(Quick Reference)



Tags and releases a Grails plug-in to the Grails plug-in repository


grails release-plugin



grails release-plugin
grails release-plugin -repository=myRepository
grails release-plugin -pluginlist

This command is for users who have access to the Grails standard plug-in repository at http://plugins.grails.org

The command allows Grails to manage the release process for you by integrating SVN with Grails. The release-plugin command supports the following arguments:

  • repository - The name of the repository to publish to. See the section on Plugin repositories in the user guide.
  • pluginlist - Publish only an updated plugin list and not the plugin itself
  • zipOnly - Use this flag if you want to only publish the plugin zip files and metadata and not the sources
  • skipMetadata - Skips the generation of plugin behavior metadata (used to inform IDEs of new methods etc.)
  • skipDocs - Skips the generation of groovydoc and plugin reference documentation
  • snapshot - Creates a snapshot release that will not replace the 'latest' release but can be installed by specifying the version number
  • username - The username to use
  • password - The password to use
  • message - The commit message to use

If you require access to repository and wish to release your plug-in there contact a member of the Grails development team.

The command will check whether the plug-in currently exists in the repository and if not will check-in the plug-in and create a release. The command will automatically upload the plugin to a location such as http://plugins.grails.org/grails-name. It will also automatically create the following structure:


The trunk directory contains the current latest sources. The tags directory contains tagged versions of each release and a LATEST_RELEASE tag that indicates the current latest release.

If the plug-in already exists in the repository Grails will update first, then commit the latest change and finally tag the release.

Either way the plug-in will then automatically be available via the list-plugins command.