(Quick Reference)
static property is used to define named queries. Named queries support the criteria builder
syntax. See the section on the
Criteria Builder in the user guide for more information.
class Publication {
String title
String author
Date datePublished
Integer numberOfPages static namedQueries = {
recentPublications {
def now = new Date()
gt 'datePublished', now - 365
} oldPublicationsLargerThan { pageCount ->
def now = new Date()
lt 'datePublished', now - 365
gt 'numberOfPages', pageCount
} publicationsWithBookInTitle {
like 'title', '%Book%'
} recentPublicationsWithBookInTitle {
// calls to other named queries…
// get all recent publications…
def recentPubs = Publication.recentPublications.list()// get up to 10 recent publications, skip the first 5…
def recentPubs = Publication.recentPublications.list(max: 10, offset: 5)// get the number of recent publications…
def numberOfRecentPubs = Publication.recentPublications.count()// get a recent publication with a specific id…
def pub = Publication.recentPublications.get(42)// get all recent publications where title = 'Some Title'
def pubs = Publication.recentPublications.findAllWhere(title: 'Some Title')// get a recent publication where title = 'Some Title'
def pub = Publication.recentPublications.findWhere(title: 'Some Title')// dynamic finders are supported
def pubs = Publication.recentPublications.findAllByTitle('Some Title')// get all old publications with more than 350 pages
def pubs = Publication.oldPublicationsLargerThan(350).list()// get all old publications with more than 350 pages
// and the word 'Grails' in the title
def pubs = Publication.oldPublicationsLargerThan(350).findAllByTitleLike('%Grails%')// get all recent publications with 'Book' in their title
def pubs = Publication.recentPublicationsWithBookInTitle().list()
method on named queries supports the same attributes as the static
method added to domain
classes (sort, order, ignoreCase, fetch etc...). See the
list docs for details.
Note that calling something like Publication.recentPublications.get(42)
is not the same thing as
calling something like Publication.get(42)
. The former will only return a Publication
if the Publication
with id 42 meets all the criteria defined in the recentPublications
named query.
Named criteria support listDistinct().
class PlantCategory {
Set plants
String name static hasMany = [plants:Plant] static namedQueries = {
withPlantsInPatch {
plants {
eq 'goesInPatch', true
}class Plant {
boolean goesInPatch
String name
Named criteria support additional criteria being supplied at invocation time in the form of a criteria closure:
// get all recent publications with author names beginning with Tony or Phil…
def books = Publication.recentPublications {
or {
like 'author', 'Tony%'
like 'author', 'Phil%'
}// get the number of recent publications with
// author names beginning with Tony or Phil…
def numberOfBooks = Publication.recentPublications.count {
or {
like 'author', 'Tony%'
like 'author', 'Phil%'
Named criteria may be chained together. When criteria are chained together, the query will be generated
as if all of the chained criteria had been combined in a single criteria closure.
// recent publications with 'Book' in the title
def books = Publication.recentPublications.publicationsWithBookInTitle.list()// old publications with more than 500 pages and with 'Book' in the title
def books = Publication.oldPublicationsLargerThan(500)