8 Example - Reference Documentation
Authors: Noam Y. Tenne, Manuarii Stein, Stephane Maldini, Serge P. Nekoval, Marcos Carceles
Table of Contents
8 Example
8.1 Tweets
8.1.1 The domains
class Tweet { static searchable = { message boost:2.0 } static belongsTo = [ user:User ] static hasMany = [ tags:Tag ] static constraints = { tags nullable:true, cascade:'save, update' } String message = '' Date dateCreated = new Date() }
class User { static searchable = { except = 'password' lastname boost:20 firstname boost:15, index:'not_analyzed' listOfThings index:'no' someThings index:'no' tweets component:true } static constraints = { tweets cascade:'all' } static hasMany = [ tweets:Tweet ] static mappedBy = [ tweets:'user' ] String lastname String firstname String password String activity = 'Evildoer' String someThings = 'something' ArrayList<String> listOfThings = ['this', 'that', 'andthis'] }
class Tag { static searchable = { except=['boostValue'] } String name Integer boostValue = 1 }
8.1.2 The controller
A action triggering indexation
is just dealing with GORM instructions):
class ElasticSearchController { def elasticSearchService def testCaseService def postTweet = { if(!params.user?.id) { flash.notice = "No user selected." redirect(action: 'index') return } User u = User.get(params.user.id) if (!u) { flash.notice = "User not found" redirect(action: 'index') return } // Create tweet testCaseService.addTweet(params.tweet?.message, u, params.tags) flash.notice = "Tweet posted" redirect(action: 'index') } }
in the database), new Tweets will be indexed automatically,
and corresponding User
indexed documents will be updated since we have set the tweets
association as component.Searching for Tweets
def searchForUserTweets = { def tweets = Tweet.search("${params.message.search}").searchResults def tweetsMsg = 'Messages : ' tweets.each { tweetsMsg += "<br />Tweet from ${it.user?.firstname} ${it.user?.lastname} : ${it.message} " tweetsMsg += "(tags : ${it.tags?.collect{t -> t.name}})" } flash.notice = tweetsMsg redirect(action: 'index') }
Searching for anything
def searchAll = { def res = elasticSearchService.search("${params.query}").searchResults def resMsg = '<strong>Global search result(s):</strong><br />' res.each { switch(it){ case Tag: resMsg += "<strong>Tag</strong> ${it.name}<br />" break case Tweet: resMsg += "<strong>Tweet</strong> "${it.message}" from ${it.user.firstname} ${it.user.lastname}<br />" break case User: resMsg += "<strong>User</strong> ${it.firstname} ${it.lastname}<br />" break default: resMsg += "<strong>Other</strong> ${it}<br />" break } } flash.notice = resMsg redirect(action:'index') }
8.2 Geo Distance Search
A search for buildings with a geo_distance filter, ordered by distance.8.2.1 Domains
class GeoPoint { Double lat Double lon static searchable = { root false } }
and lon
are mandatory.class Building { String name GeoPoint location static searchable = { location geoPoint: true, component: true } }
8.2.2 Service Methods
Searching for all buildings sorted by distance with 5km radius around geo location (lat=41.141, lon=11.57)def searchForBuildings() { Closure filter = { geo_distance( 'distance': '5km', 'location': [lat: 48.141, lon: 11.57] ) } def sortBuilder = SortBuilders.geoDistanceSort("location"). point(48.141, 11.57). unit(DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS). order(SortOrder.ASC) def result = elasticSearchService.search( [indices: Building, types: Building, sort: sortBuilder], null as Closure, filter) return [results: result.searchResults, distances: result.sort] }
contains all search values calculated by the ElasticSearch server as a list mapped to the id of the respective domain objectsExample
assert [1:[23, 42], 2: [24, 40]] == result.sort
8.3 Parent/Child mapping
A store with many departmentsclass Store { String name String description = "A description of a store" String owner = "Shopowner" static searchable = true static constraints = { name blank: false description nullable: true owner nullable: false } }class Department { String name Long numberOfProducts Store store static constraints = { numberOfProducts nullable: true } static searchable = { store parent: true, component:true } }
def result = elasticSearchService.search( QueryBuilders.hasParentQuery("store", QueryBuilders.matchQuery("owner", "Shopowner")), null as Closure, [indices: Department, types: Department] )