3 Mapping - Reference Documentation
Authors: Noam Y. Tenne, Manuarii Stein, Stephane Maldini, Serge P. Nekoval, Marcos Carceles
Table of Contents
3 Mapping
From version in addition to the indices generated by the plugin based on the domain objects package names or configuration, two new aliases are created for every index:<indexName>_read
and <indexName>_write
. These two aliases are used by the plugin to index and query from Elasticsearch and are needed to centralise the choice of index to use during mapping migrations when the 'alias'
strategy is used and there are multiple instances of the application.
3.1 QuickStart
Default mapping
To declare a domain class to be searchable, the simplest way is to define the following static property in the code:static searchable = true
Custom mapping
You can customize how each properties are mapped to the index using a closure. The syntax is similar to GORM's mapping DSL.static searchable = {
// mapping DSL…
Limit properties with only/except
and except
are used to limit the properties that are made searchable.
You may not define both except & only settings at the same time.The following code will only map the 'message' property, any others will be ignored.
class Tweet { static searchable = { only = 'message' } String message String someUselessField }
class Tweet { static searchable = { except = 'someUselessField' } String message String someUselessField }
class Tweet { static searchable = { except = ['someUselessField', 'userName'] } String message String userName String someUselessField }
The properties that are ignored will not be sent to ElasticSearch. It also means that when you will get back a domain from ElasticSearch, some fields that are not supposed to be null, may still be null.
Including transients
How the plugin manages transient properties is controlled by theelasticSearch.includeTransients
configuration property. If this is set to false
only transient properties explictly included in only
will be mapped and searchable, if set to true
, all domain class properties will be mapped, including transients
.The following are valid examples//assert grailsApplication.config.elasticSearch.includeTransients == false class Person { String firstName String lastName String getFullName() { firstName + " " + lastName } static transients = ['fullName'] static searchable = { only = ['fullName'] } } // new Person(firstNameme: "Nikola", lastName: "Tesla") // can be found using: // def tesla = Person.search("Nikola Tesla").searchResults.first()
//assert grailsApplication.config.elasticSearch.includeTransients == true class Multiplication { int opA int opB int getResult() { opA * opB } static transients = ['result'] static searchable = true } // new Multiplication(opA: 2, opB: 3) // can be found using: // def multiplication = Multiplication.search("2").searchResults.first() // def multiplication = Multiplication.search("3").searchResults.first() // def multiplication = Multiplication.search("6").searchResults.first()
From the examples above, once the domain object is found, its transient values will be calculated from the information stored on ElasticSearch:multiplication.result == 6
, buttesla.fullName == "null null"
, as firstName and lastName where not indexed. This behaviour can be prevented by creating convenient setters for the transient properties.
Transients and collections
When transient properties are collections the only way the plugin can define the correct ElasticSearch mapping during boot is if the element types are explicitly defined on the grails domain object. For instances ofCollection
this can be achieved by defining its type on the hasMany
property (otherwise the ElasticSearch type will be defined as object
). This is not required for arrays.Some valid examples:
class Tweet { String message List getHashtags() { … } static transients = ['hashtags'] static hasMany = [hashtags: String] static searchable = {only = 'hashtags' } }
class FamilyGuy { String wife String son String daughter String baby String[] getRelatives() { … } static transients = ['relatives'] static searchable = { only = 'relatives' } }
3.2 Class Mapping
Determine if the domain class will have its own index or not. Take a boolean as parameter, and is set totrue
by default.
class Preference { static searchable = { root false } // … }class Tag { static searchable = true // … }class Tweet { static searchable = { message boost:2.0 } // … }
and Tag
are going to have their own index. The class Preference
will not.
It also mean that any search request will never return a Preference-type hit. The dynamic method search
will not be
injected in the Preference
domain class.
The domains not root-mapped can still be considered searchable, as they can be components of another domain which is root-mapped.
For example, considered the following domain:
class User { static searchable = { userPreferences component:true } Preference userPreferences }
property will be considered as a User
Set default analyzer for all domain class fields.static searchable = {
all = [analyzer: 'russian_morphology']
static searchable = { all = false }
3.3 Properties mapping
You can customize the mapping for each domain properties using the closure mapping. The syntax is simple:static searchable = {
propertyName option1:value, option2:value, …
Available options
Option name | Values | Description |
boost | Number | A decimal boost value. With a positive value, promotes search results for hits in this property; with a negative value, demotes search results that hit this property. |
component | true , false | To use only on domain (or collection of domains), make the property a searchable component. |
converter | A Class | A Class to use as a converter during the marshalling/unmarshalling process for that peculiar property. That class must extends the PropertyEditorSupport java class. |
excludeFromAll | true , false | determines if the property is to append in the "_all" field. Default to true . |
index | "no" , "not_analyzed" , "analyzed" . | How or if the property is made into searchable element. One of "no" , "not_analyzed" or "analyzed" . |
reference | true , false | To use only on domain (or collection of domains), make the property a searchable reference. |
parent | true , false | A boolean value to be used in conjunction with the reference or component property . Set to true if the referenced field should be mapped as the parent of this document. Default set to false . |
multi_field | true , false | A boolean value. Maps the value of the field twice; Once with it being analyzed, and once with it being not_analyzed under untouched. Default set to false . |
geoPoint | true , false | Maps the field to a geo_point. Default: false |
alias | String | A string value. The field noted with this parameter will be duplicated to an alias |
dynamic | true , false | Only available for String properties. Determines whether this field should be dynamicly mapped by elasticsearch. |
3.3.1 Parent-Child
To map a parent/child relationship, the child element must either contain the parent element as a component or reference it as a referenced document. This component must be mapped as a parent in the child element.Example
class ParentElement { … }class EmbeddingChild { ParentElement parentElement static searchable = { parentElement parent: true, component: true } }class ReferencingChild { ParentElement parentElement static searchable = { parentElement parent: true, reference: true } }
3.3.2 GeoPoint
A geographic location can be mapped to a geo_point. The field for the longitude has to be namedlon
and the field for the latitude has to be named lat
class GeoPoint { Double lat Double lon static searchable = { root false } }class Building { String name GeoPoint location static searchable = { location geoPoint: true, component: true } }
3.3.3 Alias
A field can be aliased. This is useful in situations where another service may expect certain tags. For example, Kibana uses an@timestamp
field to filter
report records by date.Example
class Session { Date loginTime static searchable = {
loginTime alias:'@timestamp'
3.3.4 Dynamic
Elasticsearch can map field contents as dynamic objects. This is especially useful if you store JSON Strings in your database and want to make those objects searchable in elasticsearch.Example
class Session { String jsonData static searchable = { dynamic: true } }Session session = new Session() session.jsonData = ([foo: 'bar'] as JSON).toString()
3.4 Searchable Component-Reference
The plugin support a similar searchable-component & searchable-reference behavior from Compass when you are dealing with domain association. See below to find out about the difference between both mapping modes.3.4.1 Searchable Reference
The searchable-reference mapping mode is the default mode used for association, and requires the searchable class of the association to be root-mapped in order to have its own index. With this mode, the associated domains are not completely marshalled in the resulting JSON document: only the id and the type of the instances are kept. When the document is retrieved from the index, the plugin will automatically rebuild the association from the indices using the stored id.Exampleclass MyDomain { // odom is an association with the OtherDomain class, set as a reference OtherDomain odom static searchable = { odom reference:true } }// The OtherDomain definition, with default searchable configuration class OtherDomain { static searchable = true String field1 = "val1" String field2 = "val2" String field3 = "val3" String field4 = "val4" }
{ "mydomain": { "_id":1, "odom": { "id":1 } } }{ "otherdomain": { "_id":1, "field1":"val1", "field2":"val2", "field3":"val3", "field4":"val4" } }
3.4.2 Searchable Component
The searchable-component mapping mode must be explicitly set, and does not require the searchable class of the association to be root-mapped. With this mode, the associated domains are nested in the parent document.Exampleclass MyDomain { // odom is an association with the OtherDomain class, set as a reference OtherDomain odom static searchable = { odom component:true } }// The OtherDomain definition, with default searchable configuration class OtherDomain { static searchable = true String field1 = "val1" String field2 = "val2" String field3 = "val3" String field4 = "val4" }
{ "mydomain": { "_id":1, "odom": { "_id":1, "field1":"val1", "field2":"val2", "field3":"val3", "field4":"val4" } } }
class MyDomain { // odom is an association with the OtherDomain class, set as a reference OtherDomain odom static searchable = { odom component: 'inner' } }
3.5 Mapping Migrations
During the application startup the application will attempt to create the needed indices on Elasticsearch and create the type mappings defined by the user. If these indices and mappings already existed on the Elasticsearch cluster (ie. an older verion of the application was running against it) and the new mapping definitions differ with the existing ones there's the potential for a Mapping conflict. This section describes how to configure the application to deal with this scenario.It is important to highlight that not all type mapping changes will result on a conflict. Ie. adding a new field to a mapping does not result in a conflict whilst changing a property from component:'inner' to nested or viceversa, will. These strategies will only be needed and applied when a conflicting mapping is found.Migration Strategies
The migration strategy is defined by theelasticSearch.migration.strategy
configuration property and it accepts three values:
as it is the only strategy that can achieve zero-downtime migrations and thus recommended by ElasticsearchThese values are described on more detail further aheadMigration Strategy 'none'
This option keeps the original behaviour the plugin used before the Migration Strategies were implemented. When a Mapping Merge conflict id identified the event will be logged and an Exception will be logged. It will be responsability for the application administrator to manually fix the problem. This configuration was left as a backwards compatibility and it will prevent the application from booting successfully, therefore we discourage teams from using this option.Migration Strategy 'delete'
When choosing this option, when a conflict occurs installing mapping, the application will delete the existing mapping for the type, alongside with all content indexed on that index and type and recreated the mapping. There are a couple of important details on this information:- Only documents indexed on the conflicting mapping will be deleted, any other document on a different mapping on the same (or other) index will remain untouched.
- Deleted documents can be automatically reindexed on startup by using the
configuration property (See below) - Using this configuration there will always be a time window (between deletion and reindexation) where documents can't be found by search, therefore this option cannot achieve a zero-downtime deployment
Migration Strategy 'alias'
This is the migration strategy recommended by Elasticsearch.To better understand this strategy we will describe a typical'alias'
migration.Elasticsearch contains index 'myapplication.store_v27' with types 'car' and 'motorbike' alias 'myapplication.store' pointing to 'myapplication.store_v27' 'myapplication.store_v27/car' contains 520 documents 'myapplication.store_v27/motorbike' contains 12 documents index 'myapplication.admin_v0' with type 'quote' alias 'myapplication.admin' pointing to 'myapplication.admin_v0' 'myapplication.admin_v0/quote' contains 3200 documentsThe application is configured to use indexes based on package names 'myapplication.store' and 'myapplication.admin' (which as we already explained are actually aliases that point to versioned indices)The team introduced a change on the Car domain that results in a conflict on the 'car' mappingThe application starts up Tries to install the mapping for 'motorbike', it detects the conflict Creates a new index called 'myapplication.store_v28' Creates mappings 'myapplication.store_v28/car' and 'myapplication.store_v28/motorbike' Points all indexing requests for Car and Motorbike to the new index, while queries still happen on 'myapplication.store' On Boostrap (bulkIndexOnStartup) It indexes 520 cars into 'myapplication.store_v28/car' It indexes 12 motorbikes into 'myapplication.store_v28/motorbike' Switches the 'myapplication.store' alias to point to 'myapplication.store_v28' Now all cars are indexed according to the new mapping Now all motorbikes are indexed according to the new mapping
All content can be queried at all times, during Bootstrap bulkIndexOnStartup content will be retrieved from the old index.
Eventhough there wasn't a conflict on 'car', all cars needed to be reindexed as they lived on the same index.There are three potential scenarios when using the
strategy:Scenario | Behaviour |
The index (ie. 'myapplication.store') does not exist | On this case there is not possibility of conflicts, as no previous mapping exist. However the application will behave slightly different than on the other to scenarios. Instead of creating the index (ie. 'myapplication.store'), it will create version 0 of it (ie. 'myapplication.store_v0') and an alias pointint to it. This is to facilitate the creation of future versions in case of conflict. |
Alias exists pointing to a version (ie. 'myapplication.store' -> 'myapplication.store_v27') | If there's a conflict on a mapping on the index, it will create a new version (ie. 'myapplication.store_v28'), reindex the content or not depending on the value of the elasticSearch.bulkIndexOnStartup configuration property and point the alias to the new version once done. |
Index already exists (ie. 'myapplication.store') | Elasticsearch cannot rename an index or create an alias with the same name as an index. The two alternatives here are to delete the index or fail the migration. This is controlled by the elasticSearch.migration.aliasReplacesIndex configuration property, if set to true, it will delete the index and proceed the same way as when the index did not exist. The deleted documents will be reindexed or not depending on the value of the elasticSearch.bulkIndexOnStartup . This is the only scenario where there is content loss/downtime using the 'alias' strategy. |
configuration property can be used
Aliases will only point to the new version of the index once all content is reindexed (if chosen to). Meanwhile, all index requests, either by elasticSearchService
or using dynamic finders will go to the new version of the index, whilst queries will go to the old version of the index.
See Dealing with deleted content below for more details on automatic indexing.Dealing with deleted content
Using the'delete'
or 'alias'
strategy may lead to deleting content stored on Elasticsearch. This content can be automatically reindexed using the elasticSearch.bulkIndexOnStartup
. The duration of this process will depend on the amount of content to index.When this property is set to true
all content will be deleted. When set to 'deleted'
only the domain classes which documents where deleted will be indexed. In either case, when using the 'alias'
strategy, once all content is indexed all aliases will point to the latest version of the index.