(Quick Reference)



Index specific domain instances to ElasticSearch. Internally, the plugin uses the Bulk API of ElasticSearch to perform the index requests.

Only domains that are root-mapped have this method injected.


// Index all instances of the MyDomain domain class

// Index a specific domain instance MyDomain md = new MyDomain(value:'that') md.id = 1 md.index()

// Index a collection of domain instances def ds = [new MyDomain(value:'that'), new MyDomain(name:'that2'), new MyDomain(value:'thatagain')] ds.eachWithIndex { val, i-> ds[i].id = i } MyDomain.index(ds)


index signatures:

// Index a specific domain instance
def index()
// Index ALL instances of a domain class
static index()
// Index a Collection of domain instances
static index(Collection<Domain> domains)
// Same with an ellipsis
static index(Domain… domain)


  • Collection<Domain> domains - A Collection of domain instances to index.
  • Domain... domain - Same as Collection<Domain>, but with an ellipsis.