(Quick Reference)



Allows the formatting of java.util.Date instances using the same patterns defined by the SimpleDateFormat class.


<g:formatDate format="yyyy-MM-dd" date="${date}"/>

<g:formatDate date="${date}" type="datetime" style="MEDIUM"/>

<g:formatDate date="${date}" type="datetime" style="LONG" timeStyle="SHORT"/>

<g:formatDate date="${date}" type="time" style="SHORT"/>



  • date (required) - The date object to format
  • format (optional) - The formatting pattern to use for the date, see SimpleDateFormat
  • formatName (optional) - Look up format from the default MessageSource / ResourceBundle (i18n/*.properties file) with this key. If format and formatName are empty, format is looked up with 'default.date.format' key. If the key is missing, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' formatting pattern is used.
  • type (optional) - The type of format to use for the date / time. format or formatName aren't used when type is specified. Possible values: 'date' - shows only date part, 'time' - shows only time part, 'both'/'datetime' - shows date and time
  • timeZone (optional) - Sets the time zone for formatting. See TimeZone class.
  • locale (optional) - Force the locale for formatting.
  • style (optional) - Use default date/time formatting of the country specified by the locale. Possible values: SHORT (default), MEDIUM, LONG, FULL . See DateFormat for explanation.
  • dateStyle (optional) - Set separate style for the date part.
  • timeStyle (optional) - Set separate style for the time part.
