(Quick Reference)
An instance of the Spring
Errors interface that contains data binding and/or validation errors.
def user = new User(params)if(user.validate()) {
// do something with user
else {
user.errors.allErrors.each {
println it
property is an instance of Spring's
Errors interface which is used by Grails during
Data Binding to store type conversion errors and during
Validation when calling the
validate or
save methods.
You can create your own errors using the
reject and
rejectValue methods:
if (params.password != params.confirm_password) { user.errors.reject('user.password.doesnotmatch', // Error code within the grails-app/i18n/message.properties
['password', 'class User'] as Object[], // Groovy list cast to Object[]
'[Property [{0}] of class [{1}] does not match confirmation]') // Default mapping string // The following helps with field highlighting in your view
user.errors.rejectValue('password', // Field in view to highlight using <g:hasErrors> tag
'user.password.doesnotmatch') // i18n error code render(view:'signup', model:[user:user])