callback interface. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractDynamicConstructor | Abstract class that provides default implementation for isArgumentsMatch. |
AbstractDynamicMethodInvocation | @author Steven Devijver |
AbstractDynamicMethods | Provides the base implementation responsible for performing dynamic method invocation such as the dynamic finders in GORM. |
AbstractDynamicMethodsInterceptor | Implements an the Interceptor interface to add support for using ProxyMetaClass to define dynamic methods. |
AbstractDynamicProperty | An abstract class for implementors of dynamic getters to implement. |
AbstractStaticMethodInvocation | @author Steven Devijver |
BeanBinding | Extends Groovy's Binding Object to allow a binding to a particular bean where the properties of the Object become binding variables. |
ClosureInvokingDynamicMethod | An implementation of DynamicMethodInvocation that invokes a closure. |
CreateDynamicMethod | A dynamic static method that is a factory method for creating new instances. |
DefaultDynamicMethods | Simple concrete class implementation of AbstractDynamicMethods class. |
DynamicMethodsExpandoMetaClass | Extends ExpandoMetaClass and adds the ability to use regex to specified method matches that then get passed to the invocable closure. |
GenericDynamicProperty | A generic dyanmic property for any type. |
GroovyDynamicMethodsInterceptor | For dynamic methods applied to a Groovy object that registers itself with the GroovyObject instances meta class instance. |
InvocationCallback | @author Steven Devijver |
LazyMetaPropertyMap | A map implementation that reads an objects properties lazily using Groovy's MetaClass. |
PropertyExpression | Designed for use with Groovy property access expressions like foo.bar.stuff. |
ProxyMetaClass | As subclass of MetaClass, ProxyMetaClass manages calls from Groovy Objects to POJOs. |
WeakGenericDynamicProperty | A generic dyanmic property for any type used a soft hashmap implementation for generic properties registered as global in the MetaClass. |
Groovy Documentation